Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring Basket Sampler

Here's a cross-stitch sampler for you. The colors are your choice!


Monday, May 9, 2011

Afternoon Delight!

Buddy and I took a little walk around the back yard this afternoon...and check out all of the blooms we found! And the smell is wonderful too!

And these beauties are inside the house...a miniature rose that my dear friend Pam Naugher brought to me on Saturday...isn't she a sweet friend! She knows how much I love roses!

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 5/9/11

You can read all about my idea for Marvelous Monday Motifs here. Today we have pages 5-6 of the J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. 

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day & a Give-A-Way!

Today we celebrate out mothers! Some are superwomen, some aren't...but, we would not be here without their efforts...so for all, we celebrate their life.

I am fortunate to be a child of a supermom...who in her late 70's still is a wonder to me every day! Here's some flowers for all the Mom's! Happy Mother's Day!

Love you Mom!
AND to really celebrate LET'S HAVE A GIVE-A-WAY!
There are 3 prizes available! I will use a random number generator of all valid entries to determine the winners. The Give-a-Way is Open until midnight CST on Saturday, 14 May...one whole week!
Read the Entry Instructions Below carefully...
Here is prize #1...Approximate Value is $120
Included are 3 pkgs (1/8 yd ea) of designer fabrics; 10 lace motifs; 10 spider motif bead kits; 12 spools of perle cotton thread; 3 packages of Hoffman Bead Soup Starter; 6 tin boxes with clear lids; 8 silkie prints; 8 packages of rickrack; 1 pkg Pebble beading needles, 1 spool (750 yards) quilting thread; 1 Kumihimo Braiding Disk; 2 Judith Baker Montano 4mm silk ribbon; 2 pkgs Judith Baker Montano silk thread; and a jumbo selection of sequins (not photographed).
Here is prize #2...Approximate Value is $50
Instant Memories French Pages, ready-to-use scrapbook pages with CD images for MAC & PC plus an assortment of scrapbook supplies.
Here is prize #3...Approximate Value is $35
Instant Memories Love, ready-to-use scrapbook pages with CD images for MAC & PC plus an assortment of scrapbook supplies.

Woot! Woot! 
That's over $200 in total prizes! And, I'm giving you lot's of ways to get an entry!

1- For one entry, comment on this post and tell me which charm and lace items you would like to have from the Shawkl Design Studio website.

2- For another entry, write a blog post about this giveaway (or just about the blog if you don't want the competition) and leave a comment saying "I blogged!" with a link to your post. (Your post must also include a link to Shawkl blog - but you knew that, right?)

3- For another entry follow the Shawkl blog and leave a comment letting us know that you do.

4- For another entry  "like" us on facebook and leave a comment letting us know that you did (include your facebook link).

5- For another entry link to the Shawkl blog on facebook and leave a comment telling us where it's posted (include your facebook link).

6- For another entry link to Shawkl blog on twitter and leave a comment telling us where it's posted (include your twitter link).

5- For three entries, place an order at Shawkl Designs or tell us that you have already placed an order in the past (include name of person order was mailed to so we can verify).

That's a possible NINE ENTRIES!
The winners will be announced on 15 May...make sure I can contact you or your prize will be forfeited, and I'll draw again. 


Saturday, May 7, 2011

French Script Saturday -- K

I'm playing with monograms again! 
This font is French Script; and I'll post a new monogram each Saturday!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Found a great blog!

Leelou has a super great blog. And she has lot's of give-a-ways...so go check her out! Become a follower to keep up with all of her great contest!

This is NOT a Joke or a Skam!

My friend Kassandra is a great mom and a super friend! She is trying to change the lives of two adorable boys...and just needs a little help.

Please read their story at Kassandra's blog...Coffee and Kisses.
I will vouch for her, she is a good person!

If you can help in any way...please do so. I only had $5 in PayPal so that's all I could do money wise; but thought that posting about it would be helpful too.
Hugs to all of you...and I hope these two boys have a great Mother's Day next year...with a mom that cares about them.
Hugs to them...and to you!


Flashback Fridays

As I was blog surfing the other day, I came across a topic titled "Flashback Fridays" which included older photos of the blogger's family. This was intriguing to me. So, thought it might be of interest to ya'll as well. My photos will include family...but will also include past fashion and such as well.

To start off, this is my Great-great grandmother Farmer. I was too little to remember when she passed. She was a large woman; very tall and very sturdy. My mom thinks that she could be where my love of stitching came from...as she was always doing something with her hands. In her time, it was usually hemming pants, sewing buttons, darning socks, or crocheting. She was a work horse...cooking 3 large meals each day, washing clothes by hand, canning foods, gardening, taking care of the house and her seven children. Sunday was the only day she was still...and Mom says her thumbs were constantly moving as she rocked in her chair...as though they just could not keep from doing "something". She is the mom to my Grandfather Robert Farmer her youngest child...and she babied him.

Here are my grandfather and grandmother...Rob and Margaret Farmer. My grandmother did not sew that I am aware of...but she is the only grandmother I have as my dad's parents did not live near us. I only met my grandmother Seaman once in my lifetime...and I was in my 40's by then. But, that's another story...for another time perhaps. I spent time in the summer helping them in their chicken houses when I was a teenager. When I was younger, we lived with them some of the time, and played in their yard. My grandmother always made the best breakfasts when we stayed in the summer!...or perhaps it was just that I was so hungry after working!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

First Thursday Thimbles -- May_2011

The first Thursday of each month, I'll be posting a new thimble for you to stitch. The photo can be resized to fit your given project idea. Most will probably be embroidery work; but there could be a cross-stitch or other style mixed in as we progress. The designs will just depend on what my Creative Muse directs!
The first is in honor of May here is a little Queen Bee thimble!And, you don't have to worry about being stung! 

Wouldn't this little thimble look lovely on a name-tag! Or as the center of a little pin cushion? Or follow along for a few months...and you can have a bell-pull...or quilt squares! 
I'd love to see what your version looks like...when you finish...come back here and comment with a link to your blog! Or send me a jpg file and I'll add it to this post with credit if you don't have a blog! 


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

More Brazilian Embroidery

Between the weather and the garden, there has not been much stitching going on here at my house of late. One small project, another CQI Round Robin block, was completed. 

This is my last round in the Brazilian Embroidery robin, and this block only had a small "pie slice" of gold fabric to cover. I started by adding trim above and below to frame out the fabric. Then stitched a simple stem-stitch vine with detached chain leaves. A trio of extra long bullions in graduating lengths created some whimsical blossoms along the vine.

The whole block was just gorgeous! My stitching buddies included Diane M., Karrin H., Deloris D., and Rebecca B. and all did wonderful work on all the blocks. I can't wait to get my own block back to see what they created for me!!

And here is my favorite part of this block..of course you could have guessed it would be the ROSES that Karrin stitched! I just wish I had stitched it! Aren't they just gorgeous!
If you enjoy crazy quilt blocks...and want to stitch and see other's work as well...I encourage you to consider joining Crazy Quilter's International (CQI) Yahoo Group. They have numerous round robins going ALL THE TIME...giving members plenty of opportunity to stitch!
And...if you are specifically interested in Brazilian Embroidery...please consider joining the BDEIG_Online_Chapter Yahoo Group (BDEIG=Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery International Group). They have loads of good information about Brazilian embroidery and great eye-candy in their photo section.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Beading Lust is Alive!!!

Oh goodness! I have found a great site for beading information. Beading Arts has a free E-book chapter on surface beading available!
And she has follow-on Chapters 2 through 5 available for sale (only $3 each...for 60-90 pages each chapter!). I just had to have all of them! And, each one is just great! Beautiful photos and simple how-to instructions...and lovely charts and diagrams! Wow!
So run over there and check this great deal out! I am flabbergasted at the amount of information in each of these chapters...for only $3!...and now, can't wait to see what else she creates.
I'm also her newest blog follower!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs - 5/2/11

Sharing more of the pages from J. F. Ingalls Company, 1886 Catalog of Perforated Parchment Stamping Patterns. Here are pages 3-4.

Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother Nature is Busy!

Today is a nice restful Sunday...a slight breeze is blowing and the sun is shinning! But, Mother Nature is still busy at work. 
Our garden is planted (mostly) and look what I found popping their heads out!

Mom has tomatoes, green beans, and squash up on her garden spot. I'm still waiting to see my squash seeds sprout up. Also planted lima beans and okra...so hoping they will get growing fast too! I still have a little part of two rows that need something in them...but have not decided what. Leaning towards peppers...

We still have about 30 tomato plants that are in little cups...if ya'll need any, come on over! I'm thinking about taking a couple of them and putting two large pots on the steps...for Aidan to have a "garden".  She has that little bed over at her play house...but it is full of bulbs and her rose bush. I don't want to do anything that would hurt them...so thinking pots might be a good alternative.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Dress...

Needle-work is fascinating to me. All types and all themes. But, a wedding gown...especially a Royal Wedding Gown...is so romantic. This day, a gorgeous gown was worn by the newest princess to-be*...and I arose at 3:30 in the morning to see my first glimpse of her magic day. I was not disappointed.

And I was expecting to learn that a fabulous fashion designer had created such a masterpiece. But, it was so much more than that; for the Royal School of Needlework also had a huge part of it's creation. 

If you have not heard of this school, check out this video to learn a little more. 
And, if you so desire...you can also take classes from the school! How magnificent would that experience be! A dream come true for sure! Here is the official RSN website...for even more information.
And, here are a few facts:
  • The RSN was founded in 1872 and will celebrate its 140th year in 2012 
  • The RSN was granted Royal patronage in 1875.  Its current Patron is Her Majesty The Queen
  • The RSN is a charity. It receives no government support and has to generate all its own funds from student fees, donations and Studio commissions
  • The RSN is the only embroidery school in the world which teaches so many types of hand embroidery to the highest standards
  • The RSN has created many pieces for past Royal events including The Queen’s coronation train in 1953 and the Buckingham Palace balcony hanging for The Queen’s Golden Jubilee in 2002.

    Queen Elizabeth's Coronation Train in 1953.
    “ A six yard train in best quality handmade purple silk velvet, trimmed with best quality Canadian ermine 5" on top and underside and fully lined with pure silk English Satin, complete with ermine cape and all being tailed ermine in the traditional manner, and including embroidery by the Royal School of Needlework” were the royal design specifications based on tradition.
    And...a little off topic...but, what wedding day would be complete without the cake! Princess Catherine's was stupendous! Bet it was super yummy too!
    * Thanks to all my UK followers whom graciously informed me that Catherine can not be a princess until Queen Elizabeth bestows that honor on her. However, in my fairy-tale world...if you marry a prince, you are a princess...just like Cinderella! How wonderful that would be...and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before "Kate" will be given the title. 

    Thursday, April 28, 2011

    The Night The Lights Went Out...

    I had no idea when I posted about the Alabama storms...that the same tornado that came through Tuscaloosa...would also march up the state...and come within 15 miles of my home.

    We are fine. However, we have no power. We got a generator for Mom's house today..so she has a refrigerator/freezer and her breathing machine hooked up. I'm working with lanterns and a flashlight. We also have no cable or internet. Right now, I'm 30 miles down the road at my sister's ... laptop in hand...so I can post a quick not to let ya'll know what's up. The local power company has said it could be 3-5 days...or more...before the lights are back on. So, you know that I'll post just as soon as I can...we are safe! PTL! Some homes in the area are simple...no longer there. Horrible!
    Continue to think of us and remember all of Alabama in your prayers!

    UPDATE: Woot! Woot! Hooray for Alabama Power and the City of Piedmont Utilities crews...OUR POWER IS BACK ON! We were 29 hours in the black...but now, the lights are back on! Hoping all will get back to normal tomorrow!