Thursday, January 19, 2012

Roses, Roses, Roses for Meg

The Roses, Roses, Roses round robin is coming to a close. This is the finished block for Meg...isn't it just gorgeous! She wanted a Yellow Rose for Texas we tried to stay true to that request, while working with the fabrics she constructed her block of. The ribbon work by the ladies before me is phenominal! Love every little smidge of this block!
Here is my meager contribution...the bottom right corner...
 ...and a yellow rose beaded cabochon.
 My largest ribbon rose is a simple free-form type...roll the center...'s a better photo.
Stitch it down to an interfacing base. Gather the remainder of the long end of the ribbon...and wrap around the base.
Add some extra little petals to the base...gathering the bottom of each before stitching down...
And her is the final little rose. After cutting away the excess interfacing and stitching to the block...I added some green leaves around it. Easy, breezy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

TAST Week 2 - Buttonhole Stitch

 I did get my buttonhole stitches completed last week for the Take A Stitch Tuesday challenge. Just didn't get them posted with the contest going on. So far, I'm up to date...just starting stitching the week 3...and will post that later this week.
I'm glad that Sharon is starting out with stitches that are probably familiar to most of me a chance to get into the "groove" of checking her blog for the weekly lesson!
As you can see from my photos...I'm just doing a little sample card of the stitch..and it will go into a small photo album. Hope to keep it as a kind of stitch diary...then, when my muse gets bored...she can just flip through the pages and try a new stitch!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wine - Starting Soon!

No, not the "drinking"...the stitching! Starting another round robin soon...titled "Wine". I see tons of grapes, vines, wine bottles, etc being stitched very soon!
And since I didn't want to limit my stitching sisters...I included colors for dark wines, light wines, and even champagne! Let the fun begin!

Let's Applique!

Country Cottages Mystery Block of the Month has started over at ShabbyFabrics. Go check it out, and don't miss out on the free pattern downloads and gorgeous designs you can purchase too! Here is my start of the first month's block...still needs my snow and snowman!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winners...and winner may-be' soap box.

It's only 9:25 on Monday there is still a couple of hours before the Give-a-ways for the 500 followers closes. But, I've been going back through the comments...and am surprised at the number of deletes I have had to do...because there is no way to contact folks.
So, thought that while it's fresh on my mind...I'd share some issues. If you want to enter drawings or give-a-ways...please keep these in mind.

You are responsible to leave your email or contact information...I am not going to run around trying to determine what your email is...and I don't think that it is reasonable for anyone to expect me to. Afterall, I spend my own money to purchase gifts for the drawing...and will spend more money to mail items to the winners...AND I DON'T MIND. If I did...I would not have drawings. What I do having to decipher who is who and what is their email time is very limited.

Update your profile so that your email is available with your NAME is clicked in the comments you leave.

Make your profile public...cause I can't see it if it isn't...and can't get to your email address to notify you.

Please don't just say this is Josy Brown in Milwalkee...even if I know a Josy in is not fair to everyone else that follows the rules and leaves their contact information for me to "assume" that you are the "Josy Brown" that I know in Milwalkee...there could be others. 

Simply put...please follow the rules.
So, sorry...but several comments have been deleted because I have no contact information included...and that was one of my rules...and I don't make things difficult...just leave a comment and contact information.
If you think I'm being unfair...sorry...just trying to be fair. 
And, I'm HUGE on being please consider updating your profile and making it pubic before entering any might win!
And thanks for the Anonymous entries that included emails in their are IN the drawings..
Now, it's 7:44 A.M. Tuesday Morning...and Aidan is off to school. The winners have been selected. I ran a random number generator of the total valid entries (those with links back to profiles, or including emails in the comment). And, before announcing the winners...let me say that if you are reading this...and left a comment...go to your comment, click on your name to get to your profile, Do you see an Email link? If might have just lost out on a great book...because I had to try 4 times to give the Redwork Book away...the first 3 profiles did not have email addresses. And I tried 5 times to give the Crewelwork Book away...same issue.
Seriously, I'm not ranting...I'm trying to help. Update you profiles! Hugs!

Now, FINALLY...the winners have been sent an email...and have 24 hours to respond back with their mailing address. Or, I draw again...

DAY ONE - Trish Burr Finest Flowers Book is AztecLady.
DAY TWO - Crewel Work is Anonymous Susie Wolfe.
DAY THREE - Redwork is Magpie's Mumblings
DAY FOUR - Silk Shading is Bobbi Pohl
DAY FIVE - StitchoPedia is USAGypsy

CONGRATS to the Winners! Thanks to all why left comments...better luck next time...and, there will be a next get those profiles updated! Hugs!

Party On! Day Five...

For the last day of our Party...celebrating our 500 Followers...we have a Stupendous Book! right on the front cover to be "the only embroidery reference you'll ever need". And, I think that they might be right! Certainly it is a good beginning!
The book is spiral that!
The book includes sections on materiels and equipment, techniques, mounting and framing, designing...AND covers a multitude of embroidery...stumpwork, blackwork, crewel work, canvas work, hardanger, pulled work, and even a little freestyling!
"There is nothing as beautiful as a wonderfully-worked embroidery design, either used to adorn clothing or as an embellishment on a home accessory. Now a new generation is rediscovering the pleasures of the centuries-old craft. Written for beginners and experts alike, Stitch-Opedia describes in detail hundreds of embroidery stitches. Each stitch is grouped into sections that include: canvas work, crewel work, hardanger, pulled work, stumpwork and much more. Each stitch includes close-up, detailed color photographs, a full-color working diagram, and accurate written instructions. An extremely helpful alphabetical listing with close-up thumbnail photographs appears later in the book allowing the user to cross-reference each stitch. With sections on materials and equipment, basic techniques, and a collection of motifs that can be either copied or transferred to fabric, this beautifully-designed, full-color book is sure to attract newcomers and experts alike with its combination of convenience and creative encouragement."
So...what are you waiting for...Go leave a comment to enter the drawing!
And check back see who the winners are for our five days of give-a-ways!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Party On! Day Four...

When looking for books to purchase for this party, I could not decide on just one Royal School of Needlework Books to got both the Crewelwork book for Day Two...and Silk Shading for Day Four!
And, both are marvelous books! The Silk Shading is also a spiral bound book...and I have really had a hard time with giving it up for the contest since reviewing it since it's arrival!
"Suitable for beginners as well as professionals, this handbook provides an in-depth look at the art of “needle painting” and offers techniques using long and short stitches and blending and merging colors to create beautifully shaded embroideries.
Just leave a comment to enter the drawing.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Party On! Day Three...

Today, our prize is all about RedWork!
This inspiring book contains tons of designs first published in The WorkBasket...and now compiled by Rebecca Kemp Brent...along with descriptions of several projects for their use as well.
"Redwork embroidery, long admired for its simple, homey designs, is more popular than ever. And what better source for great redwork designs than The WORKBASKET®, a classic magazine with a 60-year tradition of providing readers with great, do-able crafting projects. Now Redwork from The WORKBASKET makes it easy to re-create the warm, nostalgic feel of vintage redwork designs on your linens, aprons, even quilts, whether you embroider by hand or machine"
The book has 100 designs for machine or hand embroidery included on a handy compact disc.
So, leave a comment to enter the drawing!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Party On! Day Two...

Today, we have an Essential Stitch Guide from the Royal School of Needlework as our Day Two celebration of 500 followers.
Here is what Amazon has to say about this book:
"Exquisite and timeless, the needlework portrayed in these guides promotes the Royal School of Needlework’s mission to keep the art of hand embroidery alive in the 21st century. Focusing on some of the oldest and most essential stitches and patterns, the books in this craft series are spiral-bound and lay flat on the table. Step-by-step photographic instructions on framing and transferring designs are included, as are introductory histories to each technique. Sections of patterns, along with pictures of finished pieces that demonstrate how to correctly use the patterns, help crafters take their needlework to new heights of artistry.
 Focusing on crewelwork, an enduring craft technique that uses wool and a variety of different embroidery stitches to follow a design outline applied to the fabric, this needlework resource demonstrates how to produce beautiful and detailed work."
The book is spiral bound for ease of use...and is just loaded down with gorgeous color diagrams of stitch instructions!
So, leave a comment to be included in the drawing!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Woot! Woot! Woot! Let's Party!

We have hit 500 followers...and I'm glad to have each of you along for my crazy ride. Remember last month...I promised a give-a-way when we hit 500...well, let's get the party going!!
For the next five days...I'll post a prize each day. On the sixth day, I'll pick winners for each day from that day's comments...via the random number generator. You will have until midnight (CST) on the January 16th to leave your comments. All of the five winners will be listed on the sixth day..and each has 24 hours to response to me or another name will be pulled. Each comment must be valid (i.e. a "real person") spammers welcome here! I must be able to send you an make sure your profile is up to date...
So, if you want a chance to win...just leave a comment on that day's post. That's linking back, no questions to answer, no products to select from...just leave a valid comment. Everyone is welcome to join in the folks too!
Here is the first prize up for grabs...

 Redoute's Finest Flowers in Embroidery
by Trish Burr
Yep...this is a treasure for sure! Gorgeous stitching, and wonderful instructions!
Here's what one reviewer has to say about this great book: 
 “Trish Burr has painstakingly recreated blooms from the paintings of 19th century botanical artist Pierre Joseph Redoute in exquisite embroidery. Using only the simplest stitches, she provides instructions, illustrations and photo- graphs to take you step-by-step through stitching 17 beautiful buds—roses, lilies, birds of paradise, dahlias, magnolias and more. A gorgeous gift for anyone with a passion for flowers or needlework.”—Vogue Patterns.
 So...leave a comment for a chance to win!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lace & Pearls - Starting Soon!

I told you yesterday that I was addicted to crazy quilt round robins...and here's more proof! I wanted to do a crazy quilt block with tons of lace and beads...and so added that idea to the CQI database. VERY quickly, other's signed we all must be in the mood to Get Girly! So, here's my basic block...ready to get into the mail and be prettied up! You can see that I had to add the first piece of lace...I just was so eager!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Wednesday - Wine Country Motifs - Oops...

Seems that I forgot the "R" here it is!

Midnight Fantasy Garden - Starting Soon!

You know that I'm hooked on crazy quilt round robins!...They are not only addictive cause they are so much fun to stitch...but also because you get the chance to see other artists (and yes, I think of us as fiber artists)...beautiful stitching too! And, this particular round robin...titled Midnight Fantasy Garden is sure to be an inspiration! Here is my basic block...ready to send off to four of my stitching friends over at Crazy Quilting International (CQI) for their fun too! I'll post photos when it returns home. And, of course, I'll post photos of the blocks I receive to work on...and what I stitch as well! We all need inspiration!
Now, a confession...I'm not sure WHAT a midnight fantasy garden would really went with a dark romantic kind of setting. be completely honest with present Fantasy Garden would have trees of fried apple pies, rivers of cold sweet milk, and flowers of luscious chocolate truffles! However, I could not figure out how to stitch a basic block for that particular went with this instead. ROFL!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weather Might Just Kill Me!

Seriously, I'm in real trouble here...I have Spring January!!
The clutter has finally done me in...and I'm knee, waist, neck deep in re-arranging, throwing out, sorting, cleaning, and organizing the entire apartment!
Now, if you know me'll recognize my usual motto:

So, you know this Spring Fever Condition is Serious Trouble!!!
(No, nothing is wrong with my computer...thankfully...)
But, my back is killing me!
And, every single room is at a 80-90% done...there's no where to look that does not have a project waiting for me!
Aidan's room is back to an "Aidan & I" room...ONLY I gave out before setting the desktop computer back up...or putting away the cabinet full of Disney, Barbie, and comedy movies...
My room is now the Studio overflow room, with my recliner, baby pen and bouncy chair for when I keep my niece's little bundle of joy added to the mix...ONLY Aidan's desk is now in all of her books, pencils, crayons, etc also have to get moved into there.
My sewing room is now clear of plastic drawers on the top of my cabinets...and they have been turned around...ONLY the cutting table holds all of the stuff I didn't know where to put...and there still isn't any room for it.
My office/shop finally has the dog beds out of the middle of the floor...ONLY the surface areas are still full of papers that need to be filed/shredded/burned...
The kitchen is minus it's table which was getting to be a catch all...and is now in the sewing room...ONLY the dishes still need to be done and floor needs mopping...
And, there's a load of wash in the washing machine and in the dryer...
And, I have not forgotten the bath either...floors and porcelain are on my list...
I'm so sore I can hardly move...and my motivation is, I'm going to go stitch some...but Tomorrow I'll have to get this place finished!! Remember me...cause...
Tomorrow...the ONLY's are liable to kill me!

TAST - Week 1 - Fly Stitch

Take a Stitch Tuesday, Sharon Boggon's wonderful stitching challenge is underway! Week 1 is the FLYSTITCH. This is one that I use to create leaves most it was really interesting to experiment with possible base seams and fillers. 

 All of my TAST attempts will be linked on a separate page (see menu bar above) so you can check my progress as I go along easily. Thanks to Sharon for a great challenge...and if you have not yet checked out her blog (where have you been!!)...then you should!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Little Turtle Pin Cushion/Toy

Thought ya'll might enjoy this little turtle pin cushion. Of course, I had to put some crazy quilt seam treatments and a couple of pieces of lace on mine. She (or he) will become a pin cushion probably...for sure, is a gift to a cyber friend that has been kind enough to share some machine embroidery lace with me. AND, she refuses to let me purchase any...just keeps sending it for free. What's a girl to do with a friend like that! she gets a little turtle as my thanks (along with my continued friendship of course!).
 The seams are a little tricky to stitch..since they are curved. But, I just did the centers seams of the top shell pieces...and not the final seams. Of course, all of them could be done...I just didn't think that was needed. And, I wanted to leave some room for actual straight pins. Ha!
The instructions are really pretty simple. STEP ONE (cutting): Cut out all of the pieces. STEP TWO (sewing top shell parts): Sew bottom shell seam...leaving an opening in the center to use in stuffing the turtle. Sew four pairs of upper shell pieces together. 
 Embroidery the center seam (optional)...don't recommend this if you're making a baby toy. Then, sew these shell pieces to each other to get pairs...then again to finish the top shell. STEP THREE (sewing other body parts): Sew the other feet, head, tail as indicated on the pattern...right sides together...then turn. STEP FOUR (assembly): Pin the head and tail to opposite seams on the Shell Top. Pin the feet to seams nearest the head/tail pieces. (This leaves two seams not having any pieces matched to them...and they are across from the head/tail seams). 
 Match bottom of shell to shell top and pin...using the two "empty seams". STEP FIVE: (Assembly) Stitch around the bottom shell. (Be careful to make sure all of the pinned parts stay where they that they are caught in the seam). 
 (Note: I like to sew around twice...just to make it secure). STEP SIX: (finishing) Turn right side out. Stuff until you can't get any more polyfill into the middle. Hand stitch the opening at the bottom of the shell closed.
You're done!
Here is the Little Turtle Pattern pdf file.

RR #1 - Judy

Woot! Woot! I made it...all of my round robin blocks are finished! Here is Judy' was a very interesting block to work on. From the beginning I wanted to turn that dramatic center into some sort of visual...and not cover it up. Working in orange and pink was VERY new to me...and I saved that challenge until last on purpose. Not because I was dreading it...oh no..but because I was intrigued by it! 
Here is Judy's finished block...
The center of the flower is done in Petite Velvet Threads...and French knots look like little miniature snowballs. Of course, don't eat any green or yellow ones! Ha!
And, here are a few fireants checking out the flower...I'd love to take credit for these...they they are the brainchild of Allie Aller, and on her blog header. I use them with her permission...and although I have changed them somewhat to fit the beads I have on hand...I still think of them as "her's".


Saturday, January 7, 2012

RR #1 - PJ

The block for PJ is done and in the mail. Here is how the block looked before I stitched anything...
 The green, purple, and blue reminded me so much of spring. 
And here it is all done...I loved stitching on it. Especially while the cold winds of winter have been howling against my windows! Hand dyed a couple pieces of lace to match, and stitched a few seams. This block was a joy...and it was quick!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Doll Quilt

Here's a little lady bug doll quilt. It measures about 14 x 18 and will go to a special little girl next Christmas for her doll bed. Several ladies over on HGTV are stitching them to accompany hand made wooden doll cradles for next year. And, this is one thing finished on my TO-DO list! Yea, it feels good to complete a project!

In answer to a comment: The blocks are pieced...not strip pieced. Yes, it would work very well for scraps...but would take some planning unless you make the background all one color...say neutrals. It can be done in any size as well. Let me try to explain how to approach the block...hang involves numbers...yuck! First, decide the size of the block. For the doll quilt...the blocks were 4 inch finished. Next determine the size of one square in the block...and since it has 4-squares...i.e. a 4-patch block...each of these would be 2'' finished. Okay, get a piece of paper for this next part. Draw a 2-inch square. Now, what would be the middle of that? Oh yeah, 1-inch...but, we don't want "bars" we want pinwheels. SO, instead of drawing a vertical line at the middle 1" mark...measure over to 3/4 inch (1/4 inch before middle) and put a dot to mark that spot at the top of the 2" square. Now, on the bottom of that square, measure over 1 1/4 inches (1/4 past middle) and put a dot. Connect the have the basic block! Retrace each side and add seam allowance and you have the pattern pieces. (Hint: they are the same size! So keep track of front/back etc on your fabric...and you have to only use one piece.)

The same process works with larger squares...just start with the finished square size. Put a dot at X before middle line and X after middle line...and you have it! X is equal in size! ( 1/4 or 1/2 or ?...depending on the size of the block and the "slope" you want the pinwheel to have)

Hope you don't have a headache from all the thinking!

If so...check out this link to the little 4 inch block size.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Funky Chicken - January

Some of us over at the message board, Crafts-Quilting & Needlework, on are sewing Blocks of the Month...Funky Chicken..over at FatCat Patterns. Here is my January block. The fusible applique still needs blanket stitching around the pieces...but I have not yet decided if I want to do that by hand or machine.