Saturday, July 30, 2011

Flashback Friday

If you search through the US Archives, you can find lot's of really old books. Sometimes, they include photos that really inspire. Here is one of some dress fronts that I really liked.
And, one of the motifs could be easily interpreted into a crazy quilt embroidery motif too! How great is that!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

More Tomatoes!

Eight more quarts of tomatoes! I am done canning these for the season! Perhaps a few more pints of apples...and that's it! Aidan helped with this batch of tomatoes...she "squished" them...and added the salt to each jar. And I tested her...and she can explain the entire process we followed to can them! I'm sure she'll forget most of it...but she's turning into a great little helper. I'm planting seeds for tomorrow...and I'm not talking tomato seeds!

I lost 10 pounds of hair!!

Today was hair day! Aidan wanted a bobb...before school started. It is hard of a Nana to take her grand-daughter for a hair cut...without her mom. I had to call and wake my daughter just to make sure it was okay...cause you never know what a seven-year old will say to get her way! Ha!
Here are the before...(taken previously)
And the afters!

I'm telling you...I do feel at least 10 pounds lighter...maybe 15! Wish it was not just my hair I lost!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh, a Free Pattern to Inspire!!

Check out this cute little table runner! I found out about it over on the Quilt Inspiration blog. And, think it will be a good pattern to work on this year. My plan is to do a white/beige/blue background...with a green vine with pink buds. And, each vine leave bud should be adorned with embroidery and beads! Want to play along...I'll try to get started in September...after my nieces wedding.
So, print out the pattern...find your fabrics...and play along!

I love a productive day!!

And, yesterday...I had one! I got through about half of the apples (thought I could do them all...but I'm getting old!!). I peeled, cored, and sliced the green ones...covered them with white sugar and cinnamon...and they went into the oven to bake. Was thinking about a pie..but really, just needed to get them "processing" so I could move on to the red apples...which were to be my apple butter! 
 To my surprise...when I went back in about 40 minutes (in 350F oven) and started to "turn" the apples...they broke up...not mushy, but into small pieces just the same! Oh..goody...fried pies! So, I have a nice bowl of apple chunky-mush to make pies with tonight! Yum!
And...discovered a good way to "start" my apples for the apple butter...really sped up the process! So, after peeling, coring, and slicing about half the red apples...then went into the oven. Then, went into the crock-pot (slow cooker) on high for about 5 hours...stirring occassionally...then more often the last hour. Spooned the apple butter into jars...and then a 10-minute boiling water bath! Voila...3 lovely pints of apple butter! (Also have half of the red to do today...and "found" another bag of green apples too!) So the job is about half done!
Another success...was this sprouting mint! It is ready to plant. These little springs came from my special drink at Olive Garden Restaurant a couple of weeks ago...when I had a shopping trip with my sister. How cool is that! Now, I will have a little pot of lovely mint growing in my kitchen this winter!
Lastly, while the apples were cooking (and the mint was growing)...I've been beading cabochons...since Saturday! Several are done and many more are prepped. 
 Let's not talk about the 3 trays of cabochons in the bead closet that aren't glued to a fabric/leather backing yet! Today, we're only talking about productive things!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs...Interrupted

 Come back next Monday...and perhaps I'll have "my act together"! But, no promises! Seriously, I need to download some more page scans and re-size them for Monday Motifs..but no time!
Today I need to get these apples peeled, cored, mixed with sugar/spice, and into some canning jars.
And, I'm leaving in 15 minutes with my DSIL to go get Mom some ears of corn she "ordered" from a local farmer. So, corn will surely quickly follow the apples...if they don't jump out in front!
No time to stitch, no time to post, barely time to brush my teeth!
Hang in there BFF's; I'll be back!
And, I'm beading cabochons as fast as I can...with every spare minute since the Studio is low! Now, how in the world did I let all of this pack up on me! Life! Gotta love it! What I can't ever figure out however can someone "who doesn't have a life!"...have so much to do!???

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Peacock Has Arrived! And She is Gorgeous!

A little while back I posted about the StitchMAP Mentor's Challenge, and the doll that I had created for my swap partner Amy. Well, yesterday I received my "prize" from my swap partner, Ann....and it is stupendous.
First off...the fact that it is a box is GREAT! As ya'll are my BFF's know I need to be organized! And, that my space is at a PREMIUM!! So, just the simple fact that Ann was thoughtful enough to make me something I could use...speaks volumes to me! Hugs Ann! BUT, the fact that it is stitched so stupendously just left me speechless when I opened the package (Yes, it is possible to render me's just not easy!)
The peacock is the focal point of the lid...and it is stitched superbly! Check out these close ups!

But, the gorgeous stitching doesn't stop there! The rose in the corner is so really speaks to my heart.
Even simple fabric manuplation looks just grand when done with luscious silk...a recycled tie or scarf perhaps?! And check out the chain stitch "loops" she stitched to fill in the patch! Ingenious!
The monogram is just too delicate for words. I just adore it! 
Isn't the entire block she created for the top just wonderful!
Ann rock!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Gorgeous Ribbon Work! I'm Drooling!

... and that's a bad thing...I don't want to get these pages wet!
Two books I'd ordered from Amazon came this week...and I'm just like a child at Christmas! These are wonderful. 
 Of course, every single book ever designed and written by Di van Niekerk is superb! And these are the best yet! 
 Seriously, hop on over to Amazon and check these out!! 
I'd loan you mine...but, I can't get my hands unclenched from around them!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Testing One, Two, Three...

Anyone else having issues with Blogger today? This morning...I tried to post...and typed my text, then uploaded a photo of my canned tomatoes. I could not see the photo in my draft. But, when I loaded the page...the photo was there...but no text!

Now, I have a completely new input perhaps it was just a minute bleep on the screen as Blogger uploads their new design. Hope so!

So, just is a photo of the new flower beads I just got in yesterday! Loaded them on the Studio this morning!


Tomatoes Anyone?


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Dragonflies, dragonflies, dragonflies!

Usually, I don't mention the Studio's more of a hobby of mine than a business really. Which is why I keep the prices as low as possible I suppose...and why it won't make me rich! Ha!
Anyway, I spent some time this week going through my beads and found a lot of dagger beads that I had forgotten about (Yes, my stash is a mess!). So, I started combining and came up with several "new" dragonflies...bead kits! They are limited in quantity...determined by my stash levels of the individual beads jump on over and check them out close up!
And, I've added crushed walnut shells to the general items...alongside the emery that we have always carried. Both are great for adding weight to pin cushions and dolls.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Be Afraid...Be Very Afraid...

Aidan saw an infomercial about facials....and they had cucumbers in it. So...she went to garden for a cucumber. I chopped it up for her...and added some creamy petroleum jelly...and voila! We have the ingredients for a facial! It went into the fridge for a few minutes...and was nice and cool!
I highly recommend it! My face feels great!!! (Doesn't look much better...but feels great! Ha!!!)

Mermaid by Cris

Cris kindly sent me a photo of her applique mermaid, which she created based on the embroidery design I posted earlier. It is a great blessing to know my work is being used! And, that the results are so gorgeous! I love the interpretation...the sequin fabric for the tail is just right...but I think the mermaid's hair and "bra" are my favorite parts! Thanks so much Cris for sharing with me...and allowing me to share with other followers too!
 If you want to share a creation based on one of the designs or charts posted here on the blog...just send me a photo; I'd love to see your version and so would others! We all need inspiration!!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 7/18/2011

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 23-24 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.