Saturday, October 23, 2010

A New Beginning

A friend from Arkansas asked if I'd cover the top of a beautiful cobalt blue box for her. Of course, I was honored that she would ask. And after discussing a little of the style that might be fitting a blue box; we settled on an underwater scene.

We searched the internet for an image of a mermaid. We selected a fairy mermaid with lovely shades of green and purple. She will be surrounded (eventually) by various plant life and underwater sea creatures. Here is what I have completed today. The brown and beige "lumps" will be rocks or boulders. The green and blue "things" will be plant life. The netting style trim will also be plant life.

And, I thought you might enjoy seeing the very beginning of the fabric placements. Here is the silkie placed on top of some green cotton broadcloth for stability. The broadcloth is about 3 inches larger on each side of the finished project size, to allow me to put it in a hoop to work on. I usually always work from my Q-snap hoops when the finished project will completely fit in the center. No hoop marks! No removing until I am done!

This entire project also has a thin piece of batting on the back of the 8 x 11 size rectangle (size of the top of the box). This extra stability is critical (IMHO) because the finished project will have so much beading it will become very heavy as all of it is stitched layer on top of layer.
 The "sand" floor center was added first, then I started layering the middle blues of the water. Next I added more blues upwards and browns towards the bottom.
 All of the pieces are hand stitched down. Then I machine stitched around the entire rectangle to keep all those edges down.

Most fabric pieces are triangle shaped scraps. I use the long side which is on the bias, as the edge I usually stitch down. The other sides are covered with the next pieces to be placed down most of the time.

The progress of this piece will be blogged as I work through the various plants, animals, and other objects.

If you have not tried an underwater project, I encourage you to do so. They are very liberating! No real seams or motifs are needed. Just embroidery work to create the underwater world you can imagine. Let yourself go and just create!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quick Gifts

Cyber friends are such treasures to me. And, this week I was reminded more than once of how much more fun my stitching has been since going "on-line". It was also the week to complete a few things for friends, so I thought I'd share those with you all. Hope you get some inspiration to stitch!

Here is a flannel blanket and some bibs for Miss Mikol, who (after 3 girls) is having a boy! Woot! Woot! I think that is just great. So, when I saw this super fast pattern for baby bibs I immediately thought of her. It took only about 3 hours to whip up nine bibs...from selecting the fabric to sealing the box I mailed them in! Now, that is a great project to work on!

If you would like to stitch some of your own the Nested Bib Pattern is free! It's found under Things to Make and is their Basic Bib Pattern. I changed the assembly instructions to suit me. The original instructions had velcro as the closure...and that is good; but I don't like sewing velcro. So, I used little covered elastic pony tail holders as the "loops" and big buttons (extra securely stitched) for the closures. The original pattern also had a little pocket across the bottom, but I did not see the need of that, and just made reversable bibs instead.

To accompany the bibs, I stitched up a baby blanket super quick! A square piece of fleece with "slits" cut in the edge (about 1/2 inch from the outside edge) creates a great "soft as a cloud" blanket. The edging is a hand crochet shell stitch and single crochet (alternating) all the way around. The stitching is done with all-cotton yarn so it is really soft as well. It takes about 30 minutes to cut the blanket out of the fleece and make the holes. And, another 45 minutes to crochet the edging. If you want to do your own blankets, the rotary cutter blades used to make the holes can be found at Skipstitch, and the yarn I got at Walmart.

This eyeglass case was great fun to do for a friend to present to her Secret Friend. It has a simple embroidery center and has a closure (similiar to the bibs) to keep the glasses from slipping out. The embroidery is straight stitch, french knots, and lazy daisy stitches...and ya'll know by now that I can do those in my sleep! If you don't believe me, just check out the Two Dozen in Twelve Months (TDITM) posts!

And, for you TDITM I have not given up! I will be posting more soon!

Lastly, the next little giftee is a Mug Rug for Jill. It has embroidery on it as well. And a little pieced block on the opposite side.

The pumpkins and the center eyeglass case embroidery patterns come from a Flickr site I belong to that posts hundreds, if not thousands, of free embroidery patterns for sharing. So check them out sometime at Hooplove. I know that I've recommended them before...but it never gets old to support good sites!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More Embroidery

As is my glorious habit, I've been stitching! Not so much crazy quilting lately as I am getting giftees ready to mail.

One of the lovely ladies (Bea) on HGTV Message Boards has a wonderful Christmas swap that takes a whole year to prepare for! We gather up items for our "Polly" in a variety of categories. Some are for the home, like "Mrs. Clauses Kitchen or Holiday Home" and some are specifically related to stitching, like "Buttons, Beads or Cotton". There are twenty categories in total...and the swap is intended to be really good gifts, so it is not inexpensive...which is why we spread it out over a year to accumulate our "treasures".

It is almost time to mail, and my three boxes are sealed and ready to be shipped! We are required to include some hand made items in the mix...and here are three embroidery designs that will be included...along with some other hand made things that I have already blogged about.

I get a lot of designs and inspiration from a flickr group that I belong to. If you like to do embroidery work, check out the group Hoop Love Vintage Transfers on Flickr.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Basically Beaded-Diane

Last week, I received a block from Diane to bead. We are in a round robin on Crazy Quilter's International Yahoo Group titled Basically Beaded.

Usually, I try to work on things in order...the "hottest" gets my attention first! But, I just could not wait! The block was pretty...and calling to me!

So I went right to work and was done in two days! Now, it will hang in my sewing room until closer to time to mail out next month. Geez, I hope I don't forget it!

And, since we all love seeing are close up photos of each seam.
 The grapes were done with various size (2mm-4mm) glass beads. The vine is seed beads in purple/blue, and the leaves are glass.

The green drop garland is mostly Swarvoski crystal...rounds, bicones, and drops. Accented with glass stars and seed beads.

This is the first seam I stitched...seed beads, bugle beads, glass flowers, and Swarvoski crystal bicones and slides to accent.

Chandelier findings showcase seed beads and glass flowers of varied types.

I could stitch the entire block! And, really had to make myself stop! The colors of the block are especially suited to lot's of color...and I think it will be stunning once everyone in our group has beaded their part. I just can't wait to see what the next block in the Robin looks like!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Bling everywhere!

It has been a really busy week for me. I have had the granddaughter early every day, and all day on Saturday. She takes a lot of my time (which I love) but it does put me behind in my computer duties...which are many! My Daughter goes to first shift, temporarily, for the next couple of weeks...which means that I get to pick Aidan up from school each I'm gonna get further behind in computer if I don't get moving! (Sorry Shari)

I manage to stitch and bead with DGD in the teaching her to make things, supervising her "artistic creations", and judging imaginary dress-up contests and such. A grandmother's job is tiring...but more rewarding than any other I have ever had or wanted for that matter!

The easiest thing for me to accomplish with the "Diva" in attendance seems to be beading and CQ work. So, that's what got done this week. For some, I'm right on time...while others are early! I'll save the CQ work for later because I don't have photos of that yet.

First up, some beaded cabochons for a friend. This one will be a brooch once I glue on the tie tac stem.

The next is a drop for a necklace. She has a gold chain from which this will hang. Hope you like them Eileen!

Then, I have a whole batch of dog collars finished. Woot! woot! Some are in colors of the local universities...University of Alabama (Ranked #1 College Team right now) and the local Jacksonville State University are both RED/WHITE...

Auburn University, the other great campus in out ORANGE/BLUE.
Then, some everyday collars...for the stylish pet!

And, lastly...some extra small collars for cats and teacup variety pets.

A special thanks to my friend, Talia, for getting me interested in Swarvoski crystals! I'm having a blast with these Talia...wish you were hear to help me wire these up!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A little bit country and a little bit rock n' roll!

Remember that tune? Well, that's what I thought of as I took photos of my latest stitching. It's a real hodge-podge of things.

First off...the country segment!! A cross-stitch Christmas ornament of a snow lady. I received a kit from a dear friend, and decided to stitch it up as a hang tag to go on a Christmas package for a friend.
Now, for a little of the Rock 'n' Roll. First up is a new cabochon. I'm calling this one Crystal Blue Waters because of the aquablue seed beads and crystals around the ABstyle crystal cabochon. I like it, and it is about the size of a good for lot's of things.

And, lastly...another R&R tune! I just recently signed up to participate in a crazy quilt round robin on the Crazy Quilters International Yahoo Group titled Basically Beaded. My block will be passed around to others in the same Round Robin team to stitch on. And, I'll get their blocks to work on as well. I decided to do a basic white/cream block as the base for all the beading...and let the beads be the "color". I stitched a portion of the block this morning (okay, spend most of the day on it)...and am just forcing myself to stop stitching so the other ladies can work on it too! I'm so excited about this will be so much fun!
Here's the beginning of my block.
 There is a little bit of everything in my beading cabinet on this I think! Pearls, jewelry links, crystal butterflies, porcelain flowers, charms, rondelle spacers, seed beads, rocailles, montees', tons of Swarvoski crystals, and one of my Magic Mirror cabochons! It is opulent and I love it!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

English Garden Pin Cushion

I've had a pattern for a strawberry pincushion for a while, and thought I try my hand at making one for a friend. Now I'm hooked! Love the much so, that I'm going to make a few up for the Studio as well.

I have several really pretty fabrics with cabbage style roses, so each will have an English Garden type of feel.

If you want to make your own...the pattern is from Crabapple Hill, and is titled #811 Vintage Strawberry Pincushion. The little strawberry is filled with emery, and is a little cumbersome to work up...but the larger one is more manageable in size.

I'm going to do a Princess version as well, with white satin fabric and dangling beads/crystals! What about that! It will be a little more costly because of the bling factor...and I probably won't do a many of it...but every princess needs a special pin cushion!! (Ha, I should do a DIVA one in honor of Aidan!!)

Hope ya'll are having a great day! The weather here is lovely today...and I have all of the windows open!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fairy Tea Party Block

We just finished a teacup challenge block contest over on the HGTV board. So, I can now post photos of my block. Over 30 ladies entered their blocks, and they were stunning! Check them out here: TEACUPS

The hostess sent us three small pieces of fabric, 2 scraps of white, and a cream background teacup. To this she added a snippet of lace trim, a pewter teapot charm, and a brass basket charm. Eclectic mix to be sure!

I pieced my block of creams and white with lot's of lace to make it girly! Next I found a photo of some Mary Engelbret stickers and enlarged them, printed on silk, and added fusible to the back for adhering to the block. I treated several seams as "shelves" and set my ME teapots and cups there. The white/cream backgrounds in the patches bothered I stitched some "wallpaper" on them.

An applique teapot and an embroidered teapot were added to the mix; along with several of my pewter fairies.

The fairies and the pewter teapot charm were painted with nail polish. The basket charm was also painted to blend with all the other elements.

Lot's of beads, silk ribbon, buttons, and stitches...

and voila a Fairy Tea Party Block! I like the "wallpaper" and will do that again...but hand stitching all those back-stitches and wrapped back-stitches took some time!!

Here's the close up of the teacup fabric square...filed with flowers and a dancing fairy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pewter Charm Painting!

Just spent a lovely couple of hours with my granddaughter...playing with fingernail polish! And we didn't make too bad of a mess!

 We polished up some pewter charms, like this birds. Not hard to do, and if you let the polish dry completely (before picking them up) you don't get it all over your fingers either.

Of course, that's not an easy concept to get across to a six year old!

I was painting some fairies for a customer...

And while looking for some charms for Aidan to paint on I found these cute little, of course, I had to paint them up too!

I think there is a fat quarter of strawberry fabric around here somewhere...if I can locate it, a pincushion might be in the works this week!

And...these photos were taken with my new phone. I upgraded my service (another 2 year contract with Verizon) but that's okay since I like their service. Anyway, the phone cost me a whole $12 in shipping...and it has a 5.1 mega pixel camera (the real reason for me deciding to upgrade). My actual camera is a 3.2 MP and is starting to make strange the phone is my backup plan if the camera goes out completely.

So, if ya'll have pewter charms and want to add some color to them...just pull out your fingernail polish and go to town! I buy up the "odd" colors when they go on sale...and have about 30-40 shades now. If you don't have any charms...and want some...just check out what the Studio has (link above). I'd be happy to polish them for you at no charge if you like. But, I encourage you to give this a's loads of fun!

Lot's of fun for kid's projects too! And if you don't like the results...just a cotton ball with fingernail polish remover clears all of your mistakes away!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hussif for my Polly

I am in the HGTV "All I Want For Christmas" swap...and have been gathering and making things for my secret "polly" to receive for her Christmas.

When I saw this hussif pattern, I just had to try my hand at red-work embroidery...and it's my first project in red-work, so don't be too critical!  The pdf pattern is by Kaaren Johnston who has wonderful things to share on her blog!

I changed the design up a little by adding a pocket for bead containers, and adjusting the layout to fit the size I wanted.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Embroidery for Aidan

Aidan is always asking me when I'll have time to stitch something "beautiful" for her. So, here are two embroidery blocks that went into creating her a little waste basket...which she filled with her jewelry instead!

I really enjoyed stitching them, and am going to do them again...for another project! Perhaps in a different size...but I want to do more embroidery work now. Some how, it is my current craving!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Beaded Button Tutorial

A few of the ladies on HGTV Message Board had a beaded button swap not long ago.

We decided to make the use of button "blanks" I created a tutorial on how to make beaded buttons, without having to purchase button kits.

Here's the link to the tutorial if you want to make your own beaded buttons!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Stitch Templates

I've been posting about stitch templates since beginning the Twelve Dozen in Twelve Months (TDiTM) series of stitches. And, I have always had to direct readers to the free wiki site that has the files loaded...since it is not possible to upload pdf files directly to the blog.

However, through a handy tip about blogging...I have found you can upload any pdf file (that you don't mind being in the public domain) directly to Adobe and they will store it free of charge. And they provide you with a handy link code for you to re-insert into your blog so folks can find the file.

So, I thought I'd share a favorite template sheet of mine; and hope you enjoy working with these. The file takes a minute to load, so have patience. Then just print...copy to a transparent sheet (any copy place can do this...we used to call these "over-head projection sheets"). Cut the template into different strips so each stitch is it's own separate template. Punch out the little black "dots" so you have holes for your needle...and viola! Your own templates...and they are free!


Or just copy the image above, and paste in into any word or publishing or paint document. Re-size as you wish! Just, don't resale it as that would be against my copy write.

Of course, if you would prefer not to do all of this work...I will do it for you at a minimal cost...just send me a note. Or if you are on Facebook...just send a message to Shawkl Design Studio and we'll work out the details.

And, the CQ Wiki site has more of my free templates...just go back to the first posting about TDiTM to find out how to get to the site.

If you enjoy using templates for your might want to do a web search because there are companies that do sell various templates. Primarily they are plastic sheets that have holes punched in them in various grid patterns. Most come with a booklet that shows you which holes to use for what type of stitches. These are good...and I own about five different types! However, I frankly don't use any of them...I don't have the time to "figure out" which hole every time I want to do a, I created my own. I like seeing the triangle, or herringbone, or circle...etc. It makes it faster for me to pick up a template and "draw" some dots on my seams so I can stitch faster with great results. And, I don't mind sharing...which is why you get them free...if you don't mind doing a little of the work.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Free Baby Blanket Pattern

Here's a new shadow applique pattern for you. It is fast and easy! So, if you have new babies entering your life...consider making this scrappy little quilt.

The center design and four corners are shadow-work applique...just fuse the pieces down, cover with chiffon or organza, and stitch a simple running stitch (quilt stitch) around each piece.

The pattern pieces and the pattern layout are both pdf files and I have uploaded them into my adobe acrobat account. Just click and they are available to!


If you like working with shadow applique, don't miss the angels, florals, and fairies in the to my shop is at the top of the page.

Faces, Faces, Faces II--Fiesta!

I have been busy this week, but most of it I can't share just yet.

On HGTV Message Board we have a "teacup swap" started by Nickilee of RavioliDreams. It's loads of fun, and coming to an end soon...but since it is a challenge and folks will be voting...I can't post any photos of my teacup block. (which BTW is not yet finished...but almost!)

On MAP we are having a christmas ornament swap...and my three are also almost done. And, since they are a surprise for the swap partners...I can't show you them either!

Next, I have been working on a design of a purse for a friend...and we are both so busy, we have "pushed" our self-made deadline back three times...we are up to next year right now! But I'm hoping to get it done sooner...even so, I can't post!! Yikes!

What to share? What to share?

Oh, I just sent in my Faces, Faces, Faces II blocks for this round of crazy can show you my international faces block for Mexico that Peggy requested. It is in the mail to the next robinette...Linda in Canada. So, here is a little eye candy for you! It just makes me want to dance (badly I might add...but I am willing to try!)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pet Bling!

Usually my pet jewelry is limited to necklaces that have magnetic closures or are strung with elastic bands that allow the jewelry to be slipped over the neck. They are very light in weight and most animals have no issue with wearing them. Here's my cocker spaniel...Buddy.

 They are intended for special events, and not everyday wear as they do not have a way to attach a leash. A small dog tag...perhaps...but not a leash. So, I've been looking for a good sturdy collar that would allow a leash to be used...and where I could attach some BLING!

And, I have found leather pet collars that allow pearls, stones, and crystals to be stitched to them! They are extremely sturdy with double rivets and a large buckle with end guide and a loop for attaching the tags! So, I have spend the last few hours beading! These will be delivered to Buddy's local groomer tomorrow...she graciously markets my pet jewelry for me. Wish me luck, that they sale!

And, if I can ever get ahead in my schedule (which is going to take a minor miracle!)...I might get enough of these created in various market them in the ShawklDesignStudio. So many ideas, so little time!

Of course, I'd make extra time for beading pet collars if someone wanted a special order. It's hard to know what items will be hits and which will be misses...and allot time accordingly. So, I'm doing a lot of "fishing expeditions" to see what works!

My favorite two of these are the black hematite style beads with the Swarvoski crystals...great contrast. Hmmm...I might have to do a "people necklace" with this combo too!! Hey, matching sets!!...Oh no...there goes my brain again....thinking up more projects...and my plate is over-flowing as it is!

Thank goodness school starts in two weeks!

Oh, but I forgot...if you are in the neighborhood of northeast Alabama, or northwest Georgia...check out the adult education classes at Gadsden State. My quilt, jewelry, and crochet classes for the fall schedule are posted! (Did I just say more time would be open to me....when!?!) Anyway, the fall schedule is at the right side of their website at and adult education classes are around page 76.

The Queen is Published!

Over the past few weeks, I've gotten some "how to" questions on embellishing the Queen. To answer those, and to share...I wrote a short article for the CQMagOnline (Volume 9, Issue 3). If you have not yet checked out this great resource for all things "crazy" it is well worth your time.

So, click over and read some of their articles...and check out all the great photos! If the link gets broken, just type this in your browser window: