Monday, March 26, 2012

Dresden Plate Tutorial

Got the pattern/instructions completed for the Dresden Plate; the pdf file in in the Files Section of Shawkl_Blog_Files site. Look in the folder: Quilting Patterns.
Or, copy the image above and enlarge it to fit an 8.5 x 10 printed page.
ETA: PDF File is HERE (Takes a minute to upload, so please wait.)
Instructions are easy.

 Cut wedges, you can get 3 out of a 5" square of fabric. (Note: I first started by folding my square in half, and got two wedges. 

 Then, I realized that if I placed them differently, I could get 3 from a square.
 Also, I use my rotary cutter to cut my pieces. You can see from the photo above that I cut multiple pieces at a time. This stack is actually one of the sets of 10 wedges in each stack. You determine your own cutting preferences.

  Hint: I roll up a piece of masking tape, sticky tape out, and put that on the back of the pattern piece...that keeps it from sliding around as I move my ruler to get the cut. See it above?

Determine if you want "points" or "curves". Curves are turned under and appliqued down. Points are sewn in by matching the flat seam at center and stitching across. They will will be appliqued down eventually, but the edge is already nice and neatly folded under.

  Do a lot of these wedges at once to save time, and thread. 

 Clip them apart. Pinch the sewn seam point flat and press open the seam allowance with your fingers. 

 Turn right side out and match the new seam to the center of the wedge. I just "eye ball it". 

 Here's the finished single wedge...with a point that is turned under and ready for applique when the plate is done.
Sew three wedge patches together to create a unit. Repeat until you have 4 units for each Dresden Plate.
 Sew two units together to form a half-circle.

 Sew two half-circles together, matching center seam, to form the Dresden Plate.
 Note: If the wedges outside edges don't match exactly, as in this photo above, then...

 Open the seam on the two end wedges of one half-circle. 
 Sew the circles together, then sew the two open wedge seams back together.

 (Note: I trimmed the "V" in the pattern for you. IF you want to meet all seams in the center and NOT have a hole, then extend the pattern piece all the way back out to a POINT.
Iron, starch, iron until the dresden is good and flat.

 Cut a background square of fabric that is 9.5" square, and applique the Dresden Plate to it. 
Note: Fold the Square into quarters and crease. Use these creased lines "+" to match your plate to. It should rest the same distance from edge of the background fabric square at all four points on the "+".

 Create a circle of fabric and applique it into place, or use a button in the center as in the last photo.
If you want larger Dresden Plates...enlarge the pattern piece. The angles will still be the same, but test one block before you cut a lot!
Don't be afraid of Dresden Plate blocks. They are flexible if you mess up. Increase/decrease a couple of seams, un-sew the ends. Re-sew...until the plate lays flat. You don't want "bowls" and you don't want "mountains".
A personal note:  I believe that quilting should be fun. And fabric is flexible...that means that mistakes will happen. They just do; even when you try your best. Accept that as a FACT...and learn how to "fix things" when they don't work out the first time. Don't give up! I'll show you the good, bad, and maybe...the ugly! Almost everything can be FIXED in quilting...except cutting where you should not have. I've been quilting for 30 years...and stuff just happens; No One is perfect...and if they tell you they are...stop listening to them; you'll just get yourself in trouble. Hugs!

Butterflies and Dragonflies - Arlene

My part of Arlene's block is now finished. Here are the other components, close up. 


Ready to mail to the next person in line.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dragonflies and Butterflies - Arlene

Finished up some seam work on Arlene's block, Dragonflies and Butterflies Round Robin over at CQI Yahoo Group. 
 Next, finish embellishing the lace butterflies and add a bead dragonfly or two.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dresden with the 50-cent worth swap squares...

 Got the Dresden Plate template done. I is small enough to get 3 from a 5" you ladies that swapped nickles with me can use your "50-cents worth". I'll put the template in the files along with a tutorial by Monday.
There are twelve segments in this Dresden, and it meets in the center.

You can cover the middle with the plate center (or a button like in the first photo)

The model is stitched with a package of the brights I swapped. It would look good...well better...on black fabric than on white I'm thinking. But, when in a is what it is. Hugs!

Friday, March 23, 2012

What is this?

If you live here in might know this right away. But it not...well, here are some hints...
*  Southern Comfort Food
* Elvis like his grilled
and, here's another hint..

Butterflies and Dragonflies - Arlene

Got Arlene's block to work on this week. And have picked out my lace for it; and that is stitched down. The center block has two morning glory blooms and the center turns them into a butterfly. Two lace ones help to fill the air. The blue rose is a machine embroidery piece that I have had for a while, and you just can't find a lot of use for a blue rose! But, on Arlene's block it is perfect! A wonderful home.
Now, it's on to seam treatments...and beads and SRE!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Carol - Wine RR

Finished up my work on Carol's block for the Wine RR on CQI. 
 Added some silk ribbon work and a couple of tiny hand dyed butterflies; and a little grape seam to my monogram finished this week.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Need Thread?

 Well, I did. I mean, I have a lot...but like can never really have enough! Especially when you find glorious colors like a great, great price too!

And, check out the candle...lace...and charms! Love all of my goodies!
Oh, you want to know where I got such a great deal!
Sure, I'll share...
Now, isn't that easy to remember!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wine Block - Carol

The tomatos, beans, corn, and peppers are planted. Mother is still looking for some other pepper the garden is not completely planted yet...But Almost! Days are busy...and the evenings are spent stitching. For the past couple of days, I've been working on a round robin crazy quilt block. 
Carol's block in the Wine RR.
Started with a "C" in backstitch. Filled in with chain stitch starting at the inside curve of the letter.
Then, created some grapes from purple silk, little Yo-yo's...with a flat round bead tucked inside the center. 
More sead beads for the leaf...and the monogram is complete. Next, need to stitch some seams...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

And so it begins...

 I love spring...but the pollen is clogging up my throat! 
Thankfully, it usually only lasts a couple of weeks. With the pollen comes lovely flowers in the beds too...

And Mother gets her annual drive started...
to open up some earth...
So, my brother comes and makes her happy. See the tomato plants? 
 They will be going into that patch of newly turned ground soon enough...before Wednesday for sure! It is supposed to rain on Wednesday...'s a toast to all the Mom's...and keeping them happy!
