Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mother of Pearl "Buttons"

These are not actually buttons...but flat round beads. They have a hole through them that does allow them to be attached to crazy quilt projects quite nicely. Here, I have painted a few with acrylic paints. Well, "paint" is a term used very loosely in this case...as I am NOT AN ARTIST... I know that. I am more of a "blobber"! Ha! However, they are adequate enough to satisfy me in using them for inclusion in some button clusters on "shabby chic" style projects. So, I'm happy with them.
I thought you might like to know about them...in case you really ARE a painter. Mine were purchased at FiremountainGems. The stock number is H20-9613FL. They come as a 16 inch string of "White AB Flat Round, Mother of Pearl (MOP) Beads" ...30 mm each in size. There are about 14 of them on my string, and the price for the entire string is $4.20US as of today's pricing. FMG also has $5.00 shipping in the US. Not sure what it would cost to sent them overseas.
Oh, and they also have them in other sizes.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 6/6/11

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 13-14 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 
Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

It Won't Be Long Now

The garden is growing fast! A lot of change just in the past couple of weeks. If you don't believe me, go back and check out the last photos!

The corn is about waist high.

The green beans are blooming.

The crook-neck squash plants are ready to start blooming.

And Mom's straight neck squash are already growing babies!

Even the cucumber plants that I was so worried over seem to be taking hold very nicely!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

French Script Saturday-D

Here's a new motif for all those collecting them!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Flashback Friday

Like a lot of women, I hate to have my photo taken. Perhaps if I were tiny I would feel differently, but...I really don't think so. I just have never liked the way I have looked...well, not for a very long time anyway. My hair is always "doing it's own thing". And now that I am older "and looking like my mom" it is worse. Where is that younger women still inside of me!
But for you, I'll share the current photo of me...although I have cut my hair to right below the ear since this was taken...
And, for comparison...3 generations. My mother, my daughter, and myself...back in 2002. 
Compare my mother then to me now...and you'll see that I truly am my mother's daughter!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

First Thursday Thimbles -- June_2011

You can read about my idea for First Thursday Thimbles here. Today, here's another cute little beauty for you to stitch!

The above is a png file. The below is a jpg file. Take whichever is easiest for you.

Hope you are enjoying this series of patterns...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wednesday Wine Country Monograms -- C

Today's monogram is Cool, Classic, and Collectible! Brought to you by the letter "C"!

I would love to see this done in wools or felts!


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mr. McDougle’s Garden

If it is possible to love plants, then Mr. McDougle really loved his garden. He spend hours each day pulling little weeds away from his cabbages and beans. His tomatoes and pumpkins always won prizes at the Fair for their beauty and taste.

So, you might imagine the despair that Mr. McDougle felt when he found bites taken out of his cabbages one morning. Oh no, rabbits have been in my garden!…and they have been munching on my cabbages. Sure enough, there was a big bunny still at the end of a row!
Mama Bunny

Shoo, shoo yelled Mr. McDougle…get out of my cabbages. The bunny jumped up and ran as fast as she could! Oh, if only I had my sling-shot with me thought Mr. McDougle, I’d give that bunny a sting that would keep her running! He decided that he would wait for the bunny early in the morning because he knew she would be back!

Running Bunny
So, early the next day…Mr McDougle got up before the sun came up. He was very quiet as he walked out to his garden and sat down at the edge of the cabbage row. He sat and waited.

…and waited…and waited…and waited. He got very tired waiting so long.

He thought about all of his lovely plants as he waited. He remembered the days when he was just a young boy, helping his mother in her garden. He recalled how wonderful the food was she made from their freshly picked vegetables. Just as he was in the middle of a lovely day-dream about fresh green beans…he heard a sound. Slowly he turned his head…and down at the other end of the cabbage row sat that pesky rabbit! But, she was not alone…she had friends!
Bunny Family

When Mr. McDougle looked closely, he saw that these were not friends…but babies. That pesky rabbit was a Mama! The little bunnies were so cute, so fluffy and they hopped around their mother with such joy. Mr. McDougle shifted his feet, and the mother stood still as stone. The babies stopped moving and hunkered down to the ground. Mr. McDougle could hardly breathe he was so still. The mother bunny twitched her nose, and back down the cabbage row she hopped. She stopped long enough at the end of the row to munch on a cabbage leaf…and then she was gone. The baby bunnies were no where in sight either!

Mr. McDougle sat and thought a few more minutes before getting up from his hiding place. As he walked back to the house, he said to himself “next year, I need to plant more cabbages!”.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 5/30/11

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 11-12 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Memorial Day Salute!

In Memory of Dad, and All the Other Soldiers Past and Present, Protectors of Our Freedom

 May God Bless the USA!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Baby Bibs Finished

A few days ago, my friend Pam came to visit and gave me a couple of baby-bibs with 14 count Aida panels to be cross-stitched. I decided on a little rose wreath for one, and a simple "Baby" on the other.

Here are the charts in case you might want to try the designs yourself.
The rose wreath would be cute on the corner of napkins, on a dress collar, a crazy quilt patch, or other small project.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

French Script Saturday -- C

Monograms continue!! This one is for Cathy K.!


Friday, May 27, 2011

Flashback Fridays -- Mom & Dad

There are thousands of memories of my parents as I was growing up..too many to share really. I'm so lucky to not only still have my mother still with us; she lives right next door! We lost dad to lung cancer in 1995...and miss him so very much! 
This is my favorite photo of my parents together.
