Thursday, April 14, 2011

Scissors Fob

Over at the Friendly Stitchers Yahoo Group, we're having an exchange of scissor fobs. A fob is something that dangles from your scissors (or keys) that helps you to locate them. My exchange partner was Jeannie, and I mailed this fob to her on Monday. She got it today, so I can share photos with ya'll now and not spoil her surprise!
Recognize the little bird chart? It was posted here.
The other side is a monogram for "J". This was my first stitched fob to create...and I loved doing it. Think I'll make some more!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lady Elf

If you like elfs you might like to embroidery this design. If you don't like elfs, you could easily "round out" the top of her ear to make it a lovely lady portrait.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter Egg Chart Three

Okay, here is last of the Easter Eggs in the trio. I sure hope someone out there in blog land stitches these up and posts a photo in the Yahoo group. You know how long it takes for me to get anything done lately! So, I'm shooting for next Easter! Ha!
And here is the symbol chart with color to guide you of course...I love color charts!
Lastly, the legend so you know what DMC colors the design was created in.
However, you can use your own palette if you wish!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Egg Chart Two

When I think of Easter, I remember lots of really cold mornings attending sunrise services. Then, almost immediately, my mind jumps to Easter egg baskets, egg hunts, and finally...rests quite soundly on "chocolate bunnies". I love chocolate...and especially love chocolate in the shape of a bunny! Yum!
So, one of these three eggs HAD to have chocolate bunnies on it!
I also like marshmallow PEEPs, but I'm not sure about a big blob of yellow on an, I think I'll just enjoy them in real time! Perhaps an Easter lily, or some other type of flower...okay, back to the chart making!
Here is the legend. And larger photos will be in the files section of the Yahoo site.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Easter Egg Chart One

I'm working on charts for Three Easter Eggs. Thought they might make a great bell pull if lined up vertically; or each alone would be good for a framed piece or a pillow. Here's the first one done...
I'm still working on the other two, and will post them when they are finished. Here is the stitch chart for this first one...
And the stitch color legend. This is charted in standard DMC colors, but these could be changed easily to use up scrap colors I think too.

You should be able to right click the photos and save them to your computer and print. If the image is too small I'm uploading a full size photo to the Yahoo Group Cross-stitch photo is over 10M so too large for here!

Also the chart is for Aida 14...because that is the default for the software. You can stitch it on anything you like, I'd prefer linen or 18 count Aida myself...depends on what I have on hand of course too!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

How Many Colors Do You Have?

It's time for all the gorgeous Spring Colors of nail polish to come out. So, I'll be watching for sales at my local drug store!
Here's my current stash!
And I use these for painting charms! Well, sometimes my nails too...but, for brass and pewter charms!
So, watch out for those sales papers..and stock up!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Have a minute? Have a stamp? That's all it takes to make a child smile...

I'm re-posting this from Pat Winter's blog:

"Do you feel like making a 12 yr old smile? This was sent to me by a trusted friend. What do you think? Feel like making this 12 yr old smile? I Do! If you do, read on." "RECEIVED A NEWSLETTER IN THE MAIL YESTERDAY FROM ONE OF MY QUILT SHOPS...THIS WAS IN THERE AND I FELT LIKE I NEED TO PASS IT ALONG. PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND LETS SEE IF WE CAN HELP MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR THIS LITTLE GUY......

Max Low is a 12 year old from Neola, Iowa. He has
been battling cancer for half of his life. His 
doctors recently told his parents to enjoy the time
 they have left with him. His wish is to get 1 million 
cards. He has currently gotten 23,000. If you would
 like to help Max get his wish,please send a get 
well card to the following address: (I'm sure a 
postcard would be just as wonderful)

P.O. BOX 111
NEOLA, IA 51559"

How about it? Have a minute to slip a card into
an envelope and address it? Not sure what to 
say...How about "Thinking of You, Hoping you 
are having a Sunny Day!" ... If you don't
have a card...fold a sheet of paper and draw a 
smiley face on the front :)
I'll be sending a "thinking of you" card out in the 
morning sinceI don't have any "get well" cards. 
How about You? I would love to know that all 
of my blog followers could spare enough
time and energy to make a child smile...blessings
to you! Sending hugs out to everyone!

Thanks Gail!

Last month, while doing a little blog surfing I found a super lady named "Gail". She blogs over at Shedding the Wolf, and was having a pay-it-forward event. I entered and look at the lovely beaded serving spoon and knit dishcloth she sent me.
Thanks Gail! I love following your blog..and your gifts are wonderful!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Cleaning -- Virtual Style!

My mind is in the mood to spring clean...but my body does not want to listen. So, instead of sorting and discarding things in the closets today...I spent some time putting items in the Studio on clearance!
All of the beaded hat pins, counting pins, and scissor fobs are now in the clearance section...until they are gone! And, I will not be putting these back on the site.
Everything in the GIFTS section that is not sold by the end of this month, will go into my personal gift basket for family and friends.
So, get these while they last!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Not Posting Today

Well, at least not about stitching. It's been a hard week so far...and I've not sewn on anything except a few stitches on a surprise swap piece, which I can't blog about.

But, I thought I'd at least let you know I was alive and kicking! The sinus crud is still in full swing...and I don't think I've gotten 6 hours of sleep in the past four days! So, I'm tired and can't think enough to be creative!

Sommer goes to the hospital today for a scan of her liver. She got her annual physical last week and her white blood cell count is very high (over 250) when it's supposed to be around 20 so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She has been battling the sinus crud too, and has a UTI. So we think that the infection is the cause of the elevated white count...however, they want to scan her liver to just make sure it's not something worse. She is also anemic. They have advised she quit smoking and no more beer drinking for her on the weekends...(I totally agree...but hey, I'm not young any fun is not important to me! Ha!)

She was trying go get some sleep today...after working last night. But, NO...she had to get up and go to the school to pick up Aidan. Ms. Aidan has been mis-behaving lately. She talks in class...a lot! She does not listen to the teacher, and is talking back. And this is just the first grade! (Oh the joys to come in following years I'm sure!!)

She has been in the principle's office off and on for about 3 months now; AND has gotten little "behavior" comments on her report card too. We have tried taking away privileges, spanking, time out, and she crys and carries on...and then does it again the next week.

This week, she has been in the principle's office each day. The principal makes her write sentences..."I shall not talk, I shall not thrown food in the lunchroom, I shall not whatever...." but, apparently that has not worked. So, today...they called her mother...and Sommer had to go and pick her up. She brought her to me (Nana's get the FUN jobs too!). So, right now...Aidan is in bed...for a nap (punishment). She will not get any TV time today either. When she gets up...the plan is to feed her a peanut butter sandwich and milk (prison food)...and give her school style work to do. No fun things. I'm thinking about corporal punishment (have her help me mop the floors) but I'm not sure I have the strength to carry that out!

So, no fun for either of us today it seems...and I was wondering if any ya'll had any suggestions you'd like to share? See...I'm desperate! I'm pleading for help to the public at large!

Aidan is a good kid generally; makes all A's...but just won't stop talking when she has something to say. (Sounds a lot like her Nana...I know...hush! this is not about me...) And, I have told her many times that she has to be quiet in school, listen to her teacher, do her work...and not get in trouble.

When we were children (my mom has seven!)...I don't remember us having problems in school. At least not to the point that my parents had to go pick one of us up! Of course, in those days kids got whippings if they were bad....first at school, and then when they got home. I myself have carried many a stripe across my legs from a hickory switch and on rare occasion, my Dad's belt. The fear of getting a whipping kept me in line pretty much. Today...that's not an acceptable have children be in "fear" of you. I'm not sure I agree or disagree with this. Depends on the particular mood I'm in when asked the am wishing for a hickory bush. But, instead...I'm going to go lie down and get my own nap! Think I'm gonna need one! Hope the coughing doesn't keep me awake!

Now is your day going?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Redwork Peacock

This little peacock is based on a crochet pattern for a pillow that was published back in 1911. I modified the original design to adapt it to cross-stitch, and think that it would be particularly suited for redwork. Hope you enjoy it too!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

CIJ Round #4

The Round #4 files for the Christmas in July Block(s) of the Month are loaded on the Shawkl_Blog_Files Yahoo Group Site now. So, hop on over there and download them if you are working on this Christmas in July quilt top.
Here's a sneak peek of Round #4

Saturday, April 2, 2011

More Free Charts!

Morning all! I've been stitching on a secret gift for my Secret Sister, so can't show any pictures. Instead, I thought you might like another chart. Yes, I'm still playing! Just can't get over how quick and easy this software is! Here is a little fly pattern that would be easy to do in seed beads as well. And, if you change the color green out for yellow and play around with the chart just a little... viola, you have a reasonable little bee too!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Studio Heads Up

I've re-done the Studio pages for charms and lace as we just got loads of new ones in. And we put several laces on clearance too! So, if you need more charms and lace (and really, is it possible to ever have enough??) just hop on over and check them out!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dogwood Charted

Okay, here's the last least for a few days. No, seriously...I mean it! I've got to get back to other projects...really, I do!
The pink dogwood version is easier to follow since it isn't white on white. LOL!
And, here it is...stitched across two threads on 32 count sky blue linen.

So pretty! Now, what to do with it? Perhaps a needle book?

I'm adding this post to Fabulous Friday links over at

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Owl Chart

I know, I said one more yesterday...but I just can't quit!
The colors can be browns, but the purple and pink shows well for a photograph. Just copy the image, and enlarge it when you print.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bumble Bee Chart

Here's one more little chart for you. Enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Free Rose Sampler

I'm still playing around with creating cross-stitch designs. A sampler seemed like fun idea, and yes it was enjoyable. However, it took many more hours that I had thought it as usual, I feel like I'm running behind in other things. Good thing the dog doesn't care if I dust or not! Hope you enjoy the Rose Sampler.
And here is the chart...
...and the legend. The colors are very basic and you can easily change them up to fit whatever color of roses you enjoy.
I'll load a full size photo of the color chart and the symbol chart into the Yahoo Files in case you need a larger version to stitch by. 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

HGTV One-block Swap

Lisa finished my swap block and I received it last week. Finally getting around to blogging photos for ya'll! Hope you enjoy the vintage beads, silk ribbon, and lovely embroidery work as much as I do!

Thanks again Lisa!

ETA: Thank you ladies for all the nice comments on "my work"...but this is work that was created by my friend Lisa. She drew my name and I asked her to stitch a block with the theme "ROSES". And she did a super job! I'm so glad you appreciate her work too!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Free Cross-stitch Chart

Here is a little chart for you. It can be stitched in many color ways...for a robin, blue bird, "purple bird", etc. I drew it out with a simple border of Algerian Eyelet and Long Stitches for the corners. My plan is to do a 2-sided little mini project with a monogram on the opposite side.
The yellow stitches are straight stitches (recommend 3-ply thread), and the blue dot for the eye is a French might want to actually use BLACK thread...but it would not have shown well on the photo if that was my ink color. LOL!

ETA: The chart was created in Pattern Maker for Cross-stitch software, distributed by HobbyWare. Thanks for asking Maggie!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The past two days, I've been trying to get a few more cabochons beaded for the Studio's page of CQ Motifs. There are dozens in my stash to work on and it will surely take my lifetime to get them all done! It is a tedious process, but I enjoy it for a few hours...then my eyes need a rest! Here are the ones I have managed to complete and add to the website...for those of you that enjoy adding a cabochon to your CQ Projects (like me!).

Not Your Granny's Yarns!!

And...coming from a "Granny"...I know! Check out the great fibers I found at the "Yarn" shop yesterday! Wonderful for more Under the Sea crazy quilt landscapes!
Jacksonville has had a yarn shop for  few years now, right in the middle of the Town Square. And lucky for me, right next door to the nail shop I go to! It called "The Taming of the Ewe"...which I think is so clever. Well, they have tons of yarn of knitting is their biggest activity. They also do crochet, spinning, needle punch, and other things. For me, I was looking for yarns that "might" be able to be used in crazy quilt projects...and what I found was just gorgeous and luscious!
This skein is silk! Bright jewel colors made from left over Sari threads. Cool!
This skein reminds me of chenille, but it isn't. It will be great to stitch with too I think!
And lastly this skein is similar to ribbon and will couch down wonderfully!  So, the next time you see YARN SHOP, pull over and check it out! You might find some great fibers for crazy quilting projects too! And, if you want a smidgen of these...just send me a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope...and I'll send you some back! My address is in the Contacts Info on the Studio website.