Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Beaded Spider Tutorial

 Here are the simple steps to create a large (about 3-4 inches square) beaded spider. The beads used are for the spider shown. The size of beads can be adjusted to fit the size of spider you want to create. These are fun to create! 
 Step One: Find a large bead for the spider body and a slightly smaller one for the head. Here I'm using a 16mm round bead for the body and a 10mm round bead for the head. I also added a 3mm Swarvoski crystal and a crystal rondelle spacer to the back of the body to just add a little more sparkle. 
 You could also add bead caps and a rondelle in the center of the spider if you desired. Place the beads on a flat head pin and twist the end down like a little coil with a pair of jeweler pliers or needle-nose pliers (use the very tip).
 Step Two: Cut 4 long pieces of wire, about 7 inches long each. Use wire that can easily bend and twist. I use from 24-28 gauge and different colors depending on the spider color. Fold the four wires in the middle, creating eight legs.
Step Three: Place the wires between the head and body beads and twist them in the under side. Thinner wire can be twisted once, but thicker wire will only be able to be "pointed" in the opposite direction...without any actual twists. That is the case with this spider, here is what the wire looks like at the underside of the spider.
Step Four: Plan your beads for the legs. Always start with seed beads because the legs will begin by hugging the body and need to have small beads to start. Add larger beads or combination of beads to mimic "joints" in the legs, there will be two of these areas. Then end with seed beads and bugle beads for long slender portions of the legs. For this spider I've used this sequence of beads for front/back legs: 5 seed beads pink, 4mm flat round pink, 6 mm round ivory pearl, 4mm flat round pink, seed bead, bugle bead, seed bead, 5mm rice bead, seed bead, bugle bead, seed bead, bugle bead, seed bead, bugle bead, seed bead, seed bead. The center legs have one less bugle bead and seed bead than the front and back legs..this is optional as all eight legs could be the same.
Step Five: Place the beads on the wire. Cut the end of the wire until you have about 1" of extra wire left. Twist the end like a spiral until it touches the last seed bead placed. Repeat this to complete all eight legs.
Step Six. The spider is finished. You can play around with the placement of legs until you have a realistic pose. I start by pulling all eight legs straight up and putting the spider body flat on the table with the top facing up. Then I bring the middle legs down bending at the "joints" and having the legs at a straight angle out from the body. The front and back legs are done in a similiar manner but are pointed towards the front and back instead of the side. (Note: This spider would hang from it's "head" because that is the coil end of the head pin...if you wanted it to hang down from it's "tail" the head pin would start at the head and be coiled at the tail instead.)
Here is how the spider looks underneath when finished.
So, go find some beads...and wire...and one flat head pin (or use a piece of wire and coil both and head/tail ends)...and create a beaded spider. Have some fun!


Still Making Spiders

Here's the condition of my craft table at the moment...
I'm still making spiders for my sister to take to her co-workers. It's mindless work, and I like it. Except...I got big orange beads to use...and promptly misplaced them in the middle of all this clutter! So, I had to re-order them and I hope the new ones arrive before October!
I'm sure that they are here a very safe place! But, I'm tired of looking for them...

Monday, September 19, 2011

What's the Problem?

 Seems like I'm just running around in circles lately! I'm behind in posting motifs, and just can't seem to get caught up in so many household chores. It's like I just lost 3 days somewhere...and I'm running to get back on track. And, the least little thing just adds to the mix. For example, Aidan and I spent some time this weekend painting lace (with dye) because my lace drawer was very low in options. I had photos all ready to go...but, the computer decided they were "unstable" and needed to be scanned and fixed. In computer lingo...I found that means deleted. Rats! So, you are left with a newly taken photo of my current lace drawer...fatter than before. But, no photos of my precious little Aidan helping Nana paint.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

400 Followers!!! Let's have another Drawing!! Winner Selected!!

Wow, during the night...we went over 400 Followers! Awesome!
So, let's celebrate!!
How about a new book...of Embroidery Designs...400+ easy embroidery designs!
Doodle Stitching, The Motif Collection by Amiee Ray. 

 It comes with a CD of the designs, so they can be enlarged!
and includes 17 projects to give you ideas of what to make. 
This is a wonderful book with tons of little embroidery designs just right to add to small projects or CQ Blocks.
Just leave a comment so I know you want to be entered and I'll pick a winner first thing Monday. So you have until midnight (CST) on Sunday to comment. And, make sure I can reach update your profile to allow public viewing...or add your email address to you comment.

UPDATE: Monday, 8:14 am. WE HAVE A WINNER!
I listed all the valid comments and there were 55. (Sorry, couldn't count those that posted after midnight, or repeat posters, or anonymous without a contact) and used a random generator to pick the winning number. The winning number was 54! And that is Turtle! So, an email has been sent and hopefully she will respond within the next 24 hours to claim her prize.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Don't be Afraid...

...these are not real! But I think they are gorgeous! I'm going to have a tree of spider ornaments. My sister wants earrings and a necklace for work orange/black...Halloween style!
Mom wants a larger one to put in her porch, I've ordered some large orange beads. Here are some more to help put a little fright in your day!
 Is your heart beating fast yet?
 The white is so a piece of jewelry!
This little fellow would be good to put into a potted plant!! He hides well!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Roses, roses, roses...beginning

I signed up for a round robin...CQ of course...titled Roses, Roses, Roses! As I receive each ladies CQ Block monthly, I'll be stitching and sharing photos. I'm excited about this round because it's ROSES!!...and two because I have not stitched in a round robin since the spring...before the garden!
I mailed my blank block off yesterday...
so the ladies can work on it. I'll show you photos when it returns in a few months...all "Pretty!"


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Patterns are FINALLY all Loaded!

The Studio now has all of the patterns that I'm getting rid of in my de-cluttering efforts! Some are really great! And all are 50-95% off! There are a variety of quilting patterns, cross-stitch patterns, and some sewing patterns too! Like these...
Next, I'm going to start photographing and measuring fabric! But, not for a few days...cause I need to finish up some Christmas ornaments, a CQ Block, and do some beading! I'll post photos as I work!


Well today is shot!

Had a doctor's appointment first thing...routine...labwork needed. OUCH! I think she was digging for gold!
And, worst of coffee!!!!!! breakfast.
Then to CVS...for vitamins...and to get info from druggist...and a flu shot (because with my insurance it is free he said) stuck AGAIN!!
Got the vitamins...Geritol liquid...more Yuck!
Painted charms for an order...then off to the post office.
Back home, ate a bite of lunch...was tired.
Tried to nap...but Buddy wanted to nap too and he took all of the bed..(bad dog!) so, finally I just gave up!
That's my day! Hope your day is going much better!
Now, to go fight with Studio software so I can load all of these patterns I pulled yesterday!

And, what am I going to have for dinner! I don't even want to think about that!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Garden is Kaput...and so are we!

Mom and I both agree...we feel like we've played football for hours! Why so sore? Because we cleared the garden on Saturday...and are still getting over that Herculean effort! Here is what we faced...not very pretty after the morning glories and ZERO rain for weeks!
This little pepper palnt was full of red Jalepeno peppers...which I saved to send to Tracy's mom.
The tomatoes fed the birds for a little while, as you can see by this tasty treat!
 And the okra went to seed...after many pickings!
After pulling a truck load of plants up...
the rest were mowed down!
So, goodbye dear garden...until next year!


Monday, September 12, 2011

Button Drawing Winner...Maybe!!??

A couple of days ago...we had a little contest...for a free button from my Etsy shoppe. It ended Sunday (i.e. midnight last night...CST). So, today, I sat down and wrote little slips with the name and button selection of all the folks that left comments. Here they all are:

Then I selected a winner...and it was Wendy (maybe...keep reading). 

 Wendy's comment said "I love them all, but since I have to choose, it would be B112 the blue flower button...just gorgeous!". 

However, Wendy's profile is not set to public so I can not see her profile information and get her email address...and she did not include it in her comment...SOOOOO....have no way of contacting her. So, Wendy...normally, I'd pick a new winner. But, since I did not state these "guidelines" in the original post...and to be completely have 24-hours to contact me with your mailing address so I can send your prize to you. (By 12:30 CST tomorrow (Tuesday, 9/12/2011)

If Wendy, does not email me (or comment here on this post with her email address) I will pick a new winner. So, right now...I'm saving my bowl of slips along with Wendy's button...just in case.
UPDATE: Wendy send me her mailing address...and her button went into the mail today. Thanks to all who played...we'll do it again real soon!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

PLEASE READ...I know it's long...but, it's important!!

Today, a very good friend sent me this message…and she gave me permission to post it on my blog (I changed the last names to just the initials)

I’m requesting that you read it…and if you have a blog, or belong to a quilting or needle-arts group/guild/club that you make them aware of the effort as well. Getting the word out is most appreciated!!

QUOTE: The following letter is being sent to this and several other needlework sites.  I am hoping we can get a good response that will rock the socks off of the Bastrop community! 

We are all aware of the devastating fires that recently shook eastern Texas.  We know several ladies who have been affected by these fires.  For instance,  Michele P., and Debi H. both of Bastrop have lost there homes completely  to the fires there this past week as have several other of our stitching friends. Lyn G., who is also from Bastrop, has her home still standing but she was totally without
power/electricity for several days.  Frannie S. and Kay F. of nearby Cedar Creek have their homes still
standing but they had been evacuated. All three of these last ladies have suffered a great deal of smoke
damage to everything in their homes, including their stash.

The members of Stitchmap are working on coordinating donations for helping to replace the stash of the
ladies who lost everything and those who may have suffered smoke damage beyond repair.  We are accepting donations of all types of stash from scissors, floss, fabric, mags/books, needles, etc. If you use it in CQ, embroidery, quilting or other types of needlework, they can definitely use it to replace what has been lost. We have also had a suggestion that a donation of gift cards for the local needlework supply stores - such as the local quilt shop, Joanns, Hobby Lobby, etc. - might be a good idea so that they can replace those items like cutting mats, etc. that are awkward to mail. Whatever we can do to help will be done.

It is our intention to collect the donations at one central location here in Colorado.  Then we will personally transport a delivery as soon as we hear that they have had a chance to regroup, talk with their insurance agents and that they have decided whether to rebuild or move into some already built place. Some are living in 5th wheelers right now.  We are coordinating with one of our Austin members (just 30 miles away from Bastrop) who will help oversee the distribution of the Christmas ornament donations. Without a place to store the needlework stash donations, and with the holidays soon approaching, it seems senseless to send that to them right now. I am sure they have more important things to worry about at the moment than where to put a new donation of stash. We have had a watertight, covered 8 'x 12' trailer offered for hauling the things down to Texas (can we say Road Trip!) and to deliver the stuff to these stitchers personally. Several of us from Colorado will be going down at the time so there will be a complete accounting for all donations.

Here is the plan: Once the fire victims who have lost everything have had an opportunity to take what they can use from our donations, we will arrange for the members of their local quilting group (who were also affected but not to the degree of losing everything) to have an opportunity to take what they can use. If there is anything left at that point we will offer it to the local community to help replace what may have been lost by any stitchers in the area. We are working on establishing a site to set the donations out so that these needle-woman can come and see what is offered/donated.  We are working on a method of advertising this opportunity to the community beforehand.  It is our intention to come home with an empty trailer.

ALSO: In the meantime, we have agreed to work on helping to replace precious handmade Christmas ornaments for these fire victims. We would be more than willing to include your ornaments among the donations if you are inclined to make some for them.

Everyone will be credited on a list of donors that will be given to the recipients. We are targeting the week of Thanksgiving as the completion date for Christmas ornaments so that we can get them to Texas before Christmas. We will take stash donations between now and the end of the year, to be delivered in person right after the first of the year, hopefully. Exact delivery date will depend on their ability to receive something at the time.

If you would like to help in this effort please contact me privately (if you haven't already) at or call me at 719-392-6303.   I will be in touch with you right away with more information and details.

Hugs, Shari Jensen (Colorado)
          Stitchmap Yahoo Group Owner 


Donations should be mailed directly to Shari. Please email her or call her to obtain her address for mailing/shipping/drop-off. Please spread the word! Thanks so much!!!

BTW, Lyn will be helping in this larger effort as well…and I posted about her story just this past week…you can go back a couple of posts to get a link to that and you’ll be able to read her own personal account of this tragic fire on Bastrop and her own family.

HUGS to all!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011 Texas quilters that have lost their stash!

I'm sure that most of you (especially those in the United States) have seen news stories of late about the Texas Wildfires. Personally, I have 3 quilting friends from some of my cyber groups that have really been in my mind lately. Two of them have lost their homes and (horror) all of their stash! The third is fine, have suffered through loss of electricity...and smoke damage only. She has posted her story today on her own blog...and I invite you to go read it.
Some of my books are on hold for these ladies...but an effort to collect for all quilters in the area is underway if you have any items you'd like to contribute to their cause. The information is in Lyn's post...please go read it. Thanks.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I'm Drowning!!! Let's have a Give-a-Way!

I'm drowning... in CLUTTER!! And it just keeps getting worse! I've pulled out so many things to de-clutter...and this week, it was books! This is not easy work! I have selected about half of my bookshelf to "dispose" of...around 60+ books. But, to put them on the Studio site..they have to be photographed...then the webpage has to be built. Actually, several pages...because I like a variety of subjects...cross-stitch, quilting, silk ribbon, etc...etc. So, for the past two days I'm stuck working on this laptop and with my books surrounding me! It is more mess than when I began! But, I am so looking forward to when all of this stuff has found a new home, and is being enjoyed by someone...instead of just sitting on my shelves gathering dust! I hope to have all of the pages ready for publishing today or tonight!!

 And to add to the problem...these (and about 20 more styles) of gorgeous Czech Glass Buttons arrived this past week! I have spent more computer time...loading them on my Etsy shop! 

 Yes, I'm adding to the "clutter" as I am disposing! But, the Etsy will be limited only to cabochons, buttons, and my autographed book! This square button is my favorite! What is your favorite? Oh, I know...let's have a little contest! 

 You pick a favorite style button from the Etsy shop...and come back and post a comment here...Tell me your favorite! On, Sunday...I'll pick a winner and you get your favorite button! I'd appreciate your passing the work along that the buttons have arrived in the shop as well of course. Hugs!
PS: Books are now loaded on the Studio....and next, I'm going to start working on photographs, etc of PATTERNS!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Thursday Thimble - Late

We did not get to vacation at the beach this year, as we did last year...and the fun was really missed. Hope your family was able to catch a few waves...but if not, here's a little thimble for you. Perhaps it will remind you of days past with sun, sand, and lot's of beautiful water!
 I've include a png and a jpeg format photo for your use.
