Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Jingle BOM

Do you download Block of the Month patterns? I do...sometimes. And there are a couple of Erin Russek's that I've been wanting to do....and keep finding excuses to begin. THEN, this year, she announced "Jingle" and I just had to really, really just HAD to do this quilt. There is a huge and glorious center medallion (see photo above), and it will be surrounded by eight pieced blocks and eight applique blocks.

The center is a purchased pattern for the 30" medallion...called Mrs. Kringle. Very reasonably priced, and a pdf download so you can start NOW! The surrounding blocks are free each month. Here are some of the pieces being prepared.

And here are the pieces that I've finished getting ready to stitch down.
Let me know if you are also working on this quilt, as I'd like to follow your progress too!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CQJP February - Block Two

February blocks continue! These are about five inches across and this quilt will have a few of these included, so I'm trying to finish several each month. Then, I'll be working on larger ones through the summer.
Here are the closeup of the seams included in this block:
 Seam #99
 Seam #119

Monday, February 18, 2013

Oh goody, goody!

Look who has popped their heads out! Oh, goody, goody! Spring has to be right around the corner! Glorious spring....woot! woot! Bring it on!

CQJP2013 - February Block One

Here is one of the blocks completed for February. I contains three seams from my book, Embellishing Crazy Quilts. I'm still working to get all 150 of these seams into this quilt! And, I have decided what to do with it when completed...but sharing that idea will have to wait until I'm almost done...which is months down the road!
Here are some closeup of the seams adapted to this circle:
 Seam #1
Seam #58
 Seam #148

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Five Petal Monogram - X

X is for cross-stitch of course!

Five Petal Monogram - Y

Y is for YOU!

Five Petal Monogram - Z

Z is for nap time! Zzzzzzzz

Five Petal Monogram - W

W is for is cold and windy!
Thankfully, no snow or ice.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pin Cushion Design (PCD) - Three

Hope you are not getting bored with these yet...cause, here's another one!
There are two additional symbols in this chart...for different size pearl beads.
This is the easiest one yet to stitch...only Stab Stitch ribbon leaves...Wrapped Stitch ribbon roses. And some free-handed featherstitch (or you could do fly stitches) for accents...done in a thin metallic thread (I used #4 Krenik braid).
As usual, here is the reverse pattern marked for punching out the little red show the placement of the leaves and flowers.
Here is the layout for stitching.
All of the PCD designs use the instructions and placement guides shown on the first tutorial for these pin cushions. And the How-To construction directions are in part 2...of that first page back to that as well.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Pin Cushion Design (PCD) - Two

I can't seem to stop working on these pin cushions...and my muse is so happy about that! 
Here is the second design for you to stitch up. 
 It has simple Fly-Stitch roses...with French Knot centers. Here, the French Knot and two fly-stitches just below that...are stitched in 7mm silk the same color (purple). End with a third fly stitch in green for the stem....done in 4mm silk ribbon.

 Some ribbon Stab Stitch leaves with 7mm silk ribbon are used to fill in some of the space around the flowers.
A second flower is the embroidered Bullion Flower with French Knot centers. Create this with 8-wrap bullions, using 2 strands of floss. Stitch 4 bullions to create a cross type design...then fill in between these with two additional bullion in each of the four open spaces. The finished flower will have 12 bullions...and a little space left in the center for those French knots (1-3).
This design has dragonfly charms (show as [] in the design), and purple montees. The montees could be substituted by other beads if you don't have them on hand.
 As with the first is a reverse chart...with red dots added to mark the top/bottom of the leaves and the center of the flowers to help in placement.
For the pin cushion tutorial...print these so that the outside circle is about 4 inches. Of course, you can use larger ribbon and print the pattern larger...for pillow tops, framing, etc.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Calendar Error Alert!! Please Read!!

 My apologies!
Today, a friend contacted me to let me know that my 2013 calendar has some mistakes...on the calendar pages. Apparently, it was VERY late when I checked these template calendar pages against my Microsoft 2013 Calendar...back in 2012 when I was designing it.
Why? Because I have added dates to some months! Thankfully, all of the months DO begin on time, but some run too long...overlapping with the next month. So, please make sure to go and update these too long months if you already have a calendar.
Also, I seem to be having trouble typing my "20's...cause I have some numbers twice, and the required number not at all". Geez!
Thank you so much Shelley for helping me out with this by letting me know that there is a problem!! Sending huge cyber hugs to you!
Now, I can't change what has already been printed...but, I have changed the file with MagCloud so that there won't be any more problems (assuming that they send out the correct file).
I am more than willing to send a pdf file to anyone who has the original calendar and would like an electronic version of the new one. It can be opened and used on your computer...or you can print it out. Just send me an email so I can reply with the file attached.

 Again, my sincere apologies!
Sitting here with loads of egg on my embarrassed!


A Box of Candy Just for You...

Is it just me, or does this artwork from Dover Publications make you hungry?
Saw this on Craft Gossip, isn't that site just great!!

Five Petal Monogram - V

V is for Valentine's Day!
 Hope all of y'all have a wonderfully...and treat yourself to something decadent; like a chocolate truffle!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Need Buttons??

FireMountainGems now has buttons! Thought you might want to know. 
You know that you can never have enough buttons!
 And, these are really pretty...just right for those button clusters in your crazy quilt work.

Five Petal Monogram - U

U is for's raining again!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pin Cushion Design (PCD) - One

This design uses silk ribbon for all of the flowers and leaves. The wrapped roses are 7mm black edged rayon ribbon and the French Knot gathered roses are 13mm wine silk ribbon. The stab stitch leaves are 13mm green silk ribbon and the detached chain (lazy daisy) leaves are done in 7mm bias cut varigated green/brown color silk ribbon.
Then 3mm dark blue crystal bicone beads and green crystal montees have been scattered around the flowers to add some sparkle.
As with all flower designs, you could also change these roses out to a different style and/or type of flower head that you might enjoy stitching; add some feather stitching or some springs of French Knot babies breath; change it up and make it truly your own design.
Here is the design and the reverse for marking dots on your foundation fabric (optional). If you right click the image above and save should print the correct size at 100% and fit on a standard 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. The outer "dashed" ring should measure 4 inches across.
Also, I strongly recommend that you always use a hoop when stitching these Pin Cushion Designs to keep your work flat and help keep it neat. A hoop that has the bottom ring wrapped in some scrap strips of cotton or seam binding will help you get a nice secure piece...and greatly reduce slipping of your background fabric while working.
Here's some extra information for you, that might be helpful.
Spider-web or Woven or Wrapped Roses: See instructions in the SRE Basic Stitch Guide for working these.
French Knot Gathered Rose: Anchor your ribbon to the back of your work and needle up in the center of your rose location. Hold the ribbon in your left hand and your chenille needle in your right hand (reverse if you are left handed). Wrap the ribbon around the needle a couple of times (clockwise) to start a French Knot...then, point your needle downwards aligning it with the center of the ribbon as you hold the ribbon straight. Pierce the ribbon about a half inch below the twists...and continue to pierce the ribbon ever half inch or an up and down motion until you have gathered the ribbon on the needle. 
Now, pierce the fabric about where you first came out with the ribbon.
 Pull the ribbon through...and the french knot will be formed on top of the stacked folds of the ribbon created by your gathering. Pinch this little flower and "spin it" with your finger tips...and a nice little ribbon rose will appear. 
Anchor your ribbon to the back of your work.
Anchoring Ribbon. Take a tiny stitch to the back of your foundation fabric...but, not through the top fabric. 
Now, before pulling the ribbon completely out...pierce the last one inch of ribbon and pull. This creates a little stitch on the back of your work...without a knot or excess bulk.
Ending Ribbon. Simply lace the ribbon under some prior embroidery stitches, ribbon stitches, or between the foundation and top fabrics and cut.