Saturday, March 28, 2015

ICQC-101 is Open for Registration

Intermediate Crazy Quilt Course (ICQC)
101-Piecing Crazy Quilt Blocks
is now OPEN for Registration
You Must Have Completed The CQ Basic Class to Register for this ICQC Module.

Registration is open 29 through 31 March
The class will run from 1 April through 15 May
These mini classes will comprise this first course:
A - Printing on Fabric
B - Color Theory
C - Selecting Fabrics
D - Designing Blocks
E - Adding Lace & Trims
F - Piecing CQ Blocks
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Link to the Basic Supply List 
You WILL be required to get your own supplies to complete the different class tasks. 
  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address (if different) you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
The email address (if different) you wish me to use for Class Blog Access.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. 
This is an ON-LINE internet class
You will need to follow some simple instructions to register and gain access to the private class blog. Your name and email will need to be entered; but NO social security or credit card information is required. Just basic information to "recognize" you as a class participant. We will follow the same process you used in the Basic Class.
This is the first module of the ICQC. Future modules will require that you complete this one.
Hugs, and I hope to see you in the class!

Friday, March 20, 2015

BASIC CQ Course is OPEN for registration.

This BASIC CQ Course (BCQC)
 REGISTRATION will remain open until midnight on March 22th
The class will run for about five weeks.
These 12-Tasks comprise this basic class:
1 - How to Use the Class Blog
2 - Selecting Supplies
3- Design Principles of CQ
4 - Sewing the Block
5 - Surface Beading Techniques
6 - Template Seams
7 - Shape Seams
8 - 11 Various Silk Ribbon Flowers
12 - Finishing (lace, charms, etc.)
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Link to the Basic Supply List
You WILL be required to get your own supplies to complete the about 8 x 10 size block.
Basic CQ supplies include silk ribbon, pearl cotton threads, tiny beads, etc. as the photo above indicates. None of these are in large quantity for a single block.
You will be required to use a quilting hoop (Q-snap is fine).
You WILL be required to access the private class blog (upon an invitation sent to you) and post photos of your work as you progress through the class.

  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. Watch for BOTH of these emails, check your spam folder. If you do not receive by Monday morning, email me to let me know.
This is an ON-LINE internet class. 
You will need to follow some simple instructions to register and gain access to the private class blog. Your name and email will need to be entered; but NO social security or credit card information is required. Just basic information to "recognize" you as a class participant.
You will need to be able to take a photo of your work, and upload it to the class blog. You will get instructions on "blogging" so don't worry if you don't currently do that now; you will learn.
But, you DO NEED to have an operating camera and be able to take photos.
You do need a basic understanding of how to save these photos and then retrieve those picture files
NOTE: You will be given class handouts/instruction in the form of emails and pdf documents.
 The pdf files can be opened with Adobe Reader (free software on the site)

 You need to be able to open these handouts/instructions and save them.
You can also print as you desire. In total, the course contains over 200 pages of paper/printer will be required if you want to retain a hard copy of this information.
Hugs, and I hope to see you in the class!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Joyful Embellishments

If you want some great seam inspiration, consider the Facebook group Joyful Embellishments, began by Valerie Bothell.

She posts five seams each week for every member to try. It's a great way to practice stitches and find some new "favorites". I found a few minutes these past couple of weeks to work on some of the seams posted to date. Hugs!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Registration for ICQC is OPEN...

Intermediate Crazy Quilt Course (ICQC)
101-Piecing Crazy Quilt Blocks
is now OPEN for Registration
You Must Have Completed The CQ Basic Class to Register for this ICQC Module.

Registration is open 26 February through 1 March
The class will run from 1 March through 15 April
These mini classes will comprise this first course:
A - Printing on Fabric
B - Color Theory
C - Selecting Fabrics
D - Designing Blocks
E - Adding Lace & Trims
F - Piecing CQ Blocks
The class is FREE, you will not be charged anything for the instructions.
Link to the Basic Supply List 
You WILL be required to get your own supplies to complete the different class tasks. 
  If you are interested in taking this course, please email me at and provide me this information:
Your first name
Your last name
You country of residence
Your state of residence IF you live in the USA
The email address (if different) you wish me to send class instructional handouts to.
The email address (if different) you wish me to use for Class Blog Access.
After you register, I will send you a Welcome Email and Google/Blogger will send you (at my request) an Invitation to join the Class Blog where the class will be held. 
This is an ON-LINE internet class
You will need to follow some simple instructions to register and gain access to the private class blog. Your name and email will need to be entered; but NO social security or credit card information is required. Just basic information to "recognize" you as a class participant. We will follow the same process you used in the Basic Class.
This is the first module of the ICQC. Future modules will require that you complete this one.
Hugs, and I hope to see you in the class!

Seriously crazy weather report...

I'm gonna bump this post down under the CQIC Registration...but, wanted you to see my view from the kitchen window today. All of you Nothern Ladies can have a good laugh...I don't mind. Hugs!
We ended up with about 4 inches of snow when it stopped. And it will all be gone by this afternoon. The kids in the neighborhood are sure to have a great day!
And, here is what my week looks like coming up...seriously...snow on Wednesday and 70's next week? How weird is that!
The trees will be blooming out...and there is most likely some ice to follow and freeze their buds...happens every year lately.
Keep warm, keep safe...and keep stitching!


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Guess it's my turn...

The snow has just begun...
I have pre-salted my steps...just in case there were to be an emergency and I have go down, or someone has to go up. But, I plan to stay in until this all melts...the dog however is not. Ha!

Here's the view outside my kitchen window.

Not near the snow the rest of the country is getting...but enough for us to close down schools and most businesses here. When you live without snowplows or salt/chemical just have to wait it out. three will be 60plus degrees again...weird weather!

Hugs, to all...


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Planning Ahead

Are you busy? Of course you are...and so am I. That's why I look for as many "shortcuts" as possible. Like printing my embroidery designs onto fabric instead of tracing them. Just printed a dozen up and sewed some extra waste fabric strips to the side...this makes loading them into a hoop much easier.
And, I have several hand made small hoops that allows me to load several hoops at once. Then I just pick and choose what I want to stitch on. If I get bored with one design...I can move to another quickly.
So far, I have one completed...
And one almost completed this week.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Future CQ Classes...

Just a quick note to let you know that I've updated the Free CQ Classes page. It now includes links to available supply lists (more to be published as I write/update them); links to more general class information; links to the class schedule for 2015.
So check out the information....and mark the Open Registration Dates on your calender so you won't miss those announcements. As always, I'll open the classes here on the if you follow, you'll get the news. The dates are a heads up for those that travel, etc. to be watching the blog posts during that specific time-frame.
As you will be able to determine from the schedule...I'm very busy. So, please don't ask me to "pre-register" you for a course. I'm sorry, but I only do that for extraordinary it is a lot of extra work for me...and if I "promise" and forget...then everyone is unhappy.
So, all are treated the same...register when the classes are OPEN.
All classes are FREE instructions.
All classes are very detailed and require a ton of reading and printing of instructions/handouts.
All classes require supplies (these may already be in your stash, but if not you will need to purchase them)
All classes are taught in a positive environment...if you can't comply with my ideals of "positive environment" will be dropped from the class. I don't have time to deal with folks that bash other people's attempts or want to be disruptive. (Thankfully, I have not had to do this...but the disclaimer is so you know that I don't tolerate this type of behavior.)
Hope to see you in future classes!
And, those 140+ individual in the Basic Class right, work, work!
The Intermediate Class opens on the 26th of February!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Books are back...

Both the "Embellishing Crazy Quilts" and the "My Crazy Ideas" books are back in stock on my Etsy Shoppe.
EQC is all about stitching seams using templates,

and MCI is a journal specifically designed to chart crazy quilt seams and embroidery motif ideas.
If you purchase both together...make sure to use the "combination" item instead of both individual will save you some cost to the books.

It's right around the corner...

Spring! I know it doesn't feel like it today...but look at what I found on the other side of Mom's house! 
These daffodils have their heads closed up tight...but they are about 8 inches tall...and will be open soon!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

F Monogram Complete

  Got the monogram completed...and like it. Don't "love it" I'm going to re-design and remove a lot of the larger is too distracting. Of course, that background is also distracting...but it doesn't bother me much. But, still a good result for a first design attempt...and it's a good working model too.
It's been a nice couple of days...stitching some! Aidan is here this weekend...and we are also cooking good things and being lazy in front of the television. Today, we will be experimenting with dying some lace sure to have "colored fingers" too!
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sharing a Silk Ribbon Design...and a Boo-Boo Story

Ever have one of those days? You know, when things just start off badly. Well, today is shaping up that way. Woke up at 4 a.m.....why? don't know...tryed to go back to sleep...tossed...turned...finally two hours later just "threw in the towel" and got up. So, I'm tired and cranky! Last night I worked on the above Silk Ribbon Embroidery design and thought I might get to stitch on it soon. 
So, this morning, I pressed a piece of cotton to my freezer paper...cut it the size my printer likes...and printed the embroidery design to the fabric. I set the opacity so that it doesn't print "DARK"...but this was too light. See the little dash marks? But no flowers! They have faded into the back.
Drat, and I already used the fabric piece that I really wanted to stitch on! But, I do have a "backup" piece. But first, lets just darken the image a tidbit...and reprint on the same fabric. Printed beautifully.

All except the fact that IT IS UP SIDE DOWN! So my first F has it's tail pointing to the sky...and the second has it's head pointing in that direction!
So, into the trash can it goes! Geez!
Third it printed on the 2nd fabric selection.
Now I know you are saying...who can see that? 
But, up it will be in my hoop...I can see it just fine.
Hope this day improves!
You are welcome to save the photo above and stitch this yourself if you like.
The letter "F" is my father's thought I'd do this project in memory of him.
And, before you ask...nope, don't have any other letters designed...yet. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Cool New Tool!

When you use silk needs to be ironed. It gets wrinkles, fold lines, and such as it is stored...and as it is used.
I'm always used a standard iron, a smaller travel iron, or a curling iron in the past...but no, I have this handy little travel size flat iron!
I love it.
The photos are not perfect...but I'm trying to hold the camera in my right hand and the flat iron in my left...and that's hard...hugs!
I got mine on that place...and here is the link if you want to read more about this model...there are others there too.
 I do find that the ribbon is so thin that I have to use the very tip of the iron, where the plates meet each other without any teensy space between...but that's fine. 
Works great!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Morning All!

I've been making some changes to the blog. Some, I'm not sure I'm even going to keep...but we shall see.
Every just wake up and feel like "changing something?"...I do, and usually it means that I'll be moving furniture that day!
When I was meant that I'd cut my hair or dye it again!
So, now that I'm getting older...does changing my blog mean that I'm too old to push the couch around? I hope not!
You might also notice that I've added a "donate" button to the blog. No, I'm not in dire straights...or anything. But, some have asked if they can contribute to the cost of the software costs and such for the classes. I do spend money on a Creative Cloud subscription with Adobe each month for their entire suite of software....which I mainly use Illustrator at the moment to draw diagrams and artwork for the classes. So, I thought I'd just make it easier...if you want to throw a couple of bucks into the pot...that's fine. If now, I'm perfectly fine with that too! Hugs!
At least now, I've given you a you don't have to ask.
