Sunday, October 11, 2015

Heads Up for Mini Flowers Course

Just a Heads UP....not taking registration just yet.
ICQC-107 will open later this week (15-17) requires two embroidery painted backgrounds on which to work the miniature silk ribbon flowers.

If you plan on signing up for this might want to get started on these backgrounds now.

Here is the handout for the embroidery patterns to be stitched on these backgrounds:

Here is the link to the supply list for ribbons, etc.:

Just trying to be these gardens really do look best when done on these backgrounds.



Wednesday, October 7, 2015

ICQC-104 Mixed Motifs with Fabric - OPEN 8-10 Oct CST

10/11/15 Edited to Add: Registration for this Course Is Now Closed
Next open window for registration will be 12-14 November.

Welcome to ICQC-104, Mixed Motifs with Fabric

Registration is NOW OPEN...and will close at midnight CST on Saturday, 10 October 

You must have completed ICQC-103 Prior to registering for this ICQC-104 Course.
(NOTE: If you are presently working in the ICQC-103 course...get busy...and be prepared to join the next offering of this ICQC-104 on 12-14 November)

This course is expected to last 8-12 weeks

To Register: email me your Name, State/Country, Email address...just as for previous
The ICQC-104 includes these modules/tasks:

104A-Embellishing OVER Silkie Images
Task 1: Stitching Hair
Task 2: Stitching Flowers

104B-Framing Silkie Images
Task 1: Create a CQ Block with Framed Silkie

Task 1: Create a Broderie Perse Applique
Task 2: Create a Hand Applique Heart (or other shape)
Task 3: Design an Applique based on an Embroidery Pattern

104D-Raised Applique
Task 1: Create a Raised Applique (Bunny, Cat, or Teddy Bear)

104E-Working with Various Slips
Task 1: Create an Embroidery Slip
Task 2: Create a Silkie Slip
Task 3: Create a Beaded Slip

  There is no special supply list needed for this class. Standard sewing and embroidery supplies (as needed in prior classes) will be used. The need for some medium or heavy weight interfacing scraps and some thin felt/flannel scraps could require some shopping. 
The photos above are some of the techniques taught. The fox, bunny, and heart patterns are also in this course, along with other patterns as well.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

More Hexagon Action

Progress on my hexagons slowed down...but I have managed to finish one more this past week. Here are some close up photos for you. 

Have you begun your hexagon quilt yet? I'm sure seeing some wonderful photos of inspirational hexagon quilts lately on Pinterest. Loving the "hankie" ones by Rhonda Dort!
Also like some I've seen on blogs lately. 
Here are some links for you:
Many don't have as much hand embroidery as mine, but wondering if I might create some in these styles to accompany mine. Or would it be odd to have lots of embellishing peppered among little to no embellishing...just because I like them all. 
But, you know me and "balance in design" of course I'm over-thinking the idea! Perhaps I should just create a few hankie blocks and a few rose fabric blocks THEN lay everything out to SEE what this mix of styles might look. Great...another "TO DO" task to add to my list!
However...working on  some "quicker blocks" could allow me to perhaps complete a large quilt...rather than only the bed runner that was my first thought. Hmmm...more to consider. Of course, if I don't like the combination...would I then need to finish 3 projects? 1-Rose Hexie; 1-Hankie Hexie; 1-CQ Hexie
What are your thoughts? 
How are you doing on your own hexagon blocks? 
I encourage you to give these a try!
  Also, I did get the photos done for my Tutorial on Finishing my HEX Blocks.
I'll try to get that posted to the blog after the next class registration around next Monday/Tuesday maybe. Just letting you know I have not forgotten that promise.

Friday, October 2, 2015

ICQC-104...peaking out from behind the curtain...

I'm finally close enough to finishing the ICQC-104 Course that I have included dates on the Class Schedule of Open Registration Dates.  
There were moments, days, weeks this summer that I wondered if I'd even get this (or any other classes) written. It has been one long hot summer for me. But, not to dwell on that...what you need to know is that ICQC-104 WILL occur this year!

It will cover different types of Applique' work to include:
Traditional Hand Applique Motifs
Embroidery Slips
Silkie Over-Stitching and Frames
Raised Embroidery

This a true "intermediate level" course, requiring your concentration, time, and patience!
It is challenging but not advanced IMHO.
The course does require that ICQC-103 be completed first because it covered the basic surface embroidery techniques...expanded upon in the ICQC-104 course.

More news...I'm pretty sure I can get the ICQC-105 "Ribbon" course written this month...hopefully. No dates on the schedule yet, as I need to stitch a couple of more motifs and write those modules...but I'm trying to be where a class can be opened for registration in November.

On a sad note...there is no way I'm going to get the ICQC-106 "Stumpwork" module done in time to take registrations this year. The health issues that overtook me this summer really wiped me out...physically, mentally, and spiritually. I'm beginning to get my feet back under me. But I have come to realize that I can't be "superwoman" any longer. So, sorry to let you know..but I'm only human. Having trouble believing THAT myself...but getting older is just no fun. I need to be better at "pacing myself" before the rug gets pulled out from under me for good...not just for a few weeks!
