Sunday, July 14, 2013

Back in the Saddle Again.....

Okay, if your are young...or not a fan of American Western might not get the title...which is a part to a cowboy song. But, I'm back home again. The trip to Huntsville was so very much fun for me! Kim was a wonderful hostess and has the coolest family! The ladies at the Madison guild were very gracious and I really enjoyed sharing my crazy journey with them on Thursday night. The gals that signed up for the crazy quilt class on Saturday just were a hoot! I enjoyed the class even more than them I think! We had a wonderful time stitching and and with each other!
I also did my part to help the local economy...and found some treasures!
My Jingle applique quilt was in need of some additional red, yellow, and I'm thinking these will be just great!
There is a plan for a Sunbonnet Sue I needed some 30's fabrics to create that.

My ideas for the applique medallion pattern include using batiks for the flowers...and I really scored with these colors!
Lastly, I found some beads for hatpins and even a couple that will make great cabochons! Plus, some needles, glue pen, and other treasures! It's nice to have a chance to shop and actually touch the fabric...instead of buying on-line. 
Oh wait, I almost forgot...these lucious fibers and threads! I'm just going to love working with these on my crazy quilt projects!
Thanks again Kim and all the ladies of Madison/Huntsville for such a wonderful visit!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Really Cute Blog for you to check out!...

I found the cutest blog today...and wanted to share. Go check out and you will not be disappointed!
I'm traveling tomorrow, early...and will be back on Sunday. This week has been full of last minute packing and getting my handouts, supplies, and examples assembled for my upcoming lecture and no photos. 
Hope to be back stitching things to share with you next week.
Meanwhile...let me know how you like the felt hearts and animals you find at Paulette's blog...I love them, and they make me want to stitch something!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Journaling...when I can stay awake...zzzzzzz....

We have had some light showers for the past week...and more rain is in the schedule for the next week or longer. Morning showers and late afternoon/early evening thunderstorms...Yuck! I'm in a perpetual nap level of energy...just zapped out! Hard to get motivated to create doing things that don't take a load of brain power. Like journaling some new crazy quilt seam combinations. But,
what I "need" to be doing is punching holes in those 30 mini-template sets for my class next week. Sssshhhhh, don't tell's my little free giftee to each of them.
That is, if I can get my behind in gear and punch all those little holes!
If you are a dear friend...could you give me a swift kick please?
But lightly...just a little luv tap...

Dying Lace Motifs for Class

Last night, I finished up the items for my supply kits...for this next weekend's class at the Quilter's Combo quilt shop in Madison, Alabama (near Huntsville) on the 13th of July.
There's still a couple of seats, come on down and take a beginner crazy quilt embellishment class! The instruction package is only $20, and there is a kit packed full of silk ribbon, threads, beads, lace motifs, charms, and needles...for only $15. Yes, the kit is being sold under cost...but hey, that's the way I am!
These are my lace motifs...three in each kit. The colors look kind of yucky on these photos...but are really green, peach, pink and pretty.

Next, I have to cut out little pieces of felt to hold the needles...and I'm ready to rock and roll!
There is a lecture/slideshow/trunk show on Thursday night (11 July)...before the Saturday class...for the Madison Quilt Guild. So, if you are a member...don't miss the meeting!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Family Celebration Time - Fish Fry!

Today, we had a little family gathering at Mother's...with a fish fry. Here, my sister Anna is outside frying up the fish...and hush-puppies. Some (most) of the guys are out there watching...and "catching" hush-puppies!

Hope y'all all had a great and relaxing 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day good ole USA!

You know you're from the South when you're outside catching hush-puppies!


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Three Little Mug Rugs

These are ready to go into the mail. They are similiar, but different...and go to three different ladies that I'm swapping with over on the HGTV Message Board group.
I just knew that this little embroidery pieces would be just right for some project! Glad to have had them on hand for this Garden MugRug swap. Made my decision to join very easy...took less than an hour to get all three of these put together.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Block Two Almost Complete

I'm still working on my blocks from Jenny's newsletter. If you get the Elefantz newletter and have not yet begun this project, you really should consider is really very sweet and quiet nice to stitch. I still have to add the white embroidery (running stitch, stem stitch, blanket stitch) to the fusible pieces...but, it is almost done.
The little bird is looking a slight bit dark. But, I think the addition of the white stitching will help to balance him out. The thread color is a gray/brown and is the same as the words in the center, I'm hoping that all will be fine when the blocks are together.


Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Must Be Plum Crazy!

That's the only explanation...for even starting on this little journey today. Doesn't this bowl of plums look so innocent...well five hours later (and I'm pooped out!)...they have become
 14 pints and 12 half-pints of plum jelly (or plum syrup if it doesn't set right!!!) 
I squished and pureed plums (minus the pits) until my feet hurt from standing...and the result filled mother's larger canner.
Then, a thought occurred to me...I still had to add the sugar...and it had to boil. So, half was dipped out...
and I then had TWO batches of jelly/syrup to contend with. And, even with only half a pot full...look how close it came to overflowing with it started to boil! 
I can tell you I was in a full panic mode! Turned the stove eye completely off, stirring and blowing to cool the mess down before it boiled over the top..and on to my stove...then down the side...then on the floor. I could just see the mess that was about to happen. Luckily, I got it under control just in time!! See the rim of the pot below...that's where the "suds" stopped before boiling over!! I mean, one extra spoon more...and I would have had a horrible mess!
And, I did the same thing on the second batch! Geez!
Sure hope all of these turn out to be jelly...cause that's a lot of pancake syrup otherwise!!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

What a Week!

Wow, this week has just been tiring!
Of course the baby was here each day...and Aidan...and every evening, I just fell into bed! I think the heat has something to do with my "zapped energy level".
A good part of the week was spent measuring lengths of pearl thread and silk I'm making up 30 kits for a basic crazy quilt class next month in Huntsville.
The remainder of my "free" time was starting on the second block of my Elefantz little quiltee, and I'm still just loving this design.
There are plums in my fridge...that MUST be made into jelly, come on over and I'll put you to work!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Feedly vs Bloglovin

As you have most likely already heard or read about...perhaps even dozens of times...
the Blog Reader part of Blogger is scheduled to go away in July. This means that if you follow many (or just one) blog in your'll loose you're ability to read them in July.
This means that you will need to go back and "find" all of your favorite blogs again...and import them into another type of reader service.
OR, you can import all of them now. Which is a lot faster and easier than finding them all over again.
Basically, there are really just two (IMHO) choices for a new reader...Feedly or BlogLovin.
Both are great, for different reasons.
So, I went hunting to find the real scoop...and read a lot of reviews. The most comprehensive review was over at: Nosh on It...posted back in March.
Here is the link to the full post:
But, here is the wrap up copied over for you
QUOTE: "In general, Feedly is a great Google Reader alternative if you:
  • Want an easy way to transfer  your Google Reader folders and subscriptions.
  • Want customizability over the layout.
  • Browse quickly between posts and don’t regularly read from original sources.
  • Regularly use a mobile device to access your subscription content.
  • Frequently share content to a wide range of social networks.
If you prefer something simpler and more familiar, then Bloglovin’ could be for you. Bloglovin is a good RSS service if you:
  • Use Tumblr and/or Twitter and like their clean, minimal, familiar layouts.
  • Use Internet Explorer 8 (but please… it’s time to upgrade!).
  • Primarily read your content on your computer, since the app (Android app at least) is sluggish.
  • Haven’t spent a lot of time grouping your subscriptions in Google Reader and don’t mind manually categorizing them in Bloglovin’.
  • Want to share your list of subscriptions with other people and discover new content through the Bloglovin community."
So, whichever reader you choose...the important thing is to transfer the RSS Feeds and Links to each of the blogs you follow before July.
And, in case you are wondering...I use Feedly.

Edited to Add: I downloaded the free Feedly app to my Iphone today...and now can read all of the blogs I follow right on my phone. So, I catch up a little while having coffee with Mom in the morning...when we aren't chatting...or when she is on her phone! My Mom's house is "grand central station" for the family, and there is always something going on!

So, whatever feed you decide to use...just add "" to your list of blogs to read, or follow on Google+ Friends, RSS Email feed, Bloglovin, or Feedly...Hugs!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Do You Fish?

I'm usually the one sitting in the lawn chair with a book...swatting at the mosquitos and wishing I were back home. Which is probably why I don't do much fishing! This past weekend, my daughter, her boyfriend, his family, and Aidan went fishing....and this is one of the fish that they brought home. Several catfish filets will come from this one for sure.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

More Cabochons

It's been a good week here at my home, and I hope the same is at your place too! My little wee nephew is growing and getting more active each day. His naps are shorter...and so are my creative times! But, the trade-off is well worth it! Seeing his little smile just makes my day. 
In the evenings, I'm working on prepping for a class in Huntsville in July or finishing up my chores not completed during the day. I did manage to get a few more cabochons done this week, and really love the ladies. I'm going to have to do more of these for the CrazyQuiltSupplies shop.
I'll get these in the mail on Monday, and you'll be able to purchase them in a few days...whenever Thearica gets them loaded on her website.
Hope you all have a great weekend!
I'm off to vacuum, sweep, mop and get laundry caught up. Yuck!
But, it is always rewarding when these needed tasks are, I'll look forward to that!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Beading cabochons are a good pastime while tending to a baby...they can easily be picked up and put down dozens of time during the day as need be to tend to a wee one. Here are the ones I'm finished with...and working on the horse right now. How has your week been?

 Sorry the photos are sideways...not sure why that is. But, the baby is awake can't worry over trivial things right now. See ya!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kayla's Block

I've been working these past few days (when time allowed) on a round robin block for Kayla. Here are the photos. I'm trying to get used to this new phone from Verizon...and uploading the pictures. The phone is an iPhone4 and has some great features, and takes great photos...but, it does not accept a micro card like my last I'm having to connect the phone via a cable and download one at a is cumbersome. I'm sure that there is a faster way..and I'll find it...but, for now...I'm struggling!
Mary stitched before me. She included the spiderweb, feather stitch plant, some seam trim, and cute little seams as well. My seams tend to be larger, but I think that things are "melting together" pretty nicely so far. Next, Erma works her magic to finish up the block.

There were more images...but they are too blurry to make out. I have to get "re-trained" on this phone camera! Hugs!


Friday, June 14, 2013

Stuffed Animals

Here are three little stuffed animals I worked up yesterday. They don't take much fabric or buttons, and are really cute. I'll add them to a shelve and they will make me smile when viewed. If I still worked, I'd even consider putting them in my office....just to remind me to be kind and smile more! Ha!
The patterns are all from Bunny Hill Designs...and I got mine at CrazyQuiltSupplies. The fabrics are scraps of left-overs from various projects..and are from the French General Line by Moda mostly.
There is a whole group of these little mini-critters. I chose only three to stitch.

Bunny. I stitched one ear UP and one ear FLOPPSY.

Lamb. I'm thinking about painting the feet and nose black...more like a real lamb would be. Or dark gray like the dots of this pink fabric.

Squirrel. Think I'll do another one in blue as he is nice and flat...without a lot of buttons/ just right for little Brady to play with if I French Knot the eyes. Although these would all make cute little additions to a nursery shelf area...the buttons/beads don't make them good toys for little ones. But, that doesn't mean that us "Biggun's" can't play with them. (Translated: Biggun's is southern slang for grown-up folks!) 


A Techno Challenging Day Already!

We had storms late yesterday afternoon. So, I shut down my laptop and modem and unplugged them after they finished turning off. This morning, I plugged back in...and started up. My laptop came on just did not have my screen saver picture of Aidan on the front...or some of my icons. I had no My Documents either...and No Photos.