Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aidan's Christmas Program

This is a busy's the last week of school before the holiday break. Aidan has only half a day on Friday, and then doesn't go back to school until the 4th of January! So, she and I will have loads of things to do during that time. One big event this last week of school was the Christmas play...and here are some "grandma photos" to share with all the other doting grand-mothers following the blog!!
Her contribution was to help sing the "Santa's Coming To Town" song. The program was typical of what you might expect from about two-hundred first and second graders....loud, lively, loud, cute, loud....and, did I say loud?
Here she is...waiting to follow her fellow classmates back into the halls at the end of the performance. I had to work my way up front to get a decent photo...well, as decent as my cellphone would take.
 So, wishes for a great holiday season to everyone...and go hug an Elf!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Amish Bread Recipe

This is my mother's Amish Bread recipe. I have no idea how or where it got that name...or if Amish ever had anything to actually do with this bread. There are other recipes of the same name...but this one is our very, very favorite! We've been baking it for at least the past eight to ten years! The photo is a little blurry, but it was taken with my cellphone yesterday....just before we devoured the cake. (I was trying to jockey for the front of the line, so I could get a photo!! Almost didn't make it!)

And, this post is just in time for Christmas Day baking!! Or, you could do this for any time...just plan ahead as it takes 10 days!!! (really just a few minutes each day...and it tastes great...and is easy breezy). First you make the starter...then ten days bake the cakes.

Sometimes, we make the starter...and then on the tenth day...we divide it up between the "girls" in the family...instead of baking on the 10th day. And other times...we bake the entire starter off. Usually at Christmas my mom bakes a lot of these...wraps them in clear plastic wrap, then in tinfoil...and freezes them. She gives them as presents too!

The starter recipe...and dry ingredients in a little jar...with a bow...and a copy of the recipe is a good little gift too. You have permission to copy the recipe...and you will not be sorry that you did! I promise.

Amish Friendship Bread
This is a 10-day recipe…

Day One: Receive the starter from a friend…or create a new cake starter by mixing 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk, and 1 pkg dry yeast. Place all of the ingredients in an airtight bag…1 or 2 gallon size. Set aside. DO NOT REFRIGERATE. (Note: we use self-rising flour...I have no idea if this matters or not)

Day Two through Five: Squeeze the bag! Check the bag throughout the day. It is normal for the batter to bubble and expand with air. If the bag expands a lot…crack the top and let the air out…reseal the bag.

Day Six: Add 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, and 1 cup milk. Squeeze the bag!

Day Seven through Nine: Squeeze the bag! Check the bag throughout the day. It is normal for the batter to bubble and expand with air. If the bag expands a lot…crack the top and let the air out…reseal the bag.

Day Ten: BAKING DAY!! You will need a large plastic or glass bowl (do not use metal) and a wooden spoon (do not use metal)...(I don't know why no metal...the original recipe (hand-written) says so.)

Combine the starter with 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, and 1 cup flour. Mix well. Divide the new starter into 3 parts…. This is your new starter…and the beginning of a new DAY ONE. These can be given to friends along with the baking recipe below…or you can use the entire starter to create multiple cakes.


1 Cup Cake Starter   
1 1/2 Cup Sugar
1 1/2 Cup Oil               
3 small pkgs vanilla instant pudding mix
3 Cups self-rising flour  
5 large eggs
3/4 Cup milk (buttermilk is fine too)          
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring   
3 teaspoons cinnamon
1 1/2 Cup chopped pecans (optional)
3/4 Cup raisins (optional)

Pour all ingredients into a large glass or plastic bowl. Mix well with wooden spoon. Butter four loaf pans or one bundt style cake pan (we use spray Pam instead). Sprinkle a little cinnamon sugar in the bottom of each pan (we put about 1/2 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in a bowl for this purpose and just get a pinch to sprinkle all over the bottom and sides of the loaf pans). Makes 4 loafs...or one large bundt cake.

Fill each of the loaf pans about 2/3 full with batter. Sprinkle a little cinnamon sugar on top. Bake at 325 for about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 hours…or until a toothpick comes out clean with inserted into the cake middle. 

These are excellent to freeze ahead of time, and just thaw one out when it is needed. They keep for about 6 months in the freezer...or at least, we have eaten all of ours by that time!!

The recipe has a lot of oil...and I think would be a good candidate to substitute some of that oil with applesauce instead. Shhhhhhh...don't tell mom!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Yikes! It's Give-A-Way Day....Win BIG!!!

Today is give-a-way day!!!
Want a chance to win from over 300 different bloggers and sites???

Find a comfy chair...grab a cup of tea...and a might be busy with over 300 sites offering up some great give-a-ways!!!
 Here's the link:

Aidan's Dollies

Today, I finished up a flannel board for Aidan.

And, I completed the rag quilt for Chase both grandsons will now have a quiltee under my tree! Yeah! Rather than do a quilt for Aidan, I decided to do something with the Paper Dolls fabric I bought last year.

If you go searching for is made by Windham Fabrics, called "Paper Dolls", and designed by Sheryl Rae Marquez and comes in a variety of color ways. I simply ironed fusible to the back of the fabrics...and cut out each piece. Then I peeled the paper backing off...and ironed each object to flannel. Then each was cut out...and I did not cut out the "tabs" on the clothing...because they are not needed for a flannel board. An even faster way would be to iron the entire fabric...once fusible is the flannel...THEN cut out the pieces only once. However, I was afraid I would not have enough flannel for all I needed to I choose to cut the fused pieces out...then apply them to the flannel...then cut them out again! Actually, it only took a couple of hours...still, it could have been more efficient if I had not be concerned over the amount of flannel I had on hand.
This is one of the dollies...wearing a new dress...and a second is under consideration for her next fast change!
The flannel board was easy...just a few big squares of fabric and some cork board. It is a tri-fold is the inside fold...with pockets for the dolls, dresses, shoes, and hats. The pocket is a ziplock baggie with blanket edge sewn to the top and bottom...fold the bottom up about 2/3 of the way...and stitch to the inside fabric before assembly of the case. The zip part of the bag was cut off. is the flannel board opened all the way...with some of the dolls and accessories on top.

I changed my mind on the front flap...and had to make it longer...which meant it was in two parts. Hard as heck to get that last piece on because it would not fit under my machine's throat! I covered up my horrible seam work with a ribbon. I'm sure Aidan will not mind...but you should plan better than I if you make one! Lot's of Love!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #121

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 Here's the next little double herringbone...are you getting tired of these yet? We have a few more...then we'll move to another base stitch. Want to guess which is next?
 Only 22 more stitches and we will have our Two Dozen in Twelve Months completed...even though it too longer. The proper name should have been Two Dozen in Two Years!!....but, life does happen...and mine is always Nuts!!  I bet yours is too!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #120

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 These little butterflies are really cool! I actually use them mostly for little motifs...and stitch them in 2mm or 3 or 4mm silk ribbon. But, they are also cute on this seam I think they will be used more and more! Hope you enjoy them too!
 The little green "V" is freehand stitched...and not part of the chart. It is intended to be antenna...and can be stitched or left out.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #119

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 Again...upside down! What's with that....
 Simple, easy, quick! My kind of stitching!

Friday, December 10, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #118

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 Okay, first off....lay your head down on your shoulder...cause the photo is upside down. (smile)
Isn't this the cutest! I have not used sequins behind my beads for a little while...and I'm in love with them again! So quick...and so dramatic! Loving it!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Luke's Blankie

 Here is Luke's rag quilt.

My grandson Luke is the second boy. You know the story..he always seems to get left out. Chase, his brother, was the first grandchild...and was doted over. Aidan, their niece, was the first grand-daughter and is certainly a Diva in that role! ..and Luke is stuck in the middle.

Chase got a baby quilt...and Aidan helped me make a doll quilt and pillow for her...but Luke is still waiting for something sewn by Grandma. I want to make his quilt super duper special...And, although I had loads of ideas this year to make this happen...I never could settle on one of them long enough to select fabrics. Something "better" always seemed to come into my head.

So, when December arrived...I was feeling like a pretty bad grandma. And of course, there isn't enough time before Christmas now to do a really special project. I'd love to complete a hand quilted bed-size project for each of them...but, that will wait until they are least in middle school!

What I really needed for Luke was a quilt he would snuggle up with. One that he could carry with him in the truck...without his mom worrying too much about it "getting dirty". It needed to be special...but not TOO special...if you know what I mean. He is almost still take naps...but is a 'big boy' no baby themes!

Then, in a came to me. He needed a flannel rag quilt...bigger than baby...but not quite bedsize!

And even at the first week of December...I can get a rag quilt done! Yeah! They are the very easiest of quilts to create. It took a day to cut out all of the blocks (9 1/2 inch flannel squares). Then, the next day...I sewed the whole quilt together...and washed it for the first time.

If you have never made one...try it. They are super soft...all flannel! Great for a crawling baby...or for a bed or napping spot! Layer 3 squares of flannel for each block. The top one faces front...the bottom one faces back...and the middle doesn't matter which way it faces. Treat this layer of 3 as one block...and sew it with the next block (there will be six layers). The seam allowance is about an easy to sew up. It does not have to be exact.
When the rows of blocks are all stitched together....snip each seam allowance every 1/4 of an inch...and cut almost to the seam line...but do not cut your seam! 
Sew around the outside edge of the entire quilt to keep those outside block layers all together...and snip the outside edge every 1/2 of an inch also! have a soft and durable quilt to snuggle with! 
Every time you wash it...threads (LOTS of threads!) will come loose. Over time, the seams look like chenille. Of course, that also means you will have lot's of threads in your lint keep those filters changed. 

I recommend you take the blanket to the laundromat for the first washing...and use an industrial size washer. You want a lot of agitation to loosen up those threads! I washed this one home...and my machine was really complaining!! It sounded like a bunch of squealing pigs were caught in there! Scary!! But, all seems well now...

If you have a really great quilt pattern for a little boy...please tell me about it. I'd love to get more ideas...for a "real" quilt...maybe next year. (smiles)

I had such fun doing this one...I might see if there is enough fabric for a rag quilt for Chase and Aidan this year too! See, here it goes again!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #117

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
This stitch is a little wider than the previous double herringbone, and the flower beads increase the bling factor...along with the seed beads.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #116

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 This is a simple little stitch...yeah, I say that a lot! The double herringbone stitches add some movement and width, and the embroidery combination stitches are just simple straight stitches. It would be a great canvas to add some bugle beads to the center!

Monday, December 6, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #115

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 I like the idea of this is extra wide, and will fill a lot of space. That can be great when you are working on an area that just would not look good with a motif between the seams. But, don't stitch it with a seven-year old wanting to color and play dominoes when you stop to re-thread your needle...or your beads won't be straight! LOL!
And, the scale of the middle beads is way to small...they needed to be about 4mm and not seed beads. So, learn from my mistakes!...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #114

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 In this stitch, the large circle represents any object you want to use. In this example, a 4mm pearl bead was used...but buttons, sequins, or other items could easily be used here. Porcelain roses would be gorgeous!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I love my new roses! The other flowers were very pretty...and fun! But roses ...especially fabric that has cabbage roses on it...are some of my favorite things. They make me smile inside...feel girly...and special. So, I really like the new borders...hope you enjoy them too!


TDiTM Stitch #113

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This little three straight stitch grouping reminds me of a little flower with 3 buds. Especially with the Swarvoski crystals used in place of the ending French Knots. The stacked knots were substituted with German glass octagonal beads.

Friday, December 3, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #112

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

 We go from very simple number 111 to this more complex...but, even's easy to stitch. Only French knots (or beads) and straight stitches. The vertical straight stitches have been replaced with bugle beads...
 They remind me of little firecrackers...and would be great on a patriotic block. Of course, I'd have to use red/white/blue instead of pink/white/green!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #111

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 It might be difficult to find a herringbone seam treatment any simpler than this...well, I suppose we could take it down to only one french knot! But, even though it is simple...isn't it cute!
 Using the little pearls instead of French knots does dress it up somewhat!
And, here's a little bonus photo...this block has three pieces of lace...and then nothing but herringbone stitches! Specifically, it is TDiTM Stitches 100 through 111...and I think they play nicely together!
Who says that the same style of stitch can't be used multiple times in a block! Ha! Now, it's ready for some motifs in the patches!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blue Box Progress--Finished

There are two previous posts about the blue check those out to get the progress as I've moved along.
For today, let me walk you through the stitching on the mermaid herself. First a reminder of how she looked when I started....
Since she is already a redhead...and I like are the colors of silk thread I shall use for her.
These particular threads came from Thailand, off of Ebay. Gorgeous colors, but I have to tell you to beware because when they arrived (about 50 spools) I thought I'd have to throw them away...they smelled so badly. I could not determine if it was from being stored too long...mildewy...or from something else. I loaded them into a plastic container...sprayed (soaked!) them in Febreze...and closed the lid. After about 3 months...they smelled better. So, I sprayed them again...and 3 months later...all is well. The colors did not bleed either..and I was glad and fortunate for that!

Okay, here is the beginning of the hair. I stitched usually in a simple split stitch...and back stitch sometimes to fill in space. I use a divide and conquer stitching along the direction the hair would be flowing...and use the image to guide me in that.
Then I continue this process until all the areas are divided up, and I can clearly see the direction the hair would be flowing...that is the direction of my stitching.
Truly...this is not a difficult thing to do. Just use really thin thread...and do lots of "rows". If you don't have any silk thread...use any type of rayon embroidery thread. It will give you a good sheen and is fairly thin. Combine three colors (as I did here)...or even 3 threads of the same color. The stitching actually goes pretty fast. Here is the final took about 2 hours to stitch it all.
Next, I debated several ideas for the "fins". They are very fluid with all the dips and valleys and creases in the artwork...and I didn't want to loose that. In the end...I decided to let the art speak and only accent it by stitching along the outside edges of the fins.
And, here is a closeup of the jewelry she is she is ready to swim back home to Eileen! She'll be arriving soon gal!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Teddy Bear Tutorial

 I'm busy cooking...but wanted to share a little friend with you today!

This is a little teddy bear I stitched on a friend's crazy quilt heart. He is about 1 1/2 inches tall and is really cute. And, he was not too difficult to do! Really, he wasn't.
Of course, it would be best to try a little larger version, here is a tutorial if you want to give this dimensional technique a try.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cross-stitch Butterfly #1

I'm really liking this Cross-stitch software! So, here's a chart for you...technically, I think this is a moth...but I still love the colors!
Here's the symbols for Butterfly #1...and next the color chart.
 I'm off to find a good photo of see if I can chart him. I might need a new photo however!