Friday, January 18, 2013

Transfering a Design to Dark Fabrics - Tutorial

I'm working on some black blocks with white embroidery. There are several blocks, with different designs. Here is how I've done the transfer of the design on to the black fabric.
  Supplies used: My bath powder puff (It was Elizabeth Taylor Passion...but that was used up long ago, so now it is just plain ole baby powder), squares of Kona black cotton fabric, white chalk marking pencil, large needle, and design printed on standard printer paper (see first photo too).
  Step One. Pierce the design about every 1/8th of an inch along the printed line...with the large needle.
  This creates a type of "punch design" on the back.
  Step Two. Center the design on the fabric square, and rub the powder puff all around on the paper. You can tape the paper to the fabric if you think it might slip (do this if the design is large, for sure). There doesn't have to be a lot of powder on the puff...if it is one you normally use, there will already be plenty of residual powder left in it. If it is new, then apply powder to the puff before you start to rub over the paper design.
Step Three. Gently lift off the paper design, and working along one side...begin to "connect the dots" by tracing the line. Don't try to go from dot to dot to dot...just draw as you would normally. Pay close attention to the design...because if you "mis-draw" have to camouflage your mistake in the stitching phase...because the caulk pencil is not easy to remove. It is possible to remove...just not easy. So, take your time. Don't rest your hand over the chalk...or it will smudge. I'm right I start at the lower right corner of a design and work upwards...rotating the fabric as I draw. That way, my hand is always to the outside of the chalk design or over an area that I've already worked.
Step Four. Shake off the excess powder.
Your fabric is now ready for your embroidery.
There, that wasn't so difficult!
Here are some more designs finished up and ready to stitch.

When stitched, I'll show you how these turn out.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Rain and Slushy...

Today has been a dreary, rainy...then slushy day!
The morning, mid-morning, and early afternoon rain showers...turned into wet snow...which left this icy slush on my porch and steps.
I've swept it away..and am hoping that the morning does not bring a thin sheet of ice since the temperatures are dropping tonight. I can't get down these steps if they ice up...and only have a handful of rock salt left. I could hang off the porch with a rope, like a monkey....or with my hips, more like a gorilla! 
Guess I'd just have to stay inside...and make hot cocoa instead of going down for coffee in the morning!
We'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings...
Hope y'all are having loads of sunshine!


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Circle #4

The last of the January circles is this little fourth one. This one does not have as many beads as the previous three circles did. It could have had more added to it...but the heart beads that are there seemed to fill the space pretty well, so I decided not to add any more.
 The first seam is #37 in my book. It has little dots in the design (for French Knots) and I've place the glass heart beads there instead. Now, usually I gravitate towards just putting seed beads or Rocaille beads in place of the knots in the design...but, I just thought that this little heart beads looked "happy" on this seam. Now, I'm thinking that I've missed some opportunities in other seams by not considering something "other than" seed beads!
 The second seam is #130, a combination seam that uses the chevron stitch as a base...then straight stitches to finish off the seam. Beads could be easily added to this seam...especially at the ends of the little straight stitch "arrow". And, if there was more space...I would have done so I'm thinking. But the intersection of the seams in such a small area was busy enough. So, I left off more beads.

The last seam is #131, also a combination seam that uses the chevron stitch as a base. However, since this seam was to be adjacent to another chevron stitch...I adjusted the size of the chevron and used a template that had the "peaks and valleys" of the stitch closer together. This seam is at the very edge of the circle, so I also changed colors and added a bit of surprise with the yellow thread color. It helps to pull your eye from the hearts in the #130 seam and carry your line of sight all the way across the circle.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Circle #3

Here's my third circle completed for the January part of the Crazy Quilt Journal Project for 2013. I'm still working on the smallest size circles, so the amount of space for seams is restricted...and I'm finding that a little difficult for the the seams I randomly "assigned" to each circle in the design phase of my project. But, oh well, I shall continue to create with the restrictions I've set for myself.
  The first seam is #115. I used a 4mm pearl with a seed bead for the large circle area in the design from my book. And seed beads were used in place of the French Knot stitches too.
The second seam is #124, and it was hard to get the butterflies in such a small space. This is one seam that should really have more space to spread out. Again, seed beads are used where the French Knots are shown in the design.
The last seam is #102 and is done in a wrapped back stitch. A little 2mm pearl is added as the substitute for the French Knot stitch in the center of the design.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Circle #2 Completed

Last night,  managed to finish the second little circle I'm working for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project, 2013 Challenge. I'm using only the seam designs in my book, Embellishing Crazy Quilts. Some of them are getting a little tweaking if I see the need in the specific circle it happens to be included on...and most are getting beads...well, just because! You really don't need a reason to add beads.

This is seam #145, and I added small Rocaille beads instead of French Knots at the top of this blanket stitch seam. The spokes are close together, too close for seed beads...and the size #15 little Rocaille is just right.

This is seam #43, and I added size #11 seed beads instead of French Knots in this design too. I also amended the seam to add some pink straight stitches next to the chain...just to widen the seam a little bit. And that gave me the opportunity to add some pink pull the eye a little from all the pink in the blanket stitch seam close by.

Lastly, for this little circle, this is seam #23. The cluster of French Knots was replaced with a 7mm flower spacer bead.

Most of my beads (and all three of these specific ones) were purchased at Fire Mountain Gems if you have the need for some new beads. Just search for the type of bead you are looking for, and you're sure to get loads of possibilities! 

If you are keeping up with the Move and Repair and Rent Out saga going on in my life right now...we got the ceiling fans and kitchen cabinets cleaned today; Sis (Anna) got the insulation installed in the attic; brother (John) and BIL (Shawn) got the leak at the hot water heater fixed, the back cement steps leveled, and screen put over the attic venting areas. Tracy and I decided not to paint today...with so much going on...we didn't want lovely "dust paint" walls. So, tomorrow we go back to paint and clean the floors in the kitchen.
There are still little things to replace, but they'll get done over time. So, one more day...of real work, and Shawn's mother can move in. They'll be doing that next weekend...but, I'll only be observing! Yeah! (Famous last words I'm sure...especially if my Sis reads this!)


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Checking Things Off My List...

Managed to get the first of many CQJP2013 circles finished...and am working on the second one tonight. Today, we did not get any painting done...because Sommer showed up early in the day, and we loaded the rest of the boxes and furniture. Here is the last load heading to the new was sad to see the truck pull out of the yard. But, life goes on...and the world keeps turning...and children have to make their own lifes. I made sure to corner Kyle and asked him to make sure that Aidan gets to visit...cause Nana is already missing her. She starts a new school next week, so I'll be calling to hear all about that for sure!
 My middle brother came today and got a new set of steps finished. The other set was a bit worn and rickety...perfectly okay for sure footed folks. But, Shaun's mother has problems controlling her diabetes and has already lost part of her her footing is not so steady. These steps are closer together and much more solid. 
One more day of cleaning (ceiling fans and floors...and paint that awful lime green living room!) and my back, shoulders, and wrists can get back to their normal...calm existance.
Hugs to you all! We are scheduled for rain for the next couple of days...then these wonderful 70 degree temps are plunging down to the 40's. Now, I know that 40 is not very cold for some of you...but it is here!
The insects are so confused...we saw a bumble bee today!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just Hanging On!

I think I know how this little guy feels! I'm barely hanging on myself...and realizing just how tired and out of shape this body of mine is! My shoulders hurt...making my arms and hands go numb without notice. My lower back is killing me...and my hips hurt too! Way too much bending, lifting, stretching and just general work in packing out my daughters place...and the cleaning has just started as well.
Went to see the chiropractor yesterday because I could barely walk without hurting...and she took three series of x-rays. Everything...but my ankles...needed adjusting. I feel much better today...and took the day off from anything that even sounded like "work". I can't even stitch for very long because the tips of my fingers go numb...which means the carpel tunnel has been aggravated. Pinched nerves all over the place in my back, shoulders. My entire alignment is off...I go back for a second visit tomorrow morning. Loving my ice packs!
After the doctor's visit, I have to go clean the oven at the apartment...I sprayed it day-before-yesterday with oven cleaner; hoping that it would be an "easier" job of cleaning. We shall see tomorrow! Then, that's the last of the "big" cleaning tasks for me...just wiping down things after that.
We are scheduled for rain every day for the next, don't know when Sommer's boyfriend will be able to come and collect the last truckload of their things...especially the king size bed!
I still have to paint the living room after the cleaning is finished...and hope to do that on Saturday...but, will see how I'm feeling.
Progress has been made however, I did get the fridge and microwave cleaned; and wiped down the dryer and washer. Tracy (SIL) has been such a blessing...she cleaned the bathroom and is working on the floors. And she and I packed every single piece of paper, dish, article of clothing, and any other objects in the house since my daughter is also "down for the count...due to her fractured tail bone". (Of course, that doesn't excuse the fact that she has been "moved out" for the past two months...but has not bothered to pack anything except her initial set of clothes in that entire timeframe). But...don't get my muse stirred up....she could go on for hours on this subject of "irresponsible children".
Hoping, praying, and thinking that we should be in good shape within a week...regarding the cleaning.
The holdups will be the furniture moving...and the painting.
So, keep me in your thoughts and prayers...that this ole body will last! And, that I don't choke my daughter or her boyfriend before it's all done!
Kids...gotta love em!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

CQJP Seams 110, 113, 104

As part of the challenge to myself this year, while working on the Crazy Quilt Journal Project for 2013, I'm going to also use only the seams from my book "Embellishing Crazy Quilts". Although the idea for the workbook is at the beginner level, and I now know more "tricks" than that...I've also wanted to work these seams again...AND work them into an entire quilt project.
There will be more than twelve circles needed to be able to get the entire 150 different seams included in the some months will have more than the required 'one six inch square' of crazy quilt work...and that will be another challenge all together! The challenge of time management!
So, here is the first little circle...more to follow this month.
The seams are #110, #113, and #104. The basic seams are as the book reflects...and here is how I adapted/changed them to fit my current project and taste.
Seam #110 has some crystal montees in the place where the "circles" are drawn in the seam design for the book. I thought about doing these as satin stitch circles or as Algerian Eye little squares. But, my love for beads finally won over...and I'll be blinging out this project too! I just can't help myself!
Seam #113 has a slight addition to the book's design...little pearl beads.
Seam #104 is so tiny, it looks more like a motif than a seam. But, the patchwork circle is only about 4 inches there isn't a lot of room to work seams. I drew the half circle portion of this seam closer together than the book design shows (actually didn't pay attention and drew it wrong on the fabric)...but since I liked it, I didn't bother to "unsew" anything after it was done. The curved line is stitched using the stem stitch rather than the wrapped backstitch as the book suggests. I also added two tiny little flower beads in the center of the curved space within the seam.
I'm thinking that it will be fun to see all of these seams come together in the final project!
Caution: Unabashed Plug Coming...If you don't have a copy of "Embellishing Crazy Quilts", and want one so you can try these seams too this year...then hop on over to my Etsy Shop...or to (but Etsy is cheaper). If you do have a copy...I hope you decide to try a few seams out as the challenge continues this year!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Going Around in Circles...

Wow, what a true more ways than one!
This is my "proposed" layout for my CQJP2013 challenge blocks. However, you know that my muse usually changes her mind about mid-way through a, it is highly unlikely that this will be the finished idea. So, don't be surprised when/if it changes!
Of course, if it will still have to be circles...cause all of these are pieced and I've begun the stitching. More on that hopefully later this week!
Yesterday, I played "hooky" from my responsibilities and went shopping and lunch with my sister. It was a wonderful day, and I did manage to get the grocery shopping done too!
But, did not even go to the no more packing, cleaning, or painting was accomplished. That is waiting for me today...which is why I was awake at 4 a.m. this morning...and could not go back to sleep!
This is a hard month...and I'll be glad when it is over!
Hugs to all...and hoping y'all are happy stitching with great weather.
It is weird weather here (and that's the "normal" the last couple of years)...this week, it's supposed to be in the 70's again...with rain! Isn't this January??

Sunday, January 6, 2013


These are the blocks I'll be working on this year for the Crazy Quilt Journal Project (CQJP2013). There are more than twelve of them. However, several are smaller than the required six inch size, so those will be done in groupings. I got these pieced this past weekend, while trying to rest my back from some of the moving we accomplished for my daughter. Today, we tackle the kitchen packing...and my back is again already complaining just thinking about it! So, I knew that these blocks needed to be started before I got so behind in my idea execution.
These are the cardboard templates I made to help me mark the circles. I save old cereal boxes to use as the cardboard for templates and such...they are just flattened and I keep a larger storage box under my last shelf in the pantry...and these just tuck in there. 
Also, found some time to finish up the CQJP2012 individual block squares. Here are the last nine of the set of twelve. They all need little ring hangers, and then will be hung individually in the sewing room.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, ....

I'm trying to sing a happy tune, but it's getting harder and harder...let me just share what's been happening around hear of late!
First, my Dear Daughter (DD) decided to move out of the house I own...where she has been "house sitting" for the past six move into another house with her boyfriend of two years. They will be about an hour away. The move will help the BF out, as it is his family home...and his grandmother can no longer live there alone. Long story...for another time perhaps. Bottom line...DD...and my darling Aidan will be an hour away from me. Right now, Aidan is still in school while DD gets all the paperwork shuffle completed with the schools. (Yes, she has waited until the last minute).
Second, DD has quit her job...this was back in the late fall. She wanted to "take a break", and had planned on going back to work after the New Years. (Yes, she is an optimist).
Third, DD went roller skating two weeks ago...fell...and hurt her hip. X-ray this week...and she has shattered a tiny bone at the base of her spine, next to her tailbone. So, is sitting on an inflated donut and getting little sleep. Therefore, no job hunting...for a while probably...AND, no moving since she can not lift. She can not even bend over to fill/empty a dishwasher. (Prayers for her health appreciated).
Fourth, my Dear Brother-in-Law (DBIL) lost his father to heart disease last autumn. His mother is having a real hard time making ends meet...and has been not getting her medications because of the cost. So, I agreed to let her live in the house ...and she needs to move in before 1 February. Which needs to be cleared of furniture and stuff, cleaned, and some painting and small maintenance jobs done! Yikes!
So....I'm in the process of packing up my daughter's things with the help of my Wonderful SIL, Tracy!
And...since everything except the bed at the house is all has to go somewhere! DD does not need or want much of it as her new house is fully furnished with EVERYTHING. Of course, even so, there is still a TON of personal items,shoes, clothes, toys, and stuff that is going with her anyway. So far, about five pickup loads...and we are just now seeing the light at the end of that tunnel!
Some more furniture moves out today...then she has still to figure out how to get her king size bed moved...another adventure for sure.
AND, then we get to clean (oh and repaint the living should see this color...yuck!)
So....please send me some strength...physical and mental help is appreciated!
Hugs! If you aren't doing anything...come on over...I've got plenty of tasks you can manage. Have a New Year's resolution to exercise more? I've got just the ticket!!

 I'll try to get some actual photos for you today...but just know, that every room in my own apartment is being reorganized (did the bedroom and laundry room 3 dressers could be added to that space). Working on the living room area this morning so a long dresser can go in comes up from Mothers...cause she is getting my double-recliner from the house.
It's all a domino effect!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mary Corbet Design - A

This is the last embroidery I got completed over the "A" for Aidan. 
This is one of Mary Corbet's designs on her blog...Needle'n'Thread.
 It is done in stem stitch with satin stitch flower and chain stitch vine.
I really enjoyed stitching this design, and am planning on doing a "K" to go with it...for a set of special pillows for Nana and the Diva!

Birds, birds, birds...

One really good thing about taking a break over the holidays, was that I got several small embroidery pieces done. So very relaxing! The fun didn't last but a few days, before my "life drama" kicked in again...but, it was long enough to make me realize that I can get a lot done if I just organize a little first. These little designs were from old patterns found on Flickr...and free. 
 Just go to and search for hand embroidery patterns...and you'll find tons of designs to stitch up! I traced a hand full of fun things on to some linen, and as I had some time (mostly in the evenings) one of them was hooped...and stitched. 
 Now, I just need more time to do more design tracing...because I've run out of things to stitch on quickly.  
 These little birds are all so cute!
 I don't have any specific plans for their use yet...but know that my muse will come up with an great idea...after she recovers from the holiday blues!