Friday, December 16, 2011

Twelve by Twelve

Yesterday was a very productive day.
I pieced twelve blocks...twelve by twelve each. Well, at present they are about 13 inches not accounting for the muslin backing, which would make them about 18 inches...but will be trimmed to 12" finished size once stitched.
 Fabrics are some upholstery samples sent to me by Tammy, one of my three secret sisters this year; batiks I purchased while on retreat in November; and floral cottons that I have had for a while and wanted to use in something special.
 I've been wanting a larger CQ project to work on for some time, and this next year...I'll get my wish! 
This quilt and the Dragonfly Garden quilt will be large enough to make into bedsize quilts with borders if I choose. 
 Today, I'm also going to piece a totally batik set of blocks...I'm thinking 8" size. And I still have to piece my CQJP2012 blocks...which I've decided to make totally in white...and 6". 
 Perhaps this weekend, I can get those done...while my muse is in the machine sewing mode!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Warning: Proud Nana Alert!

Yesterday, I went to Aidan's 2nd Grade Christmas Play...walked 5 blocks to get there because my daughter would not answer her phone...but, that's a different story. These photos are blurry...but I think you'll get the idea anyway. I was sittting in the second row; but was still about 30 feet from the stage...with my cellphone camera! So....considering...they aren't so bad.
Can you spot my little brown reindeer?
She is explaining to Santa...who has a broken leg...and was just given some advice from his reindeer friends...and thanked them..."That's what Friends are for!"
If you have any children's plays to attend this year...and have not done so yet. One small piece of advice "Bring Cotton Balls for you Ears!". I'm sure that the teachers advise them to "speak up"....which translated in an 8-year old's mind means: "Talk Really Loudly...directly into the microphone.". I'm not sure why they also talk fast...but most of the time I felt that I was either "twitching" because a child was so loud that I jumped out of my chair...or confused because they mumbled and I had no idea what they just said.
What does translate their obvious pride to be performing...and sheer relief when it's over! lessons so early! Here is my precious Aidan...she also got the honor of being the last to speak..."Thank you all for coming to our 2nd grade Christmas Program. Have a Merry Christmas!". Nana was so proud!! And, still is....had to share...blurry photos and all! Merry Christmas to all the Nana's out there....and my condolences to those that are not...cause you are missing one heck of a ride! Hugs!

#1 RR, Arlene

Finished up Arlene's Christmas Block...thought a SRE Christmas Tree was in order. 
 It's already in the mail on it's way back to you Arlene! Ho, Ho, Ho!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Lovely Surprise

The postman brought me this lovely surprise....all the way from Romania! I found a lovely blog last month, and had to start following it...check it you, you might agree! And, I was the 200th follower...and won a prize. How great is that! I didn't even have to enter to win! Annamaria let me know of my winnings of a hardanger bookmark and sent it off to me right away. It took the postal system over a month to get here...they are really bogged down with Christmas! So, I had totally forgotten about it coming...and was just even more delighted upon it's arrival! She also included two lace hearts...and aren't they wonderful too! I feel like Santa has arrived at my house early!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

#1 RR - Jeanne G

Here's the next block completed...if you are following along. This block really spoke to my heart. The piecing is superb and the fabrics included cotton, silk, and upholstery weight cotton. The colors and textures of the fabrics were very pleasing to me. They also made me think of blocks constructed in the late 1800's by ladies whom really brought crazy quilting into the mainstream of stitching. Blocks would have been made of the materials on hand, and would have certainly included some cotton and some "household" fabrics...such as the upholstery...AND would have included any special fabrics that might have been available to the lady of the house. One such fabric was definitely silk. While it was not a common everyday cloth...there are articles of that time that speak to removal of hat linings, coat linings, and such...just to get the silks for the ladies crazy quilts. The plaid and the floral reminded me of everyday dresses. So, this block really spoke to me of that time in crazy it was very reminiscent of traditional piecing. So, I decided to keep the stitching very traditional as well. No ribbon work and no those were not really done traditionally during the late 1800's. Instead, embroidery was the main focus...and some minimal pieces of lace might have been included. So, compared to other blocks...this one might seem a little "sparse". But, if you could really see it up close..and feel the might agree that the block is quite content with it's personality. 
Hopefully Jeanne G. will also think that it is quite acceptable as a traditional block. But if not, it is after all HER block...she is welcome to add more stuff or adjust as she see's fit. I can only answer for my own muse...and I'd like to have an entire quilt done like this I'm thinking...


Saturday, December 10, 2011

RR#1 - Maureen

Here's the next block done...for Maureen. The fabrics were gorgeous blues and the lace was delicate. A monotone blue block was my first idea...but I don't like doing monotones, as I find them to be boring. So, that idea was quickly discarded. So, what else was water? I had already done a seascape so water was not a first choice...and the lace was just not right for that anyway. So sky was my background...and flowers were my direction (you know I love flowers). Maureen loves embroidery baskets...and has several on her blog if you have not yet been there to visit. So, I hoped than a woven basket filled with flowers might make her smile. Added some rose inspired seams and a button cluster with a small floral cabochon I had beaded the fringe on. Finished off with a little baby dragonfly, a lady bug, and butterfly...

Heading home in a few days Maureen...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Shawkl RR#1 - Molly

If you are following along on this is my #3 block of 16 to stitch. This is Molly's block...and she sent me a curve ball! The block has pink, yellow, greens...and the center fabric has black, burgundy, and dark coral. My first idea was totally different that what I finally created...more on that in a minute. Initially, I began with a piece of pale yellow lace cover some of the yellow fabric, and give it some texture.  Once the lace trim was in place and I flipped over the block to tie off my thread....I noticed that Molly had written the word "Spring" next to her name information. Spring? 
Uh, why had I not seen that before...(probably because I had not looked...LOL!...lesson learned!)
Okay, the green, yellow, and pink...that could be worked as spring in my mind. But, the center? Not so what to do, what to do?
Cover up and conquer! I just ignored the center...and considered it only as a background. Here is the springtime block I created...sure hope my ideas of Spring will mesh with Molly's idea of Spring!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Shawkl Blog RR#1 Blocks

 Thought I'd work on Sharon's block is what she sent to me.
The silkie of the little girl is printed on cotton I think, so is a little grainy...but that adds to the image as a Victorian style photo. The image is small...but is of a young girl holding a fir tree. The colors in the patchwork and the image was very winter and holiday'ish.
 So, I decided to echo the tree image in the stitching to the right of the photo, added a wide piece of gorgeous hand-dyed lace to mask some of the bright gold fabric and frame the photo. Cream stitching with pearls and sequin snowflakes add that Winter touch..while ribbon roses and a monogram bring more Victorian charm.
(sorry about that little speck of white on the fir-tree stitching...didn't notice is a bit of paper left over from the monogram tissue transfer)
It will be in the mail back to Sharon soon...but not today, because it's cold, wet, and we are expecting snow flurries this afternoon!

My Dog Hates Confrontation!

My dear buddy is a sweetheart...who needs a bath and a hair cut right now...but will have to wait for the groomer to get back from vacation next week...
He is a really good dog, and I've talked about him before...he is docile and well behaved...and
hates conflict in his life!
Sara has quickly found this out! And, is reaping MAJOR benefits from this newly found knowledge! King-size bed anyone?


Blogging Woes....

Well, playing around with Blogger's new settings...not sure yet if I like them...but, perhaps they will make it easier. You know...change is hard to deal with!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Shawkl Blog #1 RR -- Ruby's Done

Ruby's block is one of seventeen that I'm working on for a round robin on my Yahoo group.  I just loved the colors when I saw it...and the center batik reminded me of seaweed. Obviously the dark corner could be plants and the teal blue corner could be,'s a little seascape!

Hope you like my ideas will be in the mail back to you soon...


Yesterday was an especially good day for Aidan, even if I could not get her to smile in these photos.
The boys next door had four puppies to give a way...a small breed mix...the family took three of them. One to my sister Anna, one to my niece Celeste, and one for Aidan.
 ..and "Sara" will be living at my house.
We also did a little baby sitting yesterday...and Aidan got to feed the little one...for auntie Celeste.
All in all...a pretty good day for an eight year old.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Basket Finished

Finished up the basket portion of the block...
now...other projects are calling this one goes back on the design wall for a little while...but not long! I do want to try and get it finished by the Spring at least!

Round Robin - Shawkl Files Group

 Have you ever done what you said you were not going to?...Yep, me too...and I said that I did not want to do swaps or round robins on my Yahoo Group...that's not what it's all about. But, I got to feeling kind of guilty...yep guilty...because my loyal followers didn't have a little thank you...and they were so kind to keep up with my "life" by reading the blog.....
 Well, I can't stitch something for almost 500 folks...even I'm not that C-r-a-z-y!
So, instead...we organized a little round robin on the group...and I am stitching a block for all her entered. They are also swapping "amonsgt themselves" via a centralized after all is done...will get back 3 blocks stitched and ready to be constructed into a nice little object.
 So...these are the patches that I'm stitching...16 in total! Each person submitted three...and I picked one for myself...and will be mailing the other two off to their "partners" for completion.
Aren't these diverse in style and color! I have a feeling that I'm about to get a "stitching workout!".

Friday, December 2, 2011


Sharon B's stitch challenge for next year has a new logo...
And if you want to learn some new embroidery stitches...for free...
Then, why have you not signed up?
When does it start? 
January 3rd.
What is this challenge about?
Each Tuesday Sharon will post a challenge stitch on her blog...Pintangle. The idea is that you work a sample, experiment a bit. Next, photograph your sample, and put it on the web so visitors can share. Then return to Pintangle to leave a comment to tell everyone where they can see your sample.
What does it Cost?
The challenge is free.
Are beginners welcome?
All skill levels are welcome
So I have to visit Sharon's blog each Tuesday?
Yes the challenge is open and public. You can have everything written on the blog delivered daily to your email inbox if you prefer...just signup to her automatic feed...using the button on her side bar. Something new is published daily. 
AND, if you are signed up for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012...(and if not...why not??)...then working the TAST stitches on your blocks each TWO TASKS with the ease of one! And, at the end of the'll have finished twelve gorgeous crazy quilt blocks...and have learned dozens of new embroidery stitches! How great is that!!!...

So...go to Pintangle and sign up for TAST today!
And, while you are at it...if you have not signed up for CQJP2012...go to the website and read the information on the Registration Page to join!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Bullion Roses...Traveling Roses?

These little roses could travel...but, probably will stay at home and find a home on one of my CQ blocks. They are bullion roses I stitched on stabilizer...but not just any stabilizer!
While at the recent Retreat I purchased a roll of Sheer Delight, no show mesh stabilizer...(you can get it at I prepared an embroidery hoop by wrapping a 1" wide strip of felt around-and-around the bottom hoop. That gave it more "grab". Then I cut a piece of the Sheer Delight and started stitching bullion roses.

I was very happy to find that the stabilizer held up to all the needle pokes without tearing. And after the roses were all stitched...I cut them out in little squares of stabilizer. Then I started to trim away the excess from the roses...afraid that at any moment they would just unravel and my tedious work would be gone.

But, it held it's shape...and my little roses are now all safely tucked away...just waiting for the perfect Crazy Quilt project for them to be stitched down. I'll so this with a few well hidden stitches of beading thread. While a lot of roses can be stitched directly to a CQ project; I sometimes want one on top of lace or tucked into a button cluster...and these "independent" little roses will be just the thing for me to use!

Next, I'm gonna try the stabilizer as an addition to building my CQ Blocks! It is super thin...but very strong. So, I figure it can only help!