Saturday, April 13, 2013

I Love Paris Block for Wilma is Done...

It went into the mail today...hopefully to find it's way to the Netherlands very soon!
The poodle was the last addition. She is a bit sassy, smelling the flowers on that seam treatment. 

Darlene did a beautiful fashion frock complete with matching purse. The entire vignette is just perfect for this block! Cathy added the P-A-R-I-S typewriter style beads...and I just adore them! The block got so adorned, that the space below the keys started looking a little empty, so I added a lace heart streamer to represent "love". I didn't add any other embellishment to that would have conflicted with the typewriter keys.

The right hand corner got a lace heart, roses, more trim, and a pair of lace doves to represent "romance". The corset lady is for plain ole "S-E-you know what!!". And the Eiffel tower is for "history".

I think it was Theresa that put in the cafe'...but I could be wrong. I don't have the booklet with me anymore, and my memory is really, if I'm wrong...hopefully someone will correct me. I placed the cancan dancer in the upper corner for "fun". She is so flamboyant that it washed out the cafe' some. Therefore, I added some color to the original black line drawing style by adding some green cushions to the chairs. And I removed a thin yellow stitched seam and used that thread to create a bowl of French knot flowers.

The strong white color and wide width of the lace piece that was on the upper left corner overpowered the block with it's scale. It is a gorgeous piece of lace, and made even more so because of the ribbon flowers, trim, and leaves that the ladies prior to me had stitched. The seam was so long, that there was a lot of the lace compared to other items on the block...which threw off the scale. I decided to try to break up this long seam by adding a cabochon and ribbon bow. The ribbon was provided to me with the block...and the cabochon represents "Marie Antoinette".

The perfume bottle was on the block when I received it...but had become a bit "lost" when everything else was stitched. So, I extended this area by adding a lipstitck and necklace. The chain of the necklace falls off of the "table top" and dangles a Fleur-delis.

The center area of the block has a dotted fabric with printed ladies. One image was full size, so I embellished her by over-stitching her hair, around her arms, and down the front of her dress. I used eyelash yarn to create her feather fan and added a beaded large stone style 'mirror' to a short seam. Lastly I added a trail of lace flower pieces with burgendy beads to trail across the block and help to move the viewer's eye around the area. I forget to get a full photo of the block, but hope that Wilma will remember to take one when it arrives.

Friday, April 12, 2013

What a Night...

We had a couple of thunderstorms roll through last night...and they contained lots of lightening strikes. One of those apparently took out our local sub-station...right before dark.
Let me tell's hard trying to finish bead fringe on a cabachon with only two little flashlights for light. See the dark around the light...that's what my house looked like inside. Pitch black!

I managed to find my only candle in the house...then my flashlights and batteries before the sun was completely out of the sky. But, after light at all. No street lights, no moon, no stars...nothing. It was creepy. Buddy and I went to bed early...he would not stay in his doggie bed, and had to get up on mine. It was hot...and really hot with a large dog next to you! We opened a window a little, and that helped. But around 3:00 a.m. the power was restored...and I was gladly awakened by the television coming back on.
I'm tired this morning and waiting for Mother to get up...and coffee to be available. But, I'm glad that she is getting some sleep...and am sure that she needs it.

Here's how many cabochons I've still got to do...but not today. Today, I'm working more on Wilma's block for the "I Love Paris" round I've finally determined what else needs to be done...then it will be ready for the mailman to take to her!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I Love Paris...

My block is back home...and the ladies did a wonderful job! The block is so romantic. Here are some closeups for you to enjoy...aren't the elements just too lovely and delicate.


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Can You Do The Funky Chicken?

Remember that dance?
Well, I was trying that all day yesterday...almost threw my hip out!! 
The entire day was filled with chicken blocks as I fused my way through the remainder of the blocks...and got them all finished...and more!
In total, there are sixteen blocks...for a really large quilt.
Some you have already seen on the are the rest of them.

And, this is the fabric I'll be using for the sashing. It will help the chicken's to hop right off the quilt.
This is another of FatCat Patterns block of the month quilt patterns.


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fish Are Fused

Yesterday, I worked on fusing more fish blocks. 

I just could not wait for each month to come went and bought the pattern package at Fat Cat Patterns.

When I started this Block-of-the-Month...I was thinking it was a "normal" 12-month of blocks...but nope, there are 15 of them. An odd number for a quilt.

Twelve will be plenty for Aidan's twin bed...and that's a good thing...because I only had enough of the blue blackground for twelve blocks. 
I changed to a different background for the last three...which will be a double-owl wall hanging above her bed...and a bed pillow.
These are all going to Retreat with me this month...and maybe I'll get some of them actually stitched! All of the edges need some sort of embroidery help keep the fusible in place during laundry time!
I think Aidan will enjoy this quilt when it is finished.


Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spider Winners!

The random generator has picked two numbers...and here are winners and their comments for the two spiders offered in the Give-a-Way this week.
Tammi Martinez: "Oh my what beautiful spiders!! I have a wall dedicated to breast cancer, on the wall she would go!!"

Sandy Arthur: These are so nice. I would give this as a gift to a friend who has a spider fetish - after I enjoy it for a few days first.

PLUS... I was so touched by one of the comments...and they did not get picked by the, I decided to gift a third spider (from my two pieces that I have squirrled back for personal use)
Susie W: "OMG girl .... I know EXACTLY what I will do with that spider. She will reside "front and center" on my PINK Christmas Tree Skirt. I will stitch a Kreinik very fine braid pink spider web for her (to make her feel right at home). You must admit it is destiny for me to win a "pink" spider (made by the originator of CQJP) to place as the finishing touch of my "pink CQJP" project!! hehehe".
So, another lesson learned...leave a comment from the heart. And, it just might get you a second chance on winning!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fat Cat Fishy

Here are three little fishy blocks...from FatCat Patterns BOM. One more to go, and I'm caught up. All still have to be hand stitched along the edges of each fusible piece. They will go to Retreat with me at the end of this month...and we shall see if my muse behaves herself...and actually gets them completed!
Here are some closeups for ya...are's they just too cute!
Thinking that this would be one really cool quilt for Aidan's twin bed ...
...when all twelve blocks are done!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Muse Wanderings and Paris

Well, I've allowed myself to get "distracted" the laptop and virtual shopping for fabric! Didn't buy anything yet...just looking and comparing. I feel as though I have wasted hours of valuable time...but my muse has a quilt in mind...and just can't decide on what palette is the best selection!
I did manage to get her to sit still long enough yesterday afternoon, and part of last work on Wilma's Paris block some more.
 I made some decisions...yeah!
Marie Antionette could be the inspiration for this cameo lady...and Wilma provided the Dior ribbon. I placed this vingette in the top center...and trailed it to the left to help break up the long linear seam in that area.
All of the work in other areas of the block were making the beautiful little perfume bottle...already stitched...kind of lost. So, I added some lipstick and a beaded necklace that holds a fleur-de-les focal at the end. This also turns the large lace enhanced seam into more of a table skirt...IMHO.
Next, I tackled the blank area in the bottom right...and the blank area at the bottom center of the block. I decided on a trailing trim of lace hearts under the punk style "PARIS" keys...trailing to the right into a lace heart with love doves....and roses. This area represents love and romance.
Still have a couple of more things to try and bring to the block...but, it's almost ready to go home!
I'll show you the entire block later...when it is you can see how everything "fits" together

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Neutral Crazy Quilt Block Started

Found some time today to get my monochromatic crazy quilt block done for a round robin that Colleen is hosting over on the HGTV Message Board. I choose brown as my color...and my palette for the fabric are in the white to light brown...or neutral...range. The stitching can include white, eggshell, cream, tan, sand, light brown, medium brown, dark brown...and any other shade in these range!
I added my lace motifs...and the ladies will add the magic! Can't wait to see what comes back home to me when this block is completed.