Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Truly Fearless--That's Me!

I've always said that I am "fearless" with it comes to my quilting/stitching. It truly doesn't matter what the technique...give me a book and 15 minutes...and I'll gladly stand in front of a group and explain how to do it. My mind comprehends things like that fast...but don't ask me to add a column of numbers!
But, true fearlessness....is showing you what my sewing room looks like right now!
Sit down...this is scary!!

First off...this is my craft/sewing table. At any given moment in the day you might find me sitting here stitching, sorting, writing...or whatever. The television is in front of me...on those black cabinets you can barely make our. At present, the table is filled with Studio supplies I've carried in from the office area so I have some surface area to work. This is not TOO bad...
 THIS is horrid! It is my cutting table! I can't find anything!! All the neatly organized trays of scissors/cutters, my pen pencil caddy, my lovely wood boxes w/stencils & tools, and odds and ends from many projects are just piled on it for now. The wedding dress "parts" are hogging my cutting board side...so everything else is just shoved to one side. You can see the dress hanging in front of my book shelf...and the slip is in the window on top of other "stuff" from past projects. The bolts of netting/tulle are behind the sewing machine so I can find them! Truly, I need to get organized and de-clutter...
so, thanks to all who are helping by ordering from the Studio during the huge clearance sale.  I'm working as fast as I can to count charms and lace motifs! AND, yesterday evening I was also thanking the Lord that my little Studio had not ever really required so much work! I could not have taken the pace every day! De-cluttering and down-sizing is SO right for me!!
Because you are my BFF's...and I've already scared you senseless...want to see something REALLY fearless???


Monday, August 22, 2011

Crazy Embellishments 50-75% off!!!

I've decided to clear some clutter from my life...one major area is the web-store ...
So, the Studio has all of the inventory on sale...clearance priced...
50-75% off!!!
Please read the sale information on the front page of the Studio.
The prices shown are the "old" ones...but the Shopping Cart is set to reflect the clearance price.

I would appreciate your sharing this news with your friends, chat groups, and on your blog.
And, yes...this is US and International Sales. The only "problem" is that international customers will be invoiced separately for their postage costs, via PayPal...at actual rate before their items are shipped. The Studio software does not calculate international postage. And, I do not add any processing or handling fee to the shipping...just bill you the amount the USPS Post Office tells me it will cost to ship.


Marvelous Monday Motifs- 8/22/2011

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 31-32 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Here Comes the Bri.....well, not quite yet!

 My niece gets married in a couple of weeks. She got a dress off Ebay; and we've been "fixing it". We added lace along the bottom skirt and train. The lacing in the back went too low...about where here "southern cheeks ended". So, we created a bow with tails to cover up the bottom third of the lacing and add a little Wow! factor to the back as well. The slip (above) is almost done...and the lace is sewn around the hem of the dress. Next, the veil...and more lace on the dress bodice. Looks like we're gonna make it...but, I still have the finishing up and the pressing to do as well. And, the flower girl's dress "might" need adjusting...it arrives next week so we'll have to wait and see then. Here are some photos of the bow. The dress is ivory with white accents...

All in the day of the Aunt that sews!!


Friday, August 19, 2011


My sister came over today, and we went picking! Muscadines! Aren't these gorgeous!
I'm thinking that they would make great jelly...but I've not tried that before. So, I'll be searching the internet for directions and such! Any advice?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Are you the Snack Queen?

If so, we need to talk! I'm always looking for good ideas that are also cost saving. And, I'm willing to share...here are two of my favorites.
1) Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...frozen! Yep, you can freeze these babies up to 3-weeks. I dress them up by taking my Magic Chef Pastry Cutter/Sealer and triming off the crusts. 
 Then, I cut them in half and pop them into zipper style sandwich bags. Then, several go into a freezer bag...and I grab one in the morning to put into Aidan's snack bag for school. The sandwich is all thawed out by snack time at school! And, she thinks she has something really special since it is round and without crusts!
I think a biscuit cutter would work too. Or, just trim the crusts off with a knife, and cut into halfs or quarters!
2) Muffins! These can also be frozen...just make ahead and you've got dessert with the PB&J!
So, what are your favorite tricks for snacks?

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wednesday Wine Country Monograms - O


Needlepoint Chart Sampler

Here's a little needlepoint sampler, worked from the middle out. It is just a little fun thing to stitch, and could be used a part of  book cover or can be framed very easily since it is so small. Here is the stitch chart...it is easy, so I'm sure you can figure out the stitch just by the photo. 


Monday, August 15, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 8/15/2011

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 29-30 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Mug Rug and Embroidery Design

I recently finished a mugrug for Marcella in the Netherlands; a swap organized over on StitchMAP. She let me know yesterday that she received it...so I can share a photo with you...and not spoil her surprise. LOL!
And, here is the design if you want to stitch one up too!


Friday, August 12, 2011

Tomato Gravy...Soup

Do you like making gravy? Want a quick gravy...than can become soup in a few seconds? Well that is what tomato gravy is. If you have never been to the southern United States...tomato gravy might not be a dish you have tried...but it is wonderful! And, once you have made it...just add milk and it becomes a wonderful tomato soup as well!
You will need simple ingredients: Bacon grease (or Vegetable Shortening), flour, crushed tomatoes, salt, and pepper.
 Start with the shortening. (I like to save all the grease drippings when I cook bacon; and I pour them up into a ceramic mug I have...which then gets put into the refrigerator. So, I spooned up my shortening from there) just a spoon full about 1/8 cup I'm guessing. The heat is medium...not too hot.
Once the shortening is completely melted...add the flour. 
 I used about 1/2 cup (I didn't measure). There is a full quart of tomatoes going in...and some milk...so a fair amount of flour is needed. If you do a smaller pan of gravy...adjust your amounts down of course.
Stir until the flour starts to change colors. Make sure your heat is not too high, or you will scorch the flour.
 Pour in about 1/4 of your tomatoes.
 Here you can see the amount of tomatoes I've poured from the quart size jar. 
 These were canned this year from the garden, but 2 large cans of crushed tomatoes from the grocery store would work just as well. Pour in the remaining tomatoes and continue to stir. As the mixture gets hot, it will begin to thicken. 
Continual stirring will prevent any lumps....and keep your heat to a medium temperature. Add salt and pepper to suit your taste. Viola! You have tomato gravy! Now, if you want soup...
 add some milk and/or heavy cream.
I like to ladle my soup into a bowl, and add a doll-up of sour cream and some graded cheese. Yum! I ate two bowls!

