Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roses, roses, roses...moving on

I have completed my portion of stitching on this gorgeous block...and am moving it on to the next person. But, before it is the last little seam and a beaded dragonfly for you to check out!

 I also added a little basket of roses...which look more like apples since the basket is that style (sorry Cathy L.)...into the corner. But, it's still cute!

And a photo of the block as it leaves my was a pure joy to work on!



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Christmas Tree Earrings...Clear Crystal

Worked on this earrings this morning. Will load to Etsy later on today. These little Christmas Trees are all Crystal AB beads...stacked. The earring wire is sterling no problem with anyone having allergies!
Aren't they just too cute! Perfect for the holidays...and enough bling to be seen across the room...ready to make a statement at the Christmas Party?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Here is a seam with lace to the back. And a closeup...

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Roses, roses, roses...

Here's the next seam completed...with the butterfly breaking up the the heart did on the last seam.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Roses, roses, roses...

I'm working on a round robin called Roses, Roses, Roses. I have several seams partially done...but have finished up this first one. Thought you might like to see it.
And I really like to "break" seams up by introducing a little lace motif right in the middle of the creates more interest than just putting motifs in the center of a patch...surrounded by seam stitching (IMHO). So, if you've not considered this before...think about it. Hugs! There is a second seam on the block where this is also the plan...but you'll have to wait a little longer before I get a photo of it...cause it's not finished yet. Hugs! I'm back to stitching...ya'll have a great Sunday!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Another Needlepoint Sampler Chart

This chart is best worked from the center out I think.
Perhaps a book cover, tin topper?? Hmmmm...


Free Quilt Show, Lot's of Men, and Prizes Too!

Have you been to the quilt show yet...

Check out my friend Thearica's blog...enter for drawings each day...and view some beautiful quilts in her Linky's at the bottom of her blog page!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Funny, funny, funny!

Only have a minute...excuse my hurray. But please go check out this blog. I follow it, and today's post is so funny I just had to sit down when I read it to keep from falling because I was laughing so hard!!

Free Cross-stitch Cancer Ribbon Chart

Oh need to go right over to Pam Kellogg's blog and get her free cross-stitch chart. It is fabulous!
Just take my word for it...there isn't even enough time to ask/receive permission to post her photo. Seriously, you don't want to miss this!!

First Thursday Thiimble - October

Well, today's thimble is a little scary...and, I am now sure that I have "spiders on the brain"! But, here ya go!!

I thought about Halloween and then, I didn't want to do that...since some folks don't participate in that October, that lead me to deciding on a simple little Black Widow Spider. Seriously...isn't she really cute! Okay, perhaps not-so-much. Hey, stitch her in Pink...and change her name to Pink Lady!
Okay, enough...I seriously need coffee this morning! I'm starting to just chatter on!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Glorious Buttons!

 More buttons arrived yesterday afternoon! And, I'm working hard to get photos and a write up done on each one for the Etsy site...AND that's before coffee! Yikes!
Here is a little teaser photo...and I'll just have to promise more info later today...cause I just HAVE to go downstairs to Mom's for my morning coffee and chat!

 Edited to add: Okay, it's 10:49...and I've had two cups of coffee. No breakfast, I might as well wait until lunch! LOL! I just finished loading all of the new buttons on to the Etsy you can now go there and actually purchase any of these you might want. Here are more photos I took so you can see the groups of dragonfly styles compared to each other...and the other buttons in this group as well.


Posting these also has resolved (at least partially) a design issue I've been having lately. There is a large CQ Project I've been wanting to do, and I have the idea for the colors but something was missing. These buttons (especially the dragonfly ones) has helped me complete some of my thought process...and come up with a "name" for my project. In other words, now I have a "direction" in my design...and that will greatly speed up the design process for me. My new quilt will take some time...and of course I'll blog each and every little element with you. It will be called "Dragonfly Garden" you know there will be ton's of dragonflies and dragonfly buttons/cabochons...and flowers, trees, plants! 
And, are close ups of the remaining buttons...for your enjoyment!

 The cobalt blue button is simply not to be is so gorgeous! I almost didn't list them as there are so stunning I was tempted to hoard them for my own projects! So, ya'll know you are my BFF's because I'm willing to share!
 This peacock button was hard to get a photograph of so you could pick out the detail of the bird. I did a sorry job of it I'm afraid with the sewing room lights. It is truly very unique and so pretty!
 This photo might be a little doesn't have as many shadows perhaps.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Snow Anyone?

It has gotten a little cooler these past couple of days, and I'm in serious denial! I refuse to turn the heat on yet! So, I'm in socks and sweaters! Thank goodness it's supposed to be back up in the low 80's the next couple of days so I can thaw out! But, the mornings are so good...while I'm still in bed anyway! The covers are piled high and the bed is toasty warm...and the room has a chill in the air. Perfect sleeping!
But I can't escape thoughts of winter around the corner. And that got me to thinking of snow, snowmen, hot I went hunting for beads. Here are little scissor fobs..snowman and teapot/cup. 
 I'm really happy with them and am putting them on the Etsy Shop.
The little snowmen are easy if you have the right's what you need, and they are in the order of the beading too.
Ya'll stay warm!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

More Beading...

I'm still making some pink and silver ones done. I like and wear more silver than gold...and maybe some other folks do too. Then, I decided to start on another large jewelry will take me a while, because all of the bead components need to be made first. And, you know that I'll need more beads before I'm done. This one will be a lot like the Mermaid Necklace...but it will be Victorian in style. I'm thinking about doing a Shabby Chic style too...but that's later for sure!
Here are the bead components I've completed so far!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Some Effort...but Not Enough

Have you started a project...and just totally lost interest in it? At present that has happened to me regarding this CQ project.
It was started as part of a challenge on HGTV Message Board, but my "muse" decided right smack in the middle of creating it...that she didn't want to work on it. And I just have not found my "mojo" yet to complete it.
So, for now at is another UnFinished Object in my craft room. I'm in the middle of stitching the French Knots for the cattails...hopefully, it will not remain un-attended for too long. 
What do you do when your muse leaves in the middle of a project?


Friday, September 30, 2011

Need a My Expense?

 You might as family has. Here's why...this flower is growing in Mom's front flower bed.
I walked all the way around there to get photos of it for you...and only noticed afterwards that something just isn't "right" about this flower. It has no leaves on the stem.
My Sister-in-Law Tracy thinks it's hilarious that I actually took pictures of it! (Bet you can guess who "planted" it too!) I was not the only person caught up in this little others in the family also commented on how pretty the flower is. But, I'm the only one (so far) who has actually gotten the camera out to take photos!
Seriously, you just have to laugh at yourself sometimes...


Thursday, September 29, 2011