A Short Video of some Motifs/Techniques Learned in the Free Courses!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
CQJP 2017

Monday, November 14, 2016
A Gentle Helping Hand is Needed...

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Pin Cushion Gift Sets

Monday, November 7, 2016
Victorian Roses Purse

Sunday, November 6, 2016
Green Ribbon Lady Bag

Thursday, November 3, 2016
Need a Christmas Present for a friend?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016
TQC-202 (Placemats) is OPEN for Registration - 25-27 October

Tuesday, October 11, 2016
BCQC is OPEN for Registration
Basic Crazy Quilting Course (BCQC) - OCTOBER 2016 - is open for registration...

Saturday, October 8, 2016
Crazy Quilt Quarterly News
It's also available at Magcloud so feel free to order from either site now. You can also get past editions in case you have missed one.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
OPEN Registration for the ICQC-104 Module...4-6 October
The ICQC-104 Module is now open for registration from 4 through 6 October.
ICQC-104, Mixed Motifs with Fabricis expected to last 8-12 weeks; and will start on 7 October, so you should be on the class blog by then.
To Register: email me your Name, State/Country, Email address...just as for previous courses...to shaw.kathy@yahoo.com
There is no special supply list needed for this class. Standard sewing
and embroidery supplies (as needed in prior classes) will be used. The
need for some medium or heavy weight interfacing scraps and some thin
felt/flannel scraps could require some shopping.
The photos above are some of the techniques taught. The fox, bunny, and
heart patterns are also in this course, along with other patterns as
well. The mermaid silkie is an example of the over-stitching of
hair...but you can use any printed image you want to try this technique.
As with all prior classes...an invitation to the course blog will be sent to you after you register. Watch for this in your email inbox so you will be ready to begin the class on Friday.
You must have completed ICQC-103 Prior to registering for this ICQC-104 Course. (Exceptions are made for the current ICQC-103 course, IF you are presently working on the Mongram tasks or Seams task; which are the last 2 tasks of that module)
ICQC-104, Mixed Motifs with Fabricis expected to last 8-12 weeks; and will start on 7 October, so you should be on the class blog by then.
To Register: email me your Name, State/Country, Email address...just as for previous courses...to shaw.kathy@yahoo.com
The ICQC-104 includes these modules/tasks:
104A-Embellishing OVER Silkie Images
Task 1: Stitching Hair
Task 2: Stitching Flowers
104B-Framing Silkie Images
Task 1: Create a CQ Block with
Framed Silkie
Task 1: Create a Broderie Perse
Task 2: Create a Hand Applique
Heart (or other shape)
Task 3: Design an Applique based on
an Embroidery Pattern
104D-Raised Applique
Task 1: Create a Raised Applique
(Bunny, Cat, or Teddy Bear)
104E-Working with Various Slips
Task 1: Create an Embroidery Slip
Task 2: Create a Silkie Slip
Task 3: Create a Beaded Slip

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
SP-301 is Open for Registration

Sunday, September 18, 2016
Introducing -- Fiesta Stars!

Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Basic Crazy Quilting Course (BCQC) - SEPTEMBER 2016 - is open for registration...

Thursday, September 8, 2016
Woot! Woot! Blocks are Finished!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Guest Post by Jeanne Hewell-Chambers on the 70273 Project

Between January 1940 and August 1941, German Nazis murdered 70,273
physically and mentally disabled people, calling them “a drag on the
economy” and “social misfits” and “inferior”. Posters and public service
announcements warned parents of the unpleasant consequences of exposing
their children to disabled people and the dire burden of the continued
expense of caring for those with special needs. Mercy deaths, they called them.
Hitler penned the order in October 1939, but backdated it to 9/1/1939
to give it the appearance of being a legitimate act necessitated by the
beginning of World War II. The T4 Program (know this: I capitalize the
name not out of respect, but to prevent readers from getting distracted
by the rules of grammar and missing the whole point) created a new
bureaucracy – one headed by physicians and dedicated to the
extermination of anyone deemed to have “a life unworthy of living.”
Doctors made their evaluations based not on the actual person – they
weren’t required to so much as lay eyes on them – only on their medical
records or forms submitted by institutions. When two of three doctors
placed a red X at the bottom of the form, the person was rounded up and
murdered . . . usually in less than two hours.
Children were killed by starvation and lethal injection. More
“efficient” methods were required for adults, so asphyxiation by poison
gas became the preferred killing technique. SS staff members charged
with transporting the disabled to their death wore white coats to make
it appear like an official medical procedure. Lists of plausible causes
of natural death were kept, used to falsify death records, and referred
to when penning condolence letters to families. If requested, families
received urns of ashes.
Authorities didn’t merely justify their actions under the T4 program,
they glorified themselves by citing compassion, alleviation of
suffering, cost effectiveness, and relieving pressure on the national
budget as reasons for eradicating these 70,273 people. They convinced
themselves and tried to convince others that they were ending the
suffering of the “incurably ill”. The murders of these 70,273 people was
best for all concerned, they said.
On April 3, 1940 – in the midst of the ongoing T4 atrocity – local
authorities convened to hear Viktor Brack, organizer of the T4 Program,
speak about the social and economic benefits of the program (http://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/euthan/index.html):
“In many hospitals and nursing homes of the Reich there are countless people with incurable diseases of every kind, people who are of no use at all to the rest of humanity, who are only a burden on society, incurring endless costs for their maintenance, and there is absolutely no prospect of these people ever recovering and becoming useful members of society again. They sit and vegetate like animals, they are social misfits undeserving of life – and yet physically they are perfectly healthy human beings who may well live on for many more years. They eat the food that could be given to others, and in many cases they need twice or three times as much nursing care. The rest of society needs to be protected against these people. Given that we need to make provision now for keeping healthy people alive, it is all the more necessary to get rid of these creatures first, even if only to take better care for now of the curable patients in our hospitals and nursing homes. The space thus freed up is needed for all kinds of things essential to the war effort: military hospitals, civilian hospitals and auxiliary hospitals.”
Read this sentence out loud: “70,273 people were murdered because
they were different, because they were “not perfect”, because they were
disabled.” If that doesn’t give you chills, make you clench your teeth
and stomp your foot, I don’t know what will.
Some 43 years ago, I married a man – Andy, or The Engineer as he’s
known in social media – who has a sister with mental disabilities
resulting from brain trauma that occurred when she was three years old.
For reasons we are left to wonder about, neighborhood hoodlums decided
it would be great fun to hang her by the neck from a swing set. Bringing
Nancy into my life is, without a doubt, one of the best gifts ever. She
is a woman of few words and many needs; a woman of little intellect and
much wisdom, our Nancy, and had she lived in Germany in 1940-41, she
most certainly would have been one of the 70,273. I don’t care how many
times it happens, I can’t type that sentence without setting off an
avalanche of tears.
When The Idea came to call, I was doing what I’ve done since June
2012: stitching her drawings. Her marks, as some would say. Meaningless
marks, others call them. Ask me what I”m doing, and I’ll tell you
flat-out: I’m stitching Nancy’s art. She draws, I stitch, we
It was one of those ideas that creative people spend a lifetime
hoping for. An idea that came in fully formed, ready to start, just add
heart form. I am gathering 70,273 quilt blocks from around the world to
commemorate the 70,273 disabled people who were so casually and
callously murdered and to celebrate the people with special needs who
live among us today. Commemorate. And celebrate. Both.
The quilt blocks – and promise you’ll keep reading without letting
the word “quilt” scare you away – are a white base, representing the
medical records on which are placed two red X’s, representing the death
sentence. There will be, according to The Engineer who knows such
things, more than 800 quilts when all is said and done, and not all
blocks are stitched. Some folks are using markers, glue, or paint to lay
down their red X’s. Whatever method you choose, check your insecurities
and perfectionism at the door and remember who we commemorate and
celebrate: those who are perfectly imperfect.
Thank you Kathy for inviting me here and sharing this post about
The 70273 Project. I invite you and each of your readers to become a
part of The 70273 Project by making blocks and helping get the word out,
and even if all you do is read this blog post, I thank you and say May
we never forget this atrocity, because that just paves the way for it to
happen again and again and again.
~ the blog: http://www.TheBarefootHeart.com
~ the introductory post: http://thebarefootheart.com/introducing-the-70273-project/
~ specific information on making blocks: http://thebarefootheart.com/making-blocks-for-the-70273-project-fabric-info/
~ facebook group (a campfire for those who want more engagement with other contributors: https://www.facebook.com/groups/the70273project/
~ facebook page (a drive-through for those who want to keep updated, but prefer less engagement): https://www.facebook.com/the70723project/?fref=ts
~ to subscribe to the 70273 blog: http://eepurl.com/CkEZz

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