Friday, October 11, 2024

Planning Begins


Isn't this a contrast? Well not to worry...these are not included in the same project.

But, if you want to know what my plans are for them...check out this prior blog post: Shawkl Designs: New CLASSES to BEGIN in JANUARY!

Then, follow the link included in that post to read the specifics on my Patreon site. Hope you decide to join the fun!

Unfinished Objects (UFOs)

 While I like the "UFO" acronym...cute...I think of these as Unfinished Projects since mine are usually full size quilts. Ha!

Here is a photo of "most" of mine. Honestly, I need more blue boxes...and they are on order at Amazon. I get the 12x4x9 size (in case you are interested). They hold most quilts but you will see that three of these projects on the top row needed larger containers.

I like to put labels on these so I know what they are ("if I remember them by name") rather than dig through a bunch of stuff. Plus, these are stacked on a little shelf right in the hall...on the way to the I MUST see them multiple times a day.

Can you have too many projects not done? Yes, probably one of my quilts (not here but stored in my hopechest) needs to be finished hand quilted...since the 80's. Yep, I went there...admitted that I am so far from being done with a quilt.

Over time, I seem to often loose interest in a project; or more correctly I seem to push it aside because another project had caught my interest. Guess I might have a bit of blackbird in me...always attracted to shiny objects. Or is that a different was discussed on "To Kill A Mocking Bird" but I just remember that the bird was black.

I digress. Anyhow, wondering how other folks organize their unfinished projects? 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024


 Good morning everyone!

Okay, I have been thinking...and you know how dangerous THAT can be. Over the past 3 years loads of folks keep asking me if I'm ever going to open up my classes again. So, short answer now is "kinda". I currently have a PATREON page titled "Kathy's Stitching Adventure" where I share my seam designs, patterns, tutorials, etc.

I don't want to be tracking multiple classes at the same time with the last BLOG Classes. Whew, that was time consuming. Plus, these are provided to you FREE already, just click the above links to download and work at your own pace.

However, I do have some more ideas to will simply be updating my Patreon to make this happen. At present (if you don't know) I have three tiers on that site: Tier I costs $3 monthly and you get a weekly seam design for crazy quilting, Tier II costs $5 a month and you get the weekly seam designs plus embroidery motif designs as they are drawn (shooting for once a month), and Tier III costs $7 monthly and gets all of the above plus any patterns, tutorials, etc. that I design.

So, what's changing???

FIRST CHANGE FOR ALL TIERS (i.e. free or paying members): I am adding a quarterly ZOOM meeting. You will receive an email with time/link a few days before the meeting. If you want to join in...simply click the link "when the time is open". The link will not work until the meeting time is here. So, just "archive" the you don't accidently delete it...and load a "reminder" in your phone so you can plant yourself in front of your computer/tablet that houses your emails. Click when the time is upon us...and wait to introduce yourself when asked...or just "quietly observe". I will be available to answer your questions and just go over what we are doing now...and planning in the future.

MAJOR CHANGE FOR $7 TIER: All members at this level will also be invited to join me in a private class site...where we will be able to easily post progress photos. Photos of what? Well, we will be working on three wonderful hands-on projects in 2025. You can participate in one or all...or just sit back and watch the fun! Here are the project ideas: (1) A Crazy Quilt Bell Pull (6"x18"finished) that gives us a good place to practice our embroidery seams, (2) A Bed Cover for the bottom of our bed (3' x 5' finished) that will use our "fancy" fabrics, hand embroidery pieces, lace motifs, silk ribbon embroidery, fiber embroidery, and beads/baubles; and (3) A set of wool/cotton hexagons with wool/cotton/silk embroidery motifs and seams.

These are all three projects that I have been wanting to work, doing them within the Patreon will "make me get off my behind, and get busy".

So, if you are presently in a lower is the time to move up to the $7 monthly tier. If you are not a member at PATREON...hop on over and check it out!

These 3 projects will begin in January. Whomever is at the $7 on 1 January will get a private invite to the private blogsite. To begin...we will kick off the challenges sometime in the first two weeks of January with a ZOOM for all in this top tier.

Now, I have to get busy designing, writing handouts, making supply lists...and deal with Thanksgiving/Christmas Season. Yikes, why am I always thinking! It sure gets me into trouble. HUGS!

As Supply Lists etc. are done...I will be posting them to Patreon. My goal is to have all of this "planning-work" done before January so members can be gathering their fancy fabrics and embellishments "get organized" we can start all three of these projects in January. We will work throughout the your own not to worry about doing all three projects. But, you can just pick one to work on at a time if you like.

Here is a link to Kathy's Stitching Adventure so you can signup for the $7 tier. Your invite to the private workshops will be sent in January. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kathy's Stitching Adventure - update

 Good morning!

Notice: My Etsy shop is now closed.

If you want my patterns, tutorials, mystery quilt instructions, crazy quilt seam designs, etc...they are now part of my Patreon site: "Kathy's Stitching Adventure".

It is organized into Tiers:

FREE - general what's happening posts

Tier #1- $3 month - Weekly graphic designs of crazy quilt seams (not already in one of my many books)

Tier #2- $5 month - Monthly embroidery motifs, fun extras, and all tier #1 posts.

Tier #3- $7 month - Patterns, tutorials, plus all of tier 1/2 goodies.

Thanks to all of my Patreon pals for supporting me as I continue to design and create new content.


Good Progress on Faux Crazy Quilt Blocks


All of these hexagons (17 in total...didn't photo all) have no seams. The solid white background is covered in handkerchief corners, lace motifs, trims, bits of embroidery projects, and some Reverse Chain embroidery "squiggles". A fun project that is quick!

Friday, August 30, 2024


 Having great fun creating some organizers. Fast and so easy to create. Just posted a short post and tutorial on my Patreon page, "Kathy's Stitching Adventure". Here are some photos to share with y'all too!

This organizer (open) shows pockets for paper, pens, name badge, binder, etc. It will be what I keep handy for Quilt Guild meetings.
This next organizer adds some lace to the pockets. It will be for my English Paper Pieces (EPP) on-going project. A "dash and go" item so I always have thread, needles, scissors, needle threader, paper shapes, glue sticks, clips and reading glasses to work wherever I might be.
Lastly this is my Tool Cady. It includes a small cutting mat, rotary cutter, paper and fabric scissors, marking pen, water-soluble pen, purple thang, tweezers, needle threader, stiletto, point turner, seam ripper, hemostat, add-a-seam ruler, clips, pins, and machine needles (in pockets). Perfect for making sure that I have all of the critical tools when I pack for retreats. Plus, no more digging around in a zipper pouch trying to find a tool (and usually finding a stray needle or pin first. Ouch!).

Lastly, when closed...nothing will run away! All nicely secured and ready to pack into my suitcase or project tote!

Thinking about creating a few more of these. Would like to have a smaller version for each sewing machine...with pre-wound bobbins, machine needles, brush, machine oil, thread scissors...and whatever else might be critical for that specific machine's operation. Could just grab the machine and this pouch and load the car for Sew Day or a class. My head is spinning with ideas!

Crazy Blocks without piecing


Begin playing around with an idea months ago...and came across these just this past week again. So, am motivated to finish off the initial idea...with a few changes of course! In total there will be sixteen hexagon blocks.

Originally the ideas was to do faux-seams for embroidery. But I have so many lace motifs, pretty trims, and handkerchief corners that there is no need for much seam work. I also think that this will be a "washable" project so will not be beading or adding much silk ribbon either.

This block includes some Reverse Chain Stitch "squiggles" as space fillers. This is my new idea and I'm liking it. So, next will be to do this on all of the remaining blocks. NOTE: The acrylic hexagon shows the outside shape which still has to be marked on the fabric.

My question now is how to finish. Do I border each block? Thinking a nice 1-2" floral border for each would work. How about batting, like in a quilt-as-you-go type of project? Do I seam all together and layer as a standard quilt? Do I finish each hexagon independently and then join in EPP type style? Or maybe join the finished units with Blanket Stitch on the edge and crochet together. More questions just floating around in my head. How knows...that's the fun (and challenge) of changing your mind. Ha!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Busy, busy, always!

 Whew, have been at the computer for a couple of hours...and still have not really touched my "to do" list for today. Well, at least the dishes got washed before I began...ha!

So, to catch you up...I'm doing a local hands on free basics quilt class during my quilt guilds sew day. LOVE having new folks learning how to begin quilting...and hope that it inspires them to quilt for years to come.

Working on my Patreon seam designs each Sunday. These don't appear in any of my, it's a great "new resource".

Some involve silk ribbon stitches (as the trio of leaves above).

Some mostly are embroidery stitches. Almost all will have beads/baubles know I love my bling! Hopefully all will be fun!

Will be also posting new (and some existing) patterns, motif designs, class ideas, mystery quilt instructions, etc. as I come up with them. 

If you want to check more out...hop on over to to read all about it. Hugs!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Quiet Book Progress

 Just had a wonderful week with my friend Sharron, we sewed and ate...then repeated all week. My main project to finish (which I did not get done) was a group of quiet books for my friend Terri. However, the design needs a bit of tweeking...but I am pretty close now. Did get a long way into the project; just not quiet done.

For example, this little chair had too large of a pillow when I found some great fabrics to "fussy cut" the back of the chair out of. So, will be making it smaller in the pattern.

Also, decided to add a fence and tree to the back of the book; rather than just an empty area.

The books are almost complete, each need to have all of the fusible pieces sewn down to keep them intact in the washing machine. That will take me a couple of days at least.

Then, have to make some little dolls. The initial one is done (except for face embroidery)...and the pattern did need some adjusting. Trying to make it as easy as possible.

Hope to get the entire pattern completed in the next couple of weeks. June will be very busy as I'm starting a new hands-on local quilt/embroidery, better get back at it! Hugs!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Uploading more Seam Designs!


Working on uploading more seam designs to my Patreon followers today....scheduling them for release each Sunday as promised.

Am getting ready (cutting fabric & packing) to head to a quilt retreat next Wednesday. So, don't want to get caught up in daily life and forget an upload for y'all.

If you have not checked out Kathy's Stitching Adventure on Patreon yet...there is a button on the right side bar of this blog. Hope to see you joining as I have a long list of designs that I'm diligently working on in Adobe Illustrator (you will get a pdf version),


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Working on Nametags for Guild Retreat


This is what happens when I can't find my binder clips (found them 10 minutes after finishing this task...isn't that the way it always is).

Adding some bits and bobs to the name tags...and on my left leg is Sunshine (snoozing as usual while I work!).

When my light gets to be too much for her, she just curls in the opposite direction and keeps on snoring. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Red & White EPP Progress

 Another project that needs some attention...but is still in the "hold line" is this red/white quilt. I fell out of love with the original design; but do like these EPP elements of the quilt. So, am now thinking I can just use the fabrics for an entire EPP quilt in red white instead.

Will keep you posted!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Flannel Monkeys

 Still thinking on current projects. Have a sweet little simple flannel quilt done for Evie...the kind you can just toss on to the floor for her to play dolls on.

Honestly, I did not need a new project. But, when at my friend Sharrons recently...we HAD to go to the quilt store and to the local Hobby Lobby. Could not pass up this cute little animal flannel.

My binding will be in the red cotton fabric. I had cut some green flannel...but now think that will be too bulky so using standard quilter cotton instead. This is probably one of the projects that will be packed up and head to retreat with me Saturday week.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Seams Adventure Begins

 I've been itching to design more seams lately. So, decided to begin a new Patreon page where I can post these weekly.

These are not re-publication of seams from my books...but new seam ideas. I will be posting one each week (on Sunday) throughout the year. 

As I design motifs, (like this one we played with in the Intermediate Class)...

... I will post them as well. My goal is to draw one at least monthly. My head is full of project ideas too, like this little zipper organizational bag design in my brain at present. So, I know that they will also find their way to the site over time too.

If you want to get these new designs...the cost is from $3 montly to $7 monthly...depending on how much of ME you want. Ha!

Here is a link to go check out all the details if you are interested:

Welcome & What to Expect | Patreon


Girl Scouts

 Recently, I too inventory of all the projects that are "in progress". Believe you me...there were way too many of them! That's the price you pay when your attention is easily drawn to new things and your brain if always full of new ideas.

At present, I'm busy working on two non-sewing projects for my local Quilt Guild. This Saturday, we have a group of 29 Girl Scouts (different troups, different age groups) coming to learn about Hand Sewing, Embroidery, and Machine Sewing. They are working on badges.

My part is the Embroidery. So, I have designed three different little the ages range from 6 to 18 in the group.

There will be instruction sheets with diagrams (like the one above for Straight Stitches) so hopefully, each can finish up their project; but if not, can at least have the instructions so they can finish at home.

All of the embroidery designs are printed directly to fabric (muslin). So, no tracing needed. I often print my embroidery designs directly to fabric; do you do that? Here is what you need to do:

1. Works only with INK JET printers, not laser type.

2. Cut a piece of freezer paper measuring 9 x 11.5 inches

3. Cut a piece of cotton fabric (muslin) measuring 9 x 11.5 inches

4. Iron the paper to the fabric...the wax side of the paper is against the fabric.

5. Trim this paper/fabric sandwich to exactly 8.5 x 11.0 inches.

6. Place into your paper tray...and print.

NOTE: My printer feeds the paper from the tray FACE DOWN, so I put my paper/fabric sandwich into the tray with the fabric facing down. Test your printer to see how it feeds before you waste a fabric sheet.

Print ONE SHEET AT A TIME; you can not stack these to print multiples unless you enjoy paper jams. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Cotton Candy Monthly Blocks

These are the fabrics I've been working with on a monthly quilt kit. It is traditionally pieced. I would like to have had more contrast and am really hoping that I like the finished quilt top. However, even if I don' would still make a perfectly usable quilt for someone. Keeping my fingers crossed!

 Here is the laydown of the grouping titled Cotton Candy by the quilt shop. I'm now about half-way through the quilt and was keeping up nicely each month until the holidays hit. I don't think I did much more than the CQ promotion for Dazzling Diamonds book the entire month of November. December/January were total busts...don't even remember what I worked on.

Feels like I'm coming out of a daze (have been ill off/on for months now). Hope to get enough energy back to really work on my quilts again soon.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Dazzling Diamonds - SewALong - Final Instructions

 We have arrived at the "bling" part of our blocks. Beautiful Silk Ribbon Embroidery (SRE) and beads/sequins/etc. layered on top of the fiber embroidery just completed.

Here is now Block #11 (which you saw me construct at the last post) now looks. If you compare the elements in the book photo (see page 59) you will note some minor changes. Well, the most obvious is that these colors are not the same as was used in the "Spring" inspired quilt in the book.

Sorry this seam is vertical...can't rotate it. But, you should note that I've chosen to add some light green bugle beads between the spokes in the center seam.

The bottom seam, more like branches or short one rose. I rant out of the orange 7mm silk ribbon. But, I'm okay with it not being there as no one else will think it is short. I might come back later and put a small butterfly charm near the spot where this last rose is diagrammed it. (see page 58 in the book)

Lastly, I substituted beads, sequins and a tiny glass butterfly bead for buttons in the top seam. This block was embellished last week, while I was attending a Retreat with friends. While I brought plenty of beads with me...not a single button made it into my car! 

The next task is for me to finish embellishing all of my blocks (and sewing together a few as well). As that is done, I'll post more photos.

Lastly, we will piece all of these finished blocks together following the piecing diagram (see pages 12-13). Blocks can be sewn together in two ways: (a) traditional with a quarter-inch seam allowance (but use a zipper foot to help prevent you ''running over" any sewn on beads, or (b) butt blocks together and "zig zag" down the center, catching both edges at the same time. The second option will require that you cover the butted-seam with lace, ribbon, bias binding, etc. to finish the top.

Borders can be added, these are attached just as you would any other quilt. Crazy quilts do not contain batting; but you will attach a "faux backing" to hide all of the embroidery and beading work on the back of your foundation piecing blocks.

I hope you will share photos with me when your project is complete!

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Happy Birthday Aidan!


My darling, my heart, my grand-daughter Aidan...seated at my left here; learning to sew a button on a bit of cloth...turns "20" today! Where has the time gone!

I loved showing her how to sew. I'm now looking forward to doing the same with her sister...who turns "4" in February. I'm hoping that my lessons will "stick" better with her sister. Ha! Love you Aidan!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Dazzling Diamonds - Part 2 - Embroidery Transfer

Today we will continue our Dazzling Diamonds Sew-A-Long adventure!

Hopefully, you have pieced most of the blocks this past week. Now, we are ready to embroider the seam lines. The specific embroidery stitches used are described in the book (pages 22-27). There will be some Silk Ribbon Embroidery (SRE) elements on many of these seams, but that instruction will be in our post on November 3rd. Today, we will concentrate only on the fiber embroidery elements.

Each seam begins with a BASE embroidery section. This is then enhanced with additional elements of fiber embroidery and/or silk ribbon embroidery as well as beads/sequins. To begin, we need a pieced block and the base embroidery design.


Then, we need to transfer the base embroidery design directly to our pieced fabric block. There are multiple ways to accomplish this:

1) Free-hand draw the design on to the block.

2) Trace the design to thin paper (like tissue paper), overlay that to the fabric block then for stitching through.

3) Print the overlay directly to sheets of thin paper (like tracing paper), overlay that to the fabric block and stitch through.

4) Print the overlay embroidery designs directly to printable water soluble paper sheets. (This is the method described in the book)

FHere is a link to download the Overlay Embroidery Designs for the blocks. Print and use one of the four methods of transfer above to place the embroidery guides on to your pieced blocks. Use the book to guide your actual embroidery to complete these BASE seams.

 Embroider Design Overlay

All of the above methods of transfer have pros/cons. Other than (a) you will be removing paper or water soluble paper after completing the basic embroidery. If you choose the water-soluble method, steps are included in the book on page 19. Removing water soluble requires the application of water to dissolve the soluble material. This is best done under a running tap of water, with the embroidered block facing down. As the water-soluble material softens it can be gently scrubbed with your fingers (underneath the block, directly on the embroidery, as water continues to run through the fabric block).

Wet blocks will then need to be pressed dry. If you did not pre-wash your fabrics, then the cotton fabric block will shrink slightly. That is fine, as each design included an extra seam allowance measurement for this purpose.

I’ll post photos of the water-soluble steps discussed above on my blog ( as I work on Block #11. So, if you need more information on on the how-to portion, jump over there tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Piecing Block #11

Thought you might like some more photos. So, here is my piecing of Block #11.

First, I used my light table to trace the major portions of the block to my foundation fabric.

Here is what that looks like if I turn off the light table. This is what you should be seeing when you trace your blocks as well. REMEMBER to flip-over your pattern page so you are tracing the reverse image....since we are tracing on the back of our foundation fabric.

Next we need out fabric patches to sew to this foundation layer. Page 17 of Dazzling Diamonds explains this approach in more details.

Beginning at the center of the block, on the foundation...I place the first fabric down. Next, I flip the next patch over that and sew along the seam. The fabrics go on the front of the fabric...NOT on the side where you have the lines drawn; so use the light table to help you see these alignments better (or draw lines on both fabric sides).

Continue placing parts until the full block has been assembled. Now you are ready to place the embroidery overlay on top of the block. We will cover this in our Part #3 post on 27 October.