My niece gets married in a couple of weeks. She got a dress off Ebay; and we've been "fixing it". We added lace along the bottom skirt and train. The lacing in the back went too low...about where here "southern cheeks ended". So, we created a bow with tails to cover up the bottom third of the lacing and add a little Wow! factor to the back as well. The slip (above) is almost done...and the lace is sewn around the hem of the dress. Next, the veil...and more lace on the dress bodice. Looks like we're gonna make it...but, I still have the finishing up and the pressing to do as well. And, the flower girl's dress "might" need arrives next week so we'll have to wait and see then. Here are some photos of the bow. The dress is ivory with white accents...
All in the day of the Aunt that sews!!