A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Merry Christmas to all! And, hoping that you get to spend some time doing what you enjoy on this special day!
Merry Christmas!
Here's the next block to be finished..for Deborah H. The fabrics were black, tan, pink, and light green. I was drawn to the image of people and decided to frame that.
Added some seams and silk ribbon rose buds with bullion stitch leaves.
To finish off this year, I'm going to complete the postings for the French Script Monograms and the Wine Country Wednesday Monograms. Hope you have enjoyed collecting these...
All of this rain has my head stopped up...and I'm wanting a nap! But, instead I decided to try to stitch a little, and so glad that I did! I loved working on Jeanne's block...and am going to have a hard time sending it home!
The center rose fabric is dress quality and I'd love to have owned yards of it because it is so pretty!Of course...you know that I love roses!
Got a few hours to work on some more crazy quilt rectangles and finished up Cathy L's heart block. It was fun sorting through all of my beads searching for tiny hearts!
It's rainy this week, so might not mail back until after Christmas with all of the stuff still left to get done...and the post office is so busy...waiting might be a good thing!
Just a quick reminder this morning...If you wanted to register for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project this year, and have not done so yet...The deadline for Registration is 27 December.So, hop on over to CQJP website and read all about the challenge,and get your registration information sent in to cqjpchairperson@cqjp.org
Yesterday was an interesting day of piecing crazy patch blocks. The final decision on the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012 blocks was to go with the minimum size of 6-inches (so hopefully I'll get them done on time next year)...with everything else I've also signed up for! More on that later!
White is the color of choice...and monocromatic blocks are a real challenge for me...because I dislike them!
So, also hopefully...I won't be ready to discard these half-way through the year!
Next challenge, I created the muslin backing...and covered that with a white bridal fabric, from an old wedding gown...so that the lace would have a white background.
The blocks have few seams...but lot's of lace trims to break up the space...so, there's another challenge.
And, the final challenge is that I'll only be using white to stitch and embellish with...well, white or clear...cause I want to use some AB Crystals too!
No theme, the white is difficult enough!Wish me luck! And you can watch my progress on the blog of course!And, if successful on the CQJP2012 Blog too later on.... And...to answer Mary's comment. No, there is no requirement to do the squares all first then embellish each month. You can piece and embellish as you go if you like. For me, I think I'll come closer to actually finishing if they are all pieced and ready for me to stitch on. And, I'll also be more like to have a project that "works together" if I piece them all at once. So, for me...this way works best! No rules in CQJP...other than the size requirement regarding how you create!
These are 8-inch blocks...and will be a batik (mostly) wall hanging. The batiks are the same that I used in the 12-inch blocks. The larger blocks will be for the bed-quilt and not have lace or beads. These 8-inch blocks are definitely for lace, ribbon, beads....anything goes. The beautiful little silkies were sent to me by Pat Winter with a note to "play with abandon"...and so I shall!The lace is just pinned on at the moment...but here are photos just the same.
Eleven of the twelve silkies are images best viewed when the blocks are set on point...so, I'm thinking on that. Setting them on point might make the finished quilt too large with the setting triangles in place. I'll have to draw that out and determine my plan for completion before I start stitching.
Yesterday was a bit rainy, but I did manage to get my 8-inch crazy quilt blocks completed. I'll show you more of those in the next post. First, I thought I show you my view from the work area...sewing machine, ironing board with fabric strips and iron,...and my Buddy snoozing in the window seat.
Here's a better photo of him.
Contentment...except for the fact that he is still not sleeping in his own doggie bed.
Sara has now completely taken that over! And, quite obviously...she is not concerned that Buddy will mount a sneak attack to take it back!
Buddy has settled into the window seat quite comfortably...I put him an extra blanket there to make it softer. I felt guilty that the puppy pushed him out of his bed. But, he does have it better at night...he gets to sleep at the foot of the bed...and she sleeps in her training pen. Bet he says "Nanna, nanna, boo boo!" right before going to bed at night!
I was delighted, when Dawn of NorthernAdornments kindly sent me a photo of a pendant she had created using one of the Czech Buttons that she had purchased from my Etsy Shop. It was stunning wrapped in wire...so, I asked if she would mind my sharing her work here on the blog. She said Yes!...and sent me an additional photo of a second button creation too!
How nice is that...thanks so much Dawn! Your work is beautiful....and sure to be inspiring to others as well!