Friday, November 9, 2012

Paris is Complete

Today, I'm at a mini-retreat...and they just called for "breakfast" this post will be short. Ha!
But, "Paris" is ready...and will be in the mail to Wilma on Monday.
Thought you might like to see the center section finished. Just click to see closeup.
Hugs to all!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Whistle While You Work...

...that's what I'm trying to do today! Hectic pace all day so far...and last night! Yeah, I know...what else is new!
Working on two round robin blocks...Paris and the last block for FFT#22. The flower cart is done, will add some butterfly beads in the area of it...but the stitching is complete.
One seam is finished.
One more is in the works...
and the middle area floral/lace/trim frame is about 80% complete.
Only some basic work done on the FFT so far...but it has won't take long to finish.
Also got another embroidery motif design drawing finished in Illustrator last night, but more about on that later on.
Oh, talking about embroidery motifs...the calendar sales are going pretty well. I got a call from my littlest sister today. She purchased a calendar for herself and one for a friend...they arrived in the mail today. And, she loved it! Loved the embroidery designs and the cq pattern. How cool is that! She really called to see what I was cooking as my part of Thanksgiving dinner with the family (I'm doing the turkey BTW)...but began her call with "Hey sis...I got my calendar today...and love it!!"
My family usually just has a big fat yawn when I talk about it was a really cool thing that she make a point to tell me she liked the calendar. Made me feel like a proud big sister!
Tomorrow, I leave for a few days...and I am not yet packed! So, best run and get some clothes selected and make a list...and then double check it!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Benji's Pockets Quilt Ready to Go!

Today has been busy...took Mom and voted this morning. Had coffee and a visit from my middle brother...who is just finishing a house (2BR, 2Bath)...and is "needing my help in making some curtains". Of course, he has no idea what that involves...and in a few days, we'll go measure and talk. Hopefully, I'll talk him into valances for most of the he is going with wood blinds already anyway. But, that is another day...another adventure...another story.
School was half got Aidan early and went to lunch...then she came back this afternoon to spend the, loads of interruptions to my working on crazy quilt blocks that are due to be mailed by the 15th.
I've gotten one seam started...
and one embroidery motif.
 Not much to share yet...but...I'm stitching like crazy...ha!
However, even so...I did get the baby quilt top done for Wesley. Doesn't the redwork blocks look so cute! I just love them.
Thursday, I'm heading off for a mini-retreat for three days. (I'm taking the laptop, so you'll hardly miss me!)
I'm also taking the Benji's Pockets and the Betsy's Closet quilt with me as show'n'tell...and to drop them off for machine quilting. There just is not enough time to hand quilt them and work on finishing the christening gown.
I'm also running behind on three of my Block of the Months...CQJP, Funky Chicken, and HGTV it just would not be possible to add hand quilting to this mix!
These two new babies in the family sure have thrown off my "plans" for stitching this summer/fall...but they are both so cuddly it is worth it! And, there is one more due in a few months in the family! Not sure yet if my nephew is waiting for a boy or girl...but will be planning another quilt...once I find out!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Benji Embroidery is Done

I managed to get the last blocks finished yesterday. Today, I'll be trimming and putting the quilt top together. I'm hoping to get it dropped off on Thursday for quilting, then have until Christmas to get the binding completed.
I'll be back tomorrow with a photo of the finished quilt top (hopefully)!
This really is a cute little quilt...and if you have a boy quilt to do...of any size it would be a good choice.
My quilt sashing will not be like the pattern...but even so, I highly recommend the pattern!. Of course Brenda Riddle has other equally cute quilt patterns too, over at Acorn Quilt and Gift Company
Including an applique version of this same quilt!


Saturday, November 3, 2012

Register Today...for CQJP 2013!

The Crazy Quilt Journal Project for 2012 is drawing to a close...only two more months to go. So, it's time to start thinking about next year's challenge!
Registration is now open...and will close in mid December...
If you want to participate in next years is the time to register!

Go to the  CQJP2013 blog for all of the information!

After you register...remember to click the blog's "follow" button so you'll get the feed of all of the blocks for next year's challenge!

I'd to publicly thank the CQJP2012 Committee and our Honorary Chairperson J.M. Michler for making our first year of the CQJP Challenge such a great year!

But mostly...THANKS to all of the participants for such inspiring stitching! Without your work, the rest of us would not have such great inspiration for our viewing. But, don't stop, you've still got until the end of the year to get the 2012 blocks completed! And...jump in for next year too!

Help keep the needle arts alive through your participation and your promotion!

Kathy Shaw
Founder, CQJP

Meet Oleg Blazhko's Through His Goldwork

When I saw this image, I thought it was of work done in the 17th or 18th century perhaps...just gorgeous! But no, it is a current artist! The image was uploaded to Wikipedia by Oleg Blazhko with permission to re-use, so I'm borrowing it here. If you would like to see more, here is his blog address:
Isn't his work breath-taking!

Redwork Blocks Continuing

I've gotten three more blocks redwork embroidery blocks completed for Wesley's little blanket. I'm hoping to get the last four blocks (of nine) stitched during this next week, so I can get the quilt assembled and dropped off at the machine quilter!
Seems that lately, I'm always pushed for time...and it has been this way since the middle of summer! I was hoping things would slow down in the winter...but so's not looking that way!
And yesterday...was Aidan's birthday...she is now nine years old! 
I think it affected me more than her!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Little Stitcheries

When I've had a minute this past month, I've been working on some little stitcheries. These are pattern weights, and are part of the Redwork Course over at StitchMAP that I've been helping to mentor...along with a few other ladies. 
Finally got my little pile of work completed, and like them a lot! 
I put a little lady bug on top of a tin and the weights all fit just inside. I finished the lady bug with colored pencil and she is super cute! The tin is handy to keep next to my sewing table for use.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Aidan - Goofing Around a "fashion designer". This is not her Halloween costume...just her goofing around! She kept saying, "and WHO are you again?"....and I have no idea why!

Monday, October 29, 2012

2013 Calendar Available at MagCloud

This year' calendar is finished! Woot! Woot! is 40 pages!!!
I just could not stop designing...and it is packed with embroidery charts and ideas!
Instead of photographs of things created this year...which you've already seen on the blog...or my Pinterest site...I decided to create a "different calendar" that can be used to create things...and not just inspire. Although it does inspire too I think!.
This calendar includes:
-- Six crazy quilt traditional block designs (with full size patterns) that can be combined to complete an entire quilt. -- Various designs for standard and silk ribbon embroidery motifs and crazy quilt seams. One large embroidery design (w/optional silk ribbon accents) suitable for an accessory monogram pillow. -- A full second set of monograms for silk ribbon or standard embroidery. These motifs are about two inches tall, so perfect for using on crazy quilt patchwork.

Most all of these designs have never been published anywhere before (and it was hard not to share these here on the blog!...I practically had to gag my muse!)

Plus...the calendar pages have all of the US National Holidays annotated in red.
Organization...Inspiration...and Project Designs!!

I did a photo scan of a couple of page layouts. They are not they pixelated when converted to a photo...but, I wanted to give you an idea of how packed with information this calendar is. (Just please know that the calendar has clear solid line designs...not squiggly lines.)
Eleven of the months include design ideas for there are extra pages of designs after December...
January includes a layout for six crazy quilt blocks. Pages of pattern pieces are at the back of the calendar for all six of these full you can tear these pages out easily. All pieces have a quarter inch seam allowance.
If you are a quilter...and have not yet tried to piece a crazy quilt...these are just like any other style of block construction!

And the best news...I kept the price close to the same as last year's thinner you're essentially getting 12 pages for free!
The calendars are available through MagCloud for ordering your print copy today! 

Christmas Ornament Exchange

I managed to get my ornament completed for Rebecca, and in the mail. At the last minute, I also decided to do a needle case for her...since I had used her surname for the Christmas Ornie...I wanted her to also have something with an "R" on it for her first name.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Christening Gown - Bow & Top Flowers Done...

Want to see the back? I know I sometimes wonder what the back of a piece looks like. And, in this little dress...the back is very important as it will not be covered. So, anyone who wants to "examine" the stitching will be able too. I've tried to keep my work neat...which requires a lot of starts and stops!!
 And, here is the front version...
 The bow is done now...
 As is the top area of flowers...and now, I'm starting to work on the bottom. But, first...a couple of other projects need to be completed before the 1st of, I have to put this gown aside for a couple of days. Before then, here are some more photos...
I hope you decide to give this design a try as well! It does take time...but only uses basic stitches. And if you don't want to do the bullion stitches...then simple roses and leaves in detached chain stitch would work for the rose buds too! Just over stitch the bud twice to add some fullness. Wouldn't ribbon-work be glorious too! But, not as washable I'm sure...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Christening Gown - Dogwood Begins

The dogwood petals are done in split stitch...white. I'm also thinking of putting some lines of white inside the petals...but have not yet "made my mind up about that". So, what do you think...more split stitch lines? Maybe 2 or 3 per petal...from the center outwards, but not all the way to the edge of the leaf...that's what I'm leaning towards.
The outer little part of the leaves are done in a medium light rose color. This is not a perfect match to the true color, which is much darker...but for this delicate gown, a darker color would not be good at all. So, I'm taking some "creative license" and changing what Mother Nature really produces.
 Here is the flower center, and it pretty close to the correct color of the blooms as they first come on the tree. Later in life, it turns a much darker golden and brown mustard color...with green speckled in too. But, for now...four shades of thread are used...cream, light golden yellow, pale green, and pale yellow. The French knots are done as two types of color sets...beige/light golden yellow and pale green/yellow. Each set is a single ply of each color...combined to create a one-wrap and 4-ply (doubling the threads) knot. I often combine single threads to get a good variegated blend...try that if you never have, it is a good way to introduce other colors without having an object look "splotchy".
At present, the center appears to over-power the flower...and that's the reason I'm wondering about adding those extra "white lines". But, I'm also wondering if the center will be sufficiently balanced by the color on the leaves when they are, I'll hold off on the addition of more white until I get those leaves done.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Christening Gown - Rosebuds

I'm starting to work on the rosebuds at the top of the design for the christening gown. At first thought, these were going to be satin stitch in two shades of pink. But, after all of those satin stitch "pearls" I just could not face doing more of the same stitch! So, I decided on bullion rose buds...which I also love! The center is 3 bullion stitches in a color slightly darker than the two side bullion stitches.
The leaves along the stem are also bullion stitches, done in a medium light gray green.
I like the way that these are looking and think that they will be good with the dogwood bloom...which I'll work on next.
The bow is also stitched now, and I took photos...and thought that I had posted deleted them when I started this post. Of course, I didn't post them...duh! So, I'll get some more photos taken tomorrow and show you the bow too!
~~ "If I only had a brain!" --Scarecrow in Wizard of Oz ~~


Christening Gown - Pearls Completed

The satin stitched circles .... "pearls" .... are now finished. They are done in 2-ply DMC white floss, with white straight stitches as the under padding stitching.
Now, stitching on the ribbon has begun...done in 4-ply DMC silver gray floss...and stem stitch. I want the bow and the monogram areas to be more prominent than the floral in terms of stitch size. The floral areas will be more delicate and have some color. It would be easy for them to over-power the simple design of the bow and center because of the amount of flowers and the addition of color. The satin stitching of the pearls, the dense stitching of the monograms, and the thickness of the ribbon outside edge will hopefully offset the amount of the floral and create a good balance. At least, in my muse's design will go together wonderfully. We shall see....