Monday, February 17, 2014

Monogram Mondays - Q

Q is for QUILT...of course!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Velia's Block Continues...

You probably think this is the longest working round robin block ever...but, I've just not had much time this work to dedicate to it. And, yes...there is a lot of work going into it; but I would have been done had the week offered more stitching time. Of course, I also keep deciding the parts planned need 'more' like the spider web. My first thought was the web and spider...but, this is the lightest patch of the block, and really draws your eye there. So, it does need more 'interest' I'm thinking...and will add some vines/branches with leaves before putting the spider in.
This area of the block is finished...and I'm quite happy with it. Alice already stitched two very pretty seams, but when I put my 5-prong seam overpowered her previous work. She was so gracious and agreed to let me add some more stitching to her seams. So, I put in some straight stitches, couching, and beads to her Chain Stitch seam. Then added some detached chains and bullion roses to her adjacent seam. Some beads were added to the wine trim with the gold sequins...and this area become done to my liking.

The gold fabric at the side of the block was too large to stand alone and too small to put a motif in because that would conflict with the gorgeous ribbon seam work Colleen had put in. So, I decided to stitch a simple background lattice and add a dragonfly and some small seed beads. It's enough to fill in the space so it doesn't appear empty but still does not conflict with the seam a matter of fact, I think it enhances it.
The bright gold trim on the opposite side of the block needed some stitching to help anchor it down a bit...and keep it from being so glaringly present. There was a little space to work in, so I added a simple seam with some seed beads.
The lace motifs now all have some beading added. There could be more even, but the 'feel' of this block is opulant, lucious, and too much will not be good...even for an 'encrusted style' block. At least, that's my thinking.
Next, I have silk ribbon work to add...and finish those leaves in the spider-web...and add that spider. So, the next time you see this should be finished. Hope you are enjoying the show...I'm sure enjoying the stitching!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

My block is home...


The past couple of posts has been my work on Velia's Encrusted Block before it goes home to her...but, MY own block has found it's way back to me. Isn't it lovely! Can you tell that the ladies in this robin know how much I like beads? Ha!
Thank you to Colleen, Alice, Velia, and Ritva for your hours and hours of beading and stitching!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Did You Notice?

Last night, I was up very late...and was watching the weather predictions for the next two and snow. While watching television I was also stitching. Then, before heading off to sleep I took photos of Velia's block...and posted to the blog first thing this morning.
Did you notice this photo in that post yet? I didn't...until I started to stitch again this morning. Do you see the half completed last French knot? It's at the lower right...felt finished, but the thread caught on the line of beads below it. Luckily, it was the last stitch...and I could pull it through and finish off again this morning.
Lessons learned:
1. Put beads on last (no choice here because this is a round robin, and the beads were already stitched down before I began my work). 
2.  Don't stitch late at night in poor light and while you are tired.  
3.  Watch your stitching to make sure they are completing correctly before cutting the thread.

Velia's Block Continues...

The trims and laces are now stitched down. And I forgot to slip one of them under the black rose trim as first planned (see prior post)...did not even cross my mind...until AFTER I had stitched the trim securely in place. Duh! Yes, I could have taken out some stitches...
but instead I layered the two together a bit, and still like the effect just fine. These will get beads too...when I get to that step in the process.

If you follow me much, you might already know that two of my pet peeves are the abrupt ending of trims and leaving the raw edges of trim showing. And I've managed to do both of them here!
Ending trim with a raw edge is just not okay with me. But, for every 'rule' there is an exception...or so I've heard. And this exception is because I'm not the only person working on this block...and Colleen already finished the adjacent seam so beautifully that I don't want to ruin that by putting this trim over it (of course not!!). So it has to stop short of the intersecting seam. That leaves the to cover this abrupt ending?
Well, I have chosen to use a purple dragonfly Czech button cabochon in this area. It is large enough to cover all the trim ends and adds some bling to that area as well. And, it will fit in nicely with the beaded spider to come later on...and Colleen's beautiful silk ribbon and beading work. You might also note that there is a spider's web already stitched down with needed to go down now before the lace clusters went into place, IMHO. It is waiting on a beaded spider with long legs to move in.

You might have also have noted that the other two lace motifs at the top area of the block are stitched down; but one looks a little 'unsecured'. That's on purpose.

If you were to peek underneath, you'd get a surprise...and so would the little frog you would wake up! I like hiding things on a block...and adding little critters is also a favorite thing of mine to do. Wonder what other little critters will find a home on the block? Already there is one dragonfly, one spider, and one frog planned...perhaps there will be more?
Next...a bit of stitching is needed before the silk ribbon and beading begins! The spider web is already stitched into place; because it needed to go under the lace motifs but some embroidery seams and motifs are also a must.
This seam is placed against the side of the black rose trim. It will also get silk ribbon roses and beads added to it later.

This gold fabric area will have a branch of silk ribbon leaves with a vine of wisteria hanging on to that. So far, the the French Knot blooms and the Stem Stitch limb are stitched.

The next area that needs something is this floral patch of small flowers. It already has some golden glass seed beads scattered about in some of the floral centers...but I'm thinking this would be a good place to put a button cluster to balance that beaded cabochon.
Off to stitch some more...and I should be finished soon (and on time) with this block. Of course the silk ribbon and beads take the most time (for me) we shall see. Ha!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Starting my Last Round of CQ...


...of last year's round robins. This is Velia's block. Isn't it already so pretty?!! I'm auditioning trims for the two center seams. I'm really liking the rose and black one...but not so sure about the gold trimmed one.

It seems a bit too bright at the edges. And, although it technically 'matches' the colors in the block...that bright shade of gold just screams out at you. It takes away from the delicate stitching already on the block.

This little bit of dyed lace is pretty and would be even prettier once beaded...but, it's a little 'ho mum'...yawning!
This dyed trim was done in the same dye batch as the floral piece...but it has more dimension and therefore more interest to me. So, think I'll be using this one. Right now, they are just pinned in place. Now, what to add next? The block does not have any lace pieces...and I'm thinking that they would add some real texture. The theme is 'encrusted' so the block needs loads of 'stuff' to qualify for that theme!

 These four lace motifs are the right size to fill some space and carry the viewer's eye around the block...without overpowering the other elements of the block.

 I like the idea of tucking the lower one under the'll have to use your imagination to add the beads and such to these.

This top area will mirror one of the lace motifs, and add a darker one in the same color family (from the same dye bath actually).
Now, I'm off to actually stitch these all down and start to add some embroidery! See you back soon with more photos.


Monogram Mondays - R


Thursday, February 6, 2014

Computer Woes...sorta

Do you have an Acer?
I spent Brady's nap time today packing up the Acer Chrome Book that I bought in December. Already, it is out of the screen keeps blinking and getting weird boxes on it, but nothing works. I only used it for Pinterest and Netflix...and the technician tried helping me to clear out everything and reboot back to factory setting. That didn't work. So, it is being shipped off to Temple, Texas...and I was reading their comments section of their website. No favorable comments...none, zip...nada. That's not a good thing. Several folks said that they got calls saying their laptops were 'water damaged' which is not covered under the warranty....but they had never had them near any water. Mine has not been near water either...but now, I'm leary of what they will say. Keep your fingers crossed for me that they will be honorable and just fix it as the warranty requires.
My mother and SIL both have Acer computers and have had no problems with them...but this little Chrome book has been troublesome from the start; had a real learning curve with it...and it's not very powerful. I strongly advise you not to ever consider getting one. And, I'll let you know how the repair support is when I get it back...and how long that takes. The Technician said 7-10 days after they receive it....but the reviews say weeks.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monogram Mondays - S

S is for SNOW!
Hope you have a great day! And, that you get some stitching done.


Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Knot Garden Woes...

This is my effort in my knot garden to date. It has been easy to get lost in this garden...but I finally found a way to simplify the task of stitching these 5,000 plus knots needed in this design. Well, the stitching itself is still the same...just that the order has become a bit easier.
In stitching my first 'ribbon' of hedges (see the green) I started first by stitching knots along the outside lines of one ribbon...following a single line over and under other ribbons marked. Now, I'm filling in this area to actually create the hedges. (See the area that is already full?)
 Approaching the design this way, I determined that it was actually two totally separate hedges...interlaced. You can see the second one traced, but not stitched yet. So, I'll stitch the first one completely...then tackle it's partner. Might even do this second hedge in a different green.
But, I'm also taking a little departure from the hedge right now, because the tight turns of the hedge are causing the "spaces" in those turns to become lost. So, I've stopped the hedge work temporarily to add in some blue varigated knots where these little bits of space are...before they all become lost and I can't see where to stitch. I'm going to do these spaces in the 'partner' hedge too before starting that.
This knot garden is part of this year's challenge at StitchMAP. We'll be doing three different needlework designs, in hexagons. This month, I contributed two designs of my in silk ribbon and one in embroidered bullions. So, this third design (done by Shari Jensen, owner of the group) is my only option for stitching as a member participating in the challenge. So, knots it is...they are tedious...but as it grows, I am starting to enjoy the journey. Shhhhhh, don't tell Shari I said I have already indicated that I'm saving for airfare to Colorado to 'thank her' for her design which requires all these knots!
You might note also that the design is transfered using a red pen....gasp! I read about these pens on Janet's blog...QuiltsALot...and ordered them off Ebay. 
They came to me from the United Kingdom, and are completely water soluble. I tested them on this background fabric...and all of the ink washed out very quickly. So, after the knots are done (say about Thanksgiving timeframe?)...the piece will get a good soaking. 
I'll keep you posted on how the project goes. 
Oh, and you are welcome for the link to Janet's blog...isn't it wonderful! Makes me want to lock myself in a room for months and just applique!

Boy, am I busy!

I know some of y'all must think I've left the country or something...but nope, just busy as heck! And here is mostly why...Brady has learned to crawl and pull up. No more setting him down on a pallet to play why I stitch...nope...he is busy too! Here he is, going after one of Buddy's nasty yucky chew toys...his favorite actually, the squeeky skunk.

But, I retrived it just in time and threw it to the window seat. Here is Buddy, just his rump in frame, heading to retrieve it. And Brady wondering "what happened? I almost had it?"

 Come on...isn't he cute! Even if I am just a proud great-auntie. He also has a good set of lungs and believes that growling and yelling "Aaaaaannnnnt" is the way to call me to get him up when he wakes or wants something. He'll be a little red-head handful of trouble when older for sure!

And, this greeted us last week. This is my front porch and steps. No getting down this way yet, had to wait until it stopped and then sweep and put out ice. I still stayed upstairs, but at least someone could get up the steps in an emergency.
The snow is was beautiful! But, it came way to fast...and way to much for our southern roads to deal with. Standed thousands of folks (perhaps even millions across the state) on the roadways trying to get home or to schools. The schools were open as the streets were clear in the morning. But around 9:30 they announced closures; and around 10:00 tons of folks were on the roads to get their children...but the snow was already everywhere and ice was beneath that. Loads of parents could not get up to schools that sat on top of hills...and many schools had to keep some students overnight. The teachers did a great job of taking care of the kids...but the parents were upset at not getting to them for sure. Even little Brady stayed with me one night because his mother was stranded at work for several hours in the evening. It was safer for him not to travel...and then Dad could concentrate on getting to Mom in their four-wheel-drive truck. I didn't mind one bit that he was here for longer!

Monday, January 27, 2014