Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why Can't Teachers Follow Directions? Or am I just too sensitive?

Here's what I'm sewing on today...

Right after Christmas Holidays ended, I approached Aidan's 1st-Grade teacher with an idea for an art project for her class. She put me off for a few weeks because it was so hectic right after the holidays...and we got together in late February. I asked her to invite the other first grade teachers to the meeting...cause I was considering doing the project with the entire grade if they wanted to.

Of course, they did. So I have blocks from all of the teachers. I asked them to keep each class separate and I'd deal with them that way we didn't have a big mix up of blocks. The project was a Crayola block...any design of their choice. I offered to create the muslin square (with freezer paper backing), purchase all of the fabrics (front, backing, batting) and sew all of the pot holders. Their job was to come up with a design in black Crayola (not the cheap crayons...); trace that on to the muslin squares (center the image) and have each child color their square. Then, when the squares were ironed (by me) the dye in the wax would go down into the fabric...and it would become a washable product. I brought a sample of a Crayola quilt, and showed them how the process would work. They all agreed they could do that, what a wonderful idea.

Here are my instructions to them:
1) Each drawn image needs to be no larger than 7 it would "float" in the middle of the 8 1/2 inch muslin square without getting into the seam allowances.
2) Crayons should be used so that the finished pot holders could be washed...cause they would get dirty.
3) Make sure each block had the students' name on them and keep each class group separate.

As you can see from the photos...they sent me 93 blocks back...all with a simple hand image done in Tempura paint. Many of the hand prints are larger than seven some fingers are being chopped off in the seam allowance or some names are being truncated in the seam allowance since they are not inside the seven inches either.

All ninety-three blocks are done in Tempura paints...which I am pretty sure is water based and washable paint. So, I have effectively purchased, measured, and cut fabric for the backs, fabric for the fronts, batting, and freezer paper...for a project that when washed...will be just blank squares of muslin with a calico back! 
All, because six teachers decided it was fine NOT to follow instructions...NOT to do what THEY agreed to do...and none of them even had the manners to call me about this change BEFORE doing it. (And I wonder who thought this was okay...I hear my Grandmother's voice (if one jumped off the bridge, would all of you jump off too?!?) Sure, the kids won't care...and probably the parents won't either. The people that should care...if they knew...would be the 2nd Grade Teachers...because I will not be offering to do a project like this for them next year. And, I have lost a great deal of respect for these first grade teachers...whom I'm sure could really care less about that too.

ETA (5/3/2011):  Thanks for all the comments. In the end, I returned the potholders to the teachers and decided just to keep quiet about my disappointments. After all, it's just a simple little art project...not important in the larger scheme of things. Thought ya'll like to know that I did receive a nice thank you note from Aidan's teacher yesterday...and thank you notes from the students in her class as well. 
That was a nice thing for them to do!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Severe Weather Today/Tonight

Keep all the folks in the state of Alabama, my home state, in your prayers tonight. Here's what we are dealing with today. 
This image is of a tornado presently (5:30 p.m. CST) at Tuscaloosa, Alabama University campus location. Several others have hit in the northern part of the state around Huntsville. We are due north east of the Tuscaloosa storm...and expect to get severe weather from that in about 3 hours. Keep all of us in your prayers please. Thanks.

Cabochon Brooch

Got a note from a friend; her mom had a cabochon...and would I bead it for her?
Well, that didn't take long to answer! You know I love beads...and beading cabochons! Here is the end result, ready to go home...just as soon as I get a tie-back glued on so she can wear it on her jacket.
And yes, if you have one...I'd love to bead the edges for you too! Just drop me a line.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Getting Personal

How would you like a needle case, tote-bag pocket, or other project with your name monogrammed on it? Don't have an embroidery machine, or just prefer to do hand-stitching? Here are a couple of my friends' names done in Edwardian Script with Illustrator software.

The little "bee" is one of the motifs in my Embellishing Crazy Quilts books. I think the "open" section of these letters could be filled with satin stitch, or left as is...or colored with art pencils.

If you would like to have your name or any name created...just drop me a note or leave a comment here (as long as I have your email address). I'd be happy to create a free design file just for you. I would email you two files (a pdf version & jpeg photo version). All you have to do is print the 3-inch high Monogram and use that as a pattern for your hand-stitching. You can also adjust the photo file to reduce or enlarge the size of the monogram before printing. Even simply stitched in a basic back-stitch, the script looks so pretty! Here's just the "B" done...

You can personalize anything you want to create! And to you moms...yes, I'll do your child's or grandchild's name too! Even a basic name like "Baby" for a gift would be fun! It only takes a little while to create the files; but if there are a lot of requests...they will be first in/first out!

Crazy Quilts in the 1800's

I've been checking out some old books on line at the U.S. Archives Organization. Here's one I came across and loved the artwork on the front and back inside cover! Published in 1886. Lovely colors and artwork!
And, although the book is primarily about embroidery threads and such (being published by a prominent company that manufactured the same) had this paragraph regarding the possible origin of crazy quilting. Just made me shake my head!

QUOTE: "It is a mystery where the idea of “crazy” patch-work originated. It would not be an unreasonable supposition that it opened its eyes of origin among the unfortunates in some of our asylums, for, although partially demented, the majority are neither idle nor lacking in sensible adaptation to various works of skill." END QUOTE

Just made me shake my head!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Marvelous Monday Motifs!

Thought I'd try something new! Each Monday, I'll be posting two embroidery motifs. No, I'm not going to be creating new ones each week...that would make me "crazy"...and not in a good way! Oh, sometimes they will be something I did myself...but I can not create two each week!
I have over the past couple of years noticed a lot of embroidery motifs (like the one above), posted on the web. Usually these are yellow and terribly hard to use after printing the design out. And a great many of these are not actual motifs really...but scans of a scan (of a scan?) of an old catalog created by the J. F. Ingalls Company. While digging in the archives I found the original scan of the entire 1886 old catalog, all 286 pages! It is full of lovely embroidery designs; hundreds more than I could ever draw! However, it also takes up 223 megabites of memory...and a LONG time to download. And it's a secure pdf file that can not be altered...making pulling photos very tedious. (It takes me using several softwares...(Illustrator, Cute PDF Writer, Picassa, Paint, Adobe Reader) to create a usable motif image. I'm sure there is an easer way, but these are the software packages that I have...and can work!) Because the file is so large, and a secure pdf...I figured that many folks reading my blog might not have taken the time or trouble (or space) to download this entire catalog. And if they did, have found they can only print it. So, each Monday (when I don't have a design of my own to share)...I'll be sharing two pages from this catalog as jpeg files. These can be resized using your photo software. I will also upload these pages in pdf form into the Yahoo Files so you can get them there as well. So, check out these first two pages:

We'll just keep going until we work through the entire catalog!
Please NOTE: This catalog is not under copyright any longer; but the scanned version released to the public domain on 17 July 2007 (the source of my information) does come with restrictions. None of these designs can be sold. They are for your individual use.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Thought I'd share some great graphics from the Graphics Fairy with you!
This one is pretty amazing ...miraculous even!! And so perfect for Easter weekend. According to the book it was taken from, this fantastic pen flourished image of Jesus was originally all done with the "single stroke of the pen"!!

These are just too cute!

AND, I also found this post over at We Love Quilting and thought you’d love it too!
“All I need to know, I learned from the Easter Bunny!”
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
There’s no such thing as too much candy.
All work and no play can make you a basket case.
A cute tail attracts a lot of attention.
Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.
Some body parts should be floppy.
Keep your paws off of other people’s jelly beans.
Good things come in small, sugar coated packages.
The grass is always greener in someone else’s basket.
To show your true colors, you have to come out of the shell.
The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.

Hope you have a great Sunday…dye something!
Post to Twitter

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Muse is Complete!

She is a little wild and crazy...full of the joy of creativity!

She loves to dream up ideas for me to pursue!
She refuses to let me become bored with daily chores!

She does not sleep!
Instead spends her nights distributing dust bunnies and threads on my floor!
She occasionally changes my clocks to make me late!
She hides important things so I have to spend loads of time looking for them!
She makes me smile when  I look at her!
(She is wearing a hat in honor of William and Catherine's wedding!)

if you want to make your own...the pattern and instruction sheet are
loaded on the Yahoo Group Site in the Files section

Friday, April 22, 2011

WARNING - Candor and My Life Story Ahead - Proceed with Caution!

Today, my blog is taking a new turn. I hope you'll stick around and see where we go next...but if you don't like truth and might want to skip this post.

The other day, I was just jumping around in blogland...and came upon a VERY personal post by a gentleman. He had recently had a conversation with his son...who had relayed to him that he should put more "real" things on his blog. More about who he really is...what makes him tick. So, following that advice...the man went on to describe his last few years of struggle with losing his career and now playing "house wife"...and what that has done to him emotionally, financially, and spiritually.

I have to say, his candor really touched me. And, I felt that he was a real brave soul to do that. It also moved me to do the same...but my inner fears prevented me from putting this on my main I posted it on a secondary blog...that I thought only I could view. Turns out, at least 3 others could view it...because they commented (nicely, and thanks to them for that).

So, I'll type it here...and we'll see where that leads us.

First, I want to make sure everyone knows that I am not a whiner...far from it. I will do just about anything not to complain about my situation. I don't run to the doctor every time I get a sniffle. I don't call my sisters when I get into emotional or financial trouble. I don't share all my worries with my daughter or my Mom. If my entire family was to vote on who could withstand the most trouble..and still be standing...I'm absolutely convinced it would be "me". I just don't buckle under pressure.

But, having said all that...if I were totally honest with myself (and you) I have had a few times in my life when I almost buckled. Once I thought I was going to die. Once, I prayed that I would. I know what it is to live for years far away from your family, your children...still in school...and to miss them so badly you question God. I also know what it's like to have them come back into your life when they are grown, and to know that you are blessed in so many ways because of God's love in answering your prayers.

I know how it is to hate a job so much you just can't think of facing another day. And, I know how it is to love a job so much you really would do it for free...gladly! 

As the eldest of seven, I've always been in charge...and alone. My task was always to look after the the "mini-Mom"...and as such, I really never felt a close bond with my sisters and brothers. Oh, I love them...would do anything for any of them. Any of them could move in with me today (and some have before)...and I'd do my best to be there for them. But, I rarely call them on the phone...or go to their house. I'm a loner; always have been...even back in high school. My school work was my focus in the day...and a little job working for the Assistant Principal when I wasn't in school. Went to work right out of school...and have done that all my adult life until last year.

Retirement has been difficult. Oh, the first 3-4 months were wonderful...I had my lump sum annual leave, and got busy doing some repairs to the roof and stuff. Started my little Shawkl Studio business...and ordered a ton of supplies for that...which I play in every day too. Found a new hobby (beading) that is so much rivals quilting! But now I'm in a battle for what is due me...and the government is slow in paying up.

My life has been gloriously wonderful at times...and horrible at others. I have usually make great decisions and only a couple that I'm not so proud at having made. Oh, I'm not ashamed of my life...or most of my decisions. I almost always decided things with others in mind first, and was not selfish. So, if I had to do them all over again...I would do the same thing because it was what I felt was best for those I loved. But, some were extremely hard for me to live with the aftermath my giving custody of my kids to my first husband when we divorced. Although I thought it was best since his Mom was the primary caregiver with us both working...and my parents were not very active in the kids life...having not even babysit them actually. My husband and I got along okay...used the same divorce lawyer in fact; but we were just really young...and going seperate ways. And, a few months later...when my husband realized he really was "divorced" he took an out of state job and moved the kids with him..I thought I'd lose my mind! I hurt so bad I wanted to die. But, I picked my self up...threw myself deeper into my work...and finally, even married again. My second husband was a soldier and I moved even further away...the other side of the world! That was hard, and when I was told by another ex-family in-law that the Christmas and birthday presents sent to my kids were going in the trash can unopened or even acknowledged...that was really hard. But, I tolerated...and kept putting one foot in front of the other. When you are on the other side of the world, there's not much else you can do. It made me stronger in the end.

Yes, I love my family. Yes, my kids and I have a good relationship now (they understand my life, and my decisions, and hold no ill will). Yes, their lives could have been different...and they could have been hit with a bus too...but weren't. So all you judging folks who were fortunate in your lives NOT to be faced with the same life circumstances and life decision as I...should be THANKFUL for your own good are more blessed than you can even imagine!

When I was locked in a house, raped at gunpoint, and thought I would be dead by morning...I just kept breathing and managed to make my escape. Again, I put it behind me and just kept on going. And I knew it wasn't me that was at fault, it was the seemingly kind and nice man who asked me out on a date...and then pointed a gun at me. Afterward, I put it behind me and kept on breathing...and today, I can honestly say that I grew stronger because of that. It does not haunt me, or even concern me anymore.

When my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer, and I lived 4 hours away; I worked over time so I could go home each Friday to be with my family. And when he neared passing, and I was in Kentucky working for the Army...I flew back to my south Alabama house, drove 4 hours and got to his bedside before he passed. He was beyond speaking but I crawled into bed with him...put my hand on his chest and promised him that I would be there to take care of Mom and my siblings. Encouraged him to believe that God loved him and that all would be okay. I felt his heart as it took it's last beat. And, when we held his funeral and found that he was not "entitled" to a military tribute because he had not retired from the Army...only having gotten blown off a Korean bridge while driving his gasoline truck; then enduring five horrible surgeries resulting in seven inches of fused vertebra in his back that prevented him from bending, lifting, and working...I got the local VFW to agree to send "whomever they had" to the funeral. They came in different styles of uniforms...and not all were Army; but they gave Dad his 21-gun salute...and he would have liked that. Before the casket was lowered into the ground...I stood and read my Dad's eulogy...a letter I wrote to him from all of us kids. I was the one to do it...because I was the one that COULD do it. And when we left, every one of those veterans shook my hand and thanked me for asking them to come...because they had received a blessing by hearing about my dad's life.

My dad (Franklin Scott Seaman II) always thought I was "smart". The only time I ever saw him in a suit was at my high-school graduation. Out of seven kids, I'm the only one to have graduated...but most of the others have gone on to get their GEDs, and become accomplished nurses and soldiers. I think my road was easier than theirs in that respect. I was fortunate enough to go to work for the Army later in life; and that was fortunate too. My first book "Embellishing Crazy Quilts" (yes, I'm planning several more, not all about crazy quilts) ends with a photo of my dad in uniform because he missed out on it's publication. He really would have been proud to see his last name in I authored it as Kathy Seaman Shaw, instead of the usual Kathy Lynn Shaw that I go by every day. "Miss ya Dad!".

When my second husband threw 27 years of military service out the window...along with his pay and retirement...and spend time in prison...all because he decided to shoplift from the Post Exchange (federal property). I still kept going...I worked and paid the bills...all by myself. When he came back, we tried to work it out...but in the end he could not get past it. He wanted to continue down that distructive path, and I didn't want to go with him. So, I downsized from a three story house with a sewing room only magazine covers could out-do (loved that space!) a small rental a smaller apartment...and now, to this garage apartment that is so small every space that we don't need to eat, sleep, or bath is my sewing room.

Now, when the government has screwed me over twice on my retirement so far...and I'm trying to live on 23% of what I was living on...when my cabinets hold milk, bread, peanut butter...and anything else is considered a blessing...I'm still hanging in there. I continue to call and send emails to prompt their finishing my review and still hope to get the $800 monthly supplemental annuity they said was my entitlement when "enticing" me to retire early.

I'm a fighter. I refuse to roll-over and just let life happen. Still, these bones are tied of all the abuse of just living. My temper is alive and well and my fuse is shorter than I'd like some days...and I'm sure being pre-menopausal is a large part of that. (Okay, I'm got some bend up hostility in there too I'm sure). I am far from perfect...and don't profess to be. Yes, I'm stressed...but, these days...really...who isn't. (And if you aren't, be thankful for being so blessed!)

But I'm not nasty...even with my faults. I love helping anyone in need. I will, and I have given until it hurts. My core is still intact. I believe Jesus died on the cross for my sins, and I trust God to provide. If you believe differently...that's your choice. Just don't knock me for mine.

I am also a living, breathing contradiction in multiple ways! I don't like social gatherings even in cyber space...facebook, twitter...they are wasted on me. I'm not one to just chat...and make a terrible cheerleader. At the same time, I love intimate small groups of ladies wanting to create something with their hands. It doesn't matter if we are dying lace, stitching, canning, or just acting goofy...that's pure joy to me. The light in someone's eye when they first realize that they CAN do it! A first perfect line of quilting stitches...crazy quilt seam that isn't wonky...or beaded critter...THESE are things that when witnessed make me smile.

I don't like to talk to people much. But have absolutely no qualms (or fear) in speaking to an auditorium full of folks about something I really know about. (Thanks to the Army for that "privilege".) I have jumped through so many hurtles and learned on the run...that now, I am fearless in tackling anything I set my mind to.

My blog has become my outlet for sharing. The majority of my time is spend trying to find things you might like to read about or might inspire you to stitch. Teaching is mostly through my book, tutorials on the blog, or hands-on blocks in round robins these days. And as usual, my mind is going in dozens of directions at the same time as I think of things to create!

I have not posted a lot of my personal struggles, but do try to post my joys. And, mostly, I'll try to continue to do just that...because, as I have sad...I'm not really a whiner.

So, if you want to help a bruised soul a book. If you want to learn what I know about any craft that enters my head...stick around, I'll eventually post all that I do and want to do.

If you only want to use your time reviewing blogs written by individuals that are perfect, always nice, never speak their minds, advise is to keep on moving. Cause this ole gal is a kind hearted, sharing person...that does occasionally lose her temper and curse; might even speak out of turn or order; and could be found stomping her feet. So, it's possible that you might be offended in some way (although unintentional on my part) if you stick around.

And, I love to stitch. Have my entire life it seems. Stitching is what keeps me sane most days.

So, there is a quick synopsis of my life. Be it as it is.

Now, we'll go back to our regular broadcast....


Roses are in Bloom!

Yea! The roses are all in bloom! I'd love to say that Mom and My backyard is full of rose bushes...but, it is sadly not. We have a rose bed that I put in for mother three years ago, it has four long-stem rose bushes and two are in bloom. Last year, we could not cut these back until January...they were still blooming on Christmas!

At Aidan's playhouse, we also planted roses. Two topiary trees. One of them has been blooming each year, but the second one only lasted the first year. However, the single one has gotten so huge it's probably a good thing that only one of them made it!
It rained heavily last night, so some limbs are kind of "droopy" this morning holding all of that water. The long poles are mostly cane; some of the newer limbs need to be tied up to support all of the new grown since last year. That's a task for a drier day!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hard or Easy in the Mornings?

Hard to get up in the mornings? 
Old lady

This is the avatar that I use for my posts on HGTV Message Board. No, I don’t roll my hair any more…so the curlers are NOT me. However, I think I did own a bath robe like that once. And, my hair is gray (well mostly)…but otherwise, it could be me…in a dark alley perhaps, with your glasses off…I’m just saying.

Looking at this photo today made me wonder something. Are you a morning person? Are you able to get into your car within 15 minutes of waking and still drive safely? Or, do you have to be out of bed for at least an hour before uttering your first intelligent word?

I’m one of those disgusting folks that can get up and out the door in record setting time. (I didn’t say I was always in a great mood when I went out that door….no sir…not always.)

And, I’m a much happier grandma after I have made a trek downstairs to my mother’s house for coffee. It is nice to still have my mom, and nice that she makes coffee each morning, and nicer that we can sit and talk about whatever topic comes to mind.

So, how do you get your day started?

Great Resource for Bloggers!

I have been meaning to post about the Blog Guidebooks site for days! So, goes!

The site is the creative genius of Lyndsay and Sarah, two creative friends that are sharing their knowledge with the world of bloggers. They envision a blogging community that continues to grow friendships, creativity, and beauty. They encourage their readers to create, re-create, improve, and just grow their blogs!

They answer questions about basic blogging design issues, and are there when you just need to clarify "how to" do some simple thing. I know, I've sent questions and received very fast and informative answers! (Thanks Lyndsay!)

Their "About Us" pages says: "Established in 2010, The Blog Guidebook encompasses all bloggers, be they crafty, creative, cooks, bakers, teens, moms, dads, children in need, pet lovers, home-stylers, antiquers, flea marketers, homeschoolers, doctors, lawyers, in any country, and on and on. You name it, you can blog it. And we want to read it!  We've created over one hundred categories just for you to find the blogs you've been looking for.

Blogging is a new form of journalism. It is a way to self-publish your dreams, hopes and stories of your world. The Guidebook offers a way for others to find you, in a friendly, happy, easy to navigate, safe environment.

The Guidebook offers Spotlights and Features of notable blogs and bloggers, Free Listings for your blog, Blog Tips, Video Tutorials, and a live Help Desk. You can ask the Guidebook questions and get an answer. The Blog Guidebook is backed by real people, not just a computer with an automatic reply. We want to help your blog be the best it can be."

Now, isn't that great! I strongly encourage you to check out their site. 

One of their newest offerings is the "Blog Club". I joined recently, and am now part of a five-woman team of bloggers. We are all encouraging each other, offering blog advice and instruction, and making new friendships. I added links to my new club member's sites on my side bar. Go check out their sites...and let them know that Shawkl sent you!

Hugs go all!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Basket Find!

Check out this cool Easter Basket find! Found it at Bill's Dollar Store for $15 bucks!
It is huge...and Aidan will have a fit when she sees it! I also got a huge stuffed bear ($5 on Valentine's Clearance), Two chocolate bunnies ($1 each), and a tall doll ($5) to add to the "loot". I have jelly beans from my secret sister this month to include as well!

So, it is in my a huge black trash bag, behind a chair! The fact that I can camouflage something so big and hide you insight to the amount of "clutter" in my office! Really, it's a storage room with my laptop and a chair! It is where I put my craft supplies, Studio stock, shipping containers, jewelry displays, and anything else I can't find a spot for. Do you have such a room? Then you know what I mean! No? Well, it's a huge dumping ground that needs to be sorted, organized, and cleaned out...want to come help me? Yeah, me neither...which is why is still looks like this! I'd rather be stitching!


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mermaid Sisters -- Elena

Here is a younger sister, but perhaps not the youngest of the sisters...assuming that I'll create more of course! Elena does have a more youthful appearance than Lavenia however...I think it's the hair style that does it.

If you enjoy the mermaids, let me know...and I'll work on some others for you to embroidery.

Monday, April 18, 2011

My Heart is All a Flutter!

Oh My GOSH! Seriously! I just found The Girl from the Ghetto's blog...and she is having the BEST GIVEAWAY IN THE WORLD! Seriously! It's $30 worth of CHOCOLATE!

Really, the only thing better might be diamonds or maid service! Geez! Hop on over and check out her site. But, DO NOT ENTER THE GIVE-A-WAY FOR CHOCOLATE! Seriously, DON'T...cause I WANT TO WIN! and your entry might prevent that!

We're Getting a Little Funky!

Aidan and I have been painting...doll parts! (Oh, and notice how short Aidan's bangs are? She did that haircut herself!...isn't she clever!! Argghhh!)
She's a little weird and wacky! ...the doll, not Aidan. (Okay, maybe her too after-all she IS my grand-daughter! LOL!). The doll is just adorable...we think! At least the vision we have of her is one that will be adorable...and weird and wacky! I'll post when she is dressed and has hair to see what you think. That will take me a few more days. We painted all the parts, then we added strips of tape to the arms and body; and sticky dots to the legs. And then, we re-painted. The parts were not two impressive at this stage.
When dry, we removed the tape and sticky dots and here is what we have!
She has a "circus" look right now, but just you wait and see!
I like the dotted legs best!
And I think I'll paint purple gloves on her also thinking some glitter might be good! And, if I do elf ears...that could be grand! If you want a great vehicle to get creative...try making a cloth doll!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mermaid Sisters -- Lavenia

I've been playing around with Illustrator lately, trying to get some embroidery motifs created. I've done a couple of mermaids and want to do more. So, today and tomorrow...I'll share the designs I have so far. These will be a series of mermaid sisters. The first is Lavenia...
She is the eldest of the sisters...because she seems to have a wisdom about her face. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blog Guidebook

Check out the Blog Guidebook if you have a blog and want to share it! They also have other helps and even a new Club for bloggers! I'm so happy to have found them as I want to improve my blog and learn more about blogging!

And grab my new button from my sidebar...that Blog Guidebook helped me to create...WITH the HTML code! I'm so proud of myself! Thanks Lyndsay and Sarah!


Butterflies make wonderful additions to crazy quilt blocks. Here is a whole bunch of small charts that you could cross-stitch on scraps of Aida to have ready to put into your patches. They would be great to create scissor fobs with too! And you could use the charts to create beaded versions!
Here's one I just stitched up to show how they might look...

It will make a great center patch in a needle book! What other ideas do you have for these butterflies?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Can you Imagine?

This photo is from a fashion magazine published in the late 1880's. Can you imagine how much these bathing suits would weigh when wet? Yikes!
Or maybe ladies were not allowed to actually GET into the water then....