More buttons arrived yesterday afternoon! And, I'm working hard to get photos and a write up done on each one for the Etsy site...AND that's before coffee! Yikes!Here is a little teaser photo...and I'll just have to promise more info later today...cause I just HAVE to go downstairs to Mom's for my morning coffee and chat!
Edited to add: Okay, it's 10:49...and I've had two cups of coffee. No breakfast, I might as well wait until lunch! LOL! I just finished loading all of the new buttons on to the Etsy you can now go there and actually purchase any of these you might want. Here are more photos I took so you can see the groups of dragonfly styles compared to each other...and the other buttons in this group as well.

Posting these also has resolved (at least partially) a design issue I've been having lately. There is a large CQ Project I've been wanting to do, and I have the idea for the colors but something was missing. These buttons (especially the dragonfly ones) has helped me complete some of my thought process...and come up with a "name" for my project. In other words, now I have a "direction" in my design...and that will greatly speed up the design process for me. My new quilt will take some time...and of course I'll blog each and every little element with you. It will be called "Dragonfly Garden" you know there will be ton's of dragonflies and dragonfly buttons/cabochons...and flowers, trees, plants! And, are close ups of the remaining buttons...for your enjoyment!
The cobalt blue button is simply not to be is so gorgeous! I almost didn't list them as there are so stunning I was tempted to hoard them for my own projects! So, ya'll know you are my BFF's because I'm willing to share!
This peacock button was hard to get a photograph of so you could pick out the detail of the bird. I did a sorry job of it I'm afraid with the sewing room lights. It is truly very unique and so pretty!
This photo might be a little doesn't have as many shadows perhaps.