A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Sunday, July 17, 2022
Blackberries and Bird Nests
Wednesday, June 1, 2022
Kentucky Bound...almost!
Well, shortly anyway...have a group visit the end of July. Presently, am working on some kits...and a sample of the class project. Here's the overall design in color:
We've agreed to change the initial heart shape to the more simplified square...just because it would be easier to manage for all skill levels. Here is the layout of the base layer of fiber embroidery (without the silk ribbon elements or any beads/sequins/buttons).
Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Thank You Janet!
Heard from my dear friend (although we've never met) in Colorado today...and there will be more templates in my Etsy shop soon (hope within a couple of weeks)...and she has more in stock at the warehouse now. Woot, woot!
Both STITCH template sets (reg & mini) and the SHAPE template set will be arriving at my door! Doing the happy dance!
So, wanted to share the news!
We also have a Fourth Set "in the works" so hoping to have those available for Christmas this year.
On another note...
Am still working full time...but will be "hopefully" moving to part time by the end of the month...which is great because I've missed my sewing room!
Hugs to all!
Friday, April 22, 2022
Goodbye to Patreon
Today, I've deleted my Patreon account. For some time now it's been a struggle to manage new content while trying to keep up with this new job (way too many hours)...my family responsibilities...and my community responsibilities.
there has been little time for me to enjoy my own stitching...much less trying to develop ideas to share with my bloggers and on Patreon. I've been feeling like I've let so many people down...and so decided that although I totally adore each of my blog viewers and my super adore my Patreon supporters...if just isn't fair of me to keep that site active when I have no time to really contribute content right now.
So, I am saying goodbye to that endeavor. But, NEVER goodbye to the loyal friends that helped me keep going in spirit and with their contributions. You have my never-ending gratitude...you'll never know how much you mean to me and how much you helped me during a dark time.
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Dazzling Diamonds (Behind the Scenes)
A few ladies have sent me questions about the Dazzling Diamonds book over the past few months; so I was thinking this morning that maybe some more of you would like to "understand" the general idea behind the quilts in this book.
If you have followed me for a while, you know that my life is so full of "stuff to do" that I'm always looking for quicker ways to create blocks, etc. that give me the same (or sometimes better) results. That is what happened to me regarding the techniques in this book.
The first item which influenced it was a Water Soluble & Printable foundation sheet. This comes in a variety of brands...but the one I used for the book (and still think is the best) is sold by C&T called "Wash-Away Stitch Stabilizer".
When I bought this my intial thought was "wonder if I could design a block with seams included...print the design...then stitch". If so, there would be no need for templates, tracing, etc.". Now, the concept is not without challenges...like having to remove this product which means "wetting" the block. Normally, I don't like to wet my crazy quilt blocks.
But, my next thought was "What if I add a larger seam allowance; just in case the block shrinks when wet...and not include anything but the embroidery".
So, here's what I did...and you can do too.
First came the block design. I was tired of sewing hexagons...so thought that a diamond might be a fun shape to play with. I included the patchwork (note dashed lines) for the seams when piecing the block and included the sewing sequence (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4) along with the Block #1 in the quilt.More Course Uploads...
Well I did not meet my self-imposed deadline of the 15th...but did get close. Ha!
The Advance Courses and Special Courses are not uploaded and ready for folks to download those modules for free.
I have other special courses (hopefully) as they have not been taught for a while..so I have to "find the files" on the computer. Hopefully, they are here amongst the over 65,000 files...and not in the group that was lost forever in the hard-drive collapse last year. So, if I locate them...and upload...I'll let y'all know.
Happy Stitching!
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Lost Art...
Writing letters is rarely done by anyone these days...my self included. Email is just faster...but a nice note or a simple letter has now become a SPECIAL thing.
Just yesterday I got a sweet note from a student and friend in Kentucky that so brightened up my day (Thanks so much Carol!). It also got me thinking about a couple of other friends that really had a hard year these past few months...so I sat down and wrote them a short letter just to say that I missed seeing them and was thinking about them.
I designed some special stationary that I thought would brighten up their day...
The border was one of the new seam designs in the book I'm currently writing. With the inclusion of three more seams I had a little set of four designs...which I provided to my Patreon Followers for free.
I like to do little designs, patterns, and such when I get the time for these special ladies whom I appreciate so very much! They are my cheerleaders through thick and thin...or at least that's the way them make me feel; their support just warms my heart...so blessed am I to have caring friends; even if most are cyber friends whom I'm not met yet. Perhaps one day...oh I so hope so!
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
2022 Course Downloads are LIVE now!
I know...hard to believe since my deadline was the 15th...and it's only the 4th!!! But, the blog now has a new header and some new pages designed.
So, for Basic and Intermediate Classes...just click on those tabs at the top of the blog (under the header)...and you will go to a list of the individual classes. Each class is described...and the various task handouts are listed below it's heading. RIGHT CLICK each linked pdf document to save to your computer.
I've also launched the Facebook Group: Shawkl Classes so everyone has a place to upload photos of their work in progress and finished photos. Those of you having completed prior classes (or currently enrolled in an on-going class) can "please" jump over to the group and sign up. It is private so I'll need to "approve" all new membership requests...sorry, this is tedious and doesn't happen instantly...BUT is the only way to keep out those pesty spammers.
The site is for class participation...not a place to post about your church's bake sale or the latest yard sale find you obtained. Keep posts about class effort (past and present) and all will be fine. Otherwise, I'll delete the posts.
Here's a direct link to the Facebook Group: Shawkl Classes as a help:
Hugs to all...hope this is a great New Year of stitching possibilities!
Oh, also I've decided to upload the Advanced and Special Courses information...so am working to do those before the 15th now. Ha...we'll see if I can get these done early too! Just look for them to appear along the tool bar above once they are active links. HUGS!
Sunday, December 19, 2021
Classes for 2022
I've thought long and hard about classes for this next year...and am going to make some pretty drastic changes.
My life is so crazy...and I'm sure you all know how that feels. So, I've decided to re-focus on some things and try to get back to some basics. What that means for classes is that I'm going to try a more "free-style" approach to the classes.
I'm putting you in the drivers seat! There will be no class registrations and no "time line" for any of the Basic and Intermediate courses in 2022.
You can download any course, any time...and work at your own speed.
I'm going to upload all of the course content to Google Drive so I can provide pages here on the blog with download links...but my goal is to have everything done and running smoothly for the launch on 15 January!
Wish me luck!
I'll still be here to answer questions if you have them...but over the years; I've learned that the course content is really so detailed that very few folks actually have real questions about the content. Mostly, you seem to really just need inspiration to keep going.
So, for inspiration...I'll also be starting a new Shawkl Facebook Course Page that will be a private group so it can be monitored. Everyone joining can post whatever photos you would like (class related of course) and get plenty of feedback. We want positive and helpful posts...so all mean folks will be asked to move along...as that attitude helps no one. So, this is similiar to the registration I suppose; just you only have to do it one time rather than for every single course.
Hope you have a great Christmas and New Years...see you again on the 15th!
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Holiday Hiatus
While we are on "holiday break" from new class registrations I've been working on some English Paper Piecing projects.
Here is the layout diagram for the finished center (still six more snowflakes to go). Undecided on the border portion still. But, I'm really enjoying working on this EPP project! Plan to do more in the future.
Thursday, February 25, 2021
Changes to Class Schedule...and to my Life!
Please note that I have changed the Course Calendar Schedule. Some additional dates have been added to existing courses; but dates for new courses have been bumped back a couple of months.
I need that extra time to get my life back on track since the kids have moved out. The embroidery and patchwork patterns are done for all 3 of the advanced courses; but the "stitching" is not finished so I'm progressing through the photo taking phase...then, I have to finish the writing; edit and organize the class. So, not going to get the first one done by mid March for sure. Therefore, adjustments are needed.
Presently, in the middle of re-arranging all of the furniture to give me some more sewing room. Hope to also get a spot to be able to shoot some short video segments. While that will take a while, it will need to be considered in the final placement of all of this "stuff". At present all of my lighting and tripods are just in a pile in the corner.
There is still a lot of organizational effort to be done...but I can finally actually sew on a table larger than a tv-tray. So, yeah for me! Plus I have a little ironing surface right next to that!
My crazy quilt world will be in the original sewing room...(above was the "old" bedroom). The supply cabinets are overflowing so have set up some temporary shelves to help with the organization.
Some areas in each room have been settled into about 80% okay...have some cabinets situated...and re-stocked. Have some organization in both sewing rooms, bedroom/study, and office.
And then...you walk on the other sides of these rooms to see the mess that still needs to be sorted, organized, and stored.
All of this had a half-way organized home two years ago before the kids moved back home unexpectedly. Glad that they now have their own place situated (took way more time than we thought). If you were/are in the Quilt Guild with me...I've been saying "I live in a storage building" for months now. You might be able to imagine the 100% truth of that statement if you look at these photos and consider that up until two weeks ago...there was also: 2 twin beds, another recliner, 1 queen bed, 3 more grownups with their "stuff", and a newborn in this space as well!
Let me tell you...I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown...and then add COVID to that mix! It's truly a wonder I'm not crazier than I already naturally am! So, it's a huge breath of fresh air to me to even see some floor.
This is my entrance and galley kitchen...without boxes, baby swing/walker, and totes in the pathway.
Anyhow, none of this constant activity, immense clutter, and "life drama" has been really conducive for me to be creative...to write...or even to sew since the machine had to rest on a tv-tray. I'm way behind on the things I wanted to get done...so rather than rush through finishing the Stumpwork Course and it be dis-organized, with little photos...and totally not what I'm envisioning...I'm moving it out a few more weeks. Which moves others back a few weeks too. Not too many....just enough to give me some time to finish the writing; stitch the models and get those photos shot. It will still take long days, but I'm renewed with more energy and drive to make it happen now.
Those of you coming to the Stitching Crazy Retreat in July know I have those projects on my list of things to get accomplished in this upcoming 90-days timeframe as well. So, that's my crazy life right now...hope your life is also getting back on track with the start of this New Year. (Also hope you live in a place larger than a small upstairs garage apartment like me...consider your blessings if you do.) Just saying...but, it is smack next door to my Mom and a 10 minute drive from my daughters new place...so am not complaining about the location...just need some "room stretchers".
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving & a Freebie
I hope you are enjoying your day! Whether with family or alone, take a moment to be thankful this day. Here's a little pattern you might like working on this week...sending Hugs as well!
Saturday, October 31, 2020
Crazy Quilt Magazine
Woot, woot! What a success...this is one super information and GORGEOUS magazine! The first issue is available now.
Get it on MagCloud!
Well done Lisa Boni, well done indeed!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
2020 Retreat Fun
We had a super fun time at the Stitching Crazy Retreat this year! The group was a bit smaller (as expected considering COVID-19) with nine ladies...but we certainly had a great time just the same.
Social distancing was observed as we worked and ate...and slept. We wore masks when we needed to be closer to each other like walking down the hall.
Here are the three main sewing activities we worked on:
This is not finished yet...but well on it's way. It "generally" follows the embellishing ideas in DiVan Niekerk's book: Embroidered Alphabets with Ribbon Embroidery. We each began with a printed color fabric initial and could fill in the letter with Stem Stitch; them embellish as we wished. Just as with her book sample, I found the bottom right area to be lacking in embellishments. So, this will hang on the design wall a bit while I decide where to put more of the 5-petal flowers and Fargo Roses. Her original design used berries and Fly Stitch Roses.
This was a "filler" project that everyone could work on if they simply got tired of working on the assigned tasks. We began this the first night...then, when the other tasks came up...no one went back to this one. Ha! Oh well...it's good to have a long-term project...so keep stitching ladies; get these finished!
The next project was a beaded monogram. The fiber embroidery sets the stage...providing a padded layer for the beads and sequins. Everyone loved working on this project...but there are a lot of beads to put down. Here is the teaching example:
While I so like the purity of the white on white example. Carlie's blue version is certainly striking!
I just might have to stitch some of these in different colors just for the fun of it!
Our last class was given by Kathy Billings. (After we say her work with felt in a round robin, we all had to know how she did that!). While we did adjust her techniques to fit the diverse skill levels and the time we had...we all came home with a greater appreciation of her original technique...AND a desire to give this more effort in the future.
Of course, I just HAD to add beads to mine...such a natural thing for me to do.
We had a blast! Missed all of the ladies that did not get to make it...hope to see each of you next year!
Friday, October 16, 2020
ICQC-108 Garden Clusters (new course) is Open for Registration 15-17 October 2020
The finished motifs are intended to mimic realistic flowers. The placement of certain flowers will create clusters like a garden bed.
A great deal of the tasks will be experimenting with different art supplies you have. It is fine to substitute items for the ones used in the examples; the idea is to just be free to try things that you have not tried before and push your creative boundaries.
I need name, email, and state/country emailed to shaw.kathy@yahoo.com to register. Registration is open 15-17th of this month...and class will begin on the 20th. Also, I'll be away 22-25 for a retreat...but will have my laptop with me. However, I will only be checking maybe once a day...either very early or very late!
Friday, October 9, 2020
Do You Sew? Thanks
Thanks to Mike over at "Do You Sew" for a nice write-up in their newsletter.
If you've never checked out their website, it is full of tips, tricks, and good info!