Monday, August 24, 2009

TDiTM Stitch #63

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This version of the chain arch…is really tall because of the addition of the straight stitches at the base of each arch.

Because of the height, the addition of another element under each arch would be great. I think that keeping with the straight line…perhaps a diamond of beads with a center French knot?

TDiTM Stitch #62

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is another really plain little stitch…that is a good base for adding other items. A really pretty button, or a silk ribbon spider web rose would be so pretty… nestled under each archway.

The French knots could be done in beads of course; but I like the basic embroidery version for adding silk ribbon work to as well.

The thread in this stitch, as well as the two preceding it and following it…is in size 5 perle eight. Size 5 is a little larger that I like to actually stitch seams with, but makes for good photos. My recommendation is to use size 8 for blocks that are more than 9 inches in size…and size 12 for smaller blocks.

Also, a reminder that scale is always a consideration. So think about changing the width and depth of the arch to “fit” the project you are working on.

TDiTM Stitch #61

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is about as simple as it gets! And I just love this little stitch because it looks so clean and dainty.

I would like to stitch this twice…in different colors…overlapping the curves to that they at offset a little…one slightly higher and to the right of the other.

What variations can you think of?

TDiTM Stitch #60

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I got a little stitching time this weekend, so here is the first one I got finished! This is a variation on the 5 spoke treatment I like so much. But, lengthen the #2 and #4 spokes, instead of having the exterior edges lining up as we usually do. I like the fullness it creates.

And, of course…more practice on French knots!

Please note that the chart looks like the middle spoke starts away from the tip of the chain curve; where the stitched photo does not. The stitched photo is correct; I just can’t get Illustrator to draw what I want sometimes…so please make sure that spoke #3 goes all the way to the top…so all spokes meet.

Friday, August 7, 2009

More Round Robin Work-JOB

Just finished stitching in a Jewels on Black (JOB) round robin group. The blocks were really stunning...those beautiful rich colors against that black background. I loved the challenges it presented and seeing all those beautiful blocks!

The last block to be stitched...was my very favorite one to work on. And, the most challenging...since it is not my block, I won't show you the entire thing...sorry.

But, I can show you my contribution to the block. Hope you enjoy these glimpses.

TDiTM Stitch 59

TDiTM Stitch #59

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This variation is just so soft and girly looking…even stitched in blue!

Am wondering now about elongating the curve of the chain stitch…so, there will probably be another template coming out soon! Look for it on the wiki site…and if you don’t know where that is…go to the first post (linked above) to find out.

TDiTM Stitch 58

TDiTM Stitch #58

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here is just a truly simple, plain little stitch using minimal stitches.

Something about the simple clean lines of this stitch really appeals to me.

I also like the darker lazy daisy stitch…hmmmm…perhaps the seed beads next to it should have been darker too? I’m always wondering about little changes!

TDiTM Stitch 57

TDiTM Stitch #57

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I wish I had not chosen pea soup green to stitch this in because it doesn’t photograph very well I think. The little seed beads are getting loss against all that powerful green.

If the 5-straight stitches were moved up some…that might be better. Then, a sequin/bead combination could be tucked in there.

If you are stitching along on these…please leave me your blog address in the comments so I can check out what creative ways you are using the stitches. Hope you’re enjoying the adventure. This summer has been very hectic for me, but with school starting next week…and my retiring by October…I will have many more hours of free time to enjoy my stitching. And, I am really looking forward to that!

TDiTM Stitch 56

TDiTM Stitch #56

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This little purple beauty was lots of fun and super easy. I used crystal beads for all the little French knots...and it really sparkles!

(ETA: Thanks to Ann for catching my typo.)

TDITM Stitch 55

TDiTM Stitch #55

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Well, back to my favorite little stitch to add on…a group of 5 straight stitches that look like a little double arrow. With the addition of 3 little beads…here’s another stitch!

After stitching this one, I also thought that it would be really pretty if the straight stitches were done in bugle beads…so why not give that a try!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Close ups of critters and such...

Check out the next post for info about this block...

Critters include spider, caterpillar, ants, and snail. And here is the embroidered stem/leaves and SRE ribbon rose motif.

The ants are not my original idea...they are from the header of Allison Aller's blog. If you haven't checked out her are really missing out! You can find her at

All the other critters are straight out of my head!

I've been busy...

...but have been amiss in posting. This summer is really hectic! I do have 4 more stitches done, except for sewing on the beads. My goal is to do that this weekend and post...keep your fingers crossed.

However, one of the projects I've been steadily stitching on is a one-block swap that was revealed tonight. So, I can share photos.

The block was created totally by me for a friend in Texas...

She has two beautiful grand-daughters so I stitched a mystical garden when them in the center (the photo is from a card, and not of them)...

Hope you enjoy the shots...and I'll include some closeups of the critters and such.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TDiTM Stitch 54

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This is a simple little 3-loop stitch…and I’ve added a round bead nestled in a cup sequin.

You might not be able to see the cool lime green…but it really is fun!

Gosh, I’ve sure leaped away from my favorite pink!!

TDiTM Stitch 53

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Now, orange is not my favorite of colors…but I had some funky little orange beads…from a vintage necklace I found in my aunt’s costume jewelry.

It’s a little different with the rounds and the boxes…but I like it.

TDiTM Stitch 52

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I just love this aqua color! After stitching the detached chain stitches, I remembered that I had some aqua dagger beads…so overstitched one on top of the chains. And seed beads were used instead of the French knots.

TDiTM Stitch 51

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

We’re going to continue our chain half circles for a few more…and experiment with a few accent beads.

This version substitutes the French knot stitches for tiny bugle beads. And a simple cup sequin and bead accents the circles. Also a larger bead is at the intersection.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

TDiTM Stitch 50

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This stitch has more length than the previous ones, simply by adding more French knots. I also amended the pattern by adding a 3mm crystal between the base chain stitch and the fan. It is a little hard to see in this photo, but really sparkles in real life. I think dropping the fan a tiny bit more and even adding a flower bead or a pearl would be really cute with all these French knots.

Try it and let me know what you think!

TDiTM Stitch 49

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

I think the Christmas colors in stitch 47 put me in a holiday mood…and I stitched this one in Orange with black accents for Halloween apparently! The strong contrast in colors does a good job in defining the elements of the stitch…and if the large lazy daisy stitch was done in black…that would change it up again.

This stitch is basically stitch 48 with a large lazy daisy added at the "V" of the curved chain base. Keep you daisy semi-tight if you want a long slender stitch as shown her, or very relaxed if you want a “fat” more tear-drop shaped stitch.

TDiTM Stitch 48

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

This time, stitch the half-circle chain base..and drop down a little space and stitch the five pointed fan…all the same color. Insert a seed bead in the little space between the chain base and fan…and add a seed bead at the end of all five of the fan “blades”.

Isn’t that a cute little stitch!

If you don’t have seed beads, or are working on a project that wouldn’t look good with beads (although I can’t imagine one!)….just work French knots instead!

TDiTM Stitch 47

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Let’s continue to build on our chain stitch half-circle seam with the five pointed fan. This version is stitched in Christmas green and red…and looks very festive! Of course, you can use any color combination you wish.

The five French knot stitches at the inside top curve point, and the one between the chain base and fan, could be omitted...and replaced with beads as a more lively variation.

TDiTM Stitch 46

Reference: Twelve Dozen Stitches in Twelve Months

Here's the first in our series of circles, half-circles, and ovals!

You will recognize the five pointed we have used it many times in the past with our zig zag base. The half-circle base is chain stitched; but could be done in a straight or stem stitch if you prefer.

The previous post gives you a location for the circular templates...or you can use a simple object (spool of thread, coin, etc) to help you draw your half-circle.

Friday, May 22, 2009

TDiTM Template Loaded

Morning All!

The next few (dozen) stitches will be based on a circular I'm tired and bored of zigzags!! (And you probably are too!)

We'll still keep the basics the same...french knot, lazy daisy, straight, and chain stitches. So, if you can master these simple can do the entire 45 stitches I have already posted....and those scheduled to follow.

I'm considering some other stitches after we pass the first 10 dozen completed...but we'll just see how that goes!...nothing too radical however; cause this is supposed to be for us "newbies"...

You can get the new stitch template at

Just scroll down and find the Templates by Shawkl (Kathy) area...and click. Three templates are available that you can use for marking Crazy Quilt seams...

The site does require that you create a login/password....sorry, that's just how it works...but we don't do anything with the information. You'll just need to remember it to download files.

Look around while you're there are great photos of CQ endeavors...and lessons...from us gals at the message boards. Heck, while you're at it...come on over to and say hello. You'll have to scroll down to the very bottom of the front page....on the left side "message boards" will be in a tiny box of "additional things" on their site. They have lot's of active message board gardening, decorating, etc...but we're under the "Crafts" category...and then "Needlework and Quilting".....

The templates files are pdf format, so all should be able to print them out. They fit standard size paper. Take the printed sheet to your local copier and have them create a transparency for you (or print them on transparent sheet if you have them)...Cut the "rows" of stitches out...then punch holes where the little black dots are. This will create seam templates you can use to mark your stitch base (circle, half circle, oval, zigzag, etc). Just lay the little plastic seam strip down, and use a regular #2 pencil to place a "dot" in each hole you punched. Voila!! Now you have a guide to stitch perfect seams!

Oh, and use a tiny hole can find them in the scrapbook section. Get the single hand held type...they're less than $10.

Now, I'm off to daycare for a little while...then, will try to get the first few of the half-circle base stitches loaded for you to try out!