Friday, September 1, 2017

Linda's block (progress report)

While not finished...thought I'd share what I've done so far.  Linda's block is the last block for me to mail in the traditional Floral & Roses round robin. Since I'm the last person to work on the block, it is my "job" to balance all the prior work across the block as well as adding to fill in any empty spots. The final result should be a beautiful and finished project!

Here is the block as it arrived in the mail. There are several areas of really pretty embroidery stitching and some gorgeous silk ribbon roses and iris flowers already here. (Well done Lonna, Marcy, & Lydia)! Here are some closeup's of the areas:

Lower Right (such pretty iris flowers) corner:

Center roses vine, is just gorgeous and so delicate!

Center and lower left areas (excuse the lamp neck). So much embroidery work!

Upper central and left area! You can see that there is a lot of work on the block already. Of course there is also still room for more in the lower center and upper center open patches.

So, another final look at the BEFORE block...there are some areas that strike me as being a bit out-of-balance.

You can see that there are some light areas in the block (white lace trim, white butterfly, white tatted motif, and cream iris flowers). But overall, the block reads more "brown" than anything else...especially close up. So, my thought is to add more "life" to the block by pulling some of the blue that's in the background fabric out more along with giving the block more texture with lace. There is one seam done in blue in the center (see the chain half-circle seam?). So, this plan would also help to build on that idea already started.

So, I asked Linda if it would be okay to really add to the block and she gave me permission to play as much as I wanted. You know that makes me happy! So, I've pinned all of the lace pieces in place to begin. These will be followed with stitching layers...but for now, here is the plan for adding the lace layer...and I'll give you some close-up photos too.

Some of this might (read that as "will" since I have already actually stitched everything by the writing of this post) change as this is just my PLAN at the moment.

The little blue flower in the fabric (see upper most area in the photo above?) is the key to the color idea. The first motifs to go into place were the tiny blue butterfly and neutral/yellow flower in the upper center area. This establishes the blue...and anchors it to the fabric color area by drawing the eye to that little butterfly.

The left central area gets some blue as I'm moving the eye around the block. Green is everywhere on the block, so more is not too distracting...but a lighter shade gives it motion. This placement also deals with the bulky area of the block were several seams intersect. The tiny lace trims in antique looking beige hide the raw seams there but are small enough to keep the focus on the surrounding embroidery work.

I want to add some seam work in the open area left at the center left (almost corner) but the blue needs to be pulled into that area this little floral motif with dragonfly should do the trick! It looks right at home next to the lace that is already beside the iris flowers. Placing the dragonfly so that it extends across the ribbon seam on the left will pull the viewer's eye to that area of the block.

The center right area has a dimensional flower there already. It is the only object on the block that is worked really "off the surface". So, it needs to be balanced with other dimensional work or be "anchored" so that it does not become distracting by it's "differences". These copper colored laces will give it some depth and provide a nice neutral base, while the bits of blue will pull the eye to the motif and cause it to be balanced in color across the block. The empty seam to the right gets a dragonfly to help it appear to be an intentional design decision rather than looking 'un-done'.
This little dragonfly also balances the one at the opposite corner of the block.

Last, right below the flow is the more central right area of the block. This needs some blue, so adding a small piece of trim on the empty seam line should do that. To balance all of the lace now on the left/center of the block there will be some tiny bits of lace trailing through this general area and a small lace motif in the fabric patch above the iris flowers.

After the lace has been sewn in place...I'll work the seams left to me and add whatever else seems to be needed once that has been done. Here are my ideas for "supplies". The threads are will be darker shades of the colors in the fabrics as the laces have brought more light into the we need to layer some darker shadows as well to pull together the existing and the new. The silk ribbon flowers include some blue but also some wine to pull that color to the front of the layers as well.

Last to be added will be some beads to accent the seams and add some bling to the dragonflies, etc. Just tiny beads nothing large and no button/bead clusters. Maybe some tiny beads in the seams? We shall check back this weekend, I hope to get all sewn and this block ready for the mail next week.


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Gorgeous Fibers

Today I'm working on one of the round robin blocks and have gone through so many drawers, containers, etc. looking for just the right fibers. In taking this "journey" around my sewing room it reminded me of how many wonderful little shops I've gotten gorgeous supplies from...that are on

So, thought I'd show you just one of them today: Colour Complements

This is the site of my cyber stitching pal Lorraine...and she does gorgeous hand-dyed fibers for her shop in beautiful solid colors and GORGEOUS variegated shades.

I mean, can you really just fall in love with these! The photo is great, but up close...oh, the stuff dreams are made of! Almost hate to use it but excited at the same time. :)

Drooling here!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Andover Fabrics

I posted the other day about some denim from Andover Fabrics...but I got my packages mixed up in my head (not a hard thing for me to do apparently)...the denim was from Cloud9Fabrics. I have updated that post.

THESE are the gorgeous fabrics I got for my CQ Blocks from Andover Fabrics! You know I adore anything neutral to include in blocks..and these feel so good!

The look great too!


Love when the mailman brings me a package...don't you? :)

Today, these gorgeous fabrics from Dear Stella Designs (Chroma Basics collection) arrived.

They are lights to medium values and will pair with some fancy fabrics very nicely. I'll be making eighty crazy quilt blocks to show my seam designs on.

While the blocks will be simple "string type" blocks rather than true crazy (as I only need display models not an actual quilt)...still, 80 blocks is no small effort! Once the blocks are constructed, the seams will be embellished (several hundred of these). So, you know I'll need to keep taking my vitamins to get this all accomplished!

These will be lovely to work with, can't wait to get them into the blocks!

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Denim anyone?

Cloud9 Fabrics has some beautiful fabric collections! They have several wonderful collections of tone-on-tone and small print pieces.

Recently, I got these...which are actually denim! They are from their Chambray line...and are thin enough for CQ blocks. I'll be adding these to my newest series of blocks for sure!

Check out their site to be inspired to stitch!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Lonna's Block

My "round" of stitching is complete on Lonna's block for the Floral & Roses (traditional) round robin at Crazy Quilter's International Facebook Group. It was a joy to work on this block! There were still a lot of seams open, so I concentrated there.

My first seam was a grouping of large woven roses to balance the couple of large embroider motifs and the fabric rose design in the center of the block. These are about the size of a nickel.

I must be in a "Fargo Rose Phase" as I seem to be putting them everywhere...and this seam has some tiny purples ones. Also added a lime-green butterfly beneath.

This buttonhole wavy seam has some seed beads added; tried to keep the beads to a minimum as Lonna had indicated she "didn't like a lot of bling". (Breaks my heart Lonna... :) but did try to comply) These roses are of the Bullion Stitch variety done in silk thread with silk ribbon leaves.

These little "fantasy flowers" have two layers of ribbon prongs. Straight Stitches of Lime Yellow Green and Wine, with a curly thread lime green knot, and deep purple petals in silk ribbon. The opposite side of the seam has peach Perle cotton prongs and wee little glass beads.

Last, a little wavy Stem Stitch seam with teensy yellow Fargo roses with velvet cording for the leaves. Another silk ribbon butterfly is stitched nearby to fill the space.


Showing some "Button Love"

It is so hard at times to find tiny buttons! Especially tiny enough to add to seams...but, NO MORE! I have found the neatest site...with the coolest buttons!

Just Another Button anything but that! These are just gorgeous buttons in a huge selection of colors!

The come in sweet little packages with a good sampling of types and sizes.

They also have more of a "basic" button, also in a variety of colors and sizes. You can also order some buttons in quantities (bulk); just email them and ask for details.

Look at the teensy ones! I'm going to use them for embellishing seams! Can't wait to stitch these on to something! Best go get busy! 


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ladies in Hats DYOB, Wilma's Block

What a lovely pieced block to work on! Wilma van Wagensveld did a great job of creating a nice surface (and a very pretty one as well) to stitch on. Here are my photos of seams, etc. for this small 6" block...going into the mail today!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Floral & Roses Traditional Block - Marcy's Block

Today, I finished my work on Marcy's block in the Floral & Traditional Round Robin over in the Crazy Quilting International group on Facebook. I followed Lydia, who had already done the area across the top of the block. Here is what I decided to do...and why:

I began by adding lace motifs. The center of the block has such a large area of floral print (which I'm guessing Marcy wants to keep and not hide) that it needs something to balance that size against. The lace is at the bottom left, the upper right, and the upper left.

Since Lydia has already worked in the upper left area (where the lace needed to go to balance against the other two pieces) I decides to extend her motif visually by tucking smaller bits of lace up into the area. This pulls the eye over the top and down that side following Lydia's work and ending with the lace pieces. I tucked a little silk ribbon butterfly between the lace pieces to tie them to the silk ribbon work Lydia has included above them.
Next, was seam work. I choose the top seam and the long side seam on the left side. The first seam includes the "prongs" that I'm know for stitching as I love their look. The large flowers are actually "stacked sequins" with a tiny center bead to hold all of them together. Then, the space has a sweet little Fargo Rose with leaves to soften up all of those metallic/plastic sequins.
Lastly was a wavy seam with little flowers and the tiniest of sequins which just sparkle in the light, but don't really draw attention to themselves otherwise. Here too is a ribbon butterfly filling the space between this seam and Lydia's work.
So, here is my finished area of work. There is a 3rd silk ribbon butterfly...can you find it?