Saturday, October 22, 2011

Congrats...we have a winner!

Well today we have a winner! Random Generator picked #21 of our contest post as the winner of some dyed lace and a beaded cabochon. This was in celebration of our reaching 450 followers. We'll have another drawing (5 drawings actually) when we reach 500!
And number 21 post is from Mosaic Magpie! So, I'll be emailing you Deb...and you have 24 hours to respond back with a mailing address for me to send your goodies too.

"MosaicMagpie said...You have so many followers, because people know a good thing when they see it!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Christmas Ornaments Chart

The chilly weather this week has gotten me into a holiday mood. Oh, not enough to start a major holiday cleaning...or cookie baking spree...Oh, no...not yet! But, enough to get me to thinking about decorations and festive things. So, I sat down for a few hours this morning and charted some ornaments. Hope you enjoy them.
Oh, just so you know...I love Christmas cookies...and will accept any and all donations in my "test kitchen". Ha! Now, I'll have to go looking for great cookie recipes! Perhaps this weekend would be a good time to start baking! Ha! Can you tell that I've worked all day...and have not had even breakfast yet! Huh? So, off I go...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Felt Ornaments Finished

Today was fun. Well, after the housework was was fun. Pam came over for a little while and we completed some Christmas ornaments to mail to Shari for the ladies of Texas. I loved the little doll that I told you about last week...and did up these three little purple ladies. 
Here are photos of their progress, and finished look.
 I like her little sequin cheeks!
And, here is Pam working on her redbirds...
 and here's what they look like finished. 
She has three, and is looking for faux holly berried to adorn them with. Then they'll all be in the mail...mine should go out tomorrow or Saturday (it's supposed to be the coldest day yet tomorrow...and I might just stay under the covers!).

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I Have Skills!

And, this photo proves it! Let me tell's not easy holding an object in your left hand...and gripping it so it will "open"...while holding the camera with your right hand...and pushing the shutter button...AND getting a photo that is in focus! I am so proud!
We have been challenged to complete a little thimble our most recent Fun Friday Toot over on StitchMAP...and this is mine. 
It was fast, only a couple of hours...and the next one will be more elaborate. But, this one was fun. Here is my little design for the front.
The sides are made from plastic (milk jug for me). I covered the plastic shape with fabric, using a glue stitch to help out...and the inside was just felt cut to the same shape.
I stitched each "side" separately...
 then used the English Paper Piecing technique to put the three sides together...leaving an opening area of course. I added some cording to the sides to cover the seams...and make a little tassle. Then a few clay roses to the bottom and a few beads to the top and it's finished!
All ready to hand on my chatelaine (if it ever gets stitched)...and hold my favorite thimble. It actually could hold two or three...

Button Beading Joy

I have spend most of the last two days (between laundry, dishes, etc) working on some new cabochon...buttons with the shank cut off...and I have had a great time. These are for my Dragonfly Garden quilt I'm planning. Hope you enjoy the Beauty Pageant!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Wow...just think!

Last month, on 17 September...we had a drawing to celebrate 400 followers! And, one month later...we're up to almost 450! That stupendous! So, let's have a drawing when we hit 450!!!
 We'll be drawing for some hand dyed lace!!! And one of my beaded Czech Glass Dragonfly Buttons!

AND, I want all of you to know that when we reach 500...we will celebrate with a stupendious give-a-way! So, put the word out...we only need 50 more...and we did that many in one month!!
How would you like a nice big box of wonderful and gorgeous CQ goodies...and more!!
As a matter of fact...let's just have 5 prizes! One for each of our 100 followers.
Wonder how long it will take to get the next 50?
Just comment enter the 450 drawing for some dyed lace and this gorgeous beaded dragonfly button cabochon! And...yes, I'll mail to international! We'll select the winner from all the comments by random number qualify if I can reach you by email. Wonder who our #450 follower will be? Hmmm...that should be a prize too...don't you think? If you are number me!
Edited to add: Congrats to Jennifer C. of Australia for being #450; and I'll send her some dyed lace for that. And it didn't take but a couple of hours to get to450...yeah! 
I forgot to set a deadline for drawing let's make it midnight on Friday, EST. Saturday I'll post the winner!

Are You Ever Misunderstood? Are You a Marshmellow?

I have to admit that sometimes I am. As the eldest in a large family...I grew up carrying the smaller kids around on my hip...and was responsible for keeping them out of trouble most of the time. So, much so that my youngest sister Jan...called me Nana, which was her word for Mom...until she was about 3 years old. Mother was always so busy with the house work and tending to the tinyest she had seven of us kids to handle...and at least two were always in diapers! So, we grew up...I was still making sure all of the other six were where they were supposed to be...when they were supposed to be there. Yes, they thought I was bossy...and yes they did not appreciate it one single bit! Today, I think they appreciate it more than then..LOL!
 As I grew into an adult and traveled around with a military personally did not change (do we ever really?). Working with men daily...helped me to continue to stand up and speak out when things were not done as they should have been. The Army civilian career was easy...because they had so many regulations...and I loved rules! Especially when they were written down! I excelled and really enjoyed those years. I got to brief and meet several General Officers, a few Congressional Members, and some Federal Judicial Folks too! I also got to do some really hard jobs, and was recognized for doing them well. It was a very rewarding career. The last few years, working with a federal audit team, the hours continued to be very long at times...and I got tired of missing family holidays and was really ready for retirement at the end of 2009.

Today, I am still very busy...but can take a nap when it get's too tiring! LOL!! But, I'm my-own-boss...and have to push myself at times to get going! Like this week, I'm busy creating cabochones...what a difference a couple of years can make in your life!
 But, that doesn't mean that I've turned into a marshmallow! I'm still one tough ole bird...don't like to be pushed around...and don't like to see other folks run over or bullied either. I especially get hot when someone wants to deceive and bully my friend(s) or my family. While making the bed this morning...and putting my little pillow above on it...these thoughts were running through my mind.

Maybe I need to stitch a new pillow to go with this store-bought one..."I'm sweet...but I'm no marshmellow!" What do you think would be the "saying" on your bed? Just curious today...
Tomorrow, I'll show you closeups of all the cabochons I've been beading! Hugs!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Could You Spend A Little Time Helping Another Stitcher...???

There are a great many efforts of comfort going on all over the bloggersphere...and here's one I would like to encourage you to support.
  This past summer...a great many of Stitchers lost their homes in the recent Texas Wildfires.
Several friends are trying to get some Handmade Christmas Ornaments completed to mail down. The deadline for receipt by the hostess is 20 November. If you could just make one ornament...even a simple felt one like the picture would be greatly appreciated. 
All ornaments should be mailed directly to the hostess: 
Shari Jensen, 7015 Loveland Terrace, Fountain, CO  80817-1364 
The little felt ornament above would be super cute...and super easy. If you changed the flower motif to a snowflake, christmas tree, star, mitten, tree ornament shape, snowman, would fit the Christmas Holiday Season perfectly! And the edges could be stitched with your machine blanket stitch setting...if you didn't want to do hand needle work. Add a few beads...and you have a masterpiece!
Here's the link to the pattern and blog featuring the pattern:

Matryoshka Doll Ornament



Sunday, October 16, 2011

Judy Martin is Great.....Me, Not So Much...

I'm rusty! Didn't realize just how much until this past week. 
 I sat down with my favorite book of quilt patterns by Judy stitch up 4 blocks for a row-by-row Round Robin.
 For almost three years now, crazy quilts have been my main stitching...and they don't involve matching points! 
So, when I started on these quilt blocks...I felt very rusty indeed. 
 Finally, I got them where I could live with them...but they are a long way from perfect!
This row is now ready for the next Round Robin gal (NickiLee) for her to add a row to it. In a few will return home all completed with a lap-size row-by-row quilt. I'll add black sashing along the sides and finish with a wide border fabric. Can't wait to see what the ladies in this group cook up for me!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Artifical Flower Stamens

Look what arrived yesterday! Loads of artificial flower stamens, and each is really beautiful. This will look great with by wired ribbon roses! I have been wanting to do a spray of them on a vest. Of course, I have to sew the vest first! Ha! But when I found Kim's Crane Origami Supplies online (look under other origami supplies there), and saw all of the selection of stamens...I had to go ahead and get them...didn't I? Wouldn't you? Of course! 
 Now to decide with to use first...probably these gorgeous pink ones!