Monday, April 17, 2017

Celebrate the little things...

Some of you know that I've been really "cranky" about the new Blogger it makes my life much harder. Well, I've found a simple way to "overcome" the limitations. It won't mean much to you perhaps...but, if you have a lot of blogs might need this tip.

First, the problem:
Prior to the new blogger platform...all of the blogs were listed on the left by order of last, this made it easy to "check" everyones progress in the courses. I didn't have to be concerned about "missing a post" as the blog name would be at the top. 
AFTER the platform changed, only the "3 newly posted" blogs were at the top. Every other blog is listed alphabetically. So, if there were four blogs with new posts...I never knew about that 4th one automatically. Instead, I had to go down the alphabetic listing and open every blog to see if there were any comments. And there are 40-50 that takes some time. Just scrolling up/down to find the 2017 Class blogs takes a little time.

But, I have found a way to help a little. While I can't change the platform... I have gone in and added a little " ` " symbol to the name of the newer class blogs (2017 classes). So, instead of having to scroll down through all 40-50 of my blogs...I can see these at the top of the list and more quickly "click and check" for new comments. It's a way to "get around" the Alpha listing ranking putting all of the 2017 courses "first".
A simple thing...but it makes my life easier. And, that surely makes me smile. So, for today...I'm celebrating the "small things". :)

Friday, April 14, 2017

Weaving Ribbons Quilt Pattern

Good day to all! Hugs! The registration for ICQC-103 is still underway...but I wanted to also check in with some exciting news!
I've been working on a couple of new quilt patterns lately. The first one "Weaving Ribbon" is a simple quilt to assemble but looks complicated because of the position of the colors. The pattern includes five sizes beginning at a square "baby quilt" size, then some standard rectangle sizes and lastly a huge square king-size. Fabric requirements, cutting requirements chart, and full color instructions are of course included. There are also several pages of black/white layouts for you to play with using your colored pencils...before you go purchase any fabric.

I think this will be a very popular pattern as it is easy to create...but looks very complicated when done. So, hope you check it out and download it from my Etsy Shop.
I'm also working on a Celtic Baby quilt pattern. Well, actually the pattern is finished...but it is being "tested" by a quilter friend to make sure my measurements are all correct...since it is a much more "complicated" pattern to piece. Not difficult...just more pieces. I'll let you know when it is read and also on the site. I'm also going to list these on Pattern Spot. :)


Monday, March 20, 2017

Working on the New SRE Class

I'm about 1/3rd of the way through stitching the samples for the ICQC-105 class. These are photographed (in progress) as they are stitched and here are the finished photos. I am showing them with frames, but they are not actually "in" the frames...just a visual help. 
Once the stitching for all samples is complete, all of the instructions have to be written. The patterns are finished for printable guides, so that's done. At present, I'm still working towards the open registration date of 28 March...although a lot needs to be done. So, "life" please no more interuptions. :)
I know that I have moved the course dates don't want to do that again unless it is just too much to get done. I can always begin...and you can wait on me to finish a later task if you go too fast. Ha!
Thought you might like an update as to the status of work on ICQC-105 Silk Ribbon Embroidery Course.

There is no supply list yet for this class, but it will include 2mm, 4mm, 7mm, and 13mm ribbon. Green for sure in each...then "floral colors" of your choice. So far I've used: (2-2mm pkgs) (3-4mm pkgs) (3-7mm pkgs) and (2-13mm pkgs) of silk ribbon. You will be able to substitute rayon seam binding for the 13mm (harder to pull through, but the width is similiar); some flowers may work with organza ribbon (4mm), but the look would be totally different. So, you may want to just obtain some white ribbon in 2mm, 4mm, 7mm, and 13mm sizes. Then, you can dye, ink, or use as white for all examples we will be working on. This is a "heavy" class in terms of silk ribbon supplies....but I'll be as understanding as possible with you to allow for substitutions.
I still have several roses, daisies, sunflowers, violets, and mystery flowers to stitch. The course will have 10-15 tasks...not final on that yet.
