Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TAST - Week 6 - Chevron Stitch

Another great base stitch. On the bottom, I was wondering how it would look to have one wide stitch and one narrow stitch...but the same height. Looks like chicken scratch!

TAST - Week 5 - Herringbone Stitch

LOVE this stitch, and I use it a lot for base seams. I tried to stitch the top row as a tall stitch and got shorter at the end. I wish that I had made the tall end...much taller...but, hopefully, I'll remember what my thought process was when I look at this again...and won't just think that I was "wonky" when I stitched this!

TAST - Week 4 - Cretan Stitch

I really love the way this stitch looks...but just hate stitching it. I hope that with more practice, I'll begin to enjoy the experience because it is just wonderful on crazy quilt seams! And, I'm having a hard time with this linen, the count is so small that I can not see it well...and am just free-handing the seams. Think I'll be changing to Aida after these pieces of linen are all used up (since I've already cut a couple of dozen rectangles out!).



This has been a quiet blog for a few days...and that's how life is sometimes. My niece has been relocating, setting up house, and just needing extra help with her little ones while all of this was happening. So, Auntie Kathy has been lucky to be snuggling with a little 4 month old for the past few days. DMIL took on the care of the 2 year old. We have both been enjoying every minute! But, little time was left for stitching...or blogging...or much else! Babies take loads of time!
Now, the house is quiet again...and I'm trying to catch up!
I managed to get up to speed on my TAST weeks...and will post them shortly.
And, have started on the Midnight Fantasy Garden...and thought you might to like to see the start.
Here is the corner I'm working on...

I like the moon!
It's hard to photograph black...but my idea is to have a beaded black seam...in the background. The covered wire will become stems for a group of fantasy flowers...

Here are the leaves that I've been beading on black felt. I tried twice to get a decent photo...so, you'll just have to use your imagination some!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February Funky Chicken

Finished my Funky Chicken block #2...so on track with this Block of the Month series by FatCat Patterns.
These are fun...and certainly are Funky! Still need to find some time to blanket stitch the edges...but at least the fusible applique part is done!

Friday, February 3, 2012

CQJP2012 Woot! Woot!

Just have to give a quick shout out for CQJP2012! If you have not yet had time to check out the blog...please do so! Here's the LINK.
Tons inspirational photos!...so, bring a cup of tea/coffee when you visit...you might be staying for a while!
I love seeing all the different styles of crazy patch work...from all over the world.
What fun...makes me just want to stitch something!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Today is Glorious!

First, because I woke up and my back was no longer hurting! Yea!...it's been really bothering me for a few days now, and making it really hard to get anything done.
But, look what was in the front flower bed this morning!
Of course, the two above didn't last long...Aidan just can't resist picking flowers. At least, she no longer just pulls the heads off!
More getting ready to bloom...so you know that Mr. Winter is on his way OUT...and Ms. Spring is just around the corner!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lilac Lady

This design is not new, I've stitched her before. She is one of the charts in my book, Embellishing Crazy Quilts...and is a favorite. This time, she is wearing light purple, lilac dress...with ribbon roses. Her bouquet of flowers is created with chenille thread, simple French knots.
Strange how the background color is different. Both photos were taken with the same camera, and at the same location...only difference was the time of day. The bottom photo is closer to the true background color, of light green.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Inquiring Minds...

...want to know. How did you keep the edges of the butterfly from fraying? 
Not a problem, once I finished cross-stitching the beads into place...and reinforcing the butterfly with 24gauge wire...I spread a thin layer of glue (white craft type) all over the back. On top of that, I placed a thin layer of Angelina Fiber.
Let dry overnight...and trimmed very close to the stitching (i.e. beads) the next morning.
Since then...I've also finished the edges with some fiber thread provided to me by my Floridian pal, Willa...
 Doesn't the color match perfectly!
 And, on the reverse...I added some hot-fix crystals with glue backs. The Angelina was not happy to be getting so hot...but, generally I'm okay...since these wings are only my first attempt...and I'm sure to get better at this!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Beaded Butterfly Wings

Here is my Bead Journal Project submission for January. Designed the wings in cross-stitch; and stitched the with Delica Sz 11 seed beads...on 18ct Aida. 
 Then wove 24gauge wire through the rows...so that they will stand along. Glued a thin sheet of Angelina Fiber to the back to hide the stitches.
I tried bead weaving...but the loom would not hold tension well. Tried brick stitch, and decided that I do not have enough patience for that! So, cross-stitch was the solution. The following months might see that change...might not. We'll both just have to wait and see!
Am thinking about finishing the edge with a couched line of metallic fiber...if I can find some in my stash. Not sure yet...so will set them aside until the muse is ready to work some more.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Lovely Snow!

We are certainly having a strange winter this year, here in my homestate of Alabama. It's been more like Spring than Winter...which is great...lot's of days in the 60's! But, you just have the "feeling" that any minute now...it's going to be one REALLY HUGE SNOW STORM! I mean, weather just is not supposed to be this nice in January!
And, while snow is pretty...it is really bad for us, we just don't have the equipment to clean the streets...
So, as I'm thinking about snow...thought I'd doodle a little CQ Snowman.
He is in color so that you can easily omit any part you don't need.
An embroidery snowman is the best kind...no melting!
Think I'll omit the flowers...and bead the seams on mine!
Hope you have fun with him...and send me a photo of your project, I'd love to see it..and of course, will blog about it too!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Another Great BOM!!!

Just trust me...go check out this blog!


 She has a new BOM started...Mimi's Bloomers! Wonderful applique quilt...looks like it could be a great Redwork Project too!

AND, if you are quick...her BOM for last year, My Tweets are available until the end of the month. Check the side bar for downloads.

Both of her BOMs require purchase of the center medallion pattern...but the price is right!. Or just use the other blocks...and create your own center!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Seriously...I Need Professional Help!

Today...I was just reading some posts over on HGTV...and followed a link...and it landed me at The Raspberry Rabbits...and they have a Block of the Month starting...called Harrington and Hannah...and...it is a gorgeous quilt...and it has felt pieces in it...and they kit the quilt top...and it is priced right...and...well...um....uh....I'm sorta...I'm seriously ...considering starting their BOM and getting their felt kit! Oh Lordy...I need help!  There has to be a 12-step program out there somewhere for folks like me...but, I'm afraid to search for it...cause there's no telling where that might lead me!!!



HGTV Message Board is having a Mystery Block of the Month. Here is my first finished section. We will not know what the quilt looks like until all of the sections have been created...then we will get the instructions on how to assemble the quilt top. I purchased two fabrics for the top...the multi-print floral design...and a panel of little 5-inch squares. So, I changed the design a little to accommodate my fabrics...keeping the total size of the section the same. We'll see how it all looks when all is done!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Slumber Party...are you SERIOUS!

Okay...here's the story.
I'm going ON-THE-ROAD starting this year. I have been lazy since leaving Enterprise, AL...and didn't teach while working with the Army Audit Agency..because we were traveling so much...it was IMPOSSIBLE to know when we'd be in town or out of town.
Oh, and of course... I became a grandmother...and started blogging...and co-writing courses for others...and doing ON-LINE kindx of teaching events. So, no time!

But, over these past six months...I have had four different inquiries...and serious ones too...about teaching again. So, I've decided to do it (keep me in your prayers!!!)
And...so...I have finally taken the time to update my webpage (you know, it used to be my web-store)...so it has my classes...and if I get enough events...will host my schedule too! 
Now, wouldn't THAT be a hoot!

Oh, so anyway...back to the Slumber Party...

Yep...there is a Slumber Party Class! Have you ever had a teacher come in on Friday or Saturday morning...teach that afternoon and all night...and go home the next day? Bet not!!!

I taught slumber party classes while in Enterprise...and they were a HOOT! Pot-luck dinner, snacks, fun games with prizes! Oh, and we actually got some stitching done too!...so, looking forward to seeing how the idea is entertained now!

Go check out the classes...and I welcome any feedback you might want to email me on!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Lace and Pearls for Arlene

Arlene's block will be making it's way to Nickilee next...some time this week. My work is complete! Here are some closeups Arlene...
The lace came first...some pretty morning glories up the side...
And a basket with beaded bottom and handles above it.

 You can just see a peek of the feather stitch seam with bullion flower buds and detached chain leaves.
I thought long and hard about filling the basket with SRE flowers...but than all of the pretty dyed lace would have been covered up...and so decided to add some tiny bugle beads for leaves, and SRE French Knots in the center of the lace flowers. Arlene does beautiful SRE...so if she wants to remove the beads and put in flowers later on...that's fine with me! I fully believe once you get your block back...you can change anything you like!
Next I added a beaded monogram...and little pearl seam...a hand-dyed tatted trim seam with clay roses and sequins.
Lastly, A Silk Ribbon Embroidery (SRE) sprig of roses was added ...along with a bejeweled butterfly.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Online Classes Starting Soon

Maureen's Vintage Acquisitions is offering online classes!  And, two of them are mine...I'm so excited.
Soft Sculpture Applique will cover how to create this lovely little teddy bear for crazy quilt projects. Or, it could be attached to a purse or baby's bib...and instructions will include a pattern for a bunny, cat, and swan! So that's like getting 4 classes for one price!
 Beading Cabochons will cover how to surround a cabochon (or shank button) with beads and add beaded fringe. We'll be beading three different cabochons...so we can learn 3 types of fringe treatment. 
 And, if you don't have a cameo or gemstone cabochon...you can use a gorgeous Czech glass button (with metal shank) like these...
AND you know that if I'm teaching it...it's gonna be EASY BREEZY!
Full color instructions...step-by-step...and I'm just an email away for inspiration and guidance too!
So go check out the classes...they start mid March...and sign up today!
There are other classes offered too...and more to come!


Teasing Arlene

The Lace & Pearls round robin at CQI has begun, and Arlene's block arrived last week. I have until the 15th of February to stitch about 1/4th of the block...before passing it along to the next lady in the rotation. BUT, I have not been able to let it rest...immediately upon seeing the fabrics, my muse was thinking! So, I've been stitching a little on it each day....and am almost done. So, thought I'd give Arlene a little tease today...this photo doesn't give too much away....perhaps, she'll get the full picture tomorrow! Ha!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thank you Judy!

What a pleasant surprise awaited me yesterday when the mail person delivered! My friend Judy sent me a nice little package of goodies...just because! Isn't that the best kind of surprise! No special occasion...just her being a thoughtful friend.
Thanks Judy...I hope to grow up and be more like you!

Friday, January 20, 2012

TAST Week 3 - Feather Stitch

Week 3 of Take A Stitch Tuesday Challenge is complete! This is my favorite stitch to work with! Well, other my old favorites the Straight, French Knot, and Detached Chain Stitches. But, the Feather Stitch is the first "new" stitch that I learned....and can do it free hand and keep it straight! Yeah!
It is perfect for seams when done in green...just add little beads, French knots, or Detached Chain between the "V" areas to create little flower buds. Very effective with 4mm silk ribbon Lazy Daisy (detached chain) stitches!
But, my most favorite use is as Undersea plant life! 
 See, can't you just imagine little fishes swimming nearby!