Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Roses, roses, roses - Rita

All finished with my stitching on Rita's block...and it is off to Meg for completion.
Here is the seam work I added...
four. I could have stopped at two, but because the block had so many motifs crossing over the block...two seams just seemed out of balance. To ensure that Rita had enough seams to make a cohesive block...I just did the next two as well. But not to worry...Meg has a huge section in the middle...and an area on the right side that she can really play with.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Oh Good Grief! She's Done It Again!!

Jenny of Elefantz has designed a very special Block of the Month Quilt...with embroidery blocks! Now, I have ONE MORE THING added to my TO-DO LIST!! Her designs are favorites...and I just have to find time to do Promises & Borders! It is just so precious...and would make such a wonderful quilt for Aidan. Go check it will not be disappointed!


Roses, roses, roses - Rita

 My work on Rita's block in the Roses, Roses, Roses crazy quilt round robin over on Crazy Quilter's International is complete. Let me show you some of the motifs I added. First was a crochet basket filled with flowers and a tiny bow stitched to the top.

Next was two pieces of gorgeous dyed lace I got from Cathy K's Etsy shop...lovely! It was a shame to cover some of it...but, in keeping with the rose theme...I placed a wire ribbon that was made by gathering up some ribbon after rolling the center. The leaves are velvet on the bottom with hand painted dyed lace above.

The smaller piece of lace got a little button cluster. Rita didn't want any large clusters...but I think this little one is just fine.

Lastly, for motifs...I added two iron-on butterfly motifs...

but, I sewed them in place...and did not iron them.

Tomorrow...I'll show you my seams...and the final block before it is mailed to the next person in our group.

Monday, January 2, 2012

RR #1 - Susan

Southwestern is the theme of Susan's block, and I tried to stay true to that with only linear seams. Loved the colors in this block...I'd like to have a bed size quilt in these colors!
 There are so many seams in this block, it looks like horses running during a lightning storm!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Things to Do

I don't do New Years resolutions...they have just been a recipe for failure in years past. 
But, I do sometimes have to create "to-do lists" to keep me on track. Okay, nothing really keeps me on track...I just keep plowing ahead...
and my muze wakes me in the middle of the night at times...when I have forgotten a timeline or promise. So far, she is pretty good at poking me until I wake up and remember what has to be done! But, as I get older...she seems to be getting a little less proficient at remembering to remind me before Panic Time sets it. I'm really concerned that she might become forgetful...hence more To-Do Lists are needed. 
Wish us both luck in the coming year!
I posted my current To-Do List on the side bar...and will update as time permits. If I have promised you something...and my muze has forgotten it...please remind I can add it to the list.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

RR #1, Janie

I'm still working my way through the Round Robin blocks...and have so enjoyed stitching on Janie's. Anyone with the initials JJ has to have a monogram on her block..and it was fun to do. It took a little time, but I used a simple one from my it was not hard...just back-stitches. I decided not to touch the center square because the dragonfly was already so kept all of the seam work towards the opposite side of the seam instead.

Wine Country Monogram - XZ

These Letters should conclude the set of Wednesday Wine Country Monograms. Of course, let me know if you are missing I can republish that one (or publish it if I missed it)...but, I have them all checked off.

Friday, December 30, 2011

RR #1, Renee

A lovely floral fabric is the focus of this block. I did not want to cover them up, so stitched the stems and added seed beads to the flower heads. A few pretty seams, and I'm all done!

French Script Monogram - N

This should conclude all of the letters for the French Script Series. If  I have missed one, please let me know...but they are all checked off of my list now...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Wine Country - R

Seems that I missed this here it is.
And, X and Z will post on the 31st...I scheduled them ahead.
That will complete the Wine Country Series.

RR #1, Colleen

My dear friend Colleen, used some very interesting fabric in her block. They did not speak to my muse at all...and I really struggled with them. For some reason, just kept thinking of cotton dishtowels...and that is not very inspiring. So, finally...decided to concentrate on stitching some pretty seams and added a bit of lace. Generally, I'm pretty happy with the final look and think that it would make a really pretty photo book cover. So, the muse will just have to get over it! Hugs!


Wine Country Monogram - PY

Finishing up the Wine Country Monogram series for ya'll. Hope you have a great Holiday Season too!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

RR #1, Andrea

Andrea's block was fun, and a challenge...because I decided to try out a little stumpwork dragonfly. He is my first attempt at wired wings...and I'm still not sure if I like, am sending along a silk ribbon bow to replace him if Andrea's just wants to yank him off the block.


French Script Monogram - I

Yes, this is a strange "I"...looks a lot like a J to me...but, still...that's the correct letter for the French Script style. And just to refresh you is what the J looks like:

Guess the creator of the alphabet just didn't know what to do with the top of that I. I think that when I stitch it...I'll just leave off the "curved" part and just do a gentle curve as the letter....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Get Off the Fence!

Today is the last day to register for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project. Don't miss out on the challenge!

Wine Country Monogram - VW
