A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Just took Buddy out for a walk, before we start thinking about all the "evening tasks" that have to be completed before putting Aidan to bed later on.
Our last moment of Peace and Quiet before she arrives...and look at the lovely flowers. These are in Mothers measly little front flower bed; but they are glorious in their beauty...even sparingly.
I took the photos with my trusty cellphone, with flash turned on as it was already dusk. Ten minutes later...and no light at all! These are not as great as my friend Tom's Magical Camera could take...but, it will just have to do. Thought y'all might like these shots too.
Okay...first off...it really doesn't take much to make me happy. Secondly, I am not an artist...so yes, this could be better...Thirdly, I didn't draw it anyway...I created it in Illustrator...Fourtly, I'm not a GEEK, and I have no training...Fifthly, I'm pretty dang proud of figuring this out all by myself!Sixthly...I have hope that I'll get even better at this!
These were the worst looking ones! They were the last to be eaten...I almost forgot to get y'all a photo! Charlyn make lucious chocolate covered strawberries when I was in Mississippi, I watched from my kitchen stool perch...and took mental notes! Then, Aidan and I made our own last night...we made enough to snack, to add to her lunch, to give to Mother and Tracy/John...and still we had some saved in the fridge for tonight! Sadly, they are now...all gone.....But, me have more in a few days. 1) Purchase berries and pkg of chocolate morsals.2) Wash strawberries and dry them3) Put morsals in a microwave bowl, and heat on high for about a minute4) Stir chocolate until smooth (reheat for 15 seconds when it gets hard)5) Dip strawberries and place on wax paper (otherwise they stick to whatever you place them on when cool).Eat! And Share!
Just mailed out my work on Susan's block to the next person in the block's rotation. Arlene worked on the block before me, and did a wonderful job of adding some lovely pearls (and gorgeous Silk Ribbon!). So, I thought that more lace was what was needed...and not a lot of beads in the area I wanted to work. Hopefully, you'll agree...and if no...well, don't tell my muse; cause she can get a "real" attitude sometimes! And, I'm just not up to dealing with her right now.

My first step was to find the right lace...and I selected a really pretty large blue heart; playing off of the little heart beads that Arlene had already put down on a seam. The heart was really pretty...but how to adorn it? It was just not enough all alone. More silk ribbon seemed the obvious choice, but that would not work because it would just "fight" with the lovely silk ribbon already next to it. And, another issue was that there were a lot of seams meeting where the center of the heart would be. So, I decided that the heart needed a solid white center to cover up those seams. I stitched the heart to a piece of white satin, then put a "S" in the center for "Susan".

A little blue heart with song bird helped to fill in some space and balanced out the area. I thought about adding pearls to the lace areas...but, there were already enough and balance was achieved just with the lace. Hopefully, Susan will agree when she receives her block; and if not...she is welcome to add more or adjust anything that I stitched. I'm a firm believer that once a block is "yours" you should change it until it makes you happy. You, after all, are the one who is going to live with it from now on.
Finished up my March block...all this white is making me go blind! My muse wants color, but I have told her to sit down and work the plan! Three down...and nine more to go! I hope she doesn't up and quit on me! Luckily, I have plenty of "colorful" projects to work on this week...so, she should stop pouting by tomorrow! (Ssshhh...I still think I'm gonna go back and satin stitch that "S"...don't tell her however!)
I know that this is a sensitive topic...but, we're Bestest Friends...so thought you'd like to know of a GOOD THING! I Am NOT a Doctor...and I DO NOT Play One on TV!However, I have had a "condition" and now...it's gone.I have been "sluggish" for the past few months. I was using different over-the-counter remedies...then...
I started eating Chobani Greek Yogurt (and yes I have tried other types too...no luck). It took a couple of weeks to get me back to normal...And, I've been continuing to eat the yogurt for a total of about five weeks now. I'm back on track, and regular as a clock...and...my waist is smaller too! Not small...I said small-ER. Ha!
No more pills or powder cocktails for about 4 weeks now! I have a container for breakfast (or before or after breakfast)...and another for my afternoon snack. It took about a week to get my train going good...and another week to completely get me back on the right track...but, ever since that week...it has stayed on track! Yea!See all the little tubs stacked up...they should be good for something! I'm thinking little dye cups...but you just never know what ideas I might come up with. If Chobani would start using lids...instead of the peel off aluminum thingies...I'd be estatic!! Just thought the info might help someone else. Now, I have to go pick my Mother up off the floor...cause she can't believe that I posted this!!
This past weekend, my muse just wanted to let her mind wander...and day dream.Nothing of any real significance got accomplished as a result. We did spend some time "piddle patting" and came up with this little blue tassel. Thought y'all might like to see it.
It starts out simply as most any tassel might. We cut a piece of cardboard about nine inches long; then wrapped some perle cotton around the cardboard...over and over again...longways. When we had enough, we cut one end of the "circle of thread". Then we took a length of the same kind/color of thread and tied the top section to create a loop area.
Next, we did a cast on stitch around the loop section....many times...to hold all of the loose loops together. This creates a nice little "button hole" area.
Then, we added some bugle beads and 4mm round glass bead...just stitched them right to the tassle, through the cast on stitches.
Added some more round beads and 6mm bicone crystals by weaving these through the previous 4mm round beads. Then, we went back through all of the beads a second time, just to make sure they were nice and tightly secure.
My muse wants to use this tassel as some sort of purse closure...and created a bead-dangle thingy to act as the button for the closure. She is quite proud of herself...but, I have many things that need to be worked on...so she had better "get with it" today...or we're gonna have WORDS!
Here is my little photo of the running stitch. Notice anything funny? Yep, it's the Back Side! I put the glue on the wrong side of the fabric...i.e. the FRONT! Geez! But, the odd thing about a running stitch...is that on the back, it still is a running stitch! So, hey...it's not as pretty as the front was...but I still know what it is...so, I'm not re-doing these stitches. AND, hey...now you have something to tease me about too! Ha! And this little stitch got me to thinking about a project that was done some time ago, and the style could be suited to a running stitch, or a straight stitch, or a wrap stitch since it is on canvas. Thought I'd ask "forgiveness" by sharing this photo as well!
There, that a much better inspirational picture!
This is a little stitch that I sometimes forget about. And it would be so easy to add more movement and interest to crazy quilt blocks with just some simple cording couched down. I really have to remember this more often. Perhaps, my little books of TAST stitches will be a good reminder...since I'm entering my "old age" era!
Trying to play a little "catch up" after two very busy weeks!Here is my chain stitch. A little chain stitch rose, and a couple of rows.I use the chain stitch often as my base row for crazy quilt seams.
But, I'm trying...I've had EQ6 (Electric Quilt, version 6.0) software for years...seriously...years. Not long after getting it...I changed jobs. And, well you probably get the idea...no time to even learn it. After the job, I had a different computer...with Vista this time...and was convinced (how I don't remember)...but, still...convinced that my EQ6 worked with only XP and would not work on my laptop. Today...this ole dog got the box down...and geez...it works with Vista and XP!So, I played around a little...and designed this little sampler quilt.I'm hooked...and there is another TO DO to add to my list...and I just purchased the upgrade to EQ7. What wonders are in store for me next?We just never stop learning...hope I've not bitten off more than this old dog can chew!!
My Funky Chick block for the HGTV Block of the Month is complete for March. We are using the BOM Patterns over at FatCat.com as our challenge. The button eye makes him look a little wild..and the background too...but that just fine with me!
I just had a wonderful weekend...with the Magnolia Quilters of Meridian, Mississippi and some of their friends. No photos (hoping that someone will send me some to share)...but we all had a great time. These ladies were so gracious and kind to me during the visit...and I had a real blast sharing with them about crazy quilting. And, they put on a great spread of food too!!!....of which I was "wearing" almost immediately! Geez, you just can't take me anywhere! So, a huge cyber thanks to Charlyn for hosting me...and for all of the ladies for giving me such a warm welcome to Mississippi!
I finished these cross stitch projects MANY years ago...and have had them packed away.
So long ago, that I had forgotten them! They were "unearthed" this week while I was searching for some linen to stitch on. Perhaps I need to consider searching the boxes in the garage....NOT!
But, it's nice when you do find a project that is finished....and not another one that needs to be completed!
Yep...Shari is the lady in the last post! She came to spend a couple of days in my neck of the woods...after leaving the Texas Relief Effort donations in Bastrop...and before heading off to dear hubby's homestead north of here. I certainly don't mind being a "stop over"...as it gives us a chance to meet (other than over the internet) and we are spending our time wisely...working on more StitchMAP courses! I know that those ladies will be GLAD to hear that!Sssshhh....don't tell Shari that I took her picture!
Who is this? ...and What is she doing?
Got my block pieced today for the CQI Round Robin "Butterflies and Dragonflies" which mails out on March 15th. I love pastels!
Just in time to start next weeks...I finished this week! Edited: Okay I screwed up some..."detached" means just that. and the bottom two rows of stitching are NOT detached. But, hey...that's okay.
Got my white block for February CQJP 2012 completed AND got all those little strings tied in on my beaded butterfly submission for BJP 2012 as well. Whew!