Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Small, Medium, Large?

Sometimes I wonder if you live in a space that is small, medium, or large? Mine is small...but not tiny. I have lived in a Studio Apartment before...and that is tiny! I also lived in a 3-story with a gloriously large sewing room...but that is in the past too (and yes, I still miss that house!). This week, these walls really felt like they were closing in on me...because we have two new beds in the house.
Aidan's twin bed was just too small for her...so I got a full-size bed for her. Isn't the bedspread just hideous?! But, she love it because it shines...and cost an entire $10...need I say more! She likes it...and that's what really matters...so, I'll tolerate it. See the white curved thing in the bottom right...that's the corner of my bed. We sleep very closely together in this tiny space. Here is my bed...an old antique iron bedstead which I really love...and it is REALLY heavy! The bookshelves are a temporary fixture...they should be here beside the bed. But, since we moved Aidan's twin bed out yesterday...we also decided to shampoo the carpet in the bedroom. We pulled everything out from under my bed (don't ask...it's a lot!)...and my mattress/springs and a couple of night stands...and Sommer came over and helped me with the rented carpet shampoo machine. We didn't move the large bookcases next to my bed...we were too tired!
So, today...after Aidan's bed was delivered...my SIL Tracy came up and helped me with shampooing just the area inside the door and along the side of my bed...so the bookcase is "resting" until the carpet dries more before pushing the dresser base back in place. Then the bookcase is the top portion.
Aidan's old bed went into the office. And to accommodate that...her small desk had to come out. The table in the sewing room also went in, and is not my office desk. There had to be a smaller work table put in the sewing room...because of the second bed.

This is a Cadillac of baby swings...and I got a great deal on it from Ebay. It takes up a lot of space...and several little shifts of furniture later...here is where I'm stitching...on my oversized ironing board.
 It might look weird, but is about 2 foot wide and 6 feet long...so is plenty of room. I also have a 4 ft x 4 ft cutting table in the sewing room and a 1 ft x 5 ft table at the top of this ironing board...where all of my little supplies are "stacked". But, I'm right there next to the baby during the day...so that is so convenient!
And look how peaceful Brady is sleeping in his swing. The photo is blurry...because the swing was...well...swinging. But, even a bad picture can't hide the pure bless of a good nap!

Buddy is temporarily displaced until I figure out where to put this bed. But, don't feel bad for him...this is one of three beds he has to choose from...and that doesn't count the bottom of our own large beds where he also catches a nap throughout the day! Right now, he's on the bottom of the twin bed...now in the office...so he's cool with all the moving around. Mostly, he's just glad that "things" are starting to be stationary...and not moving all over the place! Now, to just get that bookcase off my bed before I need to crawl into it!
Aidan slept on my boxsprings/mattress temporarily in the living room last night...and I took the twin bed in the office. With all of the moving and cleaning...and scrunching up to sleep...my back is not happy right now! I will be a happy camper to get back into my own bed tonight.
So, here's a question for you...
Do you ever move/replace one thing...and it causes you to move a dozen more things around in your house?
(Please tell me you do...I don't want to be all alone in having this happen!)


Monday, June 10, 2013

800 Followers! Let's Celebrate!

I love having you visit with me each week, and can hardly believe that there are now 800 followers! 
That milestone calls for a celebration!
Usually we give some little something away...but instead of one person receiving I'm going to have some fun with the number "8".
For the next eight days (or until they are gone)...I'll be have a special sale on my Etsy Shop.
My crazy quilt workbook "Embellishing Crazy Quilts" will be on sale for $8.00!!!
That a huge discount from the normal $19.95 on my Etsy page, and the $28.95 on Amazon MSRP!
I'm loading Eight books...so the first eight folks (limit one per customer at this price) will get them.
Shipping will be priority in the U.S. at around $7.00 and true cost for international (shipping charged after the sale but before the shipping international).
Edited to Add: 6/12/2013 Well, that didn't take long! Less than two days, and the eight books are spoken for! The last order will mail out in the morning. Congrats to those that took advantage of the Eight Buck Deal! 

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Cabochons Completed

Last night I finished off the week's worth of cabochons. These turned out to be good little projects for when the baby is sleeping...which are many short naps. Got to run and get these into the mail.
Hope you are all having a great weekend!
Want to see another cute photo? 

Can you tell that I'm a proud Auntie!

Friday, June 7, 2013

A bit morbid?

This is another idea I had lately...and I'm not sure if it is just a bit too morbid for folks...or not?
Several of my friends have lost their mother or another close family member lately...and that has got me to thinking about my own death. Hopefully, not for decades more...but, it is certainly something that will happen at some time...there's no escaping that.
And...that lead me to thinking about all of the service members we have lost...and their caskets, covered with the American flag...traveling back home. 
And...that lead me to thinking about a cover for my own casket...not a flag...but a quilt. After all, quilting has been a huge part of my life...so why not celebrate that along with my life as I am remembered by family and friends before going home myself.
It would be in place of a blanket of real flowers (or silk flowers)...and my family could keep it or send the quilt off with me if they wished.
What do you think? A good idea? Or too morbid for you?
Also, wondering about what to do in the middle...leave it blank for some nice hand quilting? Or embroidery something in the center?
If embroidery...what to do?...a hymn? a poem? a scripture?
I can't decide about the center...so, am left thinking about that.
The inside border will be applique flowers...my absolute joy of working on.
The outside border will be crazy quilt seams...also, a purely blissful pastime of mine.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Early Mornings...Early Evenings...but Sooooooooo worth it!!

My days have started very early these past two weeks (0500 hrs (that's 5:00 a.m.)) as my great-nephew's dad (my nephew) has to be at work at six in the morning...and I need to be awake before trying to pick up a baby...and THAT takes me about 30 minutes as least. The waking up part...not the picking up part! Ha!
(Unless I'm trying to get up from the floor...that does take a little longer...but not thirty minutes. At least, not YET! Hugs!)
Dad picks up this bundle of sweetness by 1500 hrs (that's 3:00 p.m.)...and then I get to blogging, stitching, eating, and whatever else needs to be done before an early bedtime.
So, my "style" is being cramped by my new duties...but, really, is there anything sweeter than a precious little bundle?! I'm so enjoying myself and am blessed to be able to help out.
Isn't he just precious! If you come over, I'll let you hug him all for yourself! Then, I'll put you to work helping me to catch up on the Un-Finished Objects that are piling up around the house!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Block One - Shabby Roses is Complete

Block One of Shabby Roses Beauty, the BOM by Jenny of Elefantz is done. It has even been washed, dryed, and ironed! And a good thing too...because Jenny just published this month's newsletter with Block Two inside...so I have another project to work on soon! This little quilt will have only five squares and will be a cute little girl's quilt when completed. Hmmm, perhaps little Ely would enjoy it...as she has quickly outgrown the christening gown I made for her. Another giftee would be appreciated I'm sure.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

What a Busy Weekend...You too?

This was a good week at my house...Aidan had a nice visit. I looked forward to a quiet Saturday where I could get a lot done...but, the rest of the family had other ideas. We had a family yard sale on Saturday...and it was just hot and muggy outside too! By late that afternoon, I was drained and not in the mood for much of anything that required me lifting my arms!! Ha!
Heat and I do not get along well.
So, that day...nothing much got accomplished.
Today, I finished up a flannel blanket for Brady. It's a simply little coverlet...no batting.  The front is pieced flannel blocks (leftover flannels from other projects) and the back is a solid piece of striped blue flannel.
I just needed something that would be cool...not like a heavy quilt or fleece. The purchased flannel baby blankets are just too small to carry him down to Mother's house in...his feet keep coming out the bottom.

Friday, May 31, 2013

More stitching completed...and some fabrics selected!

Yesterday, I got a little further along on stitching Jenny's Block-of-the-Month from her E-Zine. 
Here are the fabrics I'll be using in mine. Jenny is using a smaller print rose...but I've got about six yards of this and want to use what's in my stash as best as I can.

She is also using a gingham...where I'm using a small polka dot. But, I like polka dots and could not find a pink gingham anywhere that was pretty. Hugs!
 These fabrics aren't a perfect color match...but will work well I'm thinking with the design as Jenny has created it because they are not right next to each other...being separated by the embroidery which is on white Kona cotton. I'm excited about where Jenny will be taking her little mystery quilt and hope to keep up each month... after I catch up that is! Plus, I've ordered another pattern from her...in print...so it has to travel all the way from Australia before I can begin that! I'll show you that when it gets here!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

I Wasn't Going To...But, I Just Can't Help Myself!

Early in the 90's I fell in love...with hand applique. As work, then grand-children took up more of my time...I tried more fusible (quicker) methods of applique...but, they never really "took". In my opinion, there is absolutely just no comparision between the two. I tried to fall in love with fusible...really I did. I "converted" the fusible method to a form of shadow applique...to make it more palatable. And that did make the transition seem somewhat better. 
I had a pattern company in the 90's that focused on shadow applique patterns...florals, fairies, angels...and odd/ends. But after a divorce...half of my team was gone...and I just didn't want to do design work any more.

The patterns already done are used for current classes for the technique; and I did create two other small sets (hand drawn without Illustrator work) for the HGTV Group classes. Working on crazy quilt designs lead me to create my own workbook...which meant that I had to learn Illustrator (which my husband always dealt with before).
This year...I started working again on some hand-applique quilts (Merry Merry Snowman and Jingle) with purchased patterns of other designers...and that has put me totally back in the mood to do my own designs for regular applique again. And with my new Illustrator talent...I have the confidence that I can do this for myself and by myself.
 I am so glad to have that desire back again...thank you Lord! 

So, anyway...I digress. The real point is...look what came in the mail today. My first rough draft of my first hand-applique pattern! It is printed on 11x17 paper...at full size...which I love. The center medallion is so large that it will take nine sheets taped together to get the entire "picture" together. But, the cover is almost okay...just some tweaking of the photo and verifying the size against the layout when printed.
Aren't the colors of the print so pretty!
The full size sheets will have to be put together to check them properly...but they look correct at first glance.
The full size pattern sheets with layout, color guide, and pattern pieces (reversed already) are looking great! Each section has it's own little mini-flower in full color for reference too.
Next, I will write the instructions for layering the flowers together and completing the design. And, I'm going to include a "general tutorial" of the method I use to create my applique...because it's a little different than other methods. When you've been around a while...you can pick-and-choose what works for you from a variety of techniques...and combine them to create your own way of proceeding. So, I'll share mine since it works for me so well.
Then, I have to find some hand-applique stitchers willing to test the pattern...and THEN it will be available for sale on Etsy. So, I had thought about NOT sharing this just yet...but, I just could not wait to tell someone. And who better to share with than my bestest cyber buddies!
p.s. (My muse has 3 more designs started in Illustrator...so, there is no stopping her now!)

Elefantz Design

Morning all! Thought you might want to see my progress on the center block from Jenny's Elefantz Newsletter. I'm done with the roses and leaves...and am working on the words. Next comes the applique then finishing stitches.
This has been a great project to work on during the day when I only have a few moments to spare.
I'm enjoying this process.
If you have not yet checked out Elefantz, or have been wondering about getting Jenny's monthly electronic magazine...please just do it! Her designs are just too cute...and she's a pretty nice pal from "down-under" too!
Sorry that the pic is a little blurry...but, at 0500 in the morning my hands are a little unsteady...think my system is still asleep! It's always hard to get used to a new routine...hugs!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Ooops, You Almost Got a Boob Shot!

Aidan is my camera "person" for this picture...so, I'll have to just close my eyes and be thankful that she is here to help me this week. 
I'm a Great Aunt...to several little wee folk. Here is the latest one...this is my Great-nephew...he is 7 weeks old...and I have him all to myself Monday through Friday now while him Mom and Dad are working.
Aren't I a fortunate gal!
My stitching through the week is in the evenings and my blogging is early in the morning and in the evening too. I fit small projects in while the baby is asleep. 
I love little babies...they make me smile (most of the time).
Aidan did really well helping today...except when she thought she was going to change a wet diaper...and "unwrapped" to find MUCH more. She ran for the bathroom...leaving Nana to handle the details! The next event was when she learned that little boys work like lawn sprinklers sometimes when their diaper comes off!
He got her Nana good however so his aim is right on target!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Needlework Sayings...

Some words of wisdom for you...

"I've spent most of my life making quilts.The rest I've just wasted."
"You may admire my dust, but please don't write in it"
"Success is often a series of failures that you didn't allow to stop you!"

"Embroidery is the art of enriching a fabric with stitchery."

When life throws you scraps, make a quilt. 
Any day spent sewing, is a good day. 

I got a sewing machine for my husband! Good trade, huh?  

Aidan's First Embroidery UnderWay! -- Grandma Alert!

School is out for the summer...and Aidan is here this week. She wanted to do some embroidery work since I was working on this quilt design by Jenny of Elefantz (above). So, I gave her the rose floral design I did last week. It is in draft...but would be cute done as a colored pencil item for a pillow on her bed. So we started by me ironing some freezer paper to a piece of linen fabric, then I taped the pattern to the back of the freezer paper. Aidan used the light table to trace the design on to the fabric. The freezer paper helped to keep the fabric flat so she could trace easily. Here is the design after she had traced it, and after she completed the color pencil work.
Next, she is stitching the outline of the leaves in green perle size 8. This will take a few days, then she'll do the flower petals next. 
She knows that it will take her a while to get it done, but she's still stitching this morning...so I have high hopes that she'll get it done eventually! She is doing a back-stitch..like I'm using on Jenny's design above.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Woot! Woot! I accomplished it!

Finally, I figured out how to change this signature for posts! Now, all I have to do is get the size correct so it can be read! 
After searching and searching through the HTML Template language...it was not there at all! It was just too easy...as I found the old code on my basic setup pages instead! Geez! 
Edited to Add: Yea! I'm still smarter than my laptop...barely! Hugs!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jingle Continues...

Finally, I've gotten back on track with Erin's Jingle Block of the Month quilt top. But, not completely...because my points are matching on my pieced block...
and the berries are not on the applique block...
Mostly this is because the pattern left off the berries, and I forgot Erin had posted that they were needed but she had forgot that too. She also mis-counted her red 2" inch squares...there should have been "8" and not the "4" that the pattern for Pieced Block #2 calls for. But, that's okay...that was not my problem, I figured that out and marked my pattern. I just did not pay attention to the center area enough and got off track a little. I'll pick it out and re-align...but, not right now. For now...these are done and marked off my list.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

New Header

I'm trying out a new header. Think I like this one better than the old lace or roses. What do you think? 
Guess I'll need a new siggie too now...hmmmmmmm...back to the drawing board for that next.
Edited to Add: The above version was the first idea...but, the comments are right...it is too "not me". I tried adding some pink...
but, that just isn't enough either. So, what about the newer-new one? I'm pretty much in love with this. And, it would be a good idea to build a pattern logo and business cards from too I think. 
As always, I'm open to opinions..and thanks!
2nd Edited to Add: Well, Blogger has changed their template format...and I can't even figure out how to delete the below siggie from their Template...even within the HTML Edit Mode. If anyone out there can help me with adjusting this...please advise, I would really appreciate that. I've tried Blogger help...and it isn't any help.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

HGTV Round Robin - First Round Completed

All of the buttons and beads are now sewn on Mary's block...the first of a Round of Robins I'll be working on over the next couple of months. Mary wanted a nautical type theme...so the cluster of buttons, beads, and charms were something I knew that I wanted to do. To balance all of that "stuff" the seam opposite the cluster has large glass flower beads added...except, these beads are up-side-down. Why? Because they look a bit like starfish when they are turned over, and fit the theme pretty well...and were the perfect color. The applique sailboat and dolphin were done first...then I added a second smaller little applique sailboat to look like a distant image...and it filled in a little blank space very nicely.
The little seaturtle charm makes a transition for the eye to travel from all those buttons/beads over to the seam treatment...and hopefully around the block once the other ladies have had a chance to stitch more seams and motifs as the block travels around.
Here are some closeups for you...as I know how important it is for us to really be able to see the work done on these crazy quilt projects.
I hope a little something will help or inspire you in your work as well. And, if you don't like something...that's okay...we all have different tastes and ideas. Hugs!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

HGTV Round Robin Continues - Sailboats & Dolphin Finished

A little tiny sailboat was also added to the mix of applique & embroidery sailboat and dolphin. The seams are almost done and the mermaid cabochon added. Next, I'm adding shells, buttons, and beads clustered and trailed long the bottom of the block. I'm thinking "sea floor" so there might be a little anchor in the mix as well! It might take a couple of days to get all those beads stitched down, but...here is where I am right now.
 I like the applique with embroidery accents more and more when I look at this block, and think that I'll be doing some other blocks with this technique too!
You can click the photo to enlarge it so you can see the stitching around the dolphin and boat. Now, doesn't that add some more interest to the monochromatic type theme? I'm thinking so.....


Monday, May 20, 2013

Just Checking In with You

Hi all, just checking in. I have not posted this week because some how I managed to injure myself. And what's weird...is that I did it in my sleep. When I tryed to roll out of bed on Thursday morning, my right leg/hip gave me a heck of a pain. I have no idea what I did during the night, but my body did not appreciate getting up. As far as I know...I do not sleep walk. Aidan came over Friday, and was here for a visit this weekend, and she helped me pick up things and get around. Today, I went to the chiropractor for xrays and everything seems to be in place with the possibility of an ever-so-slight turning inwards of my right leg. So, seems that I could have simply slept in a strained position and pulled some muscles in my leg. I'll be fine in a few days hopefully, but have been eating over-the counter pain meds and now my stomach doesn't like me either! Plus, they have not really helped me much. So, I'll just have to try being a little slower for a couple of days...and will post when I get my lazy butt in gear and get something else finished.
 I did manage to work a little more last night on the CQ Round Robin, but not enough to even see much difference.
I have determined that either my muse is beating me up at night while I sleep...or that getting older is just full of body parts that break down for no apparent reason!