Saturday, October 26, 2019

Applique Inspiration in Books!

I'm a huge fan of books...and can spend hours just browsing them and dreaming of things to create! This past week, I've been playing with some applique and that has caused me to pull several inspirational books from my shelves.

Thought you might like to get a quick look...and explanation of why I love these specific books.

Hand Applique with Embroidery, by Sandra Leichner - This first book is the source of the little rose & bird in the above project that I'm presently working on. It is a wonderful book. The author, combines embroidery...detailed embroidery...into her applique items. Not just the standard "stems and such" either...but in-depth additions to every applique piece that really makes her work awe inspiring!

Little Brown Bird by Margaret Docherty - Similar in style to a Baltimore Album type of quilt, this book documents the create of a single...amazing...quilt. The border alone makes me drool as I'd love to recreate this. It is "once in a lifetime" kind of project that I dream about working on. While I'm not a real fan of BA style applique quilts...this border just is the stuff of fantasy.

Floral Applique by Nancy A. Pearson - An older book but my first one that resulted in a love of applique. While no longer available unless you find a copy in a second hand book shop, it is a wonderful source of designs that are large enough for a beginner to attempt. I'm a fan of the style of applique and have used it to create my own "logo" for Shawkl Designs. 

Piece by Piece Machine Applique by Sharon Schamber - While this is a machine applique book...the preparation of the applique pieces is very similar to what I do myself today for hand applique. Just the method of attaching the applique to the fabric background is the real difference. So, the quilt in this book would be a very cool project to do by hand or hand/machine. The colors are vivid and just make me happy to sit and review the photos alone! Plus, Sharon is a "Master Quilter"...seriously, she has been awarded that title (one of few in the USA that has it), what better source for a "how to" reference too!

Do you have favorite appliqué books? I'd love to know what they I can always add to my library. Ha!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

New Templates Available!

Embroidery Shape Templates

are here!

Note: Don't be confused...these are NOT the Stitch Templates that have sold out (we have those on back order and I'll post just as soon as they arrive back in stock).

These are NEW and will be the accompaniment to my next book "Dazzling Diamonds" which releases this spring (or before). They are not STITCH templates but rather are SHAPE templates. If you took the BCQC-101 course, you'll easily understand the difference. (and if you missed that class...check out "classes" under the top tab here on the blog for the schedule of courses to begin again next year). :)

This set is a grouping of 5 plastic marking stencils. Each one is 6 x 6 inches in size and contains a variety of shapes to trace...that then become Base Seams in crazy quilt blocks (or other crafts). Just embroider along your traced line to create...curved seams, Holbein seams, etc. There are plenty of seam ideas...PLUS an entire alphabet and numbers 0-9 to help "write" on blocks to embroidery over.

 Here's a seam design with a SHAPE as the base seam...the "curved" part. This would be drawn using these templates...than every thing is stitched on top. In this example the curves were done in Back Stitch..then wrapped in a second color. The French Knot flowers have 4mm ribbon leaves in Straight Stitch; and the large flower is a Woven Rose done in 7mm silk ribbon with 7mm silk ribbon leaves created in Japanese Ribbon Stitch.

Hoping we can keep these in stock...but not sure what the "demand" will so get yours soon! ;)

The template set is available at Creative Impressions and at my Etsy Shop.

Hand Applique like a dream....

I was so happy with the quality of the Clover silk threads that I posted about this week...that I jumped right into an applique project. It will be a wall-hanging...and while I can't share the entire look of it here is a beginning look just the same.

Working with silk threads for applique is the same difference as working with crochet cotton rather than rope! One is so much more pliable than the other...and easier to get into tight corners. The needle I like to use is a #10 milliners because it is thin but sturdy.

While my goal is always to have stitches that don't show at eyes are not what they used to be so I do get a few tiny stitchers here and there. The silk makes this much forgiving than working with cotton...even the thinner 2-ply variety. These photos are REALLY close up, so from a normal distance the work looks even better. Ha, maybe I should stand across the room...and I'd be really happy then. :)

I hope Janet gets these up on her site at Creative Impressions soon! Or, just call her at 1-719-596-4860 to talk with her about which colors you need.

If you are wanting to begin an applique colors that match as close as possible to the color of your applique piece(s). But, if you want to economise...purchase a medium gray, light gray, and cream. These will be close enough to just about any color to hide sufficiently. Then buy a couple of colors each month..until you have the entire set! I'd go with black next...then greens (there are always leaves to applique)...and then work through each main primary color. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sweet Silks!

Just look at all of the beautiful colors! In this white basket, it reminds me so much of Easter and gathering brightly colored eggs. (But alas, we turned on the heat today here at a far cry from Spring weather for sure).

So, I'll have to be content (VERY content) with having all of these pretties to keep me thinking of gorgeous flowers that can be re-created in embroidery as I hunt for my winter sweaters on this cool Autumn day. 

Plus, these are a MUST for hand applique work! They slide through fabric so wonderfully! I so enjoy stitching with pure SILK. If you need silk threads...I totally endorse Clover's brand. Really, Clover is such a great company (nope, not getting any kind of "kick back" to say that)...totally enjoy any product that I get made from this company. Their double needle-threader is one of my most favorite tools!

Silk thread is also great for making fishing lures share this post with any lovers of fishing (friends/family). These specific spools by Clover are available at (though not sure if Janet has them on her website, if not just give them a call and they can "hook you up". Ha, sorry couldn't resist a fishing pun. :)

with your fishing folks in t

Friday, October 11, 2019

70% Off Sale

This weekend is the Home Coming Football Game for our local high, I'm celebrating with them by having a 70% off sale on my Etsy Shoppe.


So, if you do scrapbooking, embroidery, or quilt...join the celebration and get these while the sale is on.

Go Bulldogs!


Friday, September 27, 2019

Where has time gone?

I don't know about you...but for me, this year is just flying by!

I was looking over the class schedule..and we only have ONE MORE COURSE for this year before "holiday season" stops my teaching for a few weeks.

(ICQC-104) Dimensional Motifs

15th-17th (October)

The ICQC-104 (Intermediate Crazy Quilt Course-104) is advanced motifs. It should be taken after the ICQC-103 is completed. This course included various motifs that include different applique methods, silk ribbon flower borders, dimensional applique and the creation of embroidery/beaded/printed slips.

Seriously, where has time gone? You may also be wondering what happened to the "usual" class that hits 5-7 each month for registration...well, this next month I'll be out of town on those didn't add another BCQC-101 or BCQC-102 to the calendar. The BCQC-101 will begin again next year no worried.

There is also a new course coming in January...and you can read all about that under the CLASSES TAB at the top...hugs! 

Sunday, September 15, 2019

ICQC-106,, Vintage Victorian Style CQ Course is Open for Registration - 15-17 Sep 2019

This is an Intermediate level course.

We will be doing a "vintage reproduction style" crazy quilt block out of silk tie material (and/or cotton and silks). We'll be doing a planned block to get the hang of working with silks and fancy fabrics.

Then you will can proceed independently (with some instructions) to create a larger piece that is more "organic" than "planned". So, if you have been wanting to work up a project that is more indicative of 1800's projects...this is the class for you to get your feet wet in!

No photos...but there will be vintage style seams (no ribbon, no beads, no baubles). Embroidery is best done in silk cording or threads if you have them...but if now, cotton is fine.

Fabrics should be medium to heavy silk (not thin like for blouses). Silk ties at the local thrift or consignment store are the best for this block. PRINTS are needed, rather than prints will be part of the "learning" portion of this class.

Later, after the first initial block is finished...the last task is to step-out and design/create a larger project. Then, you can add solids to the mix of silk tie fabrics. Also, you can add other fabrics like wool, silk solid fabrics, cottons, etc. It will be YOUR creation; having gained some experience in the first half of the course.

Try to stay away from "modern" fabrics like dance costume type that are too shiny or too these don't fit the "vintage style" we are striving for in this class.

Interested? If you have completed the BCQC-101 can sign up. Just email me at your name, state/country, and email you want me to use for the class blog (and to send homework tasks if that is different).


Saturday, September 7, 2019

Heads Up Class Folks!


Windows 10 update last night crashed my system...and now, I can't get the laptop to "recognize" my external drive...where all of my files are held.

So, have ordered a "fix" I hope...after spending all night (literally) trying different "help" suggestions...none of which worked.

Have un-installed the update...but same problem still exists.

So, have an old laptop...but will wait until the "fix" arrives from Amazon on Monday before I go that route.

So, if I can find an old email that has "your next task" in it...and can forward...then you will get a new task. If not...then you have to take a break until Tuesday.

But, meanwhile...after staying up all night working on this problem (literally...all night)...we had a family yard sale the hot sun. So, I'm cranky, hot, tired, hungry...stinky...and need a shower, food, and sleep. That is my priority at hope you understand if I don't talk more until tomorrow.

Hugs, to all...put your feet up and dream of future projects!

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Beautiful Surprise

Thanks MaryAnne Richardson! This gorgeous little fabric postcard arrived in the mail yesterday afternoon...inside an envelope for protection thankfully. It is one using my STITCH Templates and I adore the results! Thanks so very much MaryAnne for thinking about me!

Appreciate that it is "pink" too! Ha! You know me so's almost scary!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Rose Bud Blocks Continued...

...finally all of the parts have been cut out. "Finally" because it seemed to take forever...but really, it took one afternoon to press the fusible/freezer-paper patterns to the fabric. Then, a weekend basically to cut them all out.

Now, I'm busy aligning and pressing them to the white background blocks. The stem lines are drawn on in pencil.

I'll be embroidering around each piece in perle green/red. Not sure if I'm going to like the stems in size 8 (which is what I'm using for the "around" stitching). Might need to find some size 5 in the same green color if possible. So, will go searching online...or drive to Hobby Lobby (about 30 miles) one day. We shall see....for now, it more pressing to get all 80 blocks ironed down.
This will be a great evening 'tv time' embroidery to work on...all Stem Stitch.

Friday, August 16, 2019

De-Stash Sale has new De-Stash photos...each baggie is $ less than $4 shipping. Detailed photos show what is in bag...vintage linens, silkie prints, Czech glass button cabochons, cabochons, charms, lace motifs, lace trims, lace doilies, etc. Have fun!

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Heads Up - Super Sale!

Heads Up...tune in to (Etsy Shop) at midnight...I'm de-stashing lace, silk fabric, doilies, cabochons, and printed silk images!

Serious Super number and first come.

Directions on items and payment post at midnight, CST!
Don't miss it!
Seriously, you'll be sorry that you did!


Edited to change: Sale begins NOON tomorrow, 8/16 CST

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Rose Bud Quilt Continues...

A few days back, the Rosebud Quilt was discussed. Yesterday, I finally got down to business about piecing it. For days I've waivered between "traditional applique" or "fusible applique". The quilt was not going to get started, much less finished if I didn't make up my mind!

Plus, one rosebud or two per block?

Two is the more traditional setting for this Vintage Inspired, finally after much consideration it will be two. I created an overlay on vellum to help me align the various applique parts.

Next, I needed to trace all of the different leaf, sepal, and bud shapes. Going with traditional applique...these would be traced to freezer paper. Going with fusible applique...these would be traced to double-sided fusible like Heat'n'Bond.

Considering that I already have a large traditional applique project underway...I decided to go with the fusible applique method. I'll be adding embroidery around each piece and extra for the stem and but accents.

The quilt will not have sashing between the blocks but will include outside border(s). I'm cutting the blocks 9-inches finished size. These will be set in eight columns of ten rows...for a total of 80 blocks in the quilt. So, doing the math...that's 960 small leaves, 160 sepals and 160 buds to applique. That's a LOT of tracing of shapes to fusible!

So, I'm taking a shortcut. My plan is to fuse the Heat'n'Bond to the fabric...then press these printable freezer paper sheets on top of that...and cut out. The paper will peel away along with the fusible backing paper when each piece is ready to go down. If you want to give this a try yourself, just trace one page of design...and copy this on to freezer paper sheets (purchase these from C&T Publications) made for a printer in standard 8.5 x 11.0 inch size. Works wonderfully!

If you are wondering, my tracings meant printing 12 pages of small leaves, and 8 pages each of sepal and buds. There will be a lot of pressing and cutting out this weekend...and into next week too perhaps! :)

Monday, August 5, 2019

Autumn is around the corner...

...and we'll all be hunting for pumpkins soon! Can't believe how fast this year is going by...summer vacation is basically in the rear-view mirror now...and we'll be looking for those gorgeous fall leaf colors soon.

I spent some time today checking out Pinterest...and quickly got lost in the varieties of pumpkins stitched. Of course, about 75% of them were machine done...embroidery mostly. But, a few were hand work and reminded me that there are various ways to approach a single embroidery design.

Simple is not necessarily boring...and a quick little idea is sometimes all that is needed.

If you have a bit more time to spend on a motif, perhaps adding some type of "doodling" to the larger spaces would be just the treatment needed. Pretty sure this specific motif is a machine variety, but still liked the idea just the same.

Or, a more spider-web kind of abstract art filling is more to your liking? This pumpkin above has a filling in each section that reminds me of a string art project. Can you see that? It would be cute and quick too.

Smaller motifs could be closer to realism if you totally filled the spaces. Satin Stitch would work for really tiny pumpkins; but most likely Stem Stitch, Stab Stitch or Long/Short Stitch is the best idea for motifs that are small...but not tiny in size. Again, think this is a machine embroidery version, but could see this done in long/short stitches by hand.

If the pumpkin design is really large, it could be done in fabric. I like the idea of different orange fabrics or just different all together as in this multi-colored idea. This art object could be painted? (maybe stenciled?)...but the idea translates well to the idea of using fabrics. I also like the floral arrangement at the top, but not too sure they are really of  "Autumn" timing...seems a bit Spring to me. Perhaps peppers and corn instead?

Whatever you choose...think about adding a pumpkin to your Autumn décor by creating a little pumpkin motif on a hand-towel, crazy quilt block, mug rug, or such. 

All of my Patreon Followers will get a little quick motif design to get you started.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Week of Inspiration

Everywhere I looked this week, something was inspiring.

I've had "traditional quilts" on my mind lately as recently I became Chairperson, for my Quilt Guild's upcoming show next year. So, I'm knee deep in figuring out what quilt(s) I need to complete myself...and working on Patreon and Class projects too.

School begins in less than 2 that is on my mind (Your's too if you have children or grand-children) it just seems like a really busy time.

But, while at the chiropractor's office this week...I noticed the new floor rug. I"m thinking that this could be inspiration for a new medallion quilt pattern. Plus, I'm really liking the light blue and browns together as a color grouping!

Pulled some solids thinking of combining these with the silk tie fabrics for a crazy quilt for the show...but it is about 5th on my list of things to get had to pack these back away until at least one of the current on-going applique quilts is closer to finishing.

Lastly, the Vintage Re-production CQ Class is well underway...most have completed their first project and this weekend we begin to think about out "next" project. It got me to thinking about vintage embroidery designs...and worked up a French Rose for the Patreon group.

Now, I have to totally change gears and get ready to depart for South Alabama...on Tuesday. My friend Mary Young and I have a plan to use some of her dear Mom's garments in a I need to go pick these things up. Then, my bestee Sharron Grafton is hosting me for a Silk Ribbon Embroidery Class at her long-arm shop in Newton, AL on the 3rd of August...Saturday. I'm so looking forward to the trip...even if I am hauling my laptop, printer, sewing machine...and STUFF with me. A full car load a usual...but still it will be fun!

Hope this post finds each of you enjoying the end of your summer days as school begins soon!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

And the winner is...

Wendy Bain....congrats on winning a free E-book copy of my latest book Stunning Stitches!

Thanks to all who left a comment, sorry that everyone could not have won.

Wow, what a great week...I'm grateful to all of the sites that participated in the Blog Tour. Each winner will be getting an email from C&T Publications with a link to their new E-book to download.

Congrats to all of the winners this week!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Blog Tour Last Day

Wow, what a week!

I'm so very appreciative today...and inspired too!

Several wonderful creative folks have been sharing their thoughts about my newest book, Stunning Stitches on their sites...and offering a little chance at a free E-book as well.

I'm the last in the group for this Blog Tour (site tour might be more appropriate)...and will also give a reader a chance at getting the E-book free. Just leave a comment...make sure I can reach you via email (so add that if it's not available as a direct link). I'll select a winner tomorrow...and post here on the blog. 

Then, I'll be gathering the emails of all of the winners this week and sending that along to C&T. Winners will get their E-books directly from C&T Publications shortly there watch for an email from them this week!

If you missed the other sites this is the listing. While it is too late for their daily is not too late to visit their site. And, ALL of these creative artists really make beautiful stitched and/or quilted things. So, please take the time to check out the links...just for new inspiration!

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Heads E-book possible

Check out C&T Publications Blog tomorrow! Might just be a free E-book in it for you!

We're having a week long event...just letting all of my followers know!