Sunday, November 12, 2017

Making Soap Bars...

...with friends is a great way to spend the afternoon!

Francis, Pam & I added scents, color, and some surprise things to Melt & Pour soap bases yesterday and really enjoyed our adventure.

And we got some really nice smelling soap as well!

The Melt&Pour was from BulkApothecary and simply is melted in the microwave in small amounts (we didn't even measure...just did a bowl at a time...).

Wonderful silicone molds can be found on Etsy, Amazon, Wish...or other sites by just searching for "soap molds" generally.

I totally recommend this as a great project for a group of friends.

Plus, the clean up was easy...cause it's SOAP!

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Silk Ribbon Embroidery Stitch now on Kindle!

If you don't like carrying around a paper copy...but rather have the "how to" instructions close at hand might like knowing that you can get the SRE Stitch Guide on Kindle now.

Is is $2.99 (cheapest price they would let me set)...but free to "borrow" if you are a Kindle Unlimited subscriber.

Hope this is convention for some of you..."tablet folks". :)

Fancy Seam Designs - Seam #12

Here's the next seam...

We've done so many Fargo Roses lately, that I thought I'd "entice you" with a substitute...clay rose beads!

You can search for these on Etsy, Panda Hall, Wish ..or just a general Google Search!

Fancy Seam Designs - Seam #11

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #11 (which is on Page 10, second seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

This seam includes some  Fargo Roses and Detached Chain leaves.

You can also see the seams stitched by others if you are a member of the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here.


Friday, November 10, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs - Seam #10

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #10 (which is on Page 10, first seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

This seam includes some Woven Roses and Stab Stitch leaves. To keep the roses of a uniform size, make a little cardboard or plastic template. Simply draw the 5 "spokes" for the base. Put little "Dots" at the end of each spoke; and one in the center...then use a 1/16 inch hand-held hole punch to punch-out the dots. Mark the placement of every rose, stitch the spokes with Perle cotton...anchor your ribbon and being the weaving...then end the ribbon at the back of your work. If this is a new rose for you, the only thing you may need to know that may not be in the that you need about 18-20 inches of ribbon for each rose.

You can also see the seams stitched by others if you are a member of the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Stem Stitch Rose Instructions

Seam #2 in our Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-Long has stumped a few folks...the little rose in the design is a Stem Stitch Rose variety. If you have not stitched this is a little pictorial tutorial for you.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs - Page 9 seams

Isn't it great to have friends! Even here in cyber-land...I'm so thankful to have some good friends.

A very favorite is Katie Bock, she and I have worked together on several publications this past year...and she has volunteered her beautiful stitching talents to help me out with the Fancy Seam Designs by stitching the seams on the odd numbered pages.

So, for photos of Seams #5, #6, #7, #8, and #9...hop on over to her blog Sewing with Katie and check out her work over the next five days of seams!

Then, I'll see you back here for Seam #10 next week.

I'll have some more friends check in on this challenge later on as well!


Fancy Seam Designs #4

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #4 (which is on Page 8, last seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

This seam includes some long Stab Stitches with silk ribbon, as well as knot/gathered roses (also know as Fargo Roses).

I have used dark blue 4mm silk ribbon for the roses, 7mm light purple silk ribbon for the Stab Stitches; Green perle cotton sz 8 for the leaves of the roses and the stab stitches; a trio of sz 15 pink metallic beads finishes out the ribbon stab stitches; and the sequins are 5mm blue round and 4mm clear slightly cupped with seed beads to hold them in place; embroider is in blue perle size 8. 

You can also see the seams stitched by others if you are a member of the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Fancy Seam Design #3

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #3 (which is on Page 8, third seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

This is a simpler seam design having no silk ribbon or elaborate additions. The sequins are 6mm blue, 5mm blue, 4mm white, with a blue seed bead anchoring the stack. The embroidery is in two shades of blue perle sz 8. 

You can also see the seams stitched by others in the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here, by requesting to join the group.

If you don't "do facebook" can use the RSS Feed on the right side bar to list your email and get these blogpost delivered to your email each time a stitch posts. In answer to a "no reply" comment...Yes, I'll try to get a Pinterest Page up today.


Thursday, November 2, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs #2

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Seam #2 (which is on Page 8, second seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

I have used dark wine 7mm silk ribbon for the "knots" of the stem stitch roses, 4mm wine silk ribbon for the stem stitches, and 7mm green silk ribbon for the stab stitch leaves. The sequins are round sz 6 white and sz 5 pink with pink seed beads in the center; the trio of beads are sz 9 green seed beads, 3mm pearls, and sz 15 green seed beads; embroider is all done in metallic thread.

You can also see the seams stitched by others in the Facebook Group, Modern Crazyquilt Seams here.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs - Day #1

The Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-long  is a challenge to stitch all 500 seams within Crazy Quilting - Volume III: Fancy Seam Designs, by Kathy Seaman Shaw (available at

Today is Day #1, Seam #1 (which is on Page 8, top seam on that page).

Hope you enjoy stitching this seam!

I have used pearls (sz 4, 3, 2) sequins (round sz 8 white, round pink sz 5, blue cup sz 4, and 2mm pearls), iridescent sz 22 rocaille seed beads, ink perle cotton sz 8 and metallic pink braid sz 8.

 I hope you stitch this seam too...and will join in the fun over on the Facebook Group Site where you can post your photo when finished.

Links to Facebook Group (Modern Crazyquilt Seams)


Monday, October 30, 2017

Fancy Seam Designs Stitch-a-Long...starts 1 November

Just one more day until the new Crazy Quilt Stitch Along series...Fancy Seam Designs begins! We will be posting a seam a day until ALL 500 seams in the book are done.

What book? Well that is my latest book with Amazon...Crazy Quilting Volume III - Fancy Seam Designs...available in print and on Kindle.

And the "we"? Well that is myself and my pal Katie Bock...who will be stitching half of the seams (I have the even pages and Katie has the odd pages). She will post to her blog  Sewing with Katie on the days her seams are shown...and I'll link her blog post here. She'll do the same on her blog.

So, regardless of who you'll still get to see all of the seams. And, if you follow both of us...well, you'll see them twice. The blog posts may also have a bit of our discussion on stitching a seam...not required; but you never know what we will be talking about!

If you want to view all of the seams and post your own might like to join in the fun with our private Facebook Group: Modern Crazy Quilt Seams

Here is a link to request joining the group if you want to follow along there (and post your own finished photos) -

And, if you need a simple idea of "what to sew on"...just consider doing some simple sampler type blocks. These can be turned into a quilt top later on...or sewn together to create a long runner style sampler of seams. Then you need "ideas" you'll have a better idea of what a seam may look like once stitched! A great way to use fabric scraps...don't worry over color (but lighter or solids is easier if you are using the templates in the book)...just saying! :)

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Quick Cajun Stew


2-4 boneless chicken (I used 2)
1-2 polish kielbasa sausage (I used 1)
1 yellow or vidala onion
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 bag frozen cut okra
1/2 to 1 cup instant rice
1 can, Blue Runner Creole Bisque Base or
1tsp Gumbo File' spice

Here are the photos of the "supplies":


Cut up chicken, onion, and sausage into bite-size pieces. Place in large boiler with 1-2 cups water (I used 2 cups) and salt/pepper to taste. Cover and cook on med-hi for 15 minutes.

Here is what it looks like at this point:

Add okra, tomatoes, and bisque base or file'spice. Cover and turn heat down to low. Cover and cook for about 45 minutes.

Here is what it looks like at this point:

You can serve over regular rice...or add instant rice (as I did). Pour instant rice into the pop and turn off the heat. Cover and let set for about a half hour.

Here is the finished stew:

This is like a really thick soup. If you want it even thicker...add the full amounts of the meat and rice. was good!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Crazy for Hexagons

I just included a brand new pattern in my Etsy shop that would be ideal for crazy quilting.

 Here is the concept and the pattern page cover. 

The cost is $5.50 as a pdf full color download. The pattern includes full-size pattern pieces along with instructions on how to create this quilt easily using the quilt-as-you-go method of assembly. 

I counted the possible seams for crazy quilting...and there are 372 considering the 12 inside every one of the 31 pieced hexagon blocks; and all of the connecting seams once the hexagons are assembled. There could be even more if you pieced the patches too!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

More Silkie Images Available on Etsy Shoppe

If you are in need of some image sheets for printing, there are twelve new sheets just loaded to my Etsy Shoppe page.

All of these images are sized to either 2" wide or tall depending on their individual orientation; just the right size for any crazy quilt block size. You can add them on top of existing blocks by turning under the seam allowance and stitching down...then embellish with a border similar to a "portrait frame"; or piece the image (printed on fabric) directly to the patchwork of a block not yet constructed.

Here is the run-down of each PDF file download:

[#0 - Floral Girls] and [#1-Floral Ladies] would be great if you enjoy over-stitching the flowers with small ribbon or thread accents.

BTW, the Shawkl Design Studio watermark will not be on your downloadable sheet of is just there to protect these from being saved/used directly from a screen print.

[#2 through #6 Butterflies) are copies of actual vintage cigarette silkie images. While they can be used as is, I also think these would be great to cut out and just use the butterfly images alone. I can envision each tiny wing with over-stitching in silk or metallic threads. The addition of beads and sequins is another good option. Ideas are almost endless on how to create stumpwork butterflies with these too!

[#7 - Pin Up Gals] are some 50's era advertising models. Images like these were also used for calendar pages. A themed quilt would be fun to create using these slightly risque' models.

[#8 - Cats & Friends] are a must if you love cats! I've included a bird and chicken image as well so that there is a bit of a surprise in the group as well.

[#9 - Marilyn] is all about Marilyn Monroe. While certainly an icon of her time, she is also a natural beauty and makes a wonderful themed project.

[#10 - Tea Time] included images of tea pots, tea cups, tasty treats, and good friends all ready to have a lovely tea party.

[#11 - Landscapes] is mostly landscape images with one window box image that I could not resist using. These are glorious when pieced into a project and the tiny flowers over-stitched in wee little silk ribbon knots!

Each printable sheet is $4.50 and can be printed as many times as you you can have unlimited fun creating blocks with these! You can purchase printable fabric sheets on line ( of course) or create your own using this tutorial. Use an inkjet printer since you want the images to remain...rather than the laser printer used in the tutorial (which was for embroidery designs that would be stitched over). Use white, neutral, or pastel colored cotton or silk fabrics rather than linen for these.

Create or purchase your fabric sheets; select/purchase your pdf dowload file from Etsy ...and print as many as you like!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Finishing Hexagon Blocks -- Easily!

Do you like creating hexagon shaped quilt blocks for crazy quilt embellishing...but don't like to create and attach the "binding" along the edges? If so, you might like this method of finishing instead. I use this myself and here are some finished blocks assembled in this manner, and then attached to each other to create a larger grouping of blocks (eventually, this will be an entire quilt):

This block-finishing method requires 3 layers: a) embellished CQ Hexagon Block, b) backing fabric and c) medium weight interfacing (fusible type) like you would use for sewing clothes (not fusible webbing like Heat'n'Bond").


Step 1 -- Determine the size of your block (and shape as this method works with any shape, not just hexagon). Cut a template out of poster board (thin cardboard) the size/shape of your finished block (not considering seam allowance). This template will be used in the cutting and pressing of the fabrics.

Step 2 -- Use the template to trace the same shape/size on to fusible interfacing (like you use for sewing, this is not fusible webbing like Heat'n'Bond).

Step 3 -- Press the interfacing to the reverse side of your backing fabric.

Step 4 -- Use a rotary cutter/mat (or scissors) to cut out the backing fabric leaving about 1/2" seam allowance around the interfacing shape.

Step 5 -- Press the seam allowance of the backing fabric over the interfacing center shape. Do this on alternate sides until all sides are pressed neatly. Set this unit aside for now.

Step 6 -- Trim the excess foundation fabric (if present) away from your hexagon embellished block, leaving at least 1/2" seam allowance in place.

Step 7 -- Turn the embellished block over and place the template shape on top, use this edge to guide your seam allowance over as you press the seam allowance down.

Step 8 -- Place the embellished block and the backing fabric block together with seam allowances touching. Match the corners and pin the two parts together.

Step 9 -- Using small stitches, hand stitch the two parts together around the entire block.

Step 10 -- Repeat the process for every hexagon block.

To complete the quilt, arrange the blocks and hand sew them together. You may want to create half-hexagons and quarter hexagons to finish the layout and create straight edges.