Friday, March 18, 2011

Poor, poor Buddy!

Ya'll are having so much fun with the caption contest I thought you might enjoy more photos of Sam and Buddy.
Have you ever had a partner that refuses to share the blankets? Cause if you can certainly sympathize with poor, poor Buddy.
You take it just as long as you can.
Then you give up and go sleep on the twin bed or the sofa! Buddy is about 3 years old, but has the soul of a very old man...and 3 month old Sam is driving him nuts! I just know Buddy will be so glad to see Monday come and Sam go home!

UPDATE: This has become status quo!! Guess we know who the Alpha Male is...
Poor, poor, Buddy...
And, he doesn't even try to get into his bed any more. These are in the office/storage room...and when we enter, Buddy just goes to the little bed. I really feel kind of sorry for the poor thing. But he gets the upper hand at night. Sam sleeps in his training cage and Buddy gets the foot of my bed! And if I listen real close..I swear I can almost here Buddy say "ha, gotcha!".

Beautiful Blog...and a Contest!

I just discovered this beautiful blog! And check out this great contest too! But it ends on Sunday better hurry and "hop" on over!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Can you say C-O-M-F-O-R-T-A-B-L-E!! This is Sam...Aidan's temporary puppy...he goes home on Monday. He is sound asleep!
This is one of those photos that might have a funny caption underneath it. So, let's have some fun...the winning caption posted in a comment on this post will win a new set of embroidery and beading needles! Deadline for entries will be midnight (my time, CST) on Sunday night. I'll post the winner here on Monday morning.

CONGRATS TO SHIRLEY C.! She won the needles. Here's her caption: "If I snore on my back, just flip me over!" Shirley, I send you an soon as I get your address I'll get these into the mail to you.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Blah, blah, blah...

I've just got the blahs! Can't seem to shake them. Very little stitching is getting accomplished over the past couple of days. So, drastic measures are in order...I'm going to attempt to clear out all the junk from my sewing room! If you don't hear from me in a couple of days...send in a search party!But, before I dive in...let me make sure to thank two OWOH sister bloggers for mailing their prizes to me so quickly. I entered about 500 blog contests...and won 4 of them. Considering my luck with bingo and lotto...this percentage is phenominal for me! I expected to be selected to win none!
Knutz Els of the Netherlands sent me some beautiful cards! Aren't these gorgeous!
And Rebecca of California maled me a very nice hard cover book on making wreaths! Thank you ladies for being so prompt with your mailings!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Basically Beaded Returns

Yesterday, I was trying to clean off a spot on my cutting table and re-found my recently received Basically Beaded Block and realized that I had not blogged a photo! How could that have happened! The block is the end result of a round robin I had joined over on CQI. Isn't this a pretty block?!
The ladies really outdid themselves! And I just love it! Thanks to Arlene, Diane, Meg, and Peggy! Super stitching ladies! If you have not yet tried beaded seams...give them a go! Especially if you like bling!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Freda Fox Loves Cupcakes!

Now, I know…foxes are not supposed to love cupcakes. But, in fact, I do! 
 Hi, my name is Freda and I just have to tell you about my new found love. CUPCAKES are wonderful! I had no idea!
Just this past week I was walking past a neighborhood garbage can…hideous, smelly things! Yuck! I always hurry past just as quickly as I possibly can any time I encounter one of these stinky things.
But, I was so surprised to find a totally different odor accosting my nose as I scooted past this particular morning. It was a sweet smell, even sweeter than honeysuckle blossoms on a dewy early morning…lovely as they are. I just had to stop and investigate.
So, very gingerly, I crept closer and saw a box of something fluffy on top of the can. The box was slightly ajar, and I could just barely see inside of it. Whatever this was, the smell was most definitely coming from it and not the garbage can! I jumped upon a nearby bench and onto the top of the garbage can.
I know, I know, this does not sound like something a well-bred southern fox like me should be doing. But, I simply just could not stop myself! I believe I was slightly intoxicated by the smell!
The scent from the top of that can was tremendous…and I soon forgot that I was sitting on top of a garbage can!…in broad daylight! I pushed open the box until the lid fell back onto the can. What I saw was three little mountains of some kind…each had pink swirly stuff on the top. My nose told me that this was most definitely the source of all that wonderful sweet smell. I ventured closer…
Did I dare touch one? My mind was just racing with thoughts. What if they were sticky and cold? My paws would be a mess, and I had just spent the entire morning cleaning dew from them. So, instead, I decided to put my nose just a smidgen closer and inhale more of that wonderful scent.
As my nose got close, well, I really just don’t know how to properly relay what happened next. I mean, I just must have blacked out or something…a seizure of some type perhaps…The next thing I remember was waking up…sprawled across the garbage can with this bright pink cloud spread all over my paws and stomach! Appalling behavior!
As I began to come around to my normal self again, I was so embarrassed at my present state that I jumped from the garbage can and ran behind a mulberry bush! Slowly my heart began to beat at a more regular pace and my brain seemed to be clear of the abnormality it has recently suffered. Of course, I still had this pink cloud to deal with on my fur.
What was I to do?, there was no way I could make it all the way back to home with this all over me, and it had to go! So, gingerly, I put a paw up to my mouth and barely putting my tongue out, licked just slightly to see if it would come off.
Well, what a shocker! The pink cloud tasted wonderful…and, immediately, I saw visions! Visions of me gobbling down this pink cloud just as fast as I could. Oh my, my!…these are not visions! This is memory! This is what happened on top of the garbage can!
 What! I could not believe it! I would never act with such abandon…never…never…never! (And dear reader, it is with absolute horror that I relate this behavior…even hours later!)
AND, much to my chagrin,... there was a witness to my display that day! Mr. Owl had been watching the entire episode from his oak tree branch! He swooped down to the mulberry bush to offer his assistance (and I’m sure to let me know that he HAD seen everything). I was just mortified!
But, being the proper southern lady that I am…I did not act as though anything out of the ordinary had just taken place.
“Good morning Mr. Owl” I proclaimed…with pink cloud on my belly…”How are you feeling this fine morning?”.
“Oh, I’m doing quite well Ms. Fox, quite well indeed”. “Are you enjoying your cupcake?” he exclaimed. “They are very messy are they not?”.
“Cupcake?” “So, these pink clouds are cupcakes?” “What is a cupcake?” I stammered.
“Well, cupcakes are tiny little cakes with sweet sugar icing. They come in many colors, and these are a bright pink. Most every morning the baker has some extra of the tiny cakes and he leaves them here on top of his garbage can. Sometimes the squirrel family comes by and gets one, or I have even seen Ms. Opossum and Ms. Raccoon take them now and again. However, they have both told me that their children are most unruly after eating them” shared Mr. Owl.
By this time, I had successfully licked all of the pink cloud…oh, I mean, pink icing…from my fur. It left my fur sticky and I smelled very much like a pink cup cake myself. Surprisingly, I found myself suddenly in quite a content state ...just warm all over...and in need of a long nap. So, using my best southern drawl I bid Mr. Owl a hasty goodbye. “I must be going home now Mr. Owl, but I’ll come back to visit with you again soon. Ya’ll take care now.”
 I am feeling so much more like myself now. I have had a proper bath and a nice long rest. After supper, I shall visit some of my friends…and try to get to bed early.
Tomorrow, before the sun has risen, I shall be hiding in the mulberry bush waiting for Mr. Baker to deliver those cup cakes again. I must get there before Ms. Opossum, Ms. Raccoon and Ms. Squirrel!

Note: Most every evening I tell my granddaughter a bedtime story. Long ago, I already finished telling all of the most memorable of the traditional fables and stories. So, since she was about three years old (she is seven now) I have just been making up stories. She picks an animal or two…and I make up a story. Then, I pick an animal…and she makes up a story. (Her story is very often similar to the one I just told, but with different animals)…although, sometimes she really surprises me with a totally new story. It is pure joy…and I encourage you to try this out with the little ones in your family. When I dreamed up Freda Fox and her love of cupcakes Aidan was giggling so loud at “seeing her” licking the cupcake and hiding under the bush! So, I thought ya’ll might enjoy the story too.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Frank is a Master Craftsman!

Or, at least in my book he is! And, don't tell my friend Eileen...but, I might be in love with her husband! He has to be a special prince to be so talented! Check out my keepsake chest he made for me!!!
I have done a couple of CQ things for Eileen, and you have seen me post them here on the blog...and she said Frank was gonna make me a box as a thank you. I cool...maybe a cigar box kind of thingee...and I could keep little trinkets in it. But no...this is a real TREASURE!
My best embroidery scissors will be going in the top tray...

and I'll be stitching a pin cushion just the right size to fit into the bottom, along with some special needle cases too! THANKS FRANK!!
Aileen's blog is Free Range Stitchin...hop on over and tell Frank what you think of his keepsake chest!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Paying it Forward Challenge

Here are the simple explained to me over on
The first five folks to comment on this post..will get a prize, handmade by me! Each is required to post the same challenge (and provide their own five handmade prizes) if you are not prepared to play...don't post. Of course, more than five can post and play...but I only have five prizes to hand out. LOL!
My prizes will be a set of these earrings from my Studio. So, ready to pay it forward? Let's start a feel-good-movement!

There's a New Blogger In Town!

I'm so happy to let you know that Tom Russell now has a blog! I met Tom when I went to the Houston retreat last year, and he is a very friendly and sharing quilter. His work is awesome! I love the little touch of whimsey he infuses in each of his projects. I'm sure you will enjoy his quilts and his click on the name above and go check out his new blog. Tell him I sent you over for a visit...and welcome him to Bloggerville!

CIJ - Round #3

I just uploaded more rounds into the Yahoo is Round #3 peak for Christmas in July!
Check the sidebar for more posts about CIJ!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

OWOH Prize

My OWOH prize from Dale Ann of "Chronicles of Whimsy"...arrived! It is beautiful...even better than photos can show. And, look at the way she wrapped it! What a lovely idea...and a great way to make a simple little white jewelry box into a very special gift! The photos (hopefully) show what she has done so you might be able to do it to!
Thanks Dale Ann!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Deloris BE Block

This weekend I worked on a Brazilian Embroidery CQ block for Deloris. The block is one of four I'll be working on for this round robin, hosted by Crazy Quilters International yahoo group. Here is a close up of my portion of the block.
I added the silver/green trim along that long middle seam line...and did the pink/green middle section.
Lot's of bullions! The center flower has bullions that are 35 and 55-65 wraps.
I struggled getting these large bullions done. None of the needles I had were working well, even the milliners that I had recently received made by EdMar. Finally, I pulled out my doll needle and found that the eye was very slender...and it worked best of all! And it was about 8 inches held all of the wraps I'd ever want to include! It is still cumbersome...but worked best of all that I had on hand. Here is the block after my round was finished.
 Isn't it pretty! I'm sure Deloris will like it. I'm not due to mail until the end of the month...although it is already done and in the it has a rest before getting in the mail.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Beaded Tassels

The beaded tassel that I received from Sharon of Shardon Exclusives has inspired me to try my own. Sharon was kind enough to sell me her pattern, but I did not have the same type/size of beads so I had to adjust a bit. Here are my creations! The first is very close to her pattern requirements...
And the second one had to be increased in size to accommodate the large center bead in the core of the design.
These were so much fun, I'm definitely going to have to do more of them! Here is a close-up photo too...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Full Autumn Craziness...Plus!

As promised...Here is a photo of the full autumn block finished for Thearica!
You have seen closeups of most of this block, but now you can see how it all went together. And looking at it, I thought I'd talk a little today about my thoughts regarding "layering" items on a project. I think that the more layers you have, the more texture and dimension (and "life") you will achieve in your block. Layers might be an odd way to think of a block...but, you really are "building up" from the fabric layers of thread, ribbon, fibers, buttons, lace, etc. For example...If you examine the seams on this block might notice that:

Some seams are only partial because a motif is covering the remainder of the seam.
Some, seams are complete and motifs were stitched right on top after-wards. [This is easy to do with minimal seams and silk ribbon embroidery. It is harder to accomplish with thread embroidery or another flat style application. Lace could also be used effectively for this.]
And, certainly, there are some seams without any motifs crossing them. Motifs are stitched between the seams, across the seams, and over the completed seams. The seams that have beads or ribbon added are also "layered" just by themselves. The motifs and seams were stitched in unison, like a dance....the first thing I did was determine where the dog/pumpkin patch would be. That was a major focal point! Then the tree was planned so it would be similiar in scale...and I decided to move it above the dog so it would appear to be in the distance...and to the right of the it might seem that he was looking at it in the distance. I actually stitched the tree first. Then put the embroidered patch of the dog down...then the pumpkins. Then some seams...and some motifs...other seams...other motifs. See, a dance!
I love button clusters! And they are a great example of layering. I love to start with a doily, a piece of lace the size of the space to be filled, or even both! The shape of lace also helps me to determine a general shape of the button cluster. If you have lace pieces that you have dyed, and they didn't turn out "exactly" like you wanted...they are perfect candidates for button clusters...because most of the lace will most likely be covered by the buttons!
In Thearica's Autumn block, after the lace was stitched in place, the next layer was large sequin leaves which helped to bring even more of the Autumn colors into the block. Then, large buttons...3 of them all laying next to each other to form a triangle. Can you see them? One of them is a large dragonfly...which I treated like a cabochon by cutting the shank off...and beading around the edges in peyote stitch. The second is the lemon yellow, and the third was the large green with four holes. I labeled the layers in this photo for you.
 [A Note: After I stitch a "hole" button down, I thread some seed beads on the needle and do the last couple of passes with them. They just dress up a plain button!] Once, I had this triangular base of large buttons stitched in place...I add shiny buttons, beads, and charms. I have been know to tuck a silk ribbon or two (pre-made because it's near impossible to do SRE around all these buttons!) into a cluster. All of these things adds to the texture and dimension of the cluster. Here is another example of a button cluster...with the layers labeled. Can you see the layers? You have my permission to print or save these labeled photos as they will come up with the label shown and website name is in the photo.
I love to add unexpected things to my button clusters; and they are a good way to insert little personal in Thearica's little piggy charm. AND...Clusters do not have to be limited to buttons! is a flower cluster made from Velvet Leaves, Wired Roses, Charms, and Beads.
So, do you enjoy doing clusters? What are your favorite kinds? Do you mix other things in your button clusters?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

More Autumn Craziness!

Thought I'd share some more of Thearica's block with you today...and I'll post the entire block tomorrow!
The block was a job to work on because Autumn blocks have a lot of oranges and golds to really bring out the colors of that time of year...and can be difficult if your stash is mostly pastels!!
But, I went through all my little drawers and containers looking for any thread, fiber, bead, and ribbon that would work! Do you see the little inch worm above? He is so small...I hope Thearica doesn't think he is just a mess of beads! I've shown you the tree before...but here is the photo of it completed! And the piggy is filled in too! BTW, Thearica collects pigs...which is why I included a couple in the block.
Thearica also asked if I could stitch a St Bernard on the memory of a dear lost pet of her husbands. I said I'd try...and I did...and it was awful. But, luckily, after some cyber searching...I found a machine embroidery patch that worked beautifully! (And if you look at the embroidery work on the pig under the will agree that a purchased patch was a GREAT idea!).
 I love button clusters, and here is my version of an Autumn one!
 I hope you like the photos...and tomorrow I'll post one of the entire block so you can see how everything came together! Thearica will have received the block...and had time to post on the message board that she got it.

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Just Soooooo Excited!

Look what came in the mail!
This is the beaded tassle I won from SharDon Exclusives in the One World One Heart event...and it is stunning! I wish you could see it up close and real!
Sharon is so special, she created a little chest for the tassel and mailed it in a special box!
Both are a works of art! She even included a little note tag. And I just love the little will be a permanent storage for the tassel.
 If you love designer level jewelry...and really, who doesn't! Just hop on over to Sharon's blog SharDon Exclusives and enjoy photos of all of her beaded jewelry! Stunning!

Thank you again Sharon! I'm in love with this tassel...