Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Celtic Knot Quilt Pattern is completed! Finally!

When I was living in south Alabama, I purchased a little self-published booklet (26 pages) with seven different knot style quilts in it. Frankly, most of them were ho-hum to me...but one, the first one in the booklet, really caught my attention. 
It was a knot design featuring two colors and I hurriedly make a version for my daughter. Then, I taught a class on creating the quilt for a couple of years at a local quilt shop. The students wanted more than two colors of fabric...so, I redesigned the entire quilt to make the ribbon 3-colors. All of the sizes of the pieces changed and I used my Excel spreadsheets to teach by.
Now, after many starts and stops over the years...it has been 15 years of teaching the design...but I finally have the pattern completely sketched and into Illustrator...then into Publisher...and finally into a PDF download pattern, available today to the public! It has been a really long time in the works! If you want to give this quilt a try...the pattern is $9.80 on Craftsy (Shawkl) or on Etsy (Shawkl).
The pattern is 34 pages long...but don't be afraid of that. It's not difficult, but every step of the way is a photo of adding that next pattern piece...so you can't go astray if you just follow along page by page. It just took a lot of pages to show EVERY step!
To test the pattern, I asked several of my friends over on the HGTV message board to try out the pattern and help me work out any "bugs" in the pattern itself. You can ask them if they found it difficult...but all finished in record time...so I think it was pretty easy.
Here are some photos of their versions so you see different ideas for color combinations. 
Huge, huge THANKS to all of these lovely ladies for their invaluable help!
Carol Anderson (Needlecrazy)
 Patricia Borg (Kentucky Sunshine
Angela Nohe (Angela C.)
 Leoann McCann (Irish Quilt Lass)
 Sharon Shields (Ssharon334)
Dee Tackett (Quilting Bug)
The quilt fits a full or queen size bed and is extra long because a pillow topper is included in the design which allows the quilt to fold under/over the pillows and the knot design to remain in full view on the bed center. The size by the pattern is 73 x 94, you could change that by adjusting the width/length of the top section and side/bottom borders too.
I hope you'll go check out the pattern as it has been a long journey, but one I have enjoyed traveling...and I absolutely guarantee that you will love piecing this quilt. There is a lot of cutting...but it's only strips, squares, and rectangles...no triangles! So, if you can create a log cabin...you can create this quilt. Seriously, I would not lead you astray!
I've included some "page shot" photos here so you can hopefully see how detailed (and easy) the pattern is to follow. Everything is shown...no guessing. All you need do is read and follow along.
Please help me spread the word to all of your quilting friends too. 
Oh, I'm so excited...this has been a long, long time coming!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Busy Work...

As is usual lately, this week has been busy with Brady. He has learned a new trick...screaming. Not the kind of mad or angry kind of screaming...more like practicing cat calls. It is both endearing, funny...and sometime hurts your ears! Friday, he started imitating a motor boat or a growling dog...it's hard to tell the difference...kind of a GrrrrrBwwwrrrrrr sound. Adorable to watch him try to figure out how to get his lips and jaws working "like yours" to make sounds. And, he has decided that there is so much to learn...he no longer feels the need to take naps. He actually gets quite upset at the thought of going to sleep...so it takes a while before he warms up the the idea and actually falls asleep. And, instead of 60-90 minutes of rest...it's now about 20-60 minutes instead. So, Auntie Kathy is working only small things that can be put down and picked up...so, more cabochones! I've cleaned off the window seat so not Brady can have his little chair up there next to Buddy...and close at hand while I bead. He sits here about 15 minutes at a time...about 3 times a day. So...needles to say, that and naps are not a load of time for me to get anything done.

Still, I managed these cabochons this week.

And, have these many more to do...so will be continuing this week too! Along with CQ Blocks of course.


Thursday, September 5, 2013

More CQ Round Robins begin...

Last week, I got some crazy quilt basic blocks constructed and mailed off for two new round robins.

Fans will be a do-it-yourself-block of 6" size. There are five ladies in the robin, with me making six. I created six blocks, and each of the ladies will embellish one block all by themselves. Can't wait to see what they do with the "fan" theme!

Encrusted is the next block theme. For it, I created a large block of different upholstery weight fabrics. I'm thinking that the block needs to be extra sturdy to hold all of the stitching and 'stuff' that encrusting a block entails. It's a bit different than my usual blocks, but I really love it. After all the stitching, I'm also thinking that bits of the upholstery designs will 'peek out' and just increase the movement of the block design. Hope I'm right.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Visit Shawkl on Craftsy

Craftsy is a great place to get patterns, classes, and other crafty videos. It is a wonderful place for teachers and crafters to show their designs. And....I made the leap to them! I hope you will go and visit me there too! Search for "Shawkl"
Some of my patterns and mini-classes are loaded now. And the Basic Silk Ribbon Embroidery Stitch Guide is also loaded (for free of course). I have plans for many more embroidery designs to go up, and am working on a mini-book that will be available for download there too. 
So, best to get up and get busy writing huh?!
Hope all are having a great Monday...it is pouring rain here like out of a bucket!
Good sleeping weather...but there is much to do...so best to get with it!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Second Winter/Christmas Block Done

The center of this little six inch block is so large, it didn't take much time to complete the embellishments for this block. It is obvious that the block's owner liked the poinsettia fabric well enough to want the entire flower bloom showing on the block...therefore, I decided not to cover it up with any thing else. Instead, I (hopefully) enhanced it by over-stitching the petals and adding beads to the center.
After that, the three seams were stitched and beaded. Echoing the theme of the block meant using silk ribbon poinsettias as one of the seam treatments.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Ditto for Me...(and please don't sue me)

Do you ever read the policy/etc posted on websites/etc when you join? You know...that multi-paragraph stuff that you have to "accept" to continue? Yeah...me neither.
However, today Yahoo Groups changed the appearance of my Shawkl_Blog_Files group and I got curious if any major policy had changed...so I skimmed over the information. 
Here is one section that I found interesting...and also a little tiny bit humorious to see (not funny about folks having any illness that causes this...just odd to see this in writing...)
Now, my guess is that someone has filed a suite in the past against Yahoo because too many hours spent in front of their computer screen caused a seizure of some sort. So...be forewarned...pace yourself! And, don't even think of filing a suite..as I have no assets...unless you want beads and ribbon.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dye and Painted Lace -- Playtime!

All of the lace that I dyed last week turned out great! Whew, a long sigh of relief!
The next step was to paint some details. But what to use for the paint? Well, I dug out all of my supplies...and in a visit to Hobby Lobby on Saturday with Aidan and my pal Pam...even more things were purchased to play with. This post is about the results...
The starting point was white lace...like the little heart to the left of the above photo. All of the lace was dipped into a bath of 1/4 teaspoon of Potassium Permanganate and about 1 1/2 gallon of hot water. The amount of time in the dye bath determines the shade of golden tan that the lace becomes. The hearts on the right of the above photo are in three different shades...but all came out of the same dye bath.
I ordered my potassium permanganate from the Science Company on line, it cost about $18 for 500 g of lab grade strength. A word or caution...the potassium permangante is a strong oxidizer agent. Read and follow the instructions on the packaging. And, if you leave lace too long...or use too much...you can 'disintegrate' your lace. Read this post if you think I'm kidding....live and learn.
The first over-painting was done with fabric markers. I had never used these before, and probably will not use again. It was too hard to get the "ink" to go into the crevices of the lace. But, the results were adequate...and in a hurry might be suitable for some projects.
The next over-painting was done with Glimmer Mist. These sprays come in different shades...and you "spritz" whatever you desire. They are designed for paper...but did cover the lace nicely. No real change in color, mostly just a slight shading and some shine.

Next, some little bottles of ink called "Smooch". I had never seen these before, but there were several shades...and who can pass up that! I found them on clearance at Hobby Lobby and when they were opened I figured out why...they were almost dryed up. I added a bit of fingernail polish remover to liven them up...and they did just fine. The 'brush' is really just a plastic wand..and I would have liked using a real paintbrush much more but could not get one into the little bottle. These were fun to use.

Next came the real workhorse of over-dying...various fabric dyes. The first one was Oxepol. Really, this was not a good candidate because the lace was rayon...and Oxepol is designed by Victorian Elegance to work with nylon and synthetics. But, I tried it out anyway.

Victorian Elegance also sales a dye especially made for rayon, Oxecraft. It works wonderfully and comes in many shades that can be mixed and matched. The website on the bottle is www.victoriandyesandlaces.com if you are interested. I've had my dyes for almost two years and need to replenish some colors. I like the results and ease of use. I forgot to take a photo of the bottles...but here are the lace results.

 Next, a dye that is distributed by Ribbonsmyth called Rainbow Dye. It is premixed and you can combine them to have different colors if you like. Their website is at www.ribbonsmyth.com and the dyes are really easy to use with a small paint brush.
Lastly was over-dying (or over painting) with paints. The first was with Lumiere which is a metallic acrylic paint made by Jacquard. It is made for use on fabrics and my colors were Pearl Turquoise and True Gold. The turquoise was a big harsh for this treatment, but it was all I had. I liked the ease of application, and could see using their gold and silver on some holiday pieces for sure.
Next was painting with standard acrylic paints. For painting on fabric, acrylic paints need the addition of textile medium. I also add some water to thin the paint/medium down to the consistency of ink. It saturates the lace better that way. The application is stiffer than with inks or dyes, but still has a beautiful result. These paints are from Hobby Lobby and are their Ceramcoat line.
I love the light pastel colors...and found these little plastic containers to mix in.

And, the last experiment was with Dye-na-flow liquid color by Jacquard. These are designed for synthetic or natural fibers and paint on just like dyes. They hold their true color but can be mixed. I have Emerald Green and Magenta...which are both really bright colors. I loved the way they held their color and didn't run all over the lace. I'm going to be getting some white for blending and see how these look lighter. Perhaps...next month...but definitely want to play with these some more.
So, in general I was pretty happy with my playtime...and like the results. While some are bright and bold (not my usual style) each will find it's place on a project one day I'm sure.
This post is not intended to be a tutorial or even a comprehensive review of all the ways to over dye or over paint lace. I mean, it doesn't even include my favorite dyeing method (acid dye) for which there is a tutorial on the blog...or using food dyes...or common natural elements. It is simply a recording of my fun weekend of just playing around with what was easily on hand for over-dying...and what I found new at my shopping trip. I do encourage you to experiment with dying and over dying of your lace...you might really find the "child" in you!


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Cabs and Lace...

What a week so far...very busy! And, I'm not even having to get any children back to school this year...
Brady continues to be a joy every day...but his poor dad has worked late almost every day...which of course, means that I work late too. It has made me more tired than usual...guess I'm getting older! Hugs!
I've been working on these purple cabochons while the baby sleeps...but he has been taking power naps (short ones) and I do more putting down than picking up beads it seems. I managed to finishe the two large crystal ones...but the purples will take a couple of more days perhaps.
The camera is not capturing the purple very well...but, it is purple.

This afternoon I decided to dye some lace. 
After it dries (in a couple of days perhaps) I'll hand paint some accent pieces and get you some closeup shots.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Merry Merry Snowman - Block Nine


It's been a while since I have worked on my Merry Merry Snowman blocks...and this past week I found time to complete the set. Yeah! Here is block #9...the last block for the quilt top. Next is to cut and sew the borders and assemble the quilt. For me, that's the hardest part! When I can "visualize" the finished project...my muse gets bored and doesn't want to finish. That a HUGE reason why I have so many un-Finished projects!