Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cross-stitch Software Trials

A few months back, I stumbled upon a software for creating cross-stitch designs. It was reasonably priced so I thought I'd try it out. Well, as usual...in my world anyway...I've not had any time to play around with it. Until this week, and even then...only for a few hours.
Here's my first attempt.
 A simple little monogram..."S"...of course! I wanted to add locations for silk ribbon and embroideried leaves...but have not yet figured out just how to draw symbols...so, I used the lazy daisy flowers and heart straight stitches as substitutes for my roses and leaves. The little dots are intended to be beads.

I'm going to keep on trying to get something usable...but thought I'd share the process.

The software will also convert photos into cross-stitch...with some manipulation. Here is the conversion of a photo of flowers.
And here is the photo charted into symbols.
I think you should be able to pull these images into any software that accepts a photo...like Word, Publisher, etc. and print out the size you want it to be.

And, here is the color chart...if you are brave of heart!

Fabric: Linen 26, White
136w X 135h Stitches

Size: 26 Count, 5-1/8w X 5-1/8h in

2-strands of DMC floss used:
Symbol DMC Number & Color
Z          150 Dusty Rose-UL VY DK
ú          152 Shell Pink-MD LT
Ý          223 Shell Pink-LT
(           225 Shell Pink-UL VY LT
¿          300 Mahogany-VY DK
OE       301 Mahogany-MD
¾         309 Rose-DK
—         310 Black
|           315 Antique Mauve-VY DK
à          321 Christmas Red
_          326 Rose-VY DK
I           355 Terra Cotta-DK
Ö          356 Terra Cotta-MD
"           370 Mustard-MD
Ì           372 Mustard-LT
\           400 Mahogany-DK
'           434 Brown-LT
y          436 Tan
…         437 Tan-LT
Ô          451 Shell Gray-DK
Ê          452 Shell Gray-MD
k          498 Christmas Red-DK
™         600 Cranberry-VY DK
ˆ           603 Cranberry
å          611 Drab Brown
Ò          612 Drab Brown-LT
‡          640 Beige Gray-VY DK
°           642 Beige Gray-DK
P          645 Beaver Gray-VY DK
’           648 Beaver Gray-LT
=          676 Old Gold-LT
¯          680 Old Gold-DK
G          729 Old Gold-MD
.           738 Tan-VY LT
¥          758 Terra Cotta-VY LT
ù          778 Antique Mauve-VY LT
[           779 Cocoa-DK
A          801 Coffee Brown-DK
¤          814 Garnet-DK
W         815 Garnet-MD
1          819 Baby Pink-LT
]           829 Golden Olive-VY DK
²           831 Golden Olive-MD
z           833 Golden Olive-LT
¡           842 Beige Brown-VY LT
Q          894 Carnation-VY LT
–          899 Rose-MD
é          902 Garnet-VY DK
q          918 Red Copper-DK
O          934 Black Avocado Green
K          936 Avocado Green-VY DK
É          938 Coffee Brown-UL DK
C          948 Peach-VY LT
s          950 Desert Sand-LT
0          951 Tawny-LT
X          956 Geranium
„           961 Dusty Rose-DK
ó          3012 Khaki Green-MD
b          3021 Brown Gray-VY DK
          3031 Mocha Brown-VY DK
4          3033 Mocha Brown-VY LT
N          3046 Yellow Beige-MD
€          3326 Rose-LT
_          3350 Dusty Rose-UL DK
á          3362 Pine Green-DK
V          3364 Pine Green
ü          3371 Black Brown
£          3688 Mauve-MD
−          3689 Mauve-LT
{           3722 Shell Pink-MD
$          3727 Antique Mauve-LT
ç          3731 Dusty Rose-VY DK
*           3733 Dusty Rose
¬          3773 Desert Sand-MD
¸           3781 Mocha Brown-DK
‚           3782 Mocha Brown-LT
D          3787 Brown Gray-DK
Ñ          3805 Cyclamen Pink
?          3826 Golden Brown
¶          3828 Hazelnut Brown
U          3830 Terra Cotta-MD
f           3831 Raspberry-DK
Ÿ          3836 Grape-LT
€          3856 Mahogany-UL VY LT
Ï           3858 Rosewood-MD
´           3859 Rosewood-LT
Î           3860 Cocoa
p          3861 Cocoa-LT
À          3862 Mocha Beige-DK
%         3864 Mocha Beige-LT

If you want to try creating your own cross-stitch patterns...then check out the Pattern Maker software details (and others too) at Hobbyware.

Monday, November 22, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #109

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
The sample stitch was a little different than the design this time, I moved the lazy daisies a little lower than the chart had them. I think I'll go back and fill in the space with a pearl bead. But, I decided to show you this photo anyway...as I don't claim to be "perfect"...and it also shows that another variation is possible...just by shifting the elements drawn a little bit.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #108

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months
 The larger "O" represent a space where you could add your bead of choice...or buttons would be fine as well! Like SRE? Then add a silk rose...or embroidery is your thing? Add a bullion rose...
Let your imagination change it up!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #107

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

A hint for those that might be having problems stitching uniform "fans" like these. Print out the image, size it to fit your stitching preference, and punch holes where the little DOTS are. Then use this little fan as a template to help you make uniform straight stitches every time!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #106

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

 We continue our combination seams using the herringbone as our base stitch. In this combination stitch, we can use various buttons, ribbon roses, pearls, sequins, or other small objects in the location of the "O".

In this stitched version, you can see I've used some flower beads. The French knot stitches "." have been replaced with 3mm Swarvoski crystal bicone beads.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nap time...

I just spend the morning adding photos of gorgeous charm bracelets and the Mermaid necklaces to the Studio. I'm tired of photo sizing...and writing. But, they are up!! Yeah!

Go check em out...and if you know any guys who need a nudge towards a super Christmas present for there gal...send em my way! These are all seriously stunning and classy pieces to wear!

No rest...and no nap...spend the afternoon adding a new section called "Kathy's Attic". At present it has a dozen of my quilting and needleart books that I have either outgrown or had duplicates of (don't ask). All of them are prized at 75% off the manufacturers suggested retail price, which is what I bought them at. So, check those out as well.

When I get the time...I'll be adding patterns and other items to the Attic...so check back once in a while.

Forest Glen

Just finished up a project for a dear friend, a round CQ piece with a fairy silkie in the center. The entire thing is about the size of a medium dinner plate. Hope she will enjoy it! And, here are photos for all my cyber friends too enjoy as well!

 It was a quick project, especially since it was in the sewing room for almost 2 weeks before I could begin it! Finally, I sat down and pulled threads and lace that I had in green...found the two little chickadees while doing that!...aren't they so cute!
Some template seams, lots of beads and stuff later...and voila! It's done!

Oh, and I should say that I did not have to piece the block! My friend sent it to me already pieced...with enough extra fabric to ensure I could hoop nicely...yeah! It took me most of Monday and Tuesday to complete it...but, I'm happy with the results. Hope she is too!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


My friend Thearica is having a birthday this month too!! And, she celebrates with a great give-a-way...just like I do! So scoot on over to her great blog, Pigtales and Quilts...and enter! Make sure and let her know I sent ya!!

You could win a pair of these great scissors!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Basic Start Block Continued

I posted this basic block with seams on Wednesday. Here is the rest of the work...ready to mail it out tomorrow. After the basic embroidery combination seams...beads were added to enhance the seams.
 Next, the silk ribbon flowers and butterflies were added; as was the embroidery vines and leaves.

 And, if you want to see details...here are close-ups of the Silk Ribbon Embroidery areas.

And lastly...the charms and beaded butterflies were added to fill in some more space. All done!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Crystal Links

Spent the day learning something new...and napping. Sinus crud has been driving me nuts again, so I'm house-bound right now.

But, I got the crystals out and worked on a design for crystal rings I saw in a magazine. Then I decided if one was good, how about three! So, I figured out how to put the rings together...and created this link. Can you find the rings?

And here is the necklace...
And here is the clasp.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veterans Day!

Hope you have a great day today, and take a few minutes to thank a veteran for their service to our country.
My dad served in the Army...
In this photo, he is the one with the mop! He was disabled when the bridge he was driving his truck across was blown up. He endured multiple operations and a lifetime of pain. We unfortunately lost him in 1995 to lung cancer.

My middle brother serves in the Alabama National Guard. And I myself retired 1 October 2009 after almost 27 years working with the Army, as a civilian. I am proud of all of our Armed Services, each person has an important responsibility. As a country, we citizens owe a lot to these service members. And, I'm sure each and every one of you in other countries feel the same about your men and women in service to your country...so join us on this Veterans Day...and give thanks to those who protect our freedoms.

Charmed for sure!

Last weekend, my daughter and I had a great time making charm bracelets.

She started with some butterflies (which was very unusual for her...so girly)...and here is what she created. It is very feminine and so pretty...
 Next, she worked on a spider charm bracelet...and this is something I can see her wearing every day!
I'm really proud of her work, these were her first charm bracelets...and she did are really, really good job! Now, not to be lazy myself...I completed two for the Studio. And, as soon as I find a minute to go back and count all the components so I can figure out a price...they will be included in my jewelry page. 

Hope the photos inspire you to think about creating a charm bracelet with some of your "dangelies".

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Basic Start Block

Today is my hectic day...as I have classes to teach. But, I thought that ya'll might want to see the basic beginning of a block that I'm stitching in a Round Robin.

These are combination seams, just like I post in the TDiTM challenge...a combination of simple stitches.

Next, I'll add beads. When I do, I'll post another photo...after that, some silk ribbon embroidery. So, stay tuned...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Arlene's Basically Beaded Block

At present, I am in only two round robins. A really strange thing for me, because I usually have about six going at one time. I do have a couple of other projects working too...so don't fear, I have plenty to keep me busy.

This weekend I finished this month's block for Arlene in the Basically Beaded Round Robin on Crazy Quilter's International Yahoo Group.

I did mostly seams, and then a spiderweb and beaded spider. I usually stitch my spider legs, but since the them of this swap is "beads" I went with beaded legs. Here are some photos...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Tick, Tick, Tick...

There is still one unclaimed gift...sure hope she checks her Email inbox...and replies before Midnight Tonight (my time, CST)...or I will have to select another winner.


Well, the deadline has come and gone...and no response. As an editorial comment for all of you folks that like to enter contests ... update your Blogger profile to include an email address. This lady did not have an email on her profile, nor did she leave an email address in her posted comment. Her profile did indicate that she had a blog...and I went there to check that out...and it had a "contact email" at the top. That is the email I sent the award notification too. But, either it is no longer valid...or she doesn't check it often. So, sorry to say...she missed out on a beautiful crystal bracelet and earrings!!

So, a second lady has been notified...we'll see how that goes....

P.S.   Yeah! All of the prizes are claimed!!! Most have been mailed, and the last couple will go out tomorrow... I'll be deleting the prize posts in a few days...just don't like clutter on the blog! So, if you want a photo for some reason, better grab it now.


Seven Days of Give-A-Ways Day #7

The last day of the drawings! It's hard to believe that last week Aidan turned seven years old!

I hope all of ya'll entering the contest had fun. Of course, six of you have had more fun than others since you have already won!...but, even that gives us all hope to keep on entering and perhaps we too will win one day! And, why not today?

So, here's the last contest! And what's best is that you have already entered...so there is nothing left for you to do except sit back and see who wins! AND, today...as the Grand Prize Day...I'm having SEVEN WINNERS! Yeah! 1st place through 7th place....

I will go back to all days and add the number of valid comments together...then pick a random number in that group. I will start counting on #1 comment on #1 day...until I reach that selected number. Then, I'll post the winner (after I email them to confirm they are "real") here on this post. LOL! Here's the number of comments we have had each day (Day 1=99, Day 2=61, Day 3=85, Day 4=46, Day 5 =58, Day 6 =66 for a total participants in the Day #7 drawing of 415 comments). These represent the original qualifying contest posts...not any "after" posts congratulating the winner or after midnight of the contest day.

So, want to see the Day #7 prizes? FIRST PLACE....How about silk and crystals!!!
Two packages of Mary Jo Hiney Designs silk fabric collections (Graceful & Thankful). And...

Seven packages (20 meters each!) of 100% Silk Thread cording (similiar to size 12 perle cotton). Great colors and sheen! And...
 This beautiful charm bracelet...made by me of course! Lot's of glass and crystal beads, and it looks great hanging from the wrist! So, I hope you enjoy wearing it...and feeling "girly"! This prize is retailed at almost $100 worth of goodies! What a lucky winner!!!! THE WINNER HAS BEEN RANDOMLY SELECTED AND NOTIFIED, Congratulations to Lindsay M. of Highlandville, MO!

SECOND PRIZE...a gorgeous Swarvoski and slide clasp bracelet ...

and Judith Montano Baker silk threads! Stunning! Retail value $65.

THIRD PRIZE... a pair of Swarvoski drop earrings and a Swarvoski clear crystal bracelet! Retail value $45.
THE WINNER HAS BEEN RANDOMLY SELECTED AND NOTIFIED. The first selectee did not respond to her email within 24 hours as the rules stated, so her prize has been forfeited. I have randomly selected a second lady...and notified her. I'll post her name when she answers her email! And the winner is Sherry R. from Hughes Springs, TX!

 FOURTH PRIZE...six packages of Judith Baker Montano 7mm silk ribbon! Retail value $40.

THE WINNER HAS BEEN RANDOMLY SELECTED! Congratulations to Mouse in South Yorkshire, United Kingdom!

FIFTH PRIZE...(Aidan's favorite color) a pink Swarvoski crystal and perle bracelet! Retail value $40.

SIXTH PRIZE...ten packages of silk thread!! Retail value $35.

SEVENTH PRIZE...a beautiful pair of CZ butterfly earrings and ten Swarvoski butterfly slide charms! Very delicate beauties! Retail value $30

THE WINNER HAS BEEN RANDOMLY SELECTED AND NOTIFIED, Congratulations to Susan C. of Ontario, Canada!
I hope that all of you enjoyed the week of drawings, even if you did not win this time. I've had a great time reading all the comments!

Today, if you would like to post; I'd like to hear your thoughts on the give-a-way. Are you likely to come back and visit my blog now that you have checked it out...or do you prefer to enter the contests but not follow a lot of blogs? Just curious.

As a heads up...my birthday is the end of this same month. So, I might be doing another give-a-way on that day too...hint, hint!

Hope you all had fun! Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Seven Days of Give-A-Ways Day #6

Prize for Day #6: Six-strand Embroidery Floss

This isn't your great-grandma's floss! But loads of specialty DMC Floss...and perle cotton (size 3) Floss.
 Two packages of the new DMC Color Variations floss and one package of their "light effects" floss. All are just beautiful. But, that's not all!!!
More perle cotton! This time it's all DMC brand...and the colors are just gorgeous! So, if you didn't win the balls of perle cotton on Day #3...here's your second chance!

Same rules as we did for all the previous days. Basically...you comment on this post...and if your comment is randomly selected...you win!

Comments are on set on moderator...so, if you comment and don't see it right away...don't panic! I'll get around to reading it and publishing it when I get back to the laptop...I don't get spam and garbage posted on my blog that way! So, be patient....Big Hugs!

Good Luck!

A WINNER HAS BEEN SELECTED AND NOTIFIED! Congratulations to Laura W. of Groves, TX!