A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
What a week for great things in the mail! My round robin block for the Lace & Pearls round robin over at CQI came back and it is gorgeous. There is so much silk ribbon work, I think I'll have to rename the robin to SilkRibbon meets Lace and Pearls!
Huge thanks to Arlene, Nicki Lee, Rita, and Susan for such a wonderful effort! Every bit of this block is just so pretty!
Here are some gorgeous close up photos for you to drool over!
This week I received Kate Haxell's book, The Stitch Bible in the mail. My craft book club ran a sale last month, four books for $40...and I just can't pass up great books for ten bucks each. The first three were easy for me to pick...but the fourth took a while. And, frankly...I had not heard of Kate Haxell before, but was intrigued by the blackwork bird on the cover.
So, my expectations were not high for the book, I just hoped it would not be a total loss of ten bucks.
Wow, was I in for a surprise! This might be one of the best books I own! It is certainly is one that will be used, and often.
First, because it covers several different types of stitching...embroidery, hardanger, crewelwork, goldwork, pulled thread, canvaswork, and drawn thread. Second, because it has great photographs of the process for each, tons of stitch examples, and a project for each type of stitching.
It also includes a section on getting started...threads, fabrics, hoops, etc. And at the back of the book are the charts and templates, lists of suppliers, and a full index.
So many ideas...so little time!
I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys stitching!
Thank you Arlene, Candace, Cathy and Meg for all the work on my block...I'm enjoying just looking at all the different parts! Here are some closeup photos to share!
I've been working on some embroidery designs for a while, took me longer than I thought it would...but, now...finally...they are ready! And, I'm very pleased with the final pattern!
The little quilt is 30 x 30 and uses twelve letters. However, all 26 letters of the English alphabet are included within the pattern...so you can pick and choose.
Can't choose? That's okay...just use them all and enlarge the quilt!
Each design fits nicely in the center of a 6 1/2 inch fabric square.
Or, just enlarge or reduce and use the designs for other projects...
there are endless possibilities!
Just ask my muse!
The designs can be stitched fast by using simple open style stitches like
Or, use fabric for the letter...and closed style stitches like these...
...(pay no attention to the fact that I forgot to stitch two of the French Knots before taking this photo...geez!)
If you choose to use applique fabric as your method...you could...
Blanket stitch the edge of the fusible letters...
or, use needle-turn applique methods...
or, silk ribbon florals w/wool crewel embroidery...
or, gold work...see, my muse is still thinking!
The color palette is dependent on your choice of fabrics...
The pattern can be ordered in my Etsy Shoppe now!
Pam, my stitching buddy, came to visit yesterday. "I'm not working today, and thought I'd go to Hobby Lobby. Do you want to go?"
uh....YES! Of course!
But before we left she gifted me with lovely hairly yards. These will make great plant life for under the sea type crazy quilt or landscape blocks!
And, a huge stack of out of print needlework magazines!
It was hard to leave these...even for shopping!
Picked up a new hole punch (1/16th size for templates) in the scrapbook section at Hobby Lobby. Then some headbands for Aidan in the beads section. I had to close my eyes and not even walk down the bead aisle...cause I just am overflowing with beads as it is!
Yes, it was hard to pass them up!
In the wedding supplies and glassware...found Aidan a mirror compact, some "A" napkins, and a perfume decanter. Napkins were a buck...and the other two were five bucks each! These are now hidden until her birthday in November!
Went to the pet store, where Mr. Buddy also got a gift!
Next, we stopped off at the Center of Hope donation store...and it was blue tag day. Everything with a blue tag was 99 cents! So, found several fancy dresses for Aidan to use playing dress-up. Everything I get for dress-up gets turned inside-out and put into the washing machine; then the dryer on low heat. If it makes it out okay...then it is used. If not, it goes into the trash. You'd be surprised how many gowns (even wedding gowns) laundry just fine!
And last, to the mall! Found two lovely headbands with fancy adornments...that the Diva will love!
It was a good day!
Great friends, super shopping!
We also had time to stop off and visit with Ms. Francis, our third part of the pal trio...who has been under the weather lately. It was great to just have some time to sit and chat with "grownups"! Glad you're feeling better Francis...and hope that you are strong enough to go shopping next time! Hugs!
Look familiar? I posted about this block here.
It is the first completed in a round robin of six-inch blocks over at HGTV Message Board, Quilting and Needlework group. The set of blocks were all pieced by me...and this one was also embellished by me.
Then, it and five similar blocks were mailed off to some lovely ladies...and fabulous stitchers...to choose one each and complete.
All of my gorgeous blocks are now back home...and I'm just dancing with joy because they are so wonderful!
(BTW, my muse wants to know "how do you remove drool from fabrics when you can't wash them?")
Ready for a fabulous show?! Here we go!
The first person in the robin was Lois (Bluesnail)...
and here is what she made for me!
Love it! The button cluster in the top left is just such a wonderful balance for the ones on my block, she even gifted me with a large pink porcelain rose. The top right corner has some cute little acrylic flowers. I have some of these and have a hard time using them, but her inclusion of little flowers in the center is genius...so, I'm sure to pull these out now and use them! My favorite part of the block is the bottom left corner...her silk ribbon work is just so delicate and frames the block so nicely. Thank you Lois!
The second person in the robin was Lori (Gonesewin)...
How pretty! This block reminds me of spring with the sunshine and windmill style row of flowers! Everything about this block is so well balanced. It just sings out in harmony! And, did you see the little flight trail of the tiny butterfly...done in seed beads. How clever, and you know I love me some bling! Thank you Lori!
The third person in the robin was Lynn (Katiemedarlin)...
Gorgeous! The seam work on this block is just perfection! Simply stated...it is elegant, classy, and very well executed. The little tiny medallions that fill some space as motifs are just so cute...and yes, I'll be stealing borrowing the idea! The silkie in the center is perfectly framed by pretty blooms and more beads. I'm not sure how many seed beads are on this block, but there are a lot! Very well done! Thank you Lynn!
The fourth and last person in the robin was Pat (Timecard24)...
Cute as can be! The silkie in this block has a big bow in her photo and I thought that she was a little bit "saucy". You know, kind of independent and stylish. And Pat must have thought so too...cause that's the way this block looks too! Loads of bead work (which I always enjoy!) to include a cluster that has bits of ribbon and artificial flowers, buttons, and lovely beads. The little clay rosebuds are standing so prettily in a row...but my favorite part is the tinsy little basket of silk flowers! Just wonderful...and can you believe this was Pat's first round robin! She has talent and I can't wait to see what she does next! Great job! Thank you Pat!
Thanks also to Nickilee for hosting the robin (so what are we doing next?). Hugs.
There is one block left...for me to finish.
And a big Thank You to Pat Winter...who gifted me the silk images that I used in the center of the blocks...aren't they wonderful!
Lastly, here is the set all together. This will make a beautiful wall-hanging or a journal style book of blocks!