Sunday, April 21, 2013

What Where You Doing...

in 1993...sewing wise? I was apparently these two were found in one of my many boxes "under the bed" today as Aidan and I were searching for some 28count linen that "I know I have". 
Actually, I'm surprised that these are still just would not believe the number of finished projects that I have lost in moves or given away...and "forgot to whom"...over these past 10-15 years. As a result, I really try NOT to get too attached to things.
Both of these were completed on 1993...and I find it interesting that each of them also included beading. 

Hmmmmm...guess I have liked adding beads for a while now. I just forgot that!...and so much more!

CQJP2013 - April Block Completed

My challenge to myself this year for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project is to create a large panel with many circles with crazy quilt seams only. The seams will document the designs in Embellishing Crazy Quilts, and provide me a way to showcase those seams...other than the long linear sampler I first stitched as the seams were designed. Some seams have additional beads, or changes to fit the space of the circle. Eventually, the project will be a shower curtain cover in my bath I'm front of the plastic liner so it won't get wet of course.
Here are the seams by number used in this block:
 Seam #41
Seam #63
Seam #64
Seam #73
Seam #74
Seam #77
Seam #79
Seam #80
Seam #98

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Stupid, stupid, stupid...

 ...and very lucky! This evening, while trying to "loosen" some fudge from a backing dish so it could be washed...with a large sharp knife (did I say stupid?) released...and went into my left palm. Fortunate for me that it did not go all the way through my hand. The cut is about a half an inch long and about a quarter inch deep. Hurts like heck! But, the bleeding stopped after a few minutes of pressure...and now I have some anti-biotic ointment on it and a bandage. Will get another bandaid on it before going to bed.
Don't try to loosen up stuck food from your baking dishes with a long sharp large knife!
Seriously, I need a keeper!!!
  And no...I didn't want to eat the fudge...just get it all out and in the trash.
Edited to add: Check out my bandage cover. Isn't it stylish? It's an old sock that Aidan has outgrown...the toe and heal have been cut out for my fingers and thumb. And, it's pretty comfortable.
I think I have a new quilting glove too!

New Baby Bunnies

My sister was given four little tiny rabbits this week by a co-worker. She has been feeding them with an eyedropper for the past few days. They got their first taste of clover today. Aren't they just too cute. They are about four times the size they were when she took on the task of caring for them.
How sweet!


Springtime Flowers

When I took Buddy out for his walk-about this morning...thought I'd snap a few photos with my phone to share. These are some of the blooms around the yard. The daffodils and Bradford pear blooms are long gone already; these are the second round of flowers for spring.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CQJP2013 - March Block Completed

My challenge to myself this year for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project is to create a large panel with many circles with crazy quilt seams only. The seams will document the designs in Embellishing Crazy Quilts, and provide me a way to showcase those seams...other than the long linear sampler I first stitched as the seams were designed. Some seams have additional beads, or changes to fit the space of the circle. Eventually, the project will be a shower curtain cover in my bath I'm front of the plastic liner so it won't get wet of course.
Here are the seams by number used in this block:
Seam #18
 Seam #21
Seam #25
Seam #35
Seam #55
Seam #69
Seam #114
Seam #137

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Fast Embroidery Poodle - Tutorial

Labels are great to work with to define embroidery shapes...because they are sticky on the back...and can be positioned then removed without any harm to most all fabrics. I trace simple shapes on the label...then cut that out...and place them on the fabric. For this poodle, I only need the circular shape of the top of the head, the tail, the breast, the rear, and at least two lower legs.

For a poodle...first find a photo or drawing (or make one) that you can use to give you a visual reference for your own version. Here is the poodle I created as a line art design...but you can download all kinds of images on the internet for use...coloring book pages are great resources.

Next I drew out some circles on my label, cut them out, and placed them on the fabric where I wanted the poodle to be stitched. Then I began stitching French knots around each of the circles. After this first row is completed, the label circles can be removed.

Here all of the circles are outlined with the French knots, and I've added some simple straight stitches to connect these circles into a dog shape. There needs to be feet, legs, tail, belly, and snout stitched. Sometimes you don't need very many stitches...that depends on how man knots you have in place.

Lastly, add one black French Knot for the eye; a couple of tiny pink straight stitches for the tip of the nose; and a pink bow made of detached chain and straight stitches...or bit of ribbon. And your sassy little Miss Poodle is all done! Using labels means no marking on the fabric...which is really helpful if you are working on black fabric like this poodle is.
