Monday, September 5, 2011

Large Rose Clay Bead

I'm still trying to get over all the work for the wedding...feel so tired! 
More rose beads came in on Saturday, and I've loaded them on the Studio Clearance Page.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It's Over..Woot!Woot!

The wedding went just fine...everyone loved the dress...and the candy! Thankfully. The bride was especially happy...and that make all of her "contributing aunts/uncles" happy too. Here are a few photos of her dress, here ceremony, and one of my brother (bride's dad) and my Mom. These are with the cell excuse the quality of the distance shots. Now, it's off to bed...I'm dog-sitting until the honeymooners return on Tuesday...and I hope that "Bella" doesn't wake me at 6:00 she did this morning!


Friday, September 2, 2011

More Candy!

For those of you keeping, the veil is not finished. But, it will be today. HUGS!
We spend the afternoon and evening making candy yesterday. Here is a recipe for the one that was the fastest...and the best tasting (IMHO). Of course, I was on chocolate overload when I tasted that might have contributed to their getting the highest vote...cause those chocolates were pretty good too!
The ingredients are 1stick of butter (1/4 cup) softened; 2 cups of confectioner (10X) sugar; 1 small bag (about 8 oz) of shredded coconut. Make sure the butter is super soft. I left mine on the counter all it was just right! Mix everything together...(wash you hands and use those...they work the best!). Form into balls. Place on cookie sheet. Put in freezer for about 15-20 minutes. Drizzle melted chocolate over the top (optional). Bet these would be good with chopped pecans added as well!
And, these are great to get kid's involved in rolling them up, or even mixing them there is no cooking involved!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Still working...

I'm working on the veil, 12 feet of lace to adorn with sequins and it begins.
And, here you can see the second layer that is not yet begun. 
 At this photo, there is about 10 feet to do. As I type, I have about 3 feet left...but I had to take a make some candy.
Here are some caramel pecan pieces getting dipped into melted milk chocolate. 
 Tonight...more of the veil will be done...and more candy. Tomorrow...repeat. Hugs to all!
BTW, if you are wondering about the 1st Thursday Thimble design...this will have to be the 2nd Thursday as I'm not finished with it yet...and have no time to worry over that right now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Flower Girl Dress Adorned

Still stitching lace motifs on the wedding gown bodice...should be finished this afternoon. But, last night I took a break from the dress to put crystal trim and buttons on the flower girl dress. 
 She will be sporting some "Bling" and will be so happy about that!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Would You...Could You...Cut This??

In the mid 80's my husband and I were living in Europe, courtesy of the Army. We loved our 6 years there, and were fortunate to take several trips. On one trip to Belgium we bought a tablecloth after seeing a young lady working to create a similiar one. 

 She sold this one to us for $300 at a time when the conversion rate was very good. Today, it would be impossible to find a hand-made lace table cloth anywhere near this price I'm pretty sure (especially one measuring 47 x 73 inches). A machine manufactured or Chinese knock-off perhaps...but not true handmade lace.

 So, here is my dilema...I've had this in a hope-chest for the past 30 years. And it has never once been used...which seems like such a waste. I'd love to sell it, but I don't know of any high-end designers that might think $300 for a tablecloth is a you? Seriously, I don't know anyone.
So, I'm considering cutting it up for crazy quilt projects. So, far...I can't seem to make my self pick up the just seems like a waste to cut such a great object up. At the same time, it's not fair that it just lies in my hope chest...
What would you do? Could you ...would you...cut it?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Clearance Sale Continues--

Yesterday, I showed you the brooches and pendants I "unearthed" in my storage cabinets. Today, I added some enamel butterfly charms...
Cherub charms...Butterfly charms w/inked wings...

five different slides for button clusters...
 and four more lace motifs.
That's all the time I have to pull more stuff until after the wedding. I'll fill orders as they come in...and then after the 5th, I'll try to upload some of my "slightly loved" books and perhaps the spider bead kits too.
[Note to all you ladies on "fixed income" like myself. If you are waiting until the first of the month to order...please don't. Just email me the stock number, item, price you need...and I'll pull the stock to make sure it won't be gone by the 1st. I fully understand how that is.]

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, ...It's Off to Work I Go!

Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Well, this one was stuck there for several hours last night as I stitched lace motifs on Melissa's wedding gown. And, I woke up to the tune still ringing in my ears this morning. It's been several weeks at least since Aidan and I watched the Disney DVD of Snow I have no idea why it "popped" into my head last night! is the lace that is already on the dress. The dress is ivory and so is the lace. Problem: Lace trim we ordered/received to go around the hem and down the side (bride's request) was white. So, now that it is sticks out like a sore thumb. No big surprise to the seamstress...(me)...and the solution is to add bits of the same lace to the bodice to hopefully tie all of the components together. 
 This is not the only adjustment...and when I have a few minutes...I'll post on the problems with purchasing a wedding dress off Ebay! For now...the lace trim is being cut into individual motifs...floral and little bits that can be pieced in a pattern. Can you see the floral and the little pieces "trailing" off of that like a lace vine? That's what we're trying to do...and it covers some of the ivory...making it look like a background. At least that's what we are hoping. I'm 2/3 done with the front bodice and then I move to the back.

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 8/29/2011

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 33-34 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I Must be Nuts!

Why else would I run a huge clearance sale on my web-store at the same time I'm trying to get ready for a wedding! 
 Tonight I constructed a brand-new page of pendants/brooches to add to the web-store...but I won't launch it until tomorrow afternoon. Why? you ask...because I have to go to Hobby Lobby with my niece tomorrow looking for clear snaps and pretty buttons for her wedding gown...which I have to finish THIS WEEK. The wedding is Saturday!! And, I have a limited supply of these pendants...
 ...and brooches. 
 So, if someone buys several...and I'm not here checking the e-mails...I can't update the inventory. And, if I don't update the inventory (has to be done manually) then I could "over-sale" the items...and someone will be unhappy...and I truly don't want that. So, I'll have to wait until tomorrow.
And, I have more lace and charms...but I'll post about that tomorrow night...because I have to sew some lace motifs on the wedding gown bodice. Hugs!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Dimensional Bunny

Yesterday, I posted about my recent article in Crazy Quilt Gatherings Magazine. But, I didn't include a photo of the finished little bunny. So, thought ya'll might like a closeup. Isn't she cute...or is she a "he". Hmmmmm.....

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Crazy Quilt Gatherings is Available Now!

Another great issue is out! And, the little dimensional bunny on the cover (bottom left corner) is stitched by little-ole-me! Want to learn how?...go get yourself a magazine. At only $6 for the electronic's a steal. 40 pages of pure crazy quilting joy...gorgeous photos!
Pat Winter's blog has more info on ordering.


Wednesday Wine Country Monograms - N
