Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Pillow - almost done...

Well, if you paid attention yesterday...you'll note that I have (again) changed my mind. Got to thinking about that upholstry fabric that I used for the outside strips...and that I should have made a little pillow for my niece, since it would match her nursery. But, my little niece would need an "E" and not an "A" for her pillow. So, I un-sewed the pieces....and found another floral cotton print for Aidan. It goes just as well...maybe even a little better...with the gold of the applique monogram.
Yes, my cutting table IS piled high with stuff...so stop looking at the top of this photo. Hugs!
 Next, it's time to get the monogram stitched down...with a basic applique stitch. Here is the gold silk thread I mentioned. It is distributed by Clover...and I've had it for years. I love working with it.
 Applique can be done in or out of a hoop. I like out of hoop when there aren't several layers to sew through. But, for this project; I'm just going to do a two-motion stitch and work in the hoop.
My first stitch is to come up from underneath...making sure that my needle goes up into the applique and comes out at the edge of the letter...not on top...at the edge where the fabric bends to turn under.
 Then, I go back down through the layers...with the point of my needle slightly under the applique letter. Not next to it, I don't want a vertical needle...I want it under the edge. Then, when I tug on the thread...it will cause the fabric to slightly roll under, hiding my stitch. You can click on these photos to enlarge, and see better.
See here?...I started at the center bottom of the post of the "A"...and have done a few stitches up the right side...but, they can scarcely be seen. Of course, the matching thread color does help...but it is not the key to the stitch...it's the position of the needle coming out of the applique and going back into the background.
 Note: A good way to practice is to take a circular shaped applique piece and a high contrasting background (like a black applique piece and a white background). Use another contrasting color in thread to do your stitching. You will really learn to perfect your stitch by seeing what you are doing. And, when you can applique a black circle to a white background with red thread...and not see the stitches...you'll have a near perfect (there really isn't a PERFECT anything) applique technique. Don't believe it can be done...well, it can...and when I get the time...I'll prove it. Hugs!)
 Okay, here is the letter all appliqued down. Next is to embroidery the stem and leaves.
 The stemstitch is used to create the stem...and I'm using #5 perle cotton this time because I want the stem to have some volume since the design is a large scale. I thought about couching some green cording down; but I like to do the stemstitch.
 Next the leaves...yes, these are yet "another" set done in fly stitch. I can't help it...I just love this stitch for leaves. These beautiful real stone beads are such a rich red...they are really pretty. I added them to the center of the woven roses because I liked them so much.
 And, after weaving the 13mm dark red ribbon this is the finished embroidery monogram. 
 Next, will be adding some lace...
 and I think two layers will be good...
 Won't this be pretty when completed. I'm sure that Aidan will enjoy it. So, I'm off to the sewing machine to stitch down the lace.

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Pillow - More

Yesterday, the applique monogram was prepared and lightly applied to the background fabric.
Now that the applique monogram is on the background fabric, I'm ready to add some borders to the square. This extra fabric will also be helpful when hooping...so, I want do go ahead and add them now, rather than wait until the embroidery is done. And, since I'm not sure just exactly what I'm going to be doing to embellish the monogram...I might need the extra room to work on.
I also want the front of the pillow to be a little dimensional when I stitch, so it will need a little thin batting. And, there needs to be a layer of fabric for me to hide my knots in...so, I begin the layering by putting a piece of loose weave muslin on the cutting table.
 Then, the layer of thin muslin on top of that.
 Last, the linen pillow center.
  Next, I draw a box around the monogram...making sure that it is centered inside the box. This will give me a good line to use for alignment of my borders. The lines are not my stitching lines...they are guides for the cut edge of the border strips. All of the layers are pinned together, along these lines...so that they won't slip around when I'm sewing the borders on.
I'm using some left-over upholstery strips from the curtains I finished for my niece last week. Waste not...want not! And, they are already precut...long strips. I just cut a length that is plenty for covering the side of the pillow. Using the pencil line just drawn, the first border is pinned in place (I removed the prior pinning and included the border, then re-pinned).
One strip pinned at the top...and one at the bottom. Sew using a bit more than a quarter inch seam, then press these borders away from the center of the pillow. Rotate the pillow, and pin the other two side borders and sew these in place.
Then press these away from the center of the pillow....and, the pillow front is ready for the embroidery.
All of these layers are place into my large embroidery hoop (which is also my small lap quilting hoop)...ready for some stitching.
The monogram will be appliqued in place with some gold silk thread I have that was purchased just for applique work. I have black, gray, tan, gold, and dark green...and one of these is always close enough to use for applique...so I save them just for that. The thread is really thin so creating tiny stitches is easy. More on that next...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Pillow Start

Thought I'd get a couple of projects started, that will travel well so I can have something to stitch while on the road. Here is the beginning of a pillow for Aidan.
The initial is an enlargement of the "A Block" from the Alphabet Soup pattern.
 The size is as big as I could get it and still fit on a piece of letter size paper. After enlarging, I traced the letter to the back of the paper too...creating a reverse image. That was then used as a pattern to trace the image to heavy fusible, which I then applied to heavy interfacing (sounds heavy huh?)...sorry, couldn't resist.
That created a fusible letter of heavy interfacing. This was ironed on to the back side of my fabric for the letter. The interfacing will give the initial some "lift" and dimension above the other embroidery work. I'm hoping and thinking that this will also help it not to become overpowered when I add the silk ribbon embroidery too.
 Next, the fabric is trimmed close to the letter...leaving a scant quarter of an inch of fabric to turn under. Using some scrap news print, and my glue stitck...
 the fabric is rolled over the edge and temporarily stuck to the back. This is just a regular children's washable glue stick...not fabric glue stitch. They are both the same thing...one just costs more. Both adhere lightly, can be ironed dry, and wash out when the item is laundered (this won't be however).
So, the letter is now ready to put on the background fabric of the pillow, and hand or machine appliqued down. (Yep, I choose hand...)
So, I grab the glue stick again...and add some to the back of the letter. It doesn't take a lot, I just want it to remain in position on my pillow center while I add the borders to the center block, and so I can applique it down without a lot of straight pins to contend with.
Here is the letter all "glued" to the background fabric of the pillow. I'm using some more of the linen fabric I have used for other recent projects...as I have about twenty yards of it...and it's a dream to work with. And, it's neutral in color...and is light enough to easily see any pattern through on my light box.
And, back to the lightbox it goes...so I can trace the remainder of the enlarged embroidery design. For this project...I'm only needing the vine. The other parts (leaves, buds, flowers) are still in the "thinking" phase...and I'm not sure what I want to do to create the design. So, for now...only want the general shape to the vine for embroidery.

More tomorrow...hopefully...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Peacock - Beginning

Okay...first...I'm really loosing it! I just realized that I posted this to the CQJP Blog last night, instead of to my own blog. Geez! Can you tell I have way too many things going on right now!!
Anyway, here is the post...sorry if you got it from the 2012CQJP blog as well (until I just deleted it that is).
I'm starting a new project. Yeah, no surprise there...my muse is always working on something! I'm the one that is too tired to keep up! She wants to do a project with loads of bling again...some embroidery, probably in rayon for the shine...and loads of beads, crystals, and sequins...and a peacock is what she has in mind. So, I spend a few hours yesterday working on the body...just to keep her quiet. Next...the tail...which will really require me to concentrate...and that will just have to wait....as I'm working to get silk ribbon kits packaged for a class the first part of October. Measuring, cutting, wrapping, stuffing tiny baggies and labeling...is not really much fun...but has to be done. However, my muse doesn't seem to understand that these things HAVE to occur...and only wants to play. So, she side-tracked me....again!

But, as always...I love to hear your feedback...how would you consider creating from this style of pattern?

Not sure when I'll be back to finishing this design...to work on the actual tail feathers...and might change the body when I do...but, right now...I'm thinking that fully beaded is the way to go for the body...but, my muse has been know to totally change her mind...so, we will just have to wait and see. You know, redwork would also be good...and a lot faster. But, I sure do love all the shine of beads and sequins...decisions, decisions. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Five Petal Monogram - I

Thankfully, yesterday was a peaceful day...hugs!
Here is another monogram design for y'all!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What a Day!

Okay, I'm not complaining...frankly, it doesn't do any good. And, I have no photos...so if you want to just move on, I'll understand. But, I just have to share the most horrible day! Okay, that's a bit dramatic...as I can think of thousands of things that would make yesterday even MORE horrible...so, forgive me. But, it was just a crappy day...and what's worse...totally of my own doing!
First off...the day started okay. I was planning to drive uptown to pay some bills. No problem...it isn't far, and I only had a few chores along the way. Mother asked me to pay her cable bill and her furniture store bill. We live in a small town, and still have some retail shops that sale on credit...not credit cards...the old time, sign a contract kind of credit. She is working to pay off her new recliner...not that that is information you need, just sharing. So, anyway...I go into the cable company and give them Mom's bill and her check...then I give them my bill and my check...no problem. Then, off to the furniture store...same thing...her check and then my check (my purchase is a double recliner for Aidan and I, if you are wondering). No problem...off to the grocery store...pick up a few things...then back home.
Walked up on the front porch and handed Mother her receipts...here is where the fun begins.
"Kathy, you gave the cable company the wrong check." "No, I didn't (I gave them the one attached to the cable bill)." "Yes, you did...my receipt from the furniture company is the same amount as my bill for the cable company." "What? Oh crap! Did I?" "Yep, you better run back up there and fix it."
So...off I go again...furniture company first, have to get back the check to the cable company.
Thanks...I'll be back in a minute with the right check. Off to the cable company...they had already stamped the back of the check for deposit. "Crap, the furniture company can't use this check now." Called Mother... "Write another check to the furniture company, and I'll be home in a minute to pick it up...as I've already told them that I'd be back there today." "Okay, no problem...I'll meet you in the driveway." Off I go...
get new check...back to furniture store...and then back home.
"Whew, I'm tired" "How are the beans that you were going to cook today?" "Crap, I forgot to turn them on, they've been soaking in water since last night...but are not going to get done, if I don't turn the stove on".
So...upstairs I go...rinse the beans, cover with water and turn on the stove.
Better, get on the laptop and check email and record the packages just mailed at the post office.
Stirred the beans, make a sandwich...back to the computer.
Working on a class...and have you guessed the next part yet...Yep. Smell burning...run to the kitchen (okay, I walked really fast)...and smoke was boiling out of the pan. Burnt the beans to a crisp! And, maybe ruined my best bean pot in the process! Geez!
Didn't get any stitching done...too disgusted with myself and my day...so sat down last night at around eight to watch some television. Nothing on worth my time...eyes too tired from computer work all day to stitch...and I didn't want to go to bed yet. So, picked up my Kindle Fire and starting watching some Netflix shows I had downloaded. (recommend the British television series "Merlin" highly)...next thing I knew, I had watched back-to-back episodes...and it was 2:30 AM!!! Yikes! Laid down for what seemed like a minute. Woke up, at 0915 a.m. ....late start...dressed, and took Buddy outside. Was not out there for more than five minutes...and the lady from the dog groomers drove up...to pick up Buddy for his bath today. (Yes, she comes to my house and gets him...because we live on the route she takes to go to work anyway. Isn't she nice...I think so too.) I had not even combed my hair yet.
So, here I sit...my day is already half over...and I'm tired...and have a smelly house still from the burnt beans yesterday...
So, that's why I don't have anything to post other than my saga....so sorry, will try to do better tomorrow..but, my muse says not to "promise" cause she is still keeping her head low!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alphabet Soup - Top Done!

This went together so fast, and I like the final result. I wasn't sure about the fabrics I had chosen after I got to going...but now, really like them. And, so does Mom!
 Now, have to get the quilt all layered and quilted.
That's a "new" task on my list of things to get done! 
It's always better to see an "actual" quilt completed, than just the artist rendering. So, this little quilt will be my show quilt for the pattern when I travel to teach or go to retail events.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Betsy's Closet - Block #4

I'm still working my way through the blocks for Betsy's Closet pattern by Brenda Riddle.
 I got my pattern from the Acorn Quilt & Gift Company (Brenda's shoppe) but it is available elsewhere too. She also just released Benji's Pockets...which I'll have to do next!
 Both of these patterns were first designed as applique quilts...so she has those patterns available in the quilt pattern section of her shop. However, I like embroidery....so am very glad that she re-designed them and re-released them as these lovely embroidery patterns!


Monday, September 3, 2012

More Alphabet Soup

After Aidan left on Saturday afternoon, I sat down (needed too!) and stitched a little more on my Alphabet Soup blocks. Got three finished and thought you might like to see my progress. The fabrics at the top will be my solid blocks. The middle one looks really orange in the photo, but it is more of a dark coral, pink, yellow.
Here is a closeup of the "K" embroidery block.
Simple embroidery...stem stitch, lazy daisy, French knots, fly stitch, and wrapped rose. They are working up pretty quickly and have been a good little project to work on in the evenings.
My muse is also working...I'm not even finished with this little quilt top and already she wants to do one totally in redwork with the fabric blocks done in four-patch triangles of reds instead of solid squares. Now, that's a good idea...and I'll probably do that at some time. But, she has not stopped there...she wants to do one in pastels with shabby chic fabrics done in crazy patch for the solid blocks. NOW I'm in serious trouble...I REALLY want to do that. But, you know how many other projects I have going...she always has such great ideas...and I always have so little time!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Editorial - Etsy Beaded Items

All of the beaded items in the Etsy shoppe are traveling to Branson, MO with me this month...and hoping to sale all of them. So, if you have been wanting a beaded scissors fob; or a gorgeous beaded spider necklace; or some crystal Christmas earrings...better get them now. Cause what ever is on the site will be pulled for the trip in a couple of weeks...an will not be made again. 
Hugs! I'm been lazy most of the day...and planning on watching television (movies) with Aidan this evening...so not getting much done.
Did finish some curtains and a changing table cover for my niece today...and repaired a little dress that she has pulled the elastic out of. Still working on my Alphabet Soup blocks...but no new projects to share.
Hope y'all are having a very relaxing Saturday...and weekend!

Alphabet Soup Blocks...

Working today on a set of Alphabet Soup blocks. These are fusible applique letters in golden brown batik, with spicy mustard colored stem stitch embroidered around the edge.
I'm almost finished with this first stage...next comes the embroidery of the vines and flowers.
Then, assembly of the quilt top...

BTW, thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome to this new pattern; I hope you enjoy stitching the blocks....and that you'll share a photo when your version is completed.