Max Low is a 12 year old from Neola, Iowa. He has
been battling cancer for half of his life. His
doctors recently told his parents to enjoy the time
they have left with him. His wish is to get 1 million
cards. He has currently gotten 23,000. If you would
like to help Max get his wish,please send a get
well card to the following address: (I'm sure a
postcard would be just as wonderful)
P.O. BOX 111
NEOLA, IA 51559"
How about it? Have a minute to slip a card into
an envelope and address it? Not sure what to
say...How about "Thinking of You, Hoping you
are having a Sunny Day!" ... If you don't
have a card...fold a sheet of paper and draw a
smiley face on the front :)
I'll be sending a "thinking of you" card out in the
morning sinceI don't have any "get well" cards.
How about You? I would love to know that all
of my blog followers could spare enough
time and energy to make a child smile...blessings
to you! Sending hugs out to everyone!