Wednesday, January 20, 2010

TDiTM Stitch #90

Rick rack isn’t just for your grandma’s aprons anymore! It can be a very beautiful seam treatment too! By the way, it can also make pretty flowers…or cabbages even!

But, I digress!

Seams can be really nice when done in rickrack. You have a wide selection of colors to choose from, texture is added to your project, and you have several widths available to you as well!

So, the next few seams will use rickrack! Now, don’t think that you have to limit yourself however, these seams will work just fine along a curved stitched line as well! So, if you don’t have any rickrack to play with…just stitch some continuous curves!

This first seam is very, very simple to do. One straight stitch, two leaves, and 3 little French knot buds! Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

New Template

I just loaded the 4th template onto the CQ Wiki Site. It is free after you log in. Scroll down under the CQ Lessons and Info and select the templates folder.

Any/all of the template sheets can be printed onto clear velum. If you don't have velum, print them onto paper...and take that to any local office supply store that makes copies. Request a "transparency" to be made...they are less than $2 each...some places charge less than $1 each.

After you have your clear velum print or transparent copy. Cut the page into strips, allowing each of the individual template to be a single strip. Use a tiny (1/16th size) hole punch (available in the scrap booking section of any hobby store) punch out the marked holes. Each marked hole represents the "spot" for the needle to enter the cloth to create the templates' stitch.

This is an easy process...and a great time saver! It also produces uniform base stitches for this challenge...then follow along and stitch all of these combination of very basic seam treatments for your Crazy Quilt projects!

The templates are at

TDiTM Stitch #89


Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is the last of the half-oval base stitch.

This version is done in variegated pink with perles. As I post the picture, I can see that it is a little wobbly…guess I should not be stitching these at 3 a.m!

So, hopefully you can follow the chart and not my example with creating this one!

The next few stitches will use the half-oval idea…layering that image on top and bottom, in alternating curves. The charts are drawn using the template…but the same idea can be done using rickrack as it has alternating “peaks and valleys”. So, watch tomorrow for ideas using rickrack as a seam base to stitch upon.

TDiTM Stitch #88

 Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The base of this stitch is the shape of a half-oval again; done in a wrapped back-stitch. The straight stitches and detached chain stitches are done in pink; and the French knots in the stitch chart have been replaced with perle beads in a medium rose color.

TDiTM Stitch #87


Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The base of this stitch is the shape of a half-oval again; done in a wrapped back-stitch. The French knots in the stitch chart (larger than normal) have been replaced with perle beads.

TDiTM Stitch #86

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The shape of a half-oval was done in a wrapped back-stitch. The curve and straight stitches were done in the same variegated green. French knots in bright pink were completed last.

TDiTM Stitch #85


The shape of a half-oval was chain stitched in bright blue. The straight stitches in green, and detached chain in pink were then added to complete this combination.

TDiTM Stitch #84

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch was done using the template for the oval; turned sideways and only using the top half to mark the curves. After backstitching along the shape of a half-oval, the stitches were whipped in the same color thread.

Plum detached chain stitch and French knots finished off the stitch.

If you are just checking the blog…the templates are available at no cost for the base stitch. Directions on obtaining them are at the link above to the first post of this challenge.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Crystal Beaded Dragonfly Motifs

Recently I beaded up a dragonfly motif for a project. I made several different colors and shapes which I plan on loading into my Artfire Studio Site if I ever get a free minute to call my own around here!

Here is a photo...with the prices as well. If anyone would like one before they are on my studio site, just send me a comment with your email (I won't post it publicly). Also, I'd be happy to make you one in any color you the red one.

All are done with Swarsvoski crystal bicones. The wings are glass on the smaller and metal alloy on the larger; each have round glass or metal beads between the crystals. The tails and body have wire armature, not thread. The tails have been slightly curved, but could also "fly straight" if you wanted.

It is also possible to make them with a ring for hanging (from the top of the head) if you wanted to use them for earring or necklace drops.

Hugs to you all!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

CQ Vine Motif

Finally, I have felt like a little stitching. Still battling this sinus crud...good days and bad. Here is some work on a round robin that is gotta stitch even when coughing!

The block had beautiful silk ribbon already...but needed some movement. So, I added a spider web first (my splash of color)...and then a vine that moves from bottom left up, across, and ends at right. Instead of more SRE, as I did not want to take away from the gorgeous work already down...I added flowers/buds of Swarovski crystal elements and Swarovski perles in two sizes.

I like working this!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Well Good Grief!

I can't even believe that I didn't get time to do a single post in November. Bad blogger, bad blogger! Shame on head is hanging low.

Boy, life has just been a zoo lately! No major events, no weddings, or funerals (thankfully) or such! Just the same ole crazy life moments that just seem to eat at my time! And December is certainly not starting out any better!!

I have not gotten a single stitch done on my TDITM even though several dozen more are charted and in the computer...just not stitched, and therefore, not photographed! Obviously, I'm not going to make my timeline!! Who's crazy idea was this!! I'll have to console myself with the thought that I can and will do 12 dozen....even if it's not in 12 months!

And I can share the second mermaid with was finished in November. Yeah, I know, should have blogged it then!! But, you'll just have to be happy with it now....hugs to all who follow this blog...and hope you have a great end of year, and a super great start of a new one soon!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Latest stitching

I've been amiss lately in stitching on a round-robin I'm in. It is a relaxed robin, no deadlines...but even so, I have let everything else come first. So, I made it my number one stitching priority after use my extra time.

The group is several lovely ladies that have befriended me (and I them) on my chat message board at HGTV. The robin is a crazy quilt block, about 20 inches in size, with a mermaid theme. However, in reality, it is more of an art block than a true crazy quilt block. We are moving outside out 'norm' and are truly loving the experience.

So, here's my work so far on Nicki's block...she did the beading on the baby mermaid. I thought that sequins (several hundred) were a good accompaniment to the baby. And the hair is done in 3 color silk thread; split stitch and long/short stitch.

I'm working on the second mermaid now...a blond! And I'll post her photo here when done.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #83

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This last group of stitches was completed while on vacation with my friend Talia last week. Of all the ones I got done…this is my very favorite. I like the simplicity of the stems and the width of the stitch. It will really come in handy to fill in some space…and when I get to a tighter area along the seam, I’ll just shorten the stem until there is nothing left!

The stitch is worked in a beautiful variegated soft blue that reminds me of calm clear ocean water.

TDiTM Stitch #82

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch was a little tricky to wrap all the intersecting posts and add the French knots. Seed beads might have looked better…but I like the stitch. It is really nice with the variegated gold/yellow thread. Wish you could see it for real!

TDiTM Stitch #81

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch uses the same process as the last stitch. I think this one would be really great with 4mm crystal bicone beads instead of the French knots.

TDiTM Stitch #80

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Okay, back to wrapping the loops again. I have decided that I make more uniform stitches with the back stitch than with a running stitch. I back stitch from left to right, then on the return I wrap. Then I add the daisy stitches and French knots…and any little straight stitches that might be needed.

TDiTM Stitch #79

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The loops are not wrapped for this one, just a simple back stitch (try to make them uniform in size). The “spokes” are straight stitches. All is done is bright green perle cotton, size 8.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #78

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

The loops are done in backstitch then wrapped for this stitch, but the straight stitches are just a single thread. The thread is size 8 perle in a purple for the entire stitch.

TDiTM Stitch #77

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here’s a stitch with all the spokes and loops done in backstitch then wrapped. By working from the outside edge of each spoke the last stitch can end at the center.

The thread is size 8 perle in a variegated blue for the spokes and a solid blue for the loops and French knots.

TDiTM Stitch #76

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is an adaptation of the last stitch…replacing the French knots with detached chain stitch.

TDiTM Stitch #75

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Well, I’m back to using size 8 again…in dark rose and pink this time.

I really like stitching the backstitch and then wrapping it. Experimenting with changing the shape of the loop by making it longer or shorter is also fun.

The “T” shape on this stitch is also wrapped; but, could be done is just a basic straight stitch.

TDiTM Stitch #74

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch is worked in size 12 perle cotton, which makes a thinner stitch line that the perle eight and perle five I’ve been using.

When finished, I noticed that the stitch reminds me of boat anchors. So, it would be a good stitch to use for nautical blocks for sure!

Monday, October 12, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #73

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I couldn’t quite get the curve uniform on this stitch. But, it is still very pretty, even with its faults. A soft lilac was used for the curve, stitched in backstitch then wrapped. The detached chains are in a light moss green. The French knots are done in a variegated pink.

The entire stitch reminds me a little of an inverted group of candle operas. What an imagination I have!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #72

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch continues the wrapped backstitch base…but uses a slightly wider base than the last two stitches used.

I encourage you to play around with different half circle or half oval shapes to find the best fit for your project.

Create a wrapped back stitch ‘spoke’ at the vertical position, horizontal right, horizontal left, and 45 degree left/right. Tuck a detached chain stitch between these lines using a different color of thread to ensure a clear definition of your stitches.

This is the half way stitch! Only 72 more to go and we’ll have our 144! Believe it or not…I have designed all the way to 101…and just need to get them stitched so photos can be taken! My goal is still the same, to finish all 144 in 12 months!, that means I’ll have to really pick up the pace! I have a glorious week of vacation planned in a few days…and am taking my design book and threads with me to stitch, stitch, stitch…

TDiTM Stitch #71

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I’m getting a little more uniform with the wrapped stitch…so this one was fun. Of course, I had to use my favorite little “palm” of straight stitches! This time I added a horizontal little base at the bottom of each arch as well…and a little French knot to finish it off.

TDiTM Stitch #70

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch is made using a tissue paper technique we did for stitch #69 with two exceptions. First, reduce the width of the stitch ‘loop’ so the stitch is more of a series of half circles. Second, after you stitch a series of back stitches…remove the tissue…and wrap each stitch by sliding the needle (eye first) under each back stitch. Don’t pierce the fabric. This will effectively wrap the line of back stitches and create more texture.

The long vertical post and other posts that form the “star” are also back stitched and then wrapped. They can be drawn on the tissue and the entire design can be back stitched at once; or you can just estimate these lines after the base is completed.

Once you get uniform back stitches…and the feel for wrapping them…I think you’ll really like working this technique. I hope so, because we will be using it for the next dozen or so stitch treatments!

Hopefully, you'll be able to get your 'loops' more uniform than I did these!

Buttons, sequins, beads, and SRE or embroidery flowers would be cute inside of the loops too.