Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Woot! Woot! I'm so Excited...

My very first book is in the proof stage! Here is the image of the back/front cover!!
Actually it's the second book I've written...but the first one is still in production...and this one just flew right through that phase...and jumped in front of the other one! How great!
All of the TDiTM stitch charts...and more will be in this...in three different scales! And four complete sets of monograms...104 total! And more than 50 embroidery motifs (I'm getting really good with Illustrator!!)
I'm so excited...the book proof is supposed to be in my hands next week. I have to make sure all the content is correct...and the print quality is good...and a hundred little details. Then, it goes to full production!! I hope to have it for retail by the end of February or March!! Yeah!!!
So celebrate with me!! Woot! Woot!

Monday, January 10, 2011

No School Today!

In the south, if it snows this much...nothing moves!
That's the view from my kitchen window this morning. Here's the one from my front porch.
If you note the mailbox...you can see that the street is completely covered in snow. And, there's a thin sheet of ice below the snow. All you folks that routinely get snow...will think "so what". But, here in the south...we don't have snow plows because we don't get this much snow but every 5 years or so. Everything is quiet...still...and no vehicles on the road. That will change later today...but for now everyone is safely tucked inside.
Here is a view of my steps...as this is a garage apartment.
See how nice and clean they are! I just swept off the snow. My daughter laughed at me last night, when she saw I had gone to the grocery store...not for milk or bread...but for rock salt! Before the storm hit I covered my porch and steps with it! Made cleanup so easy!
Here's a view of how close I am to my Mom's house...which is why I'm in this little apartment in the first place. It's great to have her (and my brother and SIL) right next door!
And lastly, all these little foot prints...are actually paw prints. And Buddy loves the snow, here he sits...after I have called him upstairs twice. He wants to stay and chase the blackbirds in the snow! Perhaps later today...

Melissa's Heart and Bow

I'm still working on Melissa's block (see posts for 1/7 and 1/9). I finished the embroidery motif of the little bow with hearts. Here's a reminder of the design traced on to the tissue paper and basted to the block.
The design is a little hard to make out in the picture....but here is the finished (without the beads) embroidery.
It turned out to be really sweet. I'll still add some little pearl beads to the tiny flowers. But, that will be later on when I start beading on the block...so I don't snag my embroidery thread on those beads! I added a little butterfly done in 4mm ribbon. This little fellow is included in my templates files on the Yahoo site. So, if you have not yet signed up to get those files downloaded...just go to Yahoo Groups...and join the ShawklBlogFiles group. I'll be uploading all the stitch charts and stitch photos for TDiTM in the next few weeks too...and have other tutorials there as well. It's not an active "group" with lot's of messages and such (well at least not yet I suppose...depends on how "wordy" y'all get!) But, is just a quick stop place for me to upload the files I would like to share with you.
Okay, back to stitching!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Melissa's Drop Flowers

Okay, I'm a little further along on Melissa's block...see earlier post on 1/7/2011 Here is a reminder of one of the motifs I'm going to embroidery. I traced the design onto tissue paper, and basted that to the block.
I thought that I'd share a few process steps with you. I like working with tissue paper, because it is fast...and I don't draw directly onto the project (which means I can change my mind if I wanted to move it before actually stitching). In this design I will not embroidery the flower heads...I am debating beads or silk ribbon...and have not yet made up my mind. But for the stem and leaves...it will be embroidery. To start, I stitch these areas in a simple backstitch in olive green perle cotton, size 8 thread.
Now, you can see from the photo that stitching through the tissue paper can be done without tearing it to shreds. I think there a few things to remember when doing this however...mostly, be gentle in handling...for obvious reasons. Also, having the block in a frame...and you can barely see the side of my little Q-snap frame in this photo...is key to keeping the work flat, taut, and easy to handle. Work carefully in a needle up, needle down motion...not both steps together as a continuous flow. That helps to not "disturb" the tissue while you are working.
Here's what the design looks like when the tissue paper is removed. Very simple and basic at this stage. The point is, you don't have to stitch the entire image...just get the basics in with the tissue paper as a guide. Next, I'll go to the bottom of the stem and work upwards wrapping the backstitches...and then the leaves will be wrapped as well.
And, here is the end result after the backstitches have been turned into Wrapped Backstitch. I added some little detached chain (Lazy Daisy) stitches along the design as well. You might note that these are not in the same place or size as in Mary's original design that was traced on to the tissue paper (scroll up and you'll see this). But, Mary works a lot in silk threads and embroidery floss strands...I don't usually...most of my crazy quilt (and hence embroidery) is done is perle cotton. If I want fine details I use size 12...but for the most part...I stitch in size 8.
Whenever I finally make up my mind on what type of flower heads to use...I'll photograph them and let you see a finished motif!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

BJP 2011 January Thinking

Here is my January Dragonfly for BJP2011.

This is my first year to join in on the Beaded Journal Project...and I already having a head full of ideas! Finally, I decided on a theme for my monthly beaded projects...critters! If you follow the blog, you know that I do a lot of blocks and projects for friends, cyber friends, and family.
 One thing I want to do for myself is a large crazy quilt project. I have visions of shabby chic with loads of white, cream, beige fabrics with bits of pastels in lace and embellishments. I have not pieced the first block, because I do not want them to be square...and have not decided on what I "do" want yet! Agrrrrr...some on brain, you can do it! Sorry, I digress...
Anyway, I thought that critters would be a good addition to the project...when it ever gets off the ground! And, I want the critters to be all sizes...some large, some small, some round, some not so round...a real variety.
Therefore, all of my BJP 2011 monthly projects will be critters that I can later stitch down to the crazy quilt full size project. This complicates the creation process some too...because each item must be able to be attached firmly to the final crazy quilt project. So, this first one is also a test! As you might be able to tell from the photo, I used water soluble (traced with a chalk pencil) and hooped it on top of felt. After stitching all the beads firmly into place...I hope to be able to carefully cut the dragonfly out and then be able to handstitch him into the CQ project...more about that when the time comes I'm sure!!
Here are the big stones I'm thinking of using...and other smaller ones will cover the wings, body, and tail. So wish me luck! I'm off on a new adventure in beading! Oh, here's a closeup of the main beads...I wish you could see just how gorgeous these are!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Melissa's Hearts and Flowers Block

Here's a crazy quilt block I'm beginning to stitch on for a cyber pal, Melissa. She pieced the block...and swapped with me. We are both going to keep the theme "flowers and hearts" in mind as we embellish each block. Oh, and you might want to check out Melissa's blog "Honey Bee's Bliss" as she is a whiz at silk ribbon...and I love looking at all her eye candy on her site!

This will be mailed by mid February...so, I thought I had better get started. My first thought was to do some seams, but then I had a second thought that the block was so small...about 9 inches...and I might stitch myself into a fix if I didn't figure out what motifs I might want to add. Embroidery is the first medium that jumps into my mind...so off I went to hunt some designs.
The first was easy, a simple monogrammed "M"...for Melissa of course! And this one was so fast to stitch, I just couched some 7mm silk ribbon down with silk thread in a matching color. Add a rose and some French Knots...done! Yeah!!
 The next motif was a bow with hearts...and I'm working on that so will have some photos later this week I think of a finished product. I don't remember where I got this little heart from...but most likely it was the Flickr Pool I belong to called Hoop Love Vintage Transfers. Check them out! They have some great embroidery motifs you can use on your own projects...and contribute some to the pool too!
 That one's a little hard to make out...perhaps this last one will be better. By the way, these were printed and then I traced the image on to tissue paper...so any errors are my own poor tracing skills...not the creator of the design. LOL! This last little flower is from a design of Hanging Flowers that Mary of NeedlenThread posted. If you have not checked out her site...you are missing a wealth of embroidery knowledge! It is my very favorite site to visit!
So, I'm off to stitch some more!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

TDiTM Stitch #129

Simple, but effective. Add some flower beads or silk ribbon spiderweb roses above/below the lazy daisy trio...if it is stitched in green...for a very effective little garden row seam.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TDiTM Stitch #128

Starry, starry night!

The top row is done in metallic thread, and the bottom in bright teal.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

TDiTM Stitch #127

Here's a mostly beaded stitch...

Monday, January 3, 2011

TDiTM Stitch #126

Here's another seam with only straight stitches. It is full, and I find it really pleasing even without any beads.
But, with some pearls at the bottom of the little arrows...or on the T-bar of the base stitch might be good too!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

TDiTM Stitch #125

Check the side bar for a link to all previous TDiTM Combination Stitches.
It is a little unreal to begin 2011 still doing Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months combination stitches...but we are almost done, and that is an odd feeling too.

Stitch #125 is all straight stitches...it could be dressed up very easily by adding seed beads to the ends of all the rays.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your's a great 2011!

Friday, December 31, 2010

Another "A"

This letter A is in Garamond, the same font as the blog is now in...and I like that it's wide.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Basically Beaded Continues

The next round in Basically Beaded round robin is completed, boxed, and ready to be mailed.
I added some odds and ends...and these red roses, blue half circle seam...
and this little blue flower and pearl seam.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in July...start early!

A couple of years ago...perhaps even three...I designed a couple of shadow applique quilts for teaching; and I still use them in my college classes. One was a Christmas quilt filled with lot's of holiday memories...and when I brought it to the HGTV Message Board Group...I called it Christmas in July. I think that's the month we started the quilt process. It is still in the same state as this photo shows...still needs an outside border!
Oh, I have the borders...all cut out and in the basket with the quilt center...attaching them is just way down on my priority list. The second quilt I mentioned...Bunny in the Pink...is a complete top...and has been basted together...and I will be hand quilting it. So, Christmas will wait.
But, no need for anyone else to have to wait...so, if you'd like to create the quilt...it will be in the files section of the Yahoo Group site. Shawkl_Blog_Files

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Boys!

I'm always talking about Aidan...and ya'll have seen loads of photos of her various adventures! But, here are the two men in my life...
Chase is the eldest of my three grandchildren...my first grandbaby! He's getting more grown up every day...and he is so sweet! He'll break some hearts for sure!!!...
And Luke is the youngest of the three...and he is the most adorable little angel!  And, yes...behind both the boys is my sewing/beading/crafting...."living" room. Odd that the table is cleaned off...but that is because we all needed a place to do gingerbread houses later in the day. And, all the "stuff" that is usually there...is piled up on the cutting board table behind it! I call it organized confusion!

English Garden

Here's my work so far for Meg in Uruguay...it still needs some more beads...
and a few little crawling critters perhaps...
and a dragonfly or several...then it will be ready to mail next week!

Monday, December 27, 2010

"A" Motif

I'm still playing around in Illustrator...so, here'a a couple of monogram motifs for you. Just copy and save; resize with whatever photo software you have, as they are jpg files.
This one has a nice wide area for stitching...so if you didn't want to include the snowflakes, how about some spiderweb roses...or lazy daisy flowers...or a string of Christmas ornaments...or whatever you can dream up to fit the individual who's initial you are stitching. Hmmm...A is for Aidan...perhaps I should just put hearts!

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Here's a little penguin...for your use...

I think he could be candidate for embroidery satin-stitch, chain,  or red-work outline only...or applique. Just size as you desire. The little ornament could be replaced with something else..like a little bell, or a bead...or....???

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Today, I'm at my daughters...Buddy (my cocker spaniel) and I spent the night...so we are watching Aidan open her Christmas presents today. No stitching...but here's a Merry Christmas wish from me to you! Hope everyone has a really good day today...whether you celebrate the holiday or not.