Sunday, May 19, 2019

How Organized Are You?

Really, can we be too organized? Nope, I don't think so. But most days, I feel that I have a long way to go to feel really organized.

Last year I bought a calendar, then found in the middle of the year that I was already planning for the next bought another one. I got a 2018-2019 version thinking it would cover both years...nope, began in June of the current year. So, I still needed the full year 2018 and this new one. I also have a "chicken book" as we call it here in my is where I write down "important" things like the login/password to my Amazon account (ha!). Really, it began as a listing of websites with login/passwords..but has grown into notes as well because it is "handy to pick up".

There is also a variety of "doodle" books where I make lists, dream of projects, or just sketch out things. Of course, there is also a sketch book (not in the photo). But, it seems that when I'm needing one of these...I can't find the "right one" so grab is a vicious cycle. So, instead of me feeling "organized" by writing things down...I feel very dis-organized because I can't find WHERE I wrote it at?!!

Therefore, I'm making an effort to do better. To really consider WHAT information I do need and organize a way to keep that all together. I have this neat 3-ring has a nice pretty outside and handle for carrying. 

It also zips closed (which is really nice) and has places for pens/pencils, etc. I like putting the arm of my reading glasses into a pencil holder for safe keeping. Plus, the greatest thing I just found out was that the little Velcro pocket will hold my phone! Not closed mind you, but it fits...and the zipper will keep it from falling out anyway! How great is that fact...yes, I'm smiling at a simple thing. :)

So, yesterday and today I've been busy creating a new calendar (2018 beginning in June and the ENTIRE year of 2020) now just am going to spend the afternoon transferring my events from both of the old calendars into this new calendar. And, I might even get things into my phone. Why both? Well, first I'm "old school" and like paper still...and two, I have lived through the horror of electronics that just don't work any longer. So, don't want to face the dreaded "multi day wait" before I have a working calendar, contacts, etc. again. Nope...will have a paper backup!

Also, did some organizational sheets for Project Planning, General notes/doodles drawing, etc. There are a lot of organizational tools on-line these days...or you can create your own if you are marginally skilled with Windows software.

How do you organize your creative process?

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ready to Embroider

Working on a little project for publication, they wanted a quick and easy CQ, doing a little 9-block wall hanging. Only beads, ribbon, lace, etc. Not sure I could have done a large project...killing me not to pull out ribbons and beads!
 Took time last night to trace the block embroidery design on to tissue paper.
Today, taped each to their respective blocks. These little 6-inch blocks are small enough to just sit and stitch without a hoop.

Inspirational Owls

Isn't this cute! Saw it in the ladies bathroom at our local pizza joint...thought "What a neat embroidery design this would make". :)

Inspiration is everywhere!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Pieces cut out!

Sun is setting, but all of my block pieces are cut out! Next, sewing them back together...nice to be working on a new project.

THANKS to all who have jumped over to Patreon and selected a Tier of just means the world to me! (Hope y'all are also enjoying the little thankyou goodies I sent to you for signing on to this new crazy adventure with me!)

If you don't know what I'm talking about...there is a PATREON badge on the right bar...just click and it will take you to the blog post...hugs!

TIMES they are a changing....and here we go!

The past 10 years has been a huge fast growth for my little blog! What began as a simple way for me to journal some embroidery seams...has leap frogged into a platform for announcing all of the free crazy quilt classes offered.

There is still so much more that I'd like to do. Like podcasts and videos...but Blogger is just not a great platform for that, too cumbersome. So, I've been holding off.

Plus, folks all work at various paces (which is very evident in the classes). Many sign up and about 60% always finish...then there are some that begin and get overwhelmed with the "blogging" aspect of it and frustrated. But, what to do?

Well, I'm going in new direction and I hope you'll consider coming along with me!

First heart will always have a spot for new quilters that want to learn and traditional quilters that want to begin crazy quilting, my classes will remain free. However, there will be fewer of them next year. I'll be putting the retired ones over on the Yahoo Group site at the end of this year for free download...just as I've done in the past.

If you are not familiar with the Yahoo Group...just scroll until you find the photo of the "rosebud" and click there. Put in your email address..and Yahoo will let me know you are interested in joining that group. I'll go and click "yes" and then you will have access. It's not a "chatting group"...just a place for me to dump any retired files and such. You can then just go to files and download whatever you want for your own use.

Secondly...I'm just plain "too old" to go back to work...but my hobby is taking a huge chunk of my time and my resources each day. So, I have to do something to correct this or give it all up. 

The problem is I have so many more ideas to get out of my head! More books (wait until you see the one in will be spectacular; my C&T team is working on it now)! More patterns (applique quilts, standard quilts, crazy quilts...wool, fancy fabrics, batiks! Plus, I want to do more DIY little things as well. Like purses, organizers, needlebooks, etc.

I was not sure what to do until I saw a post from my cyber pal Mary Corbet of Needle'n'Thread...and her use of Patreon to help her with costs. So, I checked them out.

Wow! It's like an answer to my problem and a huge opportunity at the same time. I can establish a fan base that is seriously interested in what I do...and doesn't mind throwing a few pennies into the pot to help me do it. In exchange for that valued friendship and support...I can then direct specific benefits to them by gifting each with patterns, designs, etc. not available to the general public.

And, I can divide the group to help better understand their true needs and wants. Here's what I have done...and I hope you will go over to the new site and select a tier to join. You have my promise that I will return your support "ten fold" over this next year. 

My groups are defined as:

-- Basic Quilter - I see this person as a traditional quilter mostly who enjoys information on specific techniques and "how to" instructions.

-- Novice Quilter - More like myself, tired of the fast piecing methods and needs a bit more of a challenge...but still doesn't want to "think too much" about it either.

-- Crazy Quilter - Okay, this can be more than one definition...but I'm thinking "off the rails" wanting to experiment and do new things. Small projects and techniques are great and perhaps one large project a year.

So, given all of the above information (thanks for reading this far)...know that I'm going to be putting a lot of focus on support to my patrons in the next few months and transitioning my blog back to more of a traditional journal of "what's happening" with occasional notices still of classes. Next year, the Basic Course will be the only offering...but the Patrons will continually get new motif designs, patterns, instructional pamphlets, and much more!

The way I've set the tiers up is that the Basic Group will get patterns, etc. keyed to a more beginner level of expertise; the Novice Group will get all of these beginner level things plus more patterns, etc. keyed to a higher level of expertise; and the Crazy Group will get all of the beginner/novice level things plus designs, patterns, etc. for advanced level work. So, choose based on what you enjoy...or go "crazy" and just be prepared to download and save everything provided each month. The future posts at Patreon you see this year from me will be geared to the Tier you decide to sign up for. You can change tiers as the year progresses also.

So, Jump on over and check out my Shawkl Design Studio page at Patreon! (Just click the "Become a Patron" button at the top right hand corner of blog). That will take you to the new commitment unless you join a tier group after reading everything. :)

Oh, and those of you that ARE willing to take the "crazy plunge" with me (Tier 3) and stick it out for a year...I pledge to you today, that you will get a free hard copy of my 2020 book when it releases next year. This is a special thanks...on top of the year full of creative content you'll be getting every month in 2019 after joining!.

Thank you for your continued support of my Crazy Journey!

Monday, May 13, 2019

Stunning Stitches has arrived!

Just look what the UPS man delivered just now!

So, I'm doing a little happy dance because this means that YOUR books (if you ordered from should be to you very shortly. Plus, these will begin showing up in Quilt shops, Hobby stores, etc. watch for them!

C&T did a wonderful job of the layout and design; the 480 seam diagrams are clear and large with nice descriptions of each one. Click the photo and it will enlarge so you can see what I mean.

The Gallery Pages are also in beautiful color with each stitch clear as a bell.

I'm over the moon happy with this latest book! Hope you will consider getting it, and will enjoy many hours of stitching Stunning Stitches yourself. There is also a set of template (in my Etsy shop) that go along with the book...but you can make your own (instructions in the book)..or get wild and crazy and just stitch without templates for marking. :)


Sunday, May 12, 2019

Antique Crazy Quilt

While in Florida, we visited a lovely little tea room at the urging of Jacqui Anderson...called the "Twisted Teapot". If you are ever near Winter Haven, Florida...check them out at 200 1st St. South. The food is great, the tea is wonderful...and the antique crazy quilt on display in the hall (framed under glass) is to "die for". It is worn and tattered in places but the hand embroidery alone is worth the trip!

Here are some photos we tried to get...the lighting is not so good in the hallway and the chandelier overhead doesn't help...but we were drooling all the same.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Florida Fun!

I had a wonderful time last night with the Ladies of the Lakes Quilt Guild in Lakeland, Florida. Such a productive group as there was a huge number of Show'n'tell projects to view during the meeting. Beautiful work and a lot of charity projects were shown...which really was special for me to see.

Then, they were so gracious during my lecture (and even snickered at my jokes).

Thank you ladies (and guys) for a wonderful time! Now, today and tomorrow a few will be working on a block with me in our one-on-one class events.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Winner, Winner!

We have a winner for Christen Brown's newest book: Beaded Embroidery Stitching

There were 33 comments...but, some were anonymous without any way to make contact...and some were repeats because the person might not have realized that their first comment did "take" just needed me to moderate.

So, after scrubbing the listing...we had 28 valid comments. Using the Random Generator...the winner was #18.
and, drumroll please...Lucky #18 was:

So, Magpie's Mumblings...just email be at to let me know you are ready for your free pdf book download! Congrats!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Beading Lovers Unite!

Wow, I'm in beading glory at the moment...just looking at all of the gorgeous photos in Christen Brown's newest book: Beaded Embroidery Stitching

Tons of eye candy for me to enjoy...and several Gallery items or projects that are so inspiring I just want to get up and bead something...but can't put the book down long enough!
The beaded bracelets are especially catching my attention. But, I also want to do one of the beaded tassels. Decisions, decisions! All of the general and project instructions are clearly written with great how-to photos...even a novice bead enthusiast would love this book!
So, my best advice is to RUN not walk to the nearest quilt shop for this book. Or, just sit at order online at C&T Publications or on Amazon...don't wait!  Congrats Christen on another super book..this one is sure to be a favorite! I know it will be on my bookshelves for years to come!

To celebrate the launch of Christen's wonderful book...some stitching pals are having a Beaded Embroidery Stitching Blog Tour and Give-Away. If you leave a comment to my post about the book (see below), you could win a free E-book download of Christen's wonderful book!

Same goes for the other you can click on each link below...and leave a comment. That will increase your chances to win the E-book download!. I'll draw a name from those leaving me comments tomorrow afternoon and post the winner on the blog! Then, you'll need to email me so that I can get the book to you...instructions about that tomorrow.

Here are the other blogging buddies excited about Beaded Embroidery Stitching as much as me!

April 8 - C& T Publishing
April 9 - Allie Aller
April 10 - Me ;)
April 11 - Laura Wasilowski
April 12 - Judy Gula
April 13 - Brian Haggard
April 14 - Christen Brown

If you can't wait to see if you might win a drawing...just hop on over to C&T and order the print version of this book...seriously, you will not be sorry to have done so!

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Crazy Kites

Doesn't this look like fractured glass!

It's the "crazy" version of my new pattern Crazy Kites. The design is available as a traditional quilt AND crazy the same pattern. Just hop on over to to get the download pdf pattern today!

I'm thinking that this would be a great pattern to do totally SCRAPPY as well...since there could be over 200 patches of unique fabrics that way. So, going to being making "kite blocks" with scraps as I get them (yes, I already have tons...but you know how they multiply!)...and when there are enough blocks...BOOM, I'll assemble as a crazy quilt. That gives me loads of new blocks to embellish as well! With the new book launching in a few weeks...that will be super convenient for new seams!

Blocks in this pattern are suitable for paper piecing as well...super fast!

Thursday, January 31, 2019

A New Friend

We've had a new friend around here for a few weeks. Started with just quick visits, then he hung around enough that brother could pet him at times.

With the cold weather, I ordered him a "house" (litter box with lid) from Amazon...and fitted it with a thick towel and a fleece blanket. He is not snug, well fed...and totally at home. Yesterday, I put a flea collar on him with no problem...not sure if he was a pet before; as he was a bit wild at the start. But, he has certainly been handled before as he likes to be picked up and get head rubs.

The cat box is a corner model but it also comes in a standard square style. It has a hinged door, which I removed because he was not so "sure" about that. It is turned facing the house on the porch, so doesn't get any direct wind...put when it was really cold this morning; he slept with his hind foot over his ear (at least I think that is why he was laying in that position).

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Getting Ready for Retreat

My 5lb box of "stuffing" came today...and I've boxed up all of the door prizes!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Silk Ribbon Cabochon Kits - $5 each

Hi everyone!

I'm working on some upcoming class projects (not online classes)...and have extra "kits" available if anyone is interested in giving this a try.

The "inside" is a glass flat-back cabochon. The backing is felt and the tie-tack is included in the kit. The silk ribbon is white, but you can easily dye it or ink it with markers to add color.

Here's my version:

But, you could actually do anything you wanted on the front...assuming you wanted to change up the design.

At just five dollars for the full could have a fun day with a few friends as you created these. Full color instructions, glass cabochon, fabric, ribbon, etc. (see above listing) included. All you need to provide is some E-6000 glue, chenille needle for the ribbon, and standard sewing supplies to create these. They take about an hour from start to finish...not including the drying time for the glue. ;)

Just email me if you are many...and I can send you a PayPal invoice to your email address. 


Thursday, October 25, 2018

A Must Have for Stitching..

There are two things that I consider "MUST HAVE" for stitching...and they might surprise you. First is a good pair of reading glasses...and there are dozens at my house in varied strengths, because each has a specific purpose. I had Lasik surgery a few years back so my vision is now 20/10...which is excellent for walking around, driving, etc. but not so good for reading, computer work, or stitching. But, rather than the $300 plus glasses I did wear before surgery...I know buy dozens of pairs of reading glasses at the Dollar Tree for $1 each.

The second "MUST HAVE" is a good light. A magnification light is even better than having a standard lamp when I'm stitching tiny motifs.

This is my lamp, it's the LightView ProXL model from Brightech. You may have heard of this company, but I have to say that I had not...but loved the look of this specific light and the fact that is was a 2 in 1 model. It has a section that is removable, making it shorter...and suitable for sitting on a table; or left in the lamp is an excellent floor height.

As you can see, it works wonderfully next to my recliner. This is where I stitch most afternoons or evenings.  I have a standard lamp for reading, but need the extra light my magnification lamp provides for stitching. Especially for beading!

If you'd like to check out this lamp (or other house/craft lamps) from is the link:

While they have various models, and I'm sure that they are all good options depending on what you are some things about this model that I like:

… the base is really heavy, but also has an extra "stabilization" bar to keep it from wanting to tip over.

… the arms are jointed firmly so I can move the lamp head even slightly and it stays there...doesn't want to "droop" as with some previous lamps I've owned.

… the magnification LED light is large enough for me to see what I'm working on clearly. Here is the light with the mirror closed.

… and here is the light with the mirror opened.

...the view is clear.

So, if you are in the market for a great magnification light...check this and the other models out at the link above.

10/25/18 Edited to add:
"Still loving this magnification lamp! So heavy, never tips over...great light!"


Sunday, October 14, 2018

Hexagon Quilt Nearing Completion

The Hexagon Quilt if nearing completion. I have the "partial side blocks" added and the basic border on. Now, I'm adding the first layer of lace trim. Then, I'll add more beads, etc. to sections in the center...maybe a few more seams. I like to let the project "speak to me", we'll see where that leads.
Sewing down lace can be calming...and boring. ;)

Friday, October 12, 2018

ANNOUNCEMENT: Crazy Quilting Retreat Sign-up

1st Annual Crazy Quilting Retreat
"Stitching Crazy"
8 -- 11 February 2019
Arrive Friday afternoon, depart Monday morning

$325 per person ($100 deposit/$225 final payment)
Includes ALL Lodging and Food Costs
Includes 2 lectures/classes by myself (Silk Ribbon Class for sure, the other is still be "thought about)
Includes plenty of free time for one-on-one instruction
Includes plenty of free time for stitching your own projects (or working to finish the class projects).

I'm certainly open to any ideas for the last class...or anything you'd like to share.
I want this to be fun as well as informative!

Space is limited (21 folks maximum). Must pay deposit to hold a spot. 

Payment should be made via PayPal to

Final deposit payments due by 12 November 2018.
Final total payments due by 12 January 2019

Travel is participants responsibility

Location: The Red Rooster Retreat
Address: 2140 Cty Rd 870, Crane Hill, Alabama 35053

I hope you can come and join me...especially you Southern ladies that can drive. Crane Hill is located near Cullman, it's easier to find that on a map. ;)

(10/12/18) EDITED TO ADD:

Here is a list of the Attendees with deposits paid, so their space is reserved:

1. Kathy Shaw
2. Paula Brown
3. Ron Brown
4. Sharron Abrams
5. Diane Conine
6. JanDee Abraham
7. Diana Abraham
8. Kathy Billings
9. Cindi Renaldo
10. Elizabeth Isam
11. Carol Ann White
12. Debbie Lay
13. Pam Naugher (pending)
14. Thearica Burroughs
15. Lydia Talton
16. Michael Talton
17. Kay Ecker

Thursday, September 20, 2018

2019 Crazy Quilt Calendar...available on 1 October...

The 2019 Crazy Quilt Calendar is ready!  It'll be released on October 1st!!! To find out more...go check out Pam Kellogg's blog.

The 4 seasons cover design is by Shirlee Fassell.

January - Betty Pillsbury
February - Suzy Quaife
March - Kathleen Klein
April - Nicki Lee Seavey
May - Karen Guthrie
June - Pam Peugh
July - Sandra Visser
August - Brenda Sandusky
September - Angela Grasse
October - Lisa Boni
November - Heather Brighton
December - Linda Steele

I was fortunate enough to get an early copy for review, and THE PHOTOS ARE GORGEOUS! The works are all inspiring. Well done to the stitchers...and to Pam for putting this together. Don't miss out...mark your calendar to get this on the 1st of October! Then, write all of the dates for the Shawkl Design Studio course registrations in it! ;)
