Friday, November 25, 2011

Quilt Top Semi Complete

This quilt top could be done...but, I want to do one more border I think.
I don't have much room to hang a quilt for photos...sorry, you'll have to just be happy with photos of it hanging on my storage it is too cold and wet to drag it outside!

Actually, it was "supposed" to have a large pink floral border...which I had cut out...and then had to "pack up the quilt project" because other projects with shorter deadlines pushed it aside. Then, when I went through my stash to donate fabric to a charity cause...I included one of the border pieces...thinking it was scrap. Yep, I should have kept the project all avoid that problem! But, the solution was to shorten the width of the border. 

 The blocks are set on-point...and are from Judy Martins book, Ultimate Quilt Block Patterns. This is a great book, my copy is so worn that I have to keep it together with a large paper clamp!

 The blocks could be set in straight rows too.
I'm not happy with the quilt having just one small border on it...and will search for a perfect piece to extend the quilt size. Right now, I have plenty of the tan background...but am not sure that is what I want to do. I could add the tan...and applique a vine. There is enough pink left to do flowers...but that will take some planning. So, for now, it's going back into the drawer of UFO's! will be a good project for the next Retreat in April!


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving -- Eat Up!

Wishing everyone a day of we celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US. And, if you're not here...then wish us all a great holiday by joining in a feast of you own!
Hugs to all!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Carrot Cake Anyone?

Well, it looks good...and the icing tastes great...we'll see how everyone likes the cake tomorrow!
Carrot Cake Recipe

Cake Ingredients
2 cups self-rising flour
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
4 eggs beaten
1 1/2 cups canola oil
5 large carrots, grated
1 1/2 cups pecans, chopped
1 cup golden raisins

Take two 9-inch cake pans, and trace circle on to wax paper, twice. Spray cake pans with cooking spray, place wax paper circle inside each one and spray again. Set cake pans aside. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Place raisins in a small bowl, cover with hot water and set aside. Grate carrots, set aside. Chop pecans, set aside. 
In large mixing bowl, beat eggs; add oil and sugar, mix until blended. Add carrots, flour, and cinnamon. Mix together.
Drain raisins. Stir raisins and pecans into cake batter. Pour cake batter into cake pans. Bake for about 35 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center of each cake layer comes out clean.
Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients
2 pkgs (8 oz each) cream cheese
1 stick butter
1 pd box of confectioners (10X powdered) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla flavoring
1 cup pecans (chopped)
Set cream cheese and butter out until room temperature (I set mine out the night before). Place cream cheese and butter into mixing bowl. Mix on medium high until creamy. Add half of the confectioners sugar, beat well. Add the flavoring and the remainder or the confectioners sugar; beat well. Stir in the chopped pecans. Frost the cake layers when they are completely cool.


More Retreat Fun!

If you ever get the chance to join a group of women....for any "outing". Do it! Here's my view from my little "nest" in the corner....

 Now, usually, "What Happens at Retreat...Stays at Retreat!"...but, here is the henna Tattoo I got!
Aidan loves it...(it will wear off...eventually!). Gonna see just how long that takes! Toryam from Mississippi did them for us....thanks Charlyn!
And, the Magnolia Park Retreat Center coordinated massages if you wanted one...I got 30 minutes on my back/shoulders...and promptly proposed marriage to the masseuse afterwards! She didn't take me seriously....but I would have taken care of her for life just for a massage each day! I didn't care what her gender was!...I was in love!
We also had a great presentation...also coordinated by the Center...thanks Elizabeth! Or, as we were told...Hookers and Strippers! That got our attention!
Really, these were ladies that "hooked wool rugs" and used various widths of cloth strips to make "string blocks". Barbara Sanders and Virginia Baker just published a great new book called String Quilt Revival...and I highly recommend it! We saw all of their quilts up close...and they are gorgeous...and SO EASY to create! I have never been a big fan of string quilts...but they converted me! The book can be pre-ordered on Amazon...the release date is very soon. if these things were not enough! We had a talk by an area artist, Bettye Kimbrell,  on Cherokee Native American Leaf Pounding technique. She received an award from the National Endowment for the Arts for her work..and they used a photo of one of her quilts for their programs! How cool is that. She used a wooden cutting board, covered with a dishtowel...and taped a small multi-leaf rose leaf sprig to a piece of muslin. Then, she covered the leaf with more masking tape to secure it completely to the muslin. She turned the muslin over (leaf/tape) on bottom...and with a small hammer (regular style) pounded the outline and then the center. The chloroform in the leaf came out and stained the muslin...leaving a perfect imprint of the leaf on the fabric. She stated that she then washed the muslin in a vinegar/water solution...and she hand quilts all of her quilts! Her stitching was gorgeous too! Here is an article with photos of her technique.
It was an inspirational few days...with outside speakers...and all of the wonderful work by my cyber friends at HGTV attending as well! And the food served by Magnolia Retreat Center head mistress...Ms Elizabeth...was so savory; each day was a real treat!


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Baby Filet Crochet Pattern

Here's a sweet little is intended to be Filet Crochet...but could also be done in Cross-stitch. 


Monday, November 21, 2011

Retreat Fun!

Got home Sunday...from a 4-day mini-retreat with 23 other quilters! LOVED the entire four days at the Magnolia Park Retreat Center in Odenville, Alabama. If you have a small group...and need a GREAT place to have a retreat...this is the place to consider!
A lovely setting in the country. Beautiful and spacious accommodations at a super price! And, 3 meals a day...furnished! And, the food is great!
It was so sad to wake up this morning...and no one was cooking my breakfast!
I still have one huge suitcase to unload...and laundry to do...but, perhaps tomorrow I'll get back into the normal routine! Oh, then they'll be Thanksgiving to contend with! I'm doing the turkey, corn casserole, and green-bean casserole. Aidan will be out of I'll have a "helper"! Hugs!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Packed And Ready...

 Waiting on my friend Sara...for a short "Girls Retreat" weekend. But, I'll have my hope to post pictures of all the Crazy-Fun!
Oh, do you like the pumpkin that Aidan painted white...and added Blue Yarn Hair too?
He/she is not coming with me....

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Wine Country Monograms - U


More Buttons!

Got more buttons loaded on the Etsy Shop
Aren't these gorgeous!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

CQJP2012 Welcomes J. Marsha Michler as Honorary Chairperson!

 Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012

Registration Now Open!

Closes 27 December

-- Participants will complete one crazy quilt block each month. Size and shape can vary...but it should be at least equivalent to a 6" square.

-- Participants that want their efforts published (and really, who wouldn't!...we all need inspiration...and perhaps out efforts could be just the work that could inspire someone else to begin their own crazy quilt journey)....can submit photos to the Committee (via email to: for inclusion on the CQJP2012 blog

-- Complete rules, registration information, and general information about the CQJP2012 is on their website.

-- The CQJP2012 is honored to have J. Marsha. Michler, author of The Magic of Crazy Quilting as our Honorary Chairperson this year.


Monday, November 14, 2011

One of Those Days...

Today started out on a great note...sold some patterns on a Group...and the lady was very prompt to send me her money.
So, my plan was to go to the post office immediately after coffee with Mom...and get them to her. Told her so in an email.
Then, Mom informed me that she was concerned about the "ole truck"...and asked that I wait for Tracy to get home from work at 2:00 p.m. to go to the post office. A slight disappointment, but not a real issue.
Then, at 1:45...Mom asks me if I'll be ready to go to the post office when Tracy gets home. "Yep, I'm ready now."
"Good" Mom soon as Tracy finishes she and John (brother) need to go to the grocery she'll need to hurry up at the post office. (my brother has no patience...LOL)
Now, I had waited all day...and had accumulated a couple of errands to run along the way to the post office...the bank, and went upstairs again to get all of my "stuff" needed.
So, I jumped into the car as soon as Tracy got pulled into the driveway...and off we went.
Stopped at the problem...check that off the list.
Stopped at the post office...major problem...only had 3 packages to go...was supposed to have four. Discovered that I had left the Important one with those Patterns on the desk!! Yikes!
Stopped at problem...
Back to the upstairs...grab package...cardio workout!
Back to post office...still in a run (okay, fast walk by then).
SIX folks in line...and my favorite post-person...having a time with his computer!!
He saw me and just shook his head a little...forewarning me that it was not good!
Then, he announces "It's shutting down...and will have to reboot...that will take about 30 minutes!" YIKES!
Three folks immediately leave.
The lady in front of me says "Can I buy a stamp?" He replies..."Sure thing, if you have exact change...I can't make change." 
"No problem" she says and marches to the counter.
Two other ladies in front of me...looking like they don't know what to do...stay or leave.
"So, me and my flat-rate envelope march up to the counter...along with a $10 bill".
And here's where having a home-town...personal connection with your postal clerk helps...
"Can you post this for me...and I'll pick up my receipt and change tomorrow?"
"Yep, no problem" carrier quips!
So, out the door I go....and back home.
What a journey...just 3 miles down the road today!


A Great Learning Opportunity

Freeform Embroidery Class...great teacher...reasonably priced!
Might have to make time for this myself!!
Please check it out too!

Peacock Cross-stitch Design

Here's a peacock for you. 
 The design is in a single color...but you could modify it to incorporate more colors if you this.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to an Old Project

My cyber plate is pretty full these days...with Crazy Quilt Project Journal 2012...and other "stuff". So, today...I'm just playing.
Aidan is home with her all is quiet. Pay no attention to the fact that the floor in her bedroom looks like a convention of mischievous Leprechauns just partied in there...bits of paper, glitter, and toys everywhere! The sink is full of dirty dishes and the dishwasher is full of clean ones! And, horror of it bed is still un-made! I am...having fun! It's glorious to be your own BOSS!
 These photos are of a practice block I constructed while working on my book, Embellishing Crazy try out some herringbone seams.  And photos of the seams were part of the Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months Challenge. 
I decided that since all of the seams are ones from my book...I'd add some motifs from the book as well. That would complete a good example for my lectures that include the book.
Thought ya'll might like to see photos of my progress...from tracking the motifs on tissue paper, placing them where they should go...stitching the outline through the paper. 
 And, then finishing the designs. So, more to follow as I work through the block. The photos don't "line up" with the narrative...but I'm sure you can follow the progress from top to bottom....
on these rose leaves.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012

Starting this month, we begin an annual challenge...the Crazy Quilt Journal Project. If you have enjoyed eye candy over the past few years from other artistic venues like the Bead Journal Project and the Quilt Project...this is something you don't want to miss out on!
Challenge yourself to create 12-blocks next year. Strive to improve your skills and learn new techniques.
The rules are simple. All skill levels can participate. You create your own project, no swapping.
Go to the website and read all about it
Crazy Quilt Journal Project 2012


Well, I Made It Through the Plastic...Jungle...Alive!

 Okay, this is one of those...good ideas...but the execution needs some work! In all, I'm pretty happy with outcome...considering all the trouble I made for myself with the whole idea!! But, if I do another will be planned out a little better because turning plastic "inside out" is a real bear!! Here's the has my reading glasses in the little pocket...and the phone will go into the bigger pocket. But, since I'm taking this photo with my can't be in the pocket right now, ha! Now, the back is not all that pretty...but looks better in person...all pink and flowery. And it will be against me...not really seen that often. And it won't be "poking me"..a very important feature! Oh, and did you notice the organizer is pink? That's so it will match my glorious BOHO bag that Pat made me...which will hold this little organizer, my Kindle, my Stitch Journal, and other must haves in the car!
Generally here's my story...and yep, I'm sticking to it!!
 First off, I have a Retreat coming up this month...and I need a name-tag. So, that got me to thinking about past retreats and quilting events I've attended. And, THAT got me to remembering how I am always walking around with bulging pockets full of keys, hotel key cards, money, reading glasses...and such! Mostly because I like to look and touch stuff at these I usually leave my purse in the car, and only carry essentials in my pockets. Sooooo...I was thinking...what if I had a little organizer, that hung around my neck...sturdy enough to hold all of my things...but not too big to get in my way? And, what if the outside pocket was clear it could also "double" as my name tag! Yeah, that would be so cool...I wouldn't have to pin anything to my clothing...and when I wanted to go "incognito" I could just turn the thingee over, or remove the name insert from the little plastic pocket! So, that's what started the "hot mess" with the plastic. This little organizer purse is the result of all my trouble, swearing (yep, I did!), and stomping my feet (well, not too much's hard to get my leg lifted that high, LOL!)
Here's the main pocket. The flap has a small sterling silver jewelry toggle clasp attached to it...and the other end is attached to the front. It has enough space to let me "stuff" things into the center pocket.
The rings on the sides that hold the detachable strap...are a little large. But since I have reading glasses (i.e. for reading), and computer glasses, and stitching glasses...these serve as a good place to hang these critical tools!
 They also make a great place to hang some bling too!
And of course...can't forget the reason for the entire adventure in the first place. My name tag window!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Wednesday Wine Country Monograms - T


Thank You

Thanks for the great support to the new Calendar!
These past few days have seemed long...I've been working to get cabochons beaded and loaded on Etsy, calendar completed/edited/published, 2nd book proof reviewed, and so many more "business" things.
I just wanted to take a minute and say a big THANK YOU to all of my followers for your great comments...they make me keep creating new things when I'm too tired to even look at a needle! And thanks to all of my loyal customers at ShawklDesigns...and now ShawklDesigns on Etsy...for your continued support over the past couple of has been invaluable to me!