Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Long Day...but Fit for a Princess

 There wasn't much sewing done yesterday...but more on that in a minute. Here is my biggest "find" of the day...a lovely pearl/crystal headband for Aidan. 
 The price says 14.99...but it was 50% off...so was really just 7.50. Still a bit much for a little girls headband...but not outragious. 
 And it went so nicely with the other two items already purchased at Hobby Lobby before. These are part of my "Christmas Stash" of things for Aidan this year. The little pink/brown "overnight bag" I shared with you yesterday...is getting filled with "stuff". 
 And here is where I'm hiding all of my treasures until they get wrapped for Christmas...the top shelf in my office! In plain site! The 12/25 reference on the box...is for me...so I don't (hopefully) have to search all over the house for this stash when I get ready to wrap presents...Ha! Do you have a special stash place? Is it "out in the open"? 
I also got some special little miniature stuffed animals in the dollhouse area...and have plans for those. But, I'll have to save that for later...to see if my muse is as creative as she things! A secret! Sssshhhh...no fair telling! At least, not just yet!
It was a long day because I spend 3 hours sitting in the doctor's office...and, because I was more concerned about my trip to Hobby Lobby for threads after that visit...I did not even think to grab any projects to work on while gone! A wasted couple of hours for sure! Lesson learned in that trip!
 Last night, I did get a little stitching done however...more "faux pearls" finished on the christening gown. They are not perfect...but look pretty good in real life. With all the dogwood and roses...they will be just fine I'm sure.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cool & A Great Price!

You don't have to spend a load of cash to find some really cool things! Check out these items I got yesterday at my local Family Dollar store....it's a kind of "dime store"...but everything isn't a dollar. But, not far from it!
 This box is the last of their summer line of boxes..and matches some I got earlier this year. Cost: $4 ea
 Socks! Aidan is always needing these! A single package has 4 pairs. Cost: $3.50 ea
Mini diaper bags! The blue and green come without a bow...and the pink has a lovely brown bow. I think these would make great bags for little girls to have their "baby clothes" and things in. For Aidan, it will be a great bag for her to keep her "stuff" in to take on overnights! For me, it will be a great little organizer for projects to take and keep everything together. Cost: $7 ea
If I rode bicycles..it would be great to just have a bit of lunch and a couple of water bottles tucked in the side pockets. And the inside is lined in a water-resistant fabric too!
Oh, and the little blue headband in the first photo (I know some of you will ask)...was only a buck!
Great finds...don't you think?

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Christening Gown - Initial Finished!

Stem Stitch with 3 strands of silver gray DMC floss was the final decision, and I'm pretty happy with the results.
 The sheen is more silver at some angles and more gray at others. It should blend nicely with the dogwood and rose buds....don't you think?
 Next is the oval of circles...done in white padded satin stitch...the first two of the top are complete...can you see them?


These images are in public domain and might be good for printing silkies...if you like the style. An inkjet printer, some freezer paper, and some tightly woven cotton, linen, or silk and you're all set. Right click to save and re-size as you need. These are also all images of Claude Monet paintings....so, if you think you have seen them "somewhere"...you might have! Been to any museums lately?


Friday, October 19, 2012


Time to stitch on the christening gown. I have a general plan in mind...and it lasted a whole 15 minutes!
The initials and bow were going to be done in shadow embroidery. I wanted a color that was dark enough to be seen slightly through the fabric from the back...and settled on a tan/gray sort of color that I had in perle. Started to stitch...and this mess is the result....
  ...yep, it's pretty horrible. The perle is just not the right thread for this job!
Way too bulky...and obviously too large for the smaller initials. So, it has to be floss...and maybe should be a "faux" shadow applique....backstitch on top nice and neat...then wrap the backside in a slightly darker color. So, the perle gets picked out...and let the back-stitching begin!...
 Yuck! Not happy with this either! Not at all neat...so maybe another plan is needed. Stem stitch? I love stem stitch. And, I could use the darker color too! Yes, stem stitch...
Well, I do like the stem stitch. But, when I get to the smaller letters...the perle will be too over-powering for them. Another color? No...So, it's back to floss. Haven't I done this once already??
So, this is the plan...stem stitch fill. I've stitch two lines so far...and am liking it pretty well. Now to decide how to transition to fill that vertical part of the "T"???

Do you ever have days when you REALLY need to get a project underway...but, it just will not cooperate? Ah,...perhaps tomorrow will bring better stitching results.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Free and so Cute...Felt Work!

There is just something fun about working with felt! 
And something wonderful...lot's of somethings wonderful...about Red Brolly's blog. One of my favorite projects that she has is the Fairy Mushroom House Pincushion Project. Well worth checking this out!
You'll get lost in the wonder of her blog...just glorious!
 Another great wool pattern that has caught my attention of late is this Spring Penny Rug pattern by Julie Popa. It is free over at That Patchwork Place site by Martingale Publications. You have to register/sign-in to get the free downloads...but they don't cost anything! And, there are several free patterns to choose from...quilts, purses, and this cute little penny rug! Of course, you might be tempted to purchase other patterns or books while at the site too!
This little rug makes me think of Spring...and forget that the cold winter winds are getting ready to blow!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ely's Christening Gown...Beginning

 Free Design For You!!
Today I got my fabric out for Ely's gown. It is an ecru linen...and will have white/beige/tan/pink embroidery on the skirt and top. The pattern I settled on is pretty simple...so the embroidery and lace needs to be nice. My niece picked out some trim lace for the sleeves an skirt...but I found a prettier one that I'm seriously thinking of using also...or instead. We'll see how that goes.
 Spent a few hours this afternoon staring at the computer screen and drawing, re-drawing...changing my mind...deleting...drawing again...changing my mind...over and over until I got an embroidery design finished that I will like stitching. I love the dogwood flower...and it just screams out in symbolizm and has deep Southern roots...and I also adore little baby rose buds...so these are both part of the design. The bow will be stitched in shadow embroidery. And, of course...when the stitching begins...you'll get to see loads of photos. 
If you would like to use this design...you may. Just remove the initials for Miss Elizabeth Jane and insert your own. If you don't have any initial designs...I would welcome you purchasing one of my Embroidery Quilt Patterns (Alphabet Soup)...and you'd get 26 letters...all can be sized to fit the oval in this design...just ignore the flowers in their quilt block design. (Sorry for the blatant advertisement ...but I worked hard on that pattern set and want you to enjoy them...they really are super cool!)
Edited to Add: Got the design traced on to the skirt front...didn't take too long...about an hour. Thank goodness for my light table!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Lentils and Chicken

 I actually made this a few days ago, and forgot to post about it. Found the photos still loaded on my phone...so, here they are...a little late. The plate has lentils and chicken...
  with some steamed frozen collards and a fresh orange that I've cut into slices. Half of the collards and lentils with chicken went to dinner for three days; the remainder had a quart of my canned tomatoes from the garden added and that "soup" went into the freezer for two batches to be warmed up on a cold winter night!
These are the types of lentils I used...they are also the only ones in my area. Both of the grocery stores here do not carry lentils...these were found at Walmart. And, they were the only type available...even there!
 I started by putting my frozen chicken breasts into a half-pot of water. To that, I added a medium sweet onion (chopped) and about five stalks of celery (chopped). Seasoning was a pinch of salt, pepper, and garlic powder.
 I let this come to a boil and cook about 30 minutes, then I removed the chicken to cool.
 In the meantime, I looked and washed the lentils...and put them into a bowl. 
 Next, I added enough water to cover them about 1/2 inch. 
Within the 30 minutes the chicken was cooking...the lentils soaked up all of their water.
 I added them to the onion/celery/chicken broth to cook. I set my timer for 25 minutes...
 Next, I took the three cooked chicken breasts...cooled now...
and cut them into chunks.
 The lentils cooked for about 35 minutes total. After 25 minutes, they were almost tender...and had soaked up a lot of water. So, I watched them really closely for the last 10 minutes...afraid they might burn.
 I tested a spoonful to make sure that they were tender...and then added the chicken and took them off the stove.
They were oh so good!!
And, made enough for 3 meals...and two half-gallon soup mixtures when I added the leftover collards and tomatoes! That's really stretching a buck!

CQ Blank Blocks

I got my Paris Block stitched, it will mail out today...to begin it's journey to the other ladies in the CQI Round Robin "Paris". I can't wait to see what they do with it!!
While at it...I created two more blocks. The first one...different to say the least!
 Thinking that I will load it with lace and silk ribbon, and I'm already working on that! The other one?.....
 to be stitched and embellished with whatever my muse determines!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vintage Hummingbird

I'm still playing around with the vintage hummingbird image from the Needle and Brush, published by Butterick in 1889.
Using Illustrator, I traced the image. I included some extra little lines (-) to show the direction of the stitches within each area. This should be fun to embroider.
I'm loading a pdf version in the Yahoo Group Files too.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

More Reading...

Here is another interesting pattern from the book I posted about yesterday...it is a cushion with different styles of embroidery work. Of course, the stitching drew my attention...and it reminded me of crazy quilting. 
 Here is the pattern piece included in the book.
While looking around, I also saw this image of a peacock feather.
 It was a little surprising, because I have seen it several times before...at various sites. It is clear to me now, that the design was not their original idea at all...but was from this book...which I do not recall ever having been mentioned.